MENAGE - Bound,gagged,stuffed DOMINATED (1st time Gang,MFM, MFMM, MFMMM ,DP,TP,White Female Shared Hard,Fast without Protection)-Volume 2 -10 Short Story Book Boxed Set Anthology

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MENAGE - Bound,gagged,stuffed DOMINATED (1st time Gang,MFM, MFMM, MFMMM ,DP,TP,White Female Shared Hard,Fast without Protection)-Volume 2 -10 Short Story Book Boxed Set Anthology Page 9

by Nicola Diaz

  “I want you to think about what you did, Little Thief. I want you to really contemplate the severity of your actions. Stealing is a crime.” He sounded like he was a teacher, imparting his thoughts in a classroom of children who were thirsty for knowledge. I lowered my head and tried to move my hands, but my wrists were bound so tightly in the chains that I could barely concentrate. I tried to think about something that would take my mind off the pain, like a warm bath or a glass of wine. But even such mind games proved useless. My knees were growing wobbly and my back hurt from remaining in the same position.

  Without warning, Bruce started to play with my tits again. He pinched them and licked them, unconcerned with my unsteady position on the floor. I wondered if it was raining, because it sounded like small droplets were landing on garbage pails outside, but I could see nothing. It felt cool again, and I figured that Bruce must have let his torch flame die out. It was a welcome relief, because my skin was growing unbearably warm from the flames. Yet before I could enjoy the cooling sensation, he started up once again.

  “I have something new for you.” I could hear Bruce flicking matches until he got a flame, but I couldn’t see what he was lighting. It terrified me because I never knew what he was holding, and I never knew what to anticipate. “These are some special candles that I received in Brussels not too long ago.” Bruce lit them and then circled me again, playing with my tits and running his hands through my hair. I wanted to lie down and though that my knees would give out. He must have read my mind because he decided to change the scenery.

  “Come with me into the bedroom.” Bruce led me by the arm. He held onto my chained wrists and then sat me back on his bed. It was a welcome relief, to be sitting on a soft surface and to have a respite from the heat. But it didn’t last for long. Bruce climbed up on the bed and proceeded to chain my feet. Then he told me to lie back, and to lie still while he got another candle lit. “Here, just for fun, I’ll give you a little peek.” Bruce pulled the blindfold up over my eyes.

  I looked around the room, trying to absorb as much as I could in a short period of time. He had candles lit everywhere, and a large scorched torch sat beside the bed. His mansion was so large that I couldn’t tell what time of day it was because the curtains were drawn in the bedroom, and the next room was several feet down the hall. I shuddered when I looked again at the torch, wondering what he planned to do with it next.

  I glanced at my hands and noticed that the chains were making my skin raw. The bed covers were purple satin, and I wanted to turn over and sleep, but Bruce would have no parts with my resting. He ran his hands over my breasts and then onto my stomach. The he started to massage my hips, which he always said were one of his favorite parts of my body. I looked at him and for a second and again, despite the torture he had put me through, I felt curious about what he would feel like inside of me.

  Bruce was so domineering that it gave me an odd sense of both fear and protection. I knew that he could have his way with me, could put me through whatever kind of harsh treatment he desired. At the same time, I was attracted to his commanding physique, his broad shoulders and his firm looking body. He told me to sit still while he took off my long skirt. I watched as he yanked it down to my knees. Then he tossed it to the floor and pulled the blindfold back up over my eyes.

  “Little Thief, you’re going to feel some more heat.” Bruce laughed to himself and lit the torch. I could hear the flames licking up toward the ceiling and I worried that he might burn the place down. But he must have known what he was doing, because he was back in front of me again, holding the torch in front of my breasts, watching me squirm from the heat. It was a sensation that I could never forget, no matter how hard I tied. I now knew what it must feel like to be a moth that has flown right into the path of a flame. The heat got more and more intense, until finally, I shrieked. But Bruce didn’t let up.

