Sugar Daddy: The Forever Daddies Series

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Sugar Daddy: The Forever Daddies Series Page 1

by Snow, Victoria

  Sugar Daddy

  The Forever Daddies Series

  Victoria Snow

  Copyright © 2019 by Victoria Snow

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum



  Prologue: Harper

  1. Finn

  2. Harper

  3. Finn

  4. Harper

  5. Finn

  6. Harper

  7. Finn

  8. Harper

  9. Finn

  10. Harper

  11. Finn

  12. Harper

  13. Finn

  14. Harper

  15. Finn

  16. Harper

  17. Finn

  18. Harper

  19. Finn

  20. Harper

  21. Finn

  22. Harper

  23. Finn

  24. Harper

  25. Finn

  26. Harper

  27. Harper

  28. Finn

  29. Harper

  30. Finn

  31. Harper

  32. Finn

  33. Harper

  34. Epilogue - Eighteen months later

  Best Friend’s Daddy (Excerpt)

  Get on the list!

  Also by Victoria Snow


  Shhh….Should I tell you a secret?

  My boss wants to be my sugar daddy!

  And I am totally excited.

  Another secret?

  I’m still holding on to my V-card.

  I know it’s wrong,

  But the charismatic man in a luxuriously tailored suit makes dirty sound so good.

  I want to be his little princess,

  Submit to his every demand.

  He’s rough, grouchy and mean,

  And then there’s a ten years age gap,

  But who cares?

  It’s just six months, right?

  No strings attached.

  I have five million reasons to stay in this arrangement,

  And only one to walk out.

  I am carrying his baby.

  Prologue: Harper

  I went into the drug store, thankful that it was quiet on a Sunday. My best friend, Carmen was by my side and I couldn’t have been more thankful for that. I looked around in the store as Carmen pointed out a sign that led us down exactly the aisle that I was looking for. We ducked down in it and I once again thanked the heavens that there were only a couple of people in the store at that time. I didn’t know how I got to that point in my life. Skulking down an aisle of a drug store, hoping against hope that no one I knew saw me in there. It was embarrassing to say the least but it was also completely my fault that I was in this situation in the first place. I scanned the store to try to determine if there was anyone I knew browsing the aisles. The last thing that I wanted to have to explain to everyone was the purchase that I was making. They wouldn’t understand because no one even knew that I was involved with anyone.

  Things had started off so awesome, almost like a dream come true, maybe even better. I didn’t think that it would come to this or I would ever have found myself in that position at my age. It was so unthinkable. I wasn’t ready, I knew that much. It wasn’t part of the plan and I certainly didn’t want to have to do it alone. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. I smiled sadly at Carmen as we headed down the aisle looking for a product that I wished I didn’t have to buy. She smiled back at me reassuringly. She was my best friend and had always been there for me no matter what. Things had just gotten way too complicated. Not only was Carmen my best friend but she was also my roommate which meant that she usually had the inside scoop on my life when no one else did. She knew all about Finn and she wasn’t always impressed with him.

  The first time that I had met Finn Stark it was in his office and it was because I had an offer that I felt he would never turn down. I hadn’t expected him to offer me a job, especially since he was easily the hottest man I had ever seen in my life. He was hot and rich, like big-time rich, a billionaire status that I couldn’t even imagine having in real life. He had been an idol of mine for a long time, all the way back to business school. That’s why I was hoping that he would want to partner with me on an idea that I had of my own. The appointment hadn’t gone the way I wanted it to; in fact it seemed as if it had spiraled completely out of control. Instead of him jumping onboard with me, he instead offered to mentor me and give me a shot at my own dream project, that is of course if I made it through the probation period. All, in all, it might not have been the offer that I wanted, but it was a pretty great offer at the end of the day. How could I say no? I had only been on the job for two months and now look where I was? Two months wasn’t a long time at all to be in a job and yet I had made a mess of it already. It was scary to think that I was in that position and there didn’t seem to be a good way out of it. I was in serious trouble and I didn’t know what to do.

  “Here they are,” Carmen stated.

  I took my head out of the clouds to see what Carmen was pointing at. A bunch of pregnancy tests lined the wall. It was surprising how many different brands there were. I stared at them confused. Weren’t they all the same? How was I supposed to figure out which were the best ones? The more accurate ones, I should say.

  “There are so many of them. How am I supposed to choose one? Why are there so many?” I asked in frustration. I looked at Carmen who was now trying some sunglasses at the other end of the aisle. It was like the girl was in another world. But she wasn’t the one that was possibly pregnant so she could go and try on sunglasses without a care in the world.

  “Get over here,” I hissed at her.

