Bound by the Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire BDSM) (Billionaire Domination)

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Bound by the Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire BDSM) (Billionaire Domination) Page 1

by Richards, Lynn


  Copyright 2013

  Lynn Richards

  Wolf Publishing

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  WARNING: This book is intended for mature audiences only.


  Part 1: Bought by the Texas Billionaire

  Part 2: Branded by the Texas Billionaire

  Part 3: Bound by the Texas Billionaire



  The last thing Logan Quinn needed was a relationship with an inexperienced woman. He’d spent the last six years of his life enjoying the various pleasures from the lifestyle of a Dom. It was the perfect fit for him. He could satisfy his sexual appetites with no other demands from his partner. The women he chose—normally—only sought the sensual pleasure and sexual satisfaction, same as him.

  He’d thought that was what he wanted, needed, until he found himself being drawn deeper and deeper into Macy’s innocent web. Last night he’d reached for her, wanting more than just her body. That was a first for him. This morning when his vice-president had called and given him an update on his latest deal, his mind had wandered to Macy and, instead of taking care of business, he’d mentally planned the rest of the day and the delicious things he wanted to do to her luscious body. Another first for him, putting pleasure before business.

  Macy Trent was much too tempting for his peace of mind. The reality of what was happening to him had made his hands sweat and his heart race. So what had he done? The same thing any sane man would have done–he’d run. All the way to Japan. He’d used business as an excuse by exaggerating the need for his intervention in this latest deal.

  It was wise to get away for a week, to let his ardor cool. He’d had women. He’d known this raging hunger before. And he was sure once he returned to the states, Macy would be completely out of his system.

  She had to be.

  Logan settled back against the soft leather seat in his private jet forcing his thoughts away from the weekend. Once he arrived in Japan, he’d crash for a few hours then meet with the Osakas. His role was broker–make the best deal; get the best commission. He’d had several very lucrative dealings with this family-owned business. The father sat on the Board of Directors and left the day-to-day running to his son. The younger man was also a Dom who could provide him with just the sort of distraction he needed. Women who knew the score and who wouldn’t expect a happily-ever-after. Not even a morning after.

  Not like Macy. Macy whose wide brown eyes made him ache in ways he’d never imagined. Macy, who had bared herself to him, allowing him to see her as no other man ever had. Thinking about her made the hunger start all over again and his body responded accordingly. He felt his cock harden beneath his pants.

  No, no, no. The weekend was over.

  “Is there anything I can help you with sir?” The beautiful blonde air attendant bent over his seat, giving him a prefect view of her oversized assets. They were the only thing that could compare to Macy’s size. The rest of the woman before him was tall and svelte. Her legs were long but much too thin for his taste. Macy, now Macy’s legs were perfect. Remembering the weight of her thighs wrapped around his waist made his dick jump. He shifted in his seat, drawing the woman’s eyes to the ridge below his belt.

  She licked her painted red lips. “Are you sure there isn’t anything I can help you with, Mr. Quinn? I’m sure I could help in same way.” She licked her lips again.

  The sexual invitation in her eyes said she would be more than willing to join him for a little private time. On her knees. Or any other way he wanted. She was new to the crew. Usually the flight attendant on his private jet was male to prevent just such occurrences. Logan Quinn did not mix business with pleasure. Or hadn’t. Suddenly Macy’s fuller features were superimposed over the woman’s face. What the hell was wrong with him?

  “Bring me a double scotch on the rocks.” His dismissive tone clearly said ‘then leave me the hell alone’.

  She straightened, disappointment showing clearly on her overly made-up face. “Right away, sir.”

  Logan watched her walk away and wondered why he didn’t instantly regret his decision. It was going to be a long trip—even in his private jet which afforded him all the comforts of home. And a woman more than willing to help him pass the time. Finding a quiet corner for a blow job might not have been a bad idea. Especially when the flesh beneath his zipper continued to throb.

  Hell, he was going to have to go to the bathroom and jerk off. It was the only way he could get his head back on straight and concentrate on planning the next several days of meetings.

  But first he needed to check on something. Lifting the inflight phone he dialed his attorney’s number, uncaring that it was late Sunday evening. A time most people spent with family. He paid the man a small fortune to be on call 24/7.

  The attendant brought his drink while the call went through, a sexy pout on her full red lips. He waited for his body’s normal reaction to such a blatant invitation.

  Still nothing.


  “Hello, Mr. Quinn.” His attorney’s voice held no note of surprise at the lateness of the call.

  “Henry?” He didn’t even notice when the stewardess walked away. “Did she sign the contract?”

  He’d ordered the man to deliver the contract to Macy after he left the country. The only difference between her contract and those he’d had with past submissives was the amount of compensation. And the fact it was being signed after the liaison was over. The man had given him hell for that, ranting about what could have happened. Then he’d started on the money. What women, he’d asked, was worth that much money? Logan had come damn close to ramming his fist down the other man’s throat.

