MENAGE - Bound,gagged,stuffed DOMINATED (1st time Gang,MFM, MFMM, MFMMM ,DP,TP,White Female Shared Hard,Fast without Protection)-Volume 2 -10 Short Story Book Boxed Set Anthology

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MENAGE - Bound,gagged,stuffed DOMINATED (1st time Gang,MFM, MFMM, MFMMM ,DP,TP,White Female Shared Hard,Fast without Protection)-Volume 2 -10 Short Story Book Boxed Set Anthology Page 20

by Nicola Diaz

  Chapter 4

  The curtain opens, and I see the front down lights on the stage. I deliberately try not to look at the audience, but when they suddenly break into applause I raise my eyes, and for the first time see just how many people are in the auditorium, hundreds of eyes, thousands maybe. I really never knew that this was such a thing, this erotic magic. Had I known that this many people would be here, I wonder if I would have agreed to do this in the first place.

  Julian is a professional, obviously with many, many hours of practice behind him. I have had just one day, not even, and I am suddenly very nervous. Standing naked in front of these people, these strangers who are not here for me, but who will all see me, watch as many things are done to me, I feel very exposed. Yes, I am naked already, and yes I am parading the full length of the stage as Julian does his introduction, but this is not the kind of exposed I mean. It seems, at least to me, that the audience can see my anxiety, see right through me to where my heart threatens to beat out of my chest.

  I walk up to the suspension device as Julian nears the end of his introduction. Raising my hand high above my head, I bring it down slowly along the one side of the device. Then I make my way to the other side, moving my hand over this side of the device, almost as though I were responsible for its creation. There is a certain measure of power that one feels on stage, and this is what I was attracted to. But now, as Julian straps me into the contraption, I feel all the power I thought I had fade.

  He tilts the piece of equipment while at the same time pulling on a crank near the base of it. My feet suddenly lift of the floor, and I am at a peculiar diagonal to the audience now. I seem to be able to see more of them, without the stage’s down lights flashing in my eyes. The auditorium really is packed, and there is not a thing that I can do to get away from these eyes now, not even if I wanted to.

  Julian runs his magic wand over my body, drawing imaginary circles over my breasts, and over my pussy. Then he seems to pull a string of gold ribbon from the depths of my pussy, and the crowd half claps. He knows that this is not what they came to see, but still he feels the need to tease them. The lighting on the stage goes a soft luminous blue, and a soft spot is suddenly on me, and I know, that the real show is about to start.

  “Like we practiced Giuliana, like we practiced” I whisper to myself, trying to prepare my mind for what is about to happen to my body.

  Julian goes off to the side of the stage, and rolls the props table right up next to me. It is lit by candles, not so much for the light, but for use in the wax play. I had never thought of wax as erotic before yesterday's practice, but now I know what it does to one, I know that it does to me. I cannot wait for this part of the act. But first things first, and Julian is suddenly tapping both my thighs with his magic wand, before drawing another imaginary circle over my pussy.

  Then he picks up a string of balls from the table and holds them out so that the audience can make them out. They vary in size, and are not in any particular order. Some of them are small, and some not so small. It is the not-so-small ones that worry me, but I know that making them disappear is the first real trick in the show. It isn’t really magic though, as Julian comes up to me, parts my legs a little more, just for effect, and starts to push these balls one at a time up my not-so-most, tiny pussy.

  He reaches the last ball quickly, almost too quickly, and as he starts to push it inside me the crowd gasps. I don’t look, not wanting to see how far he is along with these balls, knowing just that the last one really is bigger than any pussy should be able to take. But this is what I signed up for, and disappointing Julian is the last thing I would want to do. The last ball goes into me with great difficulty, for the audience’s amusement, and then it is gone, neatly tucked away inside my snatch.

  Then he waves his wand again in a fantastic spiral over my pussy, takes hold of the string dangling from my pussy, the same string that is holding the balls together inside me, and he starts to pull them very slowly out of me. I moan loudly, for effect, and also because of the effect that this exodus is having on me. The crowd claps wildly right until the last ball is pulled from me, and Julian is holding up the string of different sized pearls that was a moment earlier hidden deep inside me. My pussy moistens now, thankfully, and I know that I am ready for the next part of the act.

  He goes back to the table and takes a huge candle off it, holding it up to the audience for their approval. Then he comes up close to me, and mounts the small steps that are also right next to the suspension contraption. He holds the candle up over me, high up, and then tilts it, dropping a steady stream of hot wax on my tits. Again I moan, loudly, deeply, and as sensually as I can. The wax is excessive, and runs down my belly like a series of streams, hardening as it goes, stopping just shy of my now-quivering pussy.

  Then he goes down onto my belly, pouring more wax on the drying rivers on my belly, and the wax traces a clear line to my pussy. It goes deep between my thighs, and starts to cover every part of my perfectly shaven mound. The wax is hot, but only briefly, only when it lands on me. It then cools rapidly, hardening as quickly, covering more of me, and still more, until my pussy is covered in a light film of hardening whiteness. He holds the candle up, moves it back up to my breasts, drops more wax on my taut nipples, and then hovers suspiciously directly over my pussy.