  She put the sunglasses down and walked back over to me. “Don’t get your panties in a knot.”

  “Well, I don’t exactly like standing in here so people can see what I’m buying. Which one should I get?” I asked as I picked up a box from the shelf.

  “Not that one, there are like four in there. Are you planning on doing this multiple times?”

  I groaned. “What a nightmare.” I wasn’t sure what I should do. “Isn’t there like false positives or is it false negatives? I should have more just in case so I can really be sure.”

  Carmen grabbed a box off the shelf and started to walk away from me. Clearly, she was finished with the whole pregnancy test shopping. I grabbed a couple more as she stared at me in shock. “It pays to be accurate and I’m not taking any chances.”

  “You might be going a little overboard.”

  “I don’t care, I need to be sure.”

  She ushered me down the aisle and we headed to the cash register to pay. I couldn’t even look the cashier in the eye, I was so embarrassed. I just needed to get out of that drug store as fast as possible so that I could get home to do the tests.


  I sat on the lid of the toilet as I waited for a piece of plastic to tell me my fate. I couldn’t believe I was even in that position. Sitting in the bathroom peeing on a stick and waiting for the results. It was mortifying. What was worse was that I knew better. I wasn’t in a committed relationship, nor was I married so if I ended up pregnant then it was just stupidity on my part. I already felt that I got the short end of the stick when it came to life because of what happened with my parents and now this? I just didn’t understand why fate never seemed to be looking out for me. Or I could just chalk it up to my poor life decisions
. That would probably more accurately portray the situation that I found myself in now.

  I stared at the three sticks that were sitting on the sink and checked the time on my phone. I still had two more minutes to wait. Yes, I took three tests simultaneously, just to be sure. I wasn’t taking any chances and I was determined to be sure of what I was looking at. Two minutes. It felt like an eternity. None of this would have happened had I not signed that stupid contract. Seriously, what was I thinking? I could never understand how someone could negotiate their sex life like that. I was certainly the naive one to think that I could actually do something like that and that it would be okay. Do normal people get involved in situations that require a contract? Cleary, I did, and I was starting to have some serious regrets. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. It sure was hard to regret Finn in anyway.

  The billionaire who took my virginity was very tempting and it had been really hard to say no to his offer. It wasn’t every day that a person meets a billionaire and has the opportunity to get involved with one. It certainly wasn’t a lifestyle that I was used to. He was handsome and powerful and everything about him tempted me in a way that made it seem like everything was okay. The simple truth was, that I wanted him badly. Bad enough that I thought that entering into a sugar daddy agreement would be a good idea. But I wanted him to be mine, so I was willing to do anything to get him. I had no idea just how addicting his kisses would be and how I would be powerless to say no to anything that he wanted. He was like a drug to me in every way possible and that was very hard to say no to. Still, I had definitely not signed up for this part of it and if I was honest with myself, it was terrifying to say the least. I couldn’t understand how my wanting him had turned into this. It was absurd and I wasn’t sure what was going to happen if I ended up pregnant. Things had not turned out at all as I wanted and I only had myself to blame.

  He only wanted my body; he never wanted my heart. He always kept his emotions under lock and key, I was never able to penetrate that part of him. I had foolishly surrendered my heart to a man that didn’t want it and probably never would. And now, this. It was so easy sometimes for me to fall in love that I probably should have seen this coming. Even without a pregnancy, I fell too hard and I was pretty certain that he didn’t fall at all.

  I checked the time again. The tests were ready. I couldn’t seem to get myself to stand up and go and look. I was terrified in anticipation. I considered asking Carmen to check for me, but she would call me chicken shit for not looking at it myself. She was already waiting outside for the news of whether or not I was knocked up. I put my head in my hands and said a little prayer. Please don’t let me be pregnant. It was pretty simple and I didn’t think that it was too much to ask. I got up from the toilet seat and walked over to the sink. I picked up the first test and saw the last thing that I wanted to see. Two identical lines shouting out at me, you’re pregnant! As if it was something to be celebrated. For some people, it probably was but for me, it was the last thing that I wanted and it would be the last thing that he would want. Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled with my thoughts. They were all negative and there was really no way around it. I set it down and looked at the other two tests hoping that the first one was wrong, but all three tests were identical and there was no denying it now. I was pregnant. Now I knew for sure and I would have to try to figure out what I was going to do about it. I took a deep breath and tried to calm the anxiety that was threatening to suffocate me. I was pregnant with Finn Stark’s baby and there wasn’t a damn thing that I could do about it. What the hell was I going to do now?



