Bound by the Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire BDSM) (Billionaire Domination)

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Bound by the Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire BDSM) (Billionaire Domination) Page 9

by Richards, Lynn

  “Logan.” His name was a plea as she begged him to finish.

  “Yes,” he said, as if her expression told him everything. And it did. It told him that at this moment, she’d let him do anything he wanted with her. To her.

  The realization that Macy had given herself over to his complete control heated Logan’s blood and he went hot all over, feeling almost dizzy with passion almost too intense to be borne.

  She moved against her restraints, desperately seeking a way to quench the fire he knew burned out of control.

  Logan drew a deep breath, his nostrils flaring as he inhaled her scent. Bound before him and utterly at his mercy, he could come again just from looking at her.

  She was a beautiful sight. Her large, round breasts were flushed pink from the sting of the whip. Her nipples were distended, their hard peaks a testament to the pleasurable stimulation she’d received. Her small moans of need excited him ever more. She was so responsive. With just a touch, her body arched up to him like a pink, perfect sacrifice. Tears of mingled frustration and sweet anguish trailed down her cheeks as overwhelming passion racked her body.

  She was close, so close now.

  “Please Logan, help me.”

  His dick twitched as he rained down several more blows, becoming more methodical in his aim. When he judged her to be on the precipice, he took a step back aiming a measured blow directly to her mound.

  Macy screamed as she came. Over and over again her body convulsed as hot ripples of delight rushed through her. Her body clenched one last time, a shocking spasm of pleasure so intense that blackness consumed her.

  The touch of his mouth revived her as he kissed the tears from the corner of her eyes. Was she crying? And why? Nothing hurt. No, no, no. Everything felt wonderful. More than wonderful. Her blindfold was gone and she could see his face. The heat and desire she saw there filled her heart with hope.

  “I’ve never seen anything quite so beautiful.”

  Rosy color spread across Macy’s cheeks. She could just image how she’d looked, bound and restrained, the whip lashing against her flesh, the jerky movements of her body as satisfaction flooded over her.

  With a gentleness completely at odds with what she’d just experienced, he removed her from the harness, gathering her up in his strong arms. His warm, hard chest felt delicious against her tingling breasts . He had whipped them until they burned. She laid her head on his shoulder as he carried her down the hallway to bed. Her eyes closed, enjoying more than she could ever express, the sensation of being carried by this man. When he put her down on the big bed and climbed in beside her, wrapping her up in his arms, she felt closer to him than she ever had before.


  Logan’s apartment was big. And lonely. He’d gone away on business and Macy was by herself. The first evening hadn’t been so bad. She’d watched television, talked to her sister, and taken a long hot bath. The second evening had seemed like a hundred years. Now, it wasn’t even six o’clock and the third day of his absence was crawling by. It was a good thing she didn’t have much longer to wait.

  What would she do when she had to face every day without him?

  The thought had raced through Macy’s mind more than once in the last twenty-four hours. When he was there with her, she’d been able to keep the troubling thoughts at bay. After all, she still had a few more days. But now, time was running out and the fear was becoming all too real.

  The doorbell rang, saving her from her thoughts. She went to answer it with a frown. Usually the doorman brought up any packages. The last one he’d delivered had conveyed a small blow to her not so brilliantly thought out plan to make Logan see the benefits of being in a committed relationship with a woman who loved him. Not that he knew Macy loved him, of course. She was afraid that if she said the actual words, he’d send her packing.

  On the night of her grandmother’s birthday party, the night he had placed her in the harness for the very first time, he’d taken her to their bedroom afterwards. He’d tenderly laid her on the bed and donned a condom before pushing her knees up to keep her open to him. He’d pushed inside, watching as he joined them together. He’d taken her then, not violently as she’d imaged it would be after the intense bondage game, but slowly, as if he was savoring the feel of her. He’d thrown his head back, the tendons in his neck bulging as he strove to prolong his pleasure.

  She didn’t know if it was seeing her cousins with children of their own or the two glasses of wine she’d sipped on throughout the day, but in the afterglow, Macy had reminded him that she was on birth control. Having no real experience with men, perhaps she hadn’t picked the best moment to bring it up. In response he’d flipped her on her stomach, ignoring her whimper of pain as her breasts scrubbed across the silken comforter. He’d ripped another foil packet in half then plunged inside her without another word, riding her until they’d both grunted in satisfaction. Later in the night, he’d taken her mouth again. Then just before dawn, he’d put her in the harness, face down as the Japanese couple had been. He’d flogged her then taken her bottom.

  The next day, the first day of his absence, the doorman had brought up a white paper bag. Inside was a huge box of condoms. Even though she knew the uber-rich were prone to doing extravagant things, she didn’t think having five dozen condoms delivered to their penthouse suite was one of them. Logan had wanted to drive home a point. Again.

  He always protected himself.

  Score one for team Logan.

  The doorbell chimed a second time and Macy hastened her footsteps. Logan hadn’t ever had a visitor during time she’d been in residence. Well, partial residence. Everything she had in his apartment he had bought for her.