  When he tilts the candle again, dropping copious amounts of heat directly on my clit, all over my pussy, I let out a soft murmur, which seems to echo through the entire auditorium. He blows out of his mouth, growing the flame on the candle so that I am suddenly engulfed in a blue ball of fire for a moment, and then he holds the candle up to the audience, resounding applause, and steps down off the steps, replacing the candle back to the spot where he took it from. He raises both hands, receiving a choir of wolf-whistles from every man in the room.

  Julian turns the suspension device completely now, so that I do three summersaults before I am back in the original position. The audience seems to think this is for their benefit, but it really is just so that the wax on my breasts, belly and pussy can dry a little more. It does, and as it gets drier and drier it start to pull gently on the places that it covers. I can see now why he insisted on shaving me before he attempted this trick. Hair and wax are really not great bedfellows.

  He dips the ends of his wand in the candles tiny flame, and these ends light up like fiery torches. He spins the wand between his fingers, slowly at first, and then so fast that it forms one fiery circle. It is great to watch him at work, the details that he pays attention to, and the little gimmicks he uses in his act. I know though that the biggest gimmick here tonight is me, and I start to feel apprehension at the thought of how this act is going to end. I can’t remember now if I mentioned to him that I had never been penetrated anally before, but it is too late to let him have this information now.

  The flaming ends of the wand start to move over me now, singing my skin ever so lightly, drawing more and more moans from me. The wax starts to melt against the heat of these flames, and it starts to make its way off my breasts, off my belly, and snake down to the space between my thighs. It is a thick covering over my pussy now, like a blanket. More like a cake actually, hardening more and more, making me feel less and less exposed. But what he does next is so brilliant that even I cannot help but look down as he goes to work on my pussy.

  He holds the one part of the wand near my pussy, the flame on it melting the thick wax cake off me, and dropping it onto the floor. Then he turns the wand and lets the other end burns dangerously close to me, all over my pussy, threatening to touch my clit directly with the flame. He does too, a couple of times, just long enough for me to know that he was just there. I watch the wax sweat off my pussy now, watching it fall to the floor, and then watch in sheer amazement as the one flaming end of the wand disappears inside my snatch, until half the stick is inside me.

  Then he pulls it out, looking at the audience, a hand drawing imaginary circles over me, then just a finger. He pulls it
out very slowly, and then pauses as the last bit of it is still inside me. He moves this little bit, this inch or so, around inside me, and then pulls it out. To everyone’s delight, the flame is still burning strong. The audience goes wild, clapping, standing, sitting, not really sure what to do with themselves. He repeats this trick a few times, just to satisfy this crowd, and to show that there really is no trickery here, we know better of course. Then he blows out the flames on either end of the wand, and takes a bow.

  Julian brings a candle from the table, thicker than the first one he used to wax me. He looks at it, the flame burning a little too feebly. He blows onto the flame, out of his mouth, and the flame suddenly burns with added verve. It literally starts to dance now, and he smiles at his achievement. He holds this candle between my legs, the flame almost reaching for where the wax was just melted off me pussy, where it hardens again really quickly. Then he starts to ease this candle into my pussy, flame-first, and work it all the way up inside me.

  He fucks me slowly with just this candle, thick, hard, intrusive, and I really like it. Then I start to feel the orgasm that I didn’t know I was having arrive. It is all consuming and I pull hard on the restraints, pulling on every part of me that is bound, every part of me that is suspended. I push myself into the candle, his hand holding it in place, deep inside me, and then he watches my face, meeting my eyes for the first time. Then he pulls it slowly from me, thankfully only after I have started to come down from the climax, and as it pops out of me, the flame is remarkably still there.

  The crowd really goes ballistic now…

  Chapter 5

  When he turns me over, a simple swing of the contraption, I am facedown, towards the floor. He turns the entire device so that my ass is facing the audience. I know what is coming, but I am not ready. I have never done this before, and I don’t know what to expect. My whole body tenses up, and the sweat falls from me in such big drops you would think I was just dipped in water.

  I watch Julian closely now, wanting to see what he is going to do to me, and also not wanting to see. My eyes close and open, open and then close again as Julian works his way between my legs. He is armed with a candle, the same one that was in me a moment earlier. I know that I won’t be able to take it, not all of it. Hell, I won’t even be able to take a little bit of the thickness inside my tight space.

  He drops hot wax on my back, and again I am moaning loudly. My back is quickly covered in wax, drying as it flows heavily over my skin. Then he drops large amounts of the wax like a fountain on my ass cheeks. When he parts my cheeks and drops the wax directly onto my asshole I writhe under the intensity of the burn. Even when it cools down it still feels incredibly hot. I wish he would just stick the candle inside me now, to get it over with, so that I know what to expect, what I have to deal with.

  Then he does, just the tip of the candle, and every part of me tenses. He pushes it a little further into me, and still I tighten. He continues to push the candle into me though, against my resistance, drawing more and more applause from the crowd. I wonder what is entertaining them so, but I cannot see around myself at what he is doing to me. I can just feel it, really feel it. I want it out of me, just for a moment, just so that I can get my bearings. But he fucks me for the longest time with the candle, almost all of it, and then slowly he pulls it out of me.

