Reckoning (Skulls Renegade MC Book 5)

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Reckoning (Skulls Renegade MC Book 5) Page 14

by Elizabeth Knox

  “I don’t fucking know! While you were gone Slash came back with Dmitri’s cunt of a sister, Katya, and they weren’t alone. The entire club was filled up with mobster looking fucks packin’ like no damn tomorrow and there was this blonde bitch and dude who looked like they ordered them around. From the looks of it, the blondie was calling the shots.” Reed goes on and continues to tell me everything that transpired while I was away. How the group of them left with the men that came with them, and even Ksenia left. He doesn’t know what to make of all this and I’m not sure that I do either. None of this makes any fucking sense.

  “What are we going to do?” I ask him, Reed simply stares at me for a minute before he answers.

  “Who the fuck knows. I’m not really sure what to do right now besides bury our Dad”

  I nod, agreeing that we should bury him as soon as we can. Like Reed said, who knows how long he’s been dead and this brings up another question. “What about Bones? Did you find him too? Him and Dad always ran around in the same circles”

  “Nope. Bones is still in the wind” He tells me as he walks over to where Elena is, scooting in behind her and wraps his hand around her stomach. We just recently found out that she’s gonna have his baby, something that he told me they’ve been trying to do for quite a while.

  There’s not much I can say or do right now and to be honest I don’t really want to stick around. Sure, shit may have gone down but trust me, the brothers aren’t gonna let this fuck up their party plans for later. If anything, they’ll say that they’re doing it in my Dad’s name, celebrating his life.

  Shit hit the fan today in a way that I never imagined possible.


  I stayed around the club for a few more minutes before I got on the interstate and rode into town. I know exactly where Michelle had gone if she wanted to steer clear of the club, and honestly, I wanted to see her right now. Her and I are much of the same, we always had been. I’m avoiding the club because of Daisy and Seamus, and she’s avoiding it because Max is back.

  I drive until I pull into the small strip mall that her and I used to come when we were teenagers. Not much has changed, seeing as it’s on one of the dicier parts of town. I wouldn’t call it the ghetto, but it’s not much better. I hated it when she’d come out here alone when we were kids, and yet she still did it. Not much has changed.

  Dixies is a small hookah lounge that serves as a bar. It’s kind of like a bed and breakfast for drug dealers and whores. I guess now you can see why I never liked her coming here alone.

  I dismount my bike, pulling my cut a little closer to me since it’s really starting to get chilly this time of year. Soon enough it’s going to be freezing out and everyone will be in hoodies and winter jackets. I walk up to the blacked-out door and pull on the metal handle that is slowly beginning to rust. The owner refused to fix half of the shit in this joint but that never strayed Michelle and I from coming. They were supposed to ID everyone who walked in the door but at barely fifteen, her and I were walking on in, smoking hookah with old guys three times our age.

  The smell of chocolate and mint overloads my senses, that’s always been a popular favorite. Personally, it’s one of my top choices. I make my way through the smoky haze that fogs up the joint until I walk past the register, through the room and step down into the seated area. There are small round circle booths that fit about five to six people. This is the one part that made Michelle and I love the joint, these booths are in the ground and give it a luxury appeal when Dixie’s is far from it. Dark sheer curtains close around the booths, giving you a somewhat private experience. It makes me remember how she would ride me, moaning into my ear, hoping that someone would catch us. We lived for the thrill.

  I walk slowly, peering past the curtains to see if I can find her, knowing very well she’s in the booth all the way in the back corner. It’s the one we always went to. She liked it because we could witness almost everything, and it also gave us a sense of privacy – when she wanted it.

  I pull back the curtain and sure enough there she is, her dirty blonde, straight hair, falling down her back almost hitting her ass. She’s sitting back, taking a hit of the tangerine hookah like old times. She loved tangerine, and I always loved it as well.

  “Meech” I greet, calling her by her nickname while pulling the curtain closed behind me as I step down into the booth.

  She looks up to me as though I’m a parent who caught her doing something naughty. “Relax, Princess. I’m not here to throw you over my shoulder and demand you come home”

  “Maybe I wouldn’t argue much if you did” She speaks strongly with a glimmer in her eye. It makes me wonder if she’s itching for a little mischief tonight.

  I take a seat next to her on the worn-out leather booth. She skims her hand over my jeans and the next thing I know she’s straddling me. “What did you come here for, Trouble?” She calls me the nickname she gave me when we were kids. It doesn’t take me long to know she is looking for mischief, and lots of it. I can smell the whiskey on her breath. She’s got to be pretty lit at this point.

  “Neither you or I wanted to be at the club today, for obvious reasons” I point out to her. She scrunches her nose up the way she always does when she hates that I’m right. “You want me to talk about that?” The glare she throws at me tells me she wants to avoid everything but the giant elephant in the room.

  “I don’t want to talk, at all”

  “Then what do you want?” I ask her, my curiosity getting the best of me.

  She bites her bottom lip, looks around the booth and her eyes return to mine once again. “I want you to make me feel something I haven’t felt in a long time; make me forget all of this pain and hurt”

  “You don’t know what you’re asking for”

  “Yes, I do, and I want it.” She’s firm in her decision.

  “You’re going to regret this tomorrow, Princess.”

  “You and I know I won’t, cause it’s not like I’m going to remember,” she hisses out, crushing her lips over mine.

  I guess I always should’ve known. Michelle and I were never really finished.

  What’s coming soon from Elizabeth?


  (Demons of Hell MC #1)

  I had it all, or at least I did according to everyone else.