  The sound of a nose being blown caused me to roll my eyes to the heavens. I looked up from my desk to see my operations manager, Bryce, blow her nose for only the hundredth time that day. It was honestly the most annoying sound in the world. The most annoying. Why did she keep doing it over and over again like that? It was making it almost impossible for me to concentrate on anything. Every time I would start to crunch numbers, she would blow her nose again. It was beyond irritating at that point.

  Don’t get me wrong, I loved Bryce, she was an insanely awesome employee and my right-hand man, so to speak. She was a curvy and very attractive auburn-haired woman, and easily one of the smartest people I knew. No one got through to me unless they went through her first. She was like a lioness protecting her cubs. But today she was annoying me to no end. I was trying to concentrate on some dense financial material and she was having an allergy attack. We weren’t even in the same room. My office door was open and I could see her sitting at her desk but when she blew her nose, I could swear that we were in the same room. I was trying to concentrate on my finances when her nose blowing kept creeping into my consciousness. Maybe I just needed a break. I stood and stretched while I looked out the window of my office. It was one of the best parts of my office. I could see everything from my window. The whole wall was one big window and I could see the city from all angles. It was a good thing that I wasn’t scared of heights. There were times where staring out through that window brought me some of the best ideas that I had. It was where I got my inspiration. I had an expansive view of the New York skyline and it was something to behold. I could stand there all day and look at the beauty of the city.

  I turned from the amazing view and headed for my office door. I always kept it open so that I could yell out orders to my staff when I wanted to. I walked out of my office and went to hers and as I walked to her desk, I could see her rubbing her nose with a tissue. She watched me come in the office and she glanced up at me, giving me a sheepish expression. She shrugged. “Sorry. Am I annoying you again? These allergies are killing me.”

  I cocked my thumb behind me, indicating that she should go home. It was the end of that discussion as far as I was concerned.

  “No, I don’t need to leave, Finn. It’s just allergies. We have so much work to do.”

  “It’s fine, Bryce. You could use a day off anyway. You have been working your ass off on the human resources reorganization. Consider it a gift. Take the rest of the day off and get some rest and buy some Claritin or whatever.”

  Bryce rolled her eyes. “Yeah right, we both know you are just trying to get rid of me so that you don’t have to listen to me sneeze and wheeze.”

  “Maybe I am. You should consider it a gift for both of us then.”

  Bryce laughed loudly as she started to gather her things. I loved that she had a good sense of humor. We spent a lot of time together and it would be painful if she didn’t have a good sense of humor. While she packed up her things, she started to run down the list of things that I would need to remember for the day. She always had my back no matter what. It was impossible to forget a task or an appointment with her around.

  “Just go! I think I can handle it from here!” I walked back to my office so that I could now focus my undivided attention on financials now that Miss. Sniffles had gone home for the day. It was important that I get these things done for the day. I was hoping to find the right combination of figures to entice Axel Mandrake to finally commit to the development project that I had been working up to for almost a year. It hadn’t been easy. So far, Axel refused to bite, but I had no intention of giving up until he did. I found myself getting lost in numbers, scanning them, organizing them, checking them and then re-checking them. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed when I was interrupted by a knock on my door. I looked up from my worked surprised to see one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen at my door. Where had she come from? It was a rare day indeed that some random person could show up at my door unannounced by the receptionist. In fact, it was almost impossible.

  “Where is Rebecca?” I was referring to my receptionist, I was wondering how she got near me without her notifying me of her presence. I was so thrown off guard that I didn’t know what to do. I was tempted to tell her to beat it, but she was so pretty that I didn’t want her to go.

  She pasted a smile on her face a
nd shrugged. What was with that woman. She was already a mystery and I loved a good mystery.

  “She's getting coffee, I think.”

  “And who are you exactly?”

  “I'm Harper. I was hoping I could have a moment with you?”

  I arched my eyebrow, “Really? And for what?” A grin crept onto my face and I could just imagine what was going through her head. Actually, I didn't want to imagine it. I wasn’t sure what the girl was up to but just because she was beautiful didn’t mean that she was bringing me good tidings.

  “This may seem a little out of the blue, but I have an offer for you.”

  My heart skipped a beat when the girl walked in my office, she certainly caught me off guard. No one usually gets by the receptionist even when Bryce is away. It was a rare day indeed that someone was able to slip into my office without anyone knowing and I wasn’t sure if I was impressed or irritated. This was one time that I really didn’t mind however that someone had slipped through. She looked like an angel, except for the business attire that she wore. I didn’t respond to her and she took my silence as permission to enter into the office and take a seat in front of my desk. I was more intrigued by the minute details. No one ever behaved that way with me. She sat herself down across from me, all before I could get another word out. She was certainly confident, I had to give her that.


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