  “Little Thief, you’re tits look gorgeous when they’re all firm in front of the fire. It gets me off.” Bruce got quiet for a second, and I had a feeling that he was masturbating, but I couldn’t hear anything. I tried to move my feet but they were chained so tightly that all I could do was wriggle my toes and try to focus on being freed from his bondage. Bruce backed off with the heat and I took a deep breath. A cool breeze came through the bedroom and then there was silence.

  “Let me feel your pussy with my fingers.” Bruce climbed onto the bed. He must have blown out the flame because it was cool once again, and I felt like I could breathe better. Before I knew what was happening, I felt the thickness of Bruce’s fingers inside my pussy. He fingered me for about five minutes, and I moaned softly on the bed. I knew that he wasn’t done torturing me, but it felt so good to get a little bit of pleasure. He rubbed my clit a few times and I thought that I might have an orgasm, but he stopped abruptly and yanked back the chains on my wrist.

  “Get back on your knees.” He commanded me from the bed, and I did as he asked. It was a little harder to remain steady on the bed, but I did as best as I could, considering that both my hands and my feet were tied. Bruce got a length of chain out and smacked my ass with it a few times. It was painful, but I endured it without saying a word. I wanted to ask him how much longer I had to stay in the bedroom, but I knew that he would either scoff at me or ignore my question so I remained silent.

  I gasped. Bruce had dripped candle wax on my nipples. It came as a shocking surprise and I wanted to scream, but he covered my mouth with his hand. I writhed under his arm and then relented. There was nothing I could do except allow him to continue. He poured more on my breasts and then listened to me cry out in pain. It was a tantalizing sensation. The heat was so intense that it made me shake. Yet as soon as it had penetrated my core, I was overcome with a feeling of calm sensuality. I knew that he was enjoying what I looked like, and that made me feel sexy and fresh.

  “You like that, Little Thief?” Bruce played with my nipples, but it was hard to feel what he was doing because the hot wax provided a numbing sensation. I wanted to see Bruce’s’ expression, but it was only darkness from underneath my blindfold.

  “I was actually thinking that it might be fun to feel you inside of me.” I went ahead and told him what I was thinking. All of my body belonged to him now, and it only made sense for me to feel his entire presence now. He chuckled and then I could hear him striking matches again. He dripped some wax on my feet and I let out a cry, hoping that he would ease up soon and let me get un-chained.

  “So you want to feel what I got?” Bruce questioned me and then the heat came again with full force. It was so hot that I wanted to scream. The intense heat from the flames was right in front of my face and my stomach. He held it there until he could see the beads of sweat forming on my brow. Then he blew it out and I had my period of mercy.

  “I do. I want to know if you’re as commanding with your big cock as you are with all of your torture devices.” My voice was slightly muffled from speaking through the blindfold, but he heard me.

  “Well, maybe you’ll get your chance.” He got behind me and then pulled out his whip. I could feel the thin but painful strips of leather hit my ass with force. Then he took his hands and rubbed my ass cheeks until I moaned with pleasure. I wanted him now, and the torture was becoming too much to handle. I knew that if he would just penetrate my pussy, all of the pain from the chains and then flames would disappear. My pussy was already wet just form fantasizing about him, and I knew that it would be worth it.

  He spread open my ass and then ran his finger along my crack. It gave me chills and I wanted him to just un-chain me, even if it were only for a few minutes, but I knew that he would deny my request. All of London bustled outside, yet we were so far removed form that reality that it seemed almost surreal. He told me to stop kneeling and to lie on my back, so I did what he asked and then waited. I didn’t want anymore heat torture, but he wasn’t done with me yet. The torch was lit, yet again, and he waved it in front of me, trying to get a reaction.