  “No, she didn’t.” The attorney cleared his throat. “She tore it up and sent it back in tiny little pieces.”

  Logan wasn’t really surprised. Admittedly, if she’d done anything differently, he would have been a little disappointed. He relaxed for the first time since boarding the plane. “Did you pay the tuition directly to the school?”

  “Yes, but again, I need to stress my concerns.”

  “Duly noted, Henry.”

  The man was spluttering as Logan hung up. He took a sip of his scotch, grinning as he imagined what Macy would do when she found out he’d not only paid the entire semester of tuition—which she would when the school returned her payment as he’d requested— but he’d discovered the name of the medical school that had accepted her sister and set another plan in motion.

  Apparently brains ran in the family. Allison Trent had been accepted into one of the best medical schools in the country but had declined because of the cost. She would soon be notified by that prestigious institution that she’d been selected to receive an all-expense paid scholarship. One she’d strangely never applied for.

  Yep, the shit was going to hit the fan when Macy found out. Logan had no doubt the woman would put two and two together and realize who was behind the mysterious scholarship. If she didn’t, Logan would have seriously underestimated her. Remembering her brave display in
the dressing room, he realized he might have already underestimated her in certain other areas.

  He picked the phone up again, determined to get his mind off a certain curvy, brown-haired witch.


  Just a few hours later, Logan walked off the airplane in Tokyo, Japan, still angry with himself over his obsession with Macy. Why couldn’t he get her out of his mind? She’d been just another fuck. Right? While his head told him yes, something else inside him told him she’d been more. Much more.

  “Good evening, Mr. Quinn.” Ted Strickland, his vice-president of overseas acquisitions, stepped forward and greeted Logan as he entered the airport. Although late at night, the airport still teemed with activity. International flights landed and took off almost every hour.

  “Ted. Do you have everything set up?”

  “Yes sir. The meetings are all arranged.”

  The two men fell into step together as they walked through the airport toward customs. Logan wasn’t about to stand around watching the luggage carousel go round and round. He’d already paid to have his things delivered directly to his hotel.

  “Have you told Macy of your change in plans, sir?”

  Logan had been scheduled to be in his Houston office all week. That had changed when he’d received the call telling him of the problems with this new deal. And more importantly, the fact that he hadn’t wanted to spend the next week in close proximity with Macy. His whole body tightened as he remembered the touch of her hands. And the things he’d planned to do to her if their weekend hadn’t been cut short.

  “Yes,” he stated gruffly. It was not unusual for them to work on the weekends, so the man didn’t comment on the fact that Logan had contacted Macy during her day off. What he didn’t need to know was Macy had been at his apartment when the call had come through. Waiting in his bed. Naked.

  Damn it!

  “Have you spoken with her since you boarded the plane?” Crossing the international date line meant the day was just starting in Texas.

  Something in the other man’s voice made Logan frown. “No. Should I have?”

  “Mmm, no, I suppose not. But when I called your office, she wasn’t there.”

  “What?” Logan stopped abruptly, forcing Ted to do the same.

  “Elaine, the office manager answered Macy’s phone. She said Macy hadn’t arrived yet and hadn’t called in to tell anyone she’d be late. That’s very unlike Macy.”

  Logan wanted to growl at the sound of his secretary’s name on the other man’s lips. When had she and his vice-president become so damn close?

  And more importantly, where the hell was Macy? His first thought was to head to the VIP lounge and call her from the airport. But he reined in that impulse. While he cared about the health and well-being of his employees, he did not call and check on each and every one of them when they missed a day’s work. And that’s all Macy Trent was to him now, an employee.

  He started toward the double glass doors, Ted on his heels. A long black stretch limousine was waiting for them once they’d cleared customs. He climbed into the back seat, determined to push the image of Macy–tied to the headboard of his bed, writhing in pleasure– from his mind.


  Macy slapped at her alarm clock when it sounded in her quiet apartment. There was no point in pretending to sleep any longer. The eight o’clock hour had come and gone. She was officially late for work. She tugged her spare pillow into her arms and cradled it against her body. She’d never noticed how big and empty a bed could be. How was it possible that she missed Logan? He’d never slept in her bed, but it still felt empty without him.

  She thumped her pillow. Pig-headed, stubborn, controlling…jerk.

  She still sting from his dismissal and his nasty comment about the lingerie. She knew Logan could be cold and unfeeling, but he’d been deliberately cruel. So much for showing her how desirable she could be. All the confidence he’d inspired had vanished at his words. She was just the chubby secretary who had a thing for her handsome boss.

  She shivered remembering the last thirty-eight hours. She didn’t think she would have ever sought the role of submissive, but she’d found she wasn’t adverse to it. Which she’d clearly proven during the weekend. Her aborted, way-to-short weekend thanks to the emergency in Japan. It seemed that Fate, the fickle imp, was still laughing at the fat girl.