  She pressed a button on his alarm system–another indicator of just how far apart their worlds really were–and opened the door. Since the apartment building was so secure, she felt no hesitation about opening the door without checking to see who was on the other side.

  Maybe she should have she thought a second later. An older, harsher version of Logan stood in the doorway.

  “Who the hell are you?” The gruff voice definitely belonged to someone related to Logan, short and to the point. The man looked too old to be his father, but perhaps he was an older uncle. Macy had no way of knowing since she knew absolutely nothing about Logan’s family.

  “Who the hell are you?” Macy stood with one hand on the door and the other propped on her hip.

  “Listen lady,” the tone he used indicated he thought otherwise, “I’m here to see my son.”

  “He’s not here.” Macy cursed under her breath as soon as the words left her mouth. While she wasn’t afraid, she knew better than to reveal anything of a personal nature about Logan. The man stepped forward as if to step inside but Macy blocked his path with the edge of the door. She eyed the panic button on the alarm panel and thought about pushing it. Security was only one short elevator ride away. She hid her panic behind a carefully constructed wall of confidence. Just the way Logan had taught her. “I’m sorry I can’t let you in unless Logan tells me I can.”

  The look on the man’s face was apoplectic. “I need to see my son and you’re not going to stop me.”

  The angry tone he used was enough to send a frisson of fear through her. What if he wanted to harm Logan? Surely if Logan had been expecting his father, he would have told her.

  She was just about to push the big red button when the elevator dinged and the head of security for the building complex stepped out along with a big, burly security guard.

  “I’m sorry sir, you need to go with Officer Jones, please.” He placed a hand on the older man’s arm and very discreetly pulled him away from the door and away from Macy. Surprisingly, the man went with the officer without protest.

  The security chief waited until the elevator door closed before turning back to her. “I’m sorry, Miss Trent. The officer on duty was new and thought Mr. Quinn was an authorized visitor.”

  “He’s not?” Macy couldn’
t stop the question. While she would have absolutely loved to find out more about Logan, she knew his father would not have been the best source for information.

  “Umm, not really. Mr. Quinn usually informs us when he’s stopping by.

  “Thank you for coming up so promptly.”

  “My pleasure.” He hesitated.

  “Was there something else?”

  “Mr. Quinn’s father usually doesn’t come by unless he’s on leave.”

  Macy couldn’t help herself, she had to ask. “He’s in the military?” Now she hesitated. “He looked, so, umm...”


  “Well, yes.” Logan’s father had not aged well at all. And she didn’t want that for Logan. She wanted him to live a long, healthy and happy life.

  “I think he’s lived a hard life.” He paused as if he knew he shouldn’t continue. “I’m not one to gossip, but he usually doesn’t come here unless–”

  “He wants something from his son.” Macy finished the sentence for him. “Most family members are like that.” Her big family had its share of unsavory relatives as well.

  “Some family members are worse than other though, miss.” He turned toward the elevator. “I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

  “Thank you.” Macy closed the door, a million questions rushing through her mind.

  And she couldn’t ask Logan any of them.


  Logan closed the bedroom door behind him, leaning against it as he took in the sight of Macy in his bed. She wore another of his white dress shirts, even though he knew she had a drawer full of negligees and night clothes. She lay on her side, exhausted no doubt by their almost marathon bout of sex for the last few weeks. When she’d agreed to extend the contract, it had taken him days to relieve the ache that had been riding him. Now it simmered just below the surface, ready to rise at the slightest provocation.

  He snorted at his unintended pun. His cock had been on the “rise” for two solid days. He itched to crawl under the covers with her, to stroke her and tease her into wakefulness. He clenched his hands into fists knowing that he couldn’t. He’d kept her in his bed the rest of the weekend after her grandmother’s party, stopping only to eat. The last time he had taken her, she’d tried to hide the flinch of discomfort. Logan felt ashamed that his unrelenting demands on her luscious body had caused her pain. He felt even worse that he’d been unable to stop. His lack of control with her had scared him shitless.

  Logan stared at her sleeping form, his heart thumping like a drum against his ribs. She lay on her side, her face buried in the pillow she hugged—his pillow. One plump leg, bent at the knee, lay atop the satin sheet that hid most of her delectable body from his eyes. Dark circles the same size as his fingertips dotted the back of her thighs where he’d held her as he’d taken her ass while she was suspended in the harness before he left on his trip. When she’d mention being on the pill, something inside him had snapped. He’d immediately pictured her surrounded by dark-haired children and he’d done his best to drive the image away, taking her again and again.

  He didn’t want to acknowledge the other feelings swirling around inside him. The one that told him Macy was the one. The one who could change his world forever.

  He wanted to mount her right now, to be inside her welcoming body. Her hair was in a dark tangle of curls around her head and her long lashes made sooty shadows against her cheeks. He undressed as quietly as possible and slipped into bed beside her. He pulled his pillow away and she immediately curled around him.

  “I missed you,” she mumbled against his chest, slowly waking up.

  “I missed you too.”

  Macy’s breath caught in the back of her throat when Logan answered her back. Somehow she knew he’d never said those words to another living soul.