  I was de
fenseless to his motives and his desires. He inched the flames closer and closer until I could practically feel them reaching up for my skin. He moved them in front of my face and I worried that he would accidentally burn me, but he didn’t. I could feel the heat move toward my breasts. “Your big tits could use a little heat.” Bruce spoke and I remained motionless. Then finally, the heat was gone again. I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “You know, I hope that this all gives to time to reflect on your actions.” Bruce got next to me on the bed and played with the chains that were tied round my wrists. “You didn’t have to go through this, you know.” He reminded me of my choices, and I nodded my head in agreement. Then he leaned forward and lifted up the blindfold. It was such a relief to see daylight again. He leaned forward and then kissed me gently on the lips. I smiled. Maybe he would decide to unchain me, as well.

  “I could be a lot more effective if I weren’t in these chains.” I motioned to my hands and then to my feet, hoping that he would set me free. But I wasn’t so lucky yet. He looked at them and then cocked his head to the side, as if contemplating what to do next. Then he got up from the bed and left the room. I looked around again, wondering if he would ever let us out of this bedroom. He came back with another torch, but this one was smaller. He pulled the blindfold down over my eyes and I knew what was coming next.

  The unbearable heat stifled me once again. He had a way of holding the torch so that the flames were close enough to my body to make me scared and uncomfortable, but not so close that I would burn. It was a delicate balance that he was able to strike, and I found it impressive in a strange sort of way. He was skilled and domineering, yet he knew how to back off and he knew how to proceed. I lied in silence as he continued to torture me with the flames. Just when I thought that I couldn’t take it anymore, he stopped.

  I heard him snuff out the flame and then felt him get back on the bed. He ran his hands over my body, taking the time to explore all of my voluptuous curves. I sighed and rocked my body gently back and forth. He slid a finger under the chains that were around my feet and I begged him to take them off, but he denied me. “You will have to get used to the discomfort.” Bruce answered me and then ran his hands back over my body, stopping when he reached my large breasts.

  He squeezed my nipples and then sucked them gently while I patiently waited for him to give me more. I was becoming increasingly attracted to him, especially because of the way he adored my big and beautiful body. Many years of my life in London had been unsatisfying because I had worried that my large shape was distasteful to men. Yet I now understood that a certain kind of man could appreciate me and would see that I received adequate attention.

  Bruce licked and sucked on my breasts for a few more minutes. Then he stopped and reached for my hands. “I will give you this one break by untying your hands. But only for a little while.” He unfastened the chains from my hands and I was amazed to find out that they still had sensation in them. I shook them several times and then ran them over my head, then down my body. It felt so good to use them again.

  “With my hands free, I can now rub them over your cock if you’ll let me.” I wasn’t shy, especially since I already knew that Bruce wanted to pleasure me. I reached for his arm and then kissed his hand, but he got up suddenly and left the room. My spirits sank because I knew that he wasn’t yet done with the torture. I wanted to feel something pleasurable, and the torture made me crave it even more. When Bruce came back in the room, he reached fro my hands and led me off the bed and against the wall.

  “Stand here and let me tie you to this chair.” With that, Bruce unwound what sounded like an enormous amount of chain. He wrapped it around my body, starting up around my head, and winding his way down my body, around my back and my breasts, then circling my stomach and my thighs, all the way down to my calves. The weight of the chain made me unable to move, so I simply stood motionless and waited to see what he would do next.

  “Please tell me that you are almost done torturing me. I feel that I have had time to think about my behavior, and I swear that I’ll never rob you again.” I knew deep inside that I was making a serious statement, and I hoped that I would be able to live up to my word. Bruce said nothing, and I heard the strike of matches once again, followed by the intense heat. This time, I wanted to wail. It was too much. I was bound and blindfolded, and the intense heat was making it hard for me to concentrate. I just wanted him to make love to me so that I could put all of my misdeeds behind me.

  “If you had only picked my pocket once, then maybe I would believe you. But Little Thief, you did it twice. I’m still outraged that you stole my money and my valuables. You get what you deserve.” Bruce sounded angry whenever he re-told the story, so I decided to remain quiet from that point forward. He tightened up the chains that encased me and then opened a window. I could feel the cool air come through the room and it felt relieving.