  Her phone rang but she ignored it. She didn’t want to speak to anyone, not even her family even though she wanted to go home and cry in her mother’s arms. She wanted to eat ice cream and listen to her grandmother’s stories about her youth in Italy and arrogant Italian men. She could add a few snippets of her own about a certain hardheaded Texan.

  Maybe she wasn’t cut out for the role of submissive after all.

  As if she would ever get another chance now. Logan had made it perfectly clear he didn’t want anything else to do with her. He’d turned his feelings off as easily as she’d turn of the cold water in her kitchen sink. Or maybe she just needed to realize that feelings—at least for him—had nothing to do with what they’d shared over the weekend.

  The phone rang again and she picked it up. Reading the caller ID she snorted. It was work. No doubt the office manager was going crazy. Macy rarely missed a day of work. She came in even when she was ill and in the year she’d been employed at Quinn Enterprises she’d taken only two vacation days. She had almost two weeks of time saved up. Maybe now would be a good time to take a nice long vacation.

  How long could she hide from Logan Quinn?

  Long enough to find another job? She’d realized as she’d cried herself to sleep last night there was no way she could return to Quinn Enterprises. She couldn’t bear to see him day after day and not touch him. Or have him touch her. She was very much afraid she was not only madly in love with her boss; she was addicted to his touch.

  She crawled out of her empty bed and got ready for work.


  Almost an hour later, Macy walked into her office, surprised to see a security guard talking to Elaine. They both looked up as she entered.

  “Thank God, Macy. Where have you been?”

  She took her purse from her shoulder wondering why the woman looked so frazzled. She was only two hours late for work.

  “I wasn’t feeling well this morning.” Which was true, the crying jag of last night had made her nauseous.

  “Mr. Quinn has been calling all morning looking for you.”

  Macy snorted. She just bet he had. An hour after she’d made it home Sunday, a messenger had delivered ‘the contract,’ with instructions to wait for her signature. She’d never intended to sign the contract, or accept any of the terms Logan had put forth. The drive home in the back seat of the big limousine, feeling abandoned and alone, had cemented that decision.

  The arrival of the contract, so soon after her departure from his apartment, had driven home the fact that he wanted everything spelled out in black and white. No areas of gray, no possible misunderstandings. No room for foolish fantasies.

  Which had broken her heart in two. During their hours together, she hadn’t felt like just another warm and willing body. Another submissive he could control at will. She’d felt desired and wanted and powerful. Or maybe that’s what she’d wanted to believe so she’d fooled herself into thinking it was true.

  She’d taken the contract out of its plain brown envelope, resisting the temptation to read it, and torn it in half, then in half again, and again. She’d stuffed it back into the envelope, sealed it, and handed back to the stunned messenger. She’d closed the door quietly but firmly and gone straight to her bedroom. The tiny room was nothing like Logan’s plush accommodations, but it was bright and cheery. It held a warmth she craved.

  A warmth she’d never receive from Logan.

  She’d crawled into her bed and stayed there for the rest of the day. Now she wished she hadn’t crawled out.

  She pasted a smile on her face for the sake of keeping down any office gossip. Ela
ine was a whiz at her job but she loved to talk. Macy knew Logan’s calls weren’t about the contract. That would mean he was bringing personal business into his work space. Something he’d never allow himself to do.

  No, he was making sure she obeyed his very last order. Return to work on Monday morning and act of though nothing had taken place between them.

  “That doesn’t explain why Paul is here.” She greeted the security guard with a warm smile. She’d become use to the security in the office building. Even in Logan’s apartment building armed guards were always on duty. She supposed it was a sign of the world they lived in.

  Or the world Logan Quinn lived in.

  “Mr. Quinn ordered me to find you. I figured I should start with security.”

  “Very good thinking. Now let me behind my desk and you can go back to your own office.” She waved the woman from her chair.

  “Mr. Quinn wanted you to call as soon as possible.”

  “Mmm.” Macy’s vague response seemed to satisfy the older woman. Which was a good thing since Macy didn’t give a damn what Mr. Quinn wanted. Let him wonder where she was. Or what she was doing. Could she make him jealous?

  Where had that thought popped up from?

  Macy’s train of thought was quickly derailed when she thought of other things popping up. Like Logan’s dick.

  When both Elaine and the security guard remained in front of her desk, she glanced back up. “Was there something else?”

  They exchanged a troubled look then Elaine asked again. “Are you going to call him?”

  Drat. The woman was persistent.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”

  The other woman smiled in relief and left the office, taking the puzzled security guard with her. No doubt he knew when someone was lying, and Macy Trent had just told a whopper.

  After they left, she tried to get on with her day. She really did. But everywhere she looked there were reminders of Logan. The worst was the connecting door between their offices. Once she’d have given just about anything to know what he’d been thinking during the many times he’d stood there and watched her work. What had been going on behind those heavy-lidded gray eyes. Now she knew and she wasn’t too sure she was any better off. Apparently he’d been imagining what she looked like under her baggy, no-nonsense clothing while searching for an opportunity to fulfill his sexual fantasies without any moral obligation to her feelings.


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