  His hand slowly stroked her hair. “Did anything happen today?”

  She looked up at him. “Why do you ask me questions you already know the answer to? Don’t you trust me?”

  When he hesitated, she sighed. “As the head of security must have already told you, your father stopped by.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He didn’t get a chance to say anything. Your henchmen showed up to carry him away.”

  “Don’t get snarky with me, woman.” He almost smiled as he tapped her nose. “I was concerned.”

  “Concerned he might have revealed some of your deep dark secrets.”

  That did make him smile. “After the past few weeks, I think you’ve learned all of my deep dark secrets.”

  “Oh really? And exactly what have I learned?” Macy’s tone really was snarky now. She wanted to know what had caused him to don his emotionless façade. She wanted to help him. More than anything she wanted to love him.

  “You’ve learned my favorite position is doggy style.” She punched him in the ribs for that comment. “You’ve also learned that in that position, I love to fuck both your pussy and your ass.”

  He grabbed her hands before she could poke him again and moved over top of her, covering her with his naked body.

  “My father is a hard man. He made me a hard man.”

  She wiggled one of her hands free to stroke his cheek. “Have you ever wondered what made him that way?”

  With a heavy exhalation, he rolled off of her, onto his back. “Yeah. A woman.”

  Great, Macy thought. Not only was she having compete with real and breathtakingly beautiful women who flitted in and out Logan’s life, now she had to deal with women who’d apparently screwed with his father.

  “My mother.”

  Double whammy. She propped up on her arm to look down at him. “Did she leave your father?”

  “When I was five. She couldn’t take being married to a military man. Or so he said.”

  Macy frowned, something didn’t sound right. “So your father wasn’t able to see you very often when you were growing up. That happens in families where the parents are divorced. You could try to build a relationship with him now.”

  “My father saw me plenty while I was growing up,” he laughed harshly. “Well, maybe that’s the wrong thing to say. He didn’t see me. He never did. I was just another belonging to pack up and move when he got new orders.”

  So his mother not only left his father but abandoned her young son as well. “She never came back?”

  “My father said she died when I was seven.”

  “You sound like you don’t believe him.”

  “I didn’t at first so I hired a private investigator. Turns out the bastard was right. She died in an automobile accident two years after she left my father. So either way I would have ended up with him eventually.”

  And had the same childhood, Macy thought sadly. She saw him as tough little boy trying to fit in, trying to make his dad happy. Trying to control his environment.

  “Maybe he wants to make amends.” Macy spread a hand across the center of his chest, relishing the feel of his heartbeat beneath her fingers. She twirled a finger around his nipple, watching in fascination as it puckered immediately. “He’s your father. He’s family.”

  He captured her hand. “You have an unrealistic view of family, Miss Trent. You and all your damn relatives see life through a pair of rose colored glasses.” His face closed up and Macy was afraid she’d pushed him too far. But she was running out of time. Even though something had altered in their relationship after her Grandmother’s party, his next words surprised the hell out of her.

  “You’re binding me with velvet ropes.”

  Her heart stopped beating but she managed to smile at him. Determined not to go all clingy and possessive at this small sign of softening she said, “Sounds kinky.”

  Thankfully her flippant remark earned her a slap on her rear and not a dark glower.

  He slid his arm under her waist, tugging her up until she sat astride his hips.

  She immediately tried to move away. They had never made love in this position before with her on top. It was si
lly she knew, but she felt more exposed now than when he had her tied spread-eagle across his bed. Nothing was hidden from his eyes. Or draped in a more complimentary angle. “No, Logan. Not like this.”

  “Yes, Macy,” he settled her firmly against him, “exactly like this. You start and I’ll finish.” He grinned up at her wickedly. “I’m going to fuck you every which way to Sunday.”

  “But –”

  “Be quiet Miss Trent or I’ll have to gag you.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  One dark eyebrow arched at her defiance and Macy wondered if she would ever get tired of making that happen.


  Their month was swiftly drawing to an end and Logan had reverted to his former ways. For the last week, he’d arranged meeting after meeting during the evening hours, leaving her alone in the apartment. When he was there they had sex. It was great sex, but that’s all it was. The intimacy had disappeared. She had the distinct feeling he was trying to push her away before it was actually time for her to leave. She’d gotten too close.

  It was Friday and they had one more weekend together. Not a good sign considering how their first weekend together had ended. The door to the outer office opened and a courier walked in carrying a small black box. She frowned as she signed for it. It was from the same jewelry store Macy had used in the past to order diamond tennis bracelets for Logan’s discarded women. That’s how she’d thought of them. That’s how she still thought of them. Of herself. She knew she would soon join their ranks.

  Her hand tightened around it, the corners biting into the palm of her hand. Did he think he could say goodbye to her so easily? Without any emotion? She laughed, a sound edged with slight hysteria. Didn’t he remember meeting her family?

  She stood and walked to his door, opening it without knocking. She looked at him with all the insecurities and inadequacies she’d ever felt, multiplied now, thanks to this little black box, to a degree she wasn’t sure she could ever overcome again.


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