  “I promise that I’m sorry.” I bowed my head and tried to shuffle my feet but the weight of the chain was too much. I stood still and finally, after what felt like an eternity, Bruce came to my side and started to slowly unravel the chain. I savored each length that he peeled of, and by the time he reached my feet, I was ready to cry. I wanted the torture to finally be over, and Bruce must have decided to give in. He approached me and pulled the blindfold up, looking deeply into my eyes.

  “I want to believe you, but you have given me so many reasons to distrust you. I suppose only time will tell.” He frowned and then sat down on the bed. I stood before him, weary and naked, my entire body wanting to collapse. Yet when I looked in his eyes, an energy coursed through me and I felt lighter. I wanted him to touch me again, but I knew that it would be on his terms, when he was ready, so I bowed my head in submission and waited for his next command. When he stood up and put his hand on my arm, I hoped that he was ready. He guided me to the bed and then sat by my feet.

  The chains were still tight around my ankles, and I hoped that he would take them off. He reached in his pocket and produced the key that was needed to unlock the chains. Then he turned it, slowly, and I could feel the lock drop and the chains slide down below my ankles. It was an invigorating sensation. “Thank-you, Bruce.” I reached for his hand and kissed it again, then looked up to read his expression.

  He looked at me with a wry smile, and then he sat down on the bed and motioned for me to sit next to him. He ran his hands over the raw skin on my wrists, and then held them close to his chest. I could feel the beating of his heart and I sensed that he wanted me. I looked in his eyes and then wrapped my arms around his waist. It felt so strange to have my hands free that I wasn’t sure how to react. Just when I thought that we were going to kiss, he stood back and eyed me suspiciously.

  “Just remember. This is all on my terms. You do whatever I say, Little Thief Tiffany.” I had only heard him call me by my real name one other time. It got my attention, and I thought that he was beginning to realize that I wanted to amend my ways. He asserted his power with his resounding voice and I looked at him and nodded. The scorched torch was propped against the wall and I hoped with all of my might that he wouldn’t light it again.

  Bruce stood with his hand on his hips, and then grabbed me by the shoulders. He swept me up in a passionate kiss and ran his hands down my back. He felt so strong and confident. I had never been with a man who exuded so much power. He was handsome, wealthy, and respectable. My tongue lingered with his and then we stopped kissing and lay back on the bed. He ran is hands down my thighs, complimenting me on how thick and shapely they were. Then he reached a hand between my legs and I sighed. I would finally get something that I wanted.

  “Please, make love to me.” I whispered into Bruce’s ear and he looked at me with a seductive glint in his eye. He sat up and unzipped his pants, then pushed them down his legs, and tossed them to the floor. I leaned forward and admired his cock, which was already hard underneath his boxer shorts. I placed my hand on the thick bulge and then gently squeezed. He close
d his eyes and held on to my arm. Then we both got comfortable on the bed and started to explore each other’s bodies.

  “Remember, I’m the one in control.” Bruce held my arms down and licked my neck. Then he nibbled on my ear and gently climbed on top of me. I could feel the weight of his body on mine and it was worth the wait. I tried not to think back to all of the chains and flames, but it was hard not to see the images in my mind. Bruce started to grind on top of me and I didn’t want to wait any longer. I yanked at his boxer shorts and then pulled them off so that I could feel his hard dick on top of me.

  He started to move on top of me and I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling his body as close to me as possible. I spread open my legs and then waited for the pleasurable sensation to arise. He moved slowly, as each inch of my wet walls met the thick hardness of his flesh. I moaned softly, and he thrust inside of me harder. I could still imagine the blindfold on my eyes, and when I opened them and saw Bruce’s face in front of mine, it was almost shocking because I was so accustomed to the darkness.

  “Bruce, this is what I’ve waited for.” I whispered slowly in his ear as he moved with precision inside of me. His body felt so strong and firm that I wanted to hold on to the feeling as long as I could. The many hours of torture had all led up to this final scenario, and I felt thankful to be where I was at that moment. I didn’t want to think back to the night that I picked his pocket outside of the club, and I didn’t want to think that he would never be able to trust me again.


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