  I had the club, I had the most powerful husband, the Prez of the Demons of Hell MC.

  I had a family.

  He’d told me time and time again the club was my “family”.

  My “family” let a lot of things happen to me that shouldn’t of.

  My “family” did an excellent job of turning a blind eye.

  My “family” was great at letting me be the punching bag for their mistakes. For all of his pent-up anger and frustrations.

  My “family” was the reason I almost died.

  When Rage came into my life I saw nothing else.

  His name was a warning and I didn’t listen.

  Here Kitty, Kitty

  (Demons of Hell MC #2/Reapers MC #2)


  Life always finds a way to fuck you over.

  I found that out the hard way when I was barely thirteen. My life was picture perfect, until the day I was taken from my family. It sure wasn’t normal – but it was my version of normal. I had a Dad and Mom who loved me more than anything, a huge biker family who fought like cats and dogs, and the love from every member of one of the most notorious clubs in United States history. The Reapers blood flowed through every vein in my body.

  It took me years to find out why I was taken because I didn’t know the man who’d ripped me from my reality. But oh, he knew me—and my parents—very well. He took me hostage to get back at my mother and father – for something that happened years ago.

  I was the price paid for their actions. Worst of it all was that I’ve been here for years. Nothing about my stay with the Demons of Hell MC is glorious. The things they say, the things they make me do.

started out as a girl so full of light but spending too much time in the dark can suck almost every bit of light from a pure soul. Darkness was all I knew about until he lit the only remaining ember left inside of me…


  When I agreed to prospect undercover in the Demons of Hell MC, I didn’t know all the details of what my father was signing me up for. His personal gain was my sole purpose. Growing up within the Brotherhood MC gave me a good idea of our life, but being thrown into Rage’s kind of club was something that no one could prepare me for.

  Four years of being in this club and I’ve learned next to nothing. Every day I grow closer to finding out information that could be useful for my father, for our family. My father abandoned our town, the place I was born in, my home – all because of Rage. He vowed to return, to right every wrong that Rage did and I knew he would keep that promise.

  I may have come here to do my father’s bidding but that isn’t the reason I’ve stayed. I could have made the choice a long time ago to run back home with nothing. I stare my reason in the face every single day. She’s lost, broken and has had everything ripped from her. Rage calls her his property, and I let him think that. If only he knew about the way she looks at me whenever she lingers from his sight.


  (The Clans #3)


  I had a simple life, or at least, I thought I did. I left England as soon as I could to escape my father and his lifestyle that always seemed to follow me. He may have been the head of a Clan in the Romanian Mob, but his bastard daughter wanted nothing to do with it. After I lost my mother, and my boyfriend I didn’t see a reason to stick around, so I left.

  I ran as far away as I could, to the furthest end of the earth that I could have. I started over, I became who I wanted to be, who happened to be a bomb ass pastry chef.

  Everything was simple – until one day it wasn’t.

  The moment I saw the hot guy who started renting the business space next door I knew I was in trouble. The thing is, I didn’t have any clue how much trouble I’d actually be in.

  If I knew then what I know now, things would have turned out a lot different.


  I had one job, one objective – protect Willow Kim-Adame at all means, with any means necessary.

  She was my job, a means to an end.

  I’ll protect her like I was told, I’ll do the job, even taking a bullet for the girl.

  She tries to disobey me with every step, determined to make my job the hardest I’ve ever done.

  I can’t help but be attracted to her spirit, her determination to make things go her way.

  I wasn’t supposed to like her, and I sure as hell wasn’t supposed to fall for her.

  Here we are, though.

  Forbidden Love

  (The Mackenzies #1)


  I left because I had to, my father was selling me off to the most dangerous man in the world like I was a prized pony. There was already so much taken from me at the hands of my father, and I would allow nothing else to be ripped from me – especially my future.

  It was simple. I found a new identity. I wasn’t Caprice DiGiovanni, I was Amber, a sweet and sassy southern girl from Alabama. I ran to the last place my father would expect me to go – Ireland.

  Everything was working out great for me, that is, until Sergei found me.

  I just never anticipated Liam Mackenzie coming to bat for me.

  He knew Amber, he never knew Caprice.

  Now he’s got us both.


  From the second she walked into my bar and asked for a job I knew she was special. Something about this southern girl caught my eye. It didn’t take me very long to discover that she was hiding something, her awful accent was proof of that.

  It turns out she was far rarer than I could ever imagine.

  When her world came crashing down around her, I was the one ready to pick her up. It didn’t matter that she was off limits, or that she was forbidden in every sense of the word. I’d find a way to make her mine, and I did.

  Caprice DiGiovanni is my forbidden love.

  god of hotness

  (Purgatory #1)


  God of Hotness, that’s what they called him. It started as a joke when we were in high school, my friends making fun of the ginormous crush I had on my brother’s best friend, Jude.

  The joke was on them when the hottest guy in school started dating me. Who knew that my crush would turn into my first love?

  Our love had an expiration date, and we knew that more than anyone.

  While our love prevailed, our lives ripped us apart.

  I’m back in town for my 10th year high school reunion and who do I see but the God of Hotness himself? The years may have passed, but my feelings sure as hell haven’t. The man sparks a fire in me like no one else ever has.

  I made a huge mistake in letting him go. There’s no way I’ll let him slip through my fingers again. I’ve been searching for something that I’ve only had with him. It’s just taken me that long to figure out the problem.

  I will never have a better relationship then I did with Jude.

  But will the God of Hotness feel the same way I do? There’s only one way to find out.




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