  The crowd is on their feet, and before I can figure out why, he walks up to me face and shows me that the flame still burns as brightly as it did before he used it to penetrate my asshole. He threatens to put it in my mouth, teasing my lips with the flame. And then he puts it down, back on the table, and makes his way back to the space between my legs. I wonder what he is going to do next, but this wondering doesn’t last very long. A moment later I feel his cock brush up against my thighs, and I cannot believe that he is exposing himself like this in front of all these people.

  When I gauge his cock though I realize that he really has nothing to hide. The crowd edges him on, and he teases my asshole with his huge, hard dome. Then he is entering my asshole, with inch after fiery inch of his manhood. I cannot believe this, but this is erotic magic I tell myself. This is what it is about, the spectacle, the sexual element. And it is Julian after all, not some random stranger that he called up from the audience. I brace myself against this invasion, but the burn increases so quickly that with each and every thrust of his cock I let out a scream.

  The crowd loves it, and they cheer him on. I hear some of them cheering me on, encouraging me to take the magician’s wand. I do, because I have no choice. But also because I have a sincere need to please him. The dick in my ass makes its way all up inside me, and then almost all the way out. Over and over again he sends his cock into me, and I sweat more and more. I know that he cannot fuck me forever, that it will all be over soon enough. But it seems to last forever, and the burning in my ass is growing exponentially.

  Julian rides my ass now, as much for the crowd’s entertainment as for his own, really fucking me hard. He keeps going long after most men will have started to fade. He goes into me sideways and then straight up and down. Then he fucks me in small circles before fucking my tight asshole in wider circles, stretching it in every direction. There is something comfortably uncomfortable about being fucked up the ass, this way, when there is no chance to get away from it. The resignation of it all is both repulsive and appealing at the same time.

  Then he is fucking me in a straight line now, deep, hard. He is close, and he starts waving his wand, the other wand, around me, over my ass cheeks, over my back. He uses it to tap and crack the wax that has hardened considerably on my ass now. As it falls away, he cums, hard. Then his seed starts to fill me so much it is like a tap has been open on the eruptions of a volcano. He uses his wand to tap my back, and out of nowhere sparks start to cum out of my mouth, around my head. As he cums, fireworks continue to appear out of nowhere around my head. Everyone is on their feet now, clapping loudly, whistling even louder. They scream for an encore, beg for more from the magnificent Julian. I know, as he pulls his cock from me, that more is exactly what he intends to give his audience…




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  Stretch Me!

  I stood against the fence-post, reading the headlines in the Friday morning Utopios Times. It was another dreary day and I raised my eyebrows when I saw the latest: New Crimes Treated with Greater Force by Task Force. I had been wondering when they were going to start a more stringent enforcement plan, and it looked like it was underway. Since Utopios had come under new leadership, the city was much more in tune with its policies for deterring crime. I sighed, then folded up the paper and walked toward the corner.

  When I reached the Castille Café, I decided to go in and have an espresso. I still loved a good coffee drink, and I placed my order in the telepathic tube, a psychic contraption devised in the mind, and the barista who read my mind got the drink prepared behind the counter. I flicked a long strand of red hair behind my shoulder and then sat down, waiting for my drink. When I received the telepathic communication that my drink was at the end of the counter, I got up from my seat and paid the cashier. I carried my drink back to the table and then sat down, carefully unfolding the newspaper.

  I scanned the Utopios sports section, which highlighted some of the events for the week, but then flipped to the classifieds in the back. I wanted to find a pet store that was accepting job applications. I knew that if she could get hired in one of the local stores, I could soon satiate my desires for more feline companionship. Many years ago, I had become preoccupied with stealing gold. I became a thief who climbs into a building to an upper story, and then steals whatever she can. It seemed a harmless diversion at the time, but over the years had grown to beco
me a rather ambitions endeavor on my part.

  In the past, if I had gotten caught stealing from a residence, or from a small business, it was usually just a matter of letting the police read me their warning, and then smiling as they sent me on my way. I acquired quite a bit of money in this manner. Sometimes I would steal two or three coins from one house, and sometimes it would be only one. The thrill of opening someone’s door, of creeping into their home, and of snatching their money was thrilling and devious, and I couldn’t seem to put an end to my addiction.

  Sitting down and sipping my espresso, I could gather a clear sense that the city was now reclaiming its power after the last leader, who we called the Dictate, was ousted in a mini-revolution of sorts. I wasn’t surprised that they were implementing a more stringent leadership, governed by the Task Force, and that they were concentrated on devising more effective methods for punishing criminals, such as myself. It gave me a little rise to see that the government was unhappy and that it wanted to try and take back some of its control.

  I saw that Utopios Pet Supply was hiring for a part-time assistant, and I knew that if I could get hired, I’d be given access to the pet store after-hours, that I could come in any time and have access to raid the register. I’d be assigned my own key, my own power over the store, and this would grant me access that was otherwise unauthorized. I looked to see when they were open, and decided to visit over the next hour. I finished the rest of my espresso and then decided to walk to the store.


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