Rescued By The Warrior Lord

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Rescued By The Warrior Lord Page 15

by Roxie Ray

  His pulse.

  He was getting me off with nothing more than his tongue and his heartbeat.

  Oh, fuck.

  Every beat of Haelian’s heart sent a spiral of pleasure running through me as it throbbed against my clit. He growled softly as he began to rock his tongue up and down my swollen, sensitive bud, amplifying that pleasure by hundreds. It was like having my own personal vibrator—if vibrators came attached to hot, battle-hardened alien warriors who’d fight to the death to keep me safe on top of all Haelian’s other exceptional qualities.

  Holy…wow. If word got out about Lunarian men on Earth, no human man would get laid ever again. Haelian was powerful. He was dominant. And, I’d come to discover, he was more than a little bit possessive. But as he licked at me, it didn’t feel like he was just giving pleasure or taking it.

  His pleasure was mine, and my pleasure was his.

  Haelian lapped at me like he was starved for my cunt. Abruptly, he forced my leg up and my foot slipped from the cuff of my pants as he hooked my thigh over his shoulder so he could lick me at an even deeper angle. Normally, that would have caught me off balance, but as I wound my fingers into his rich red locks, he held onto me perfectly. Even with the way he was making my knees tremble, my legs could have given in completely and I knew he would have caught me. His big, strong hands cradled my body in steadfast possession. My own personal safety net.

  Whatever happened, I knew he wouldn’t let me fall.

  Heat spread through my body like a lava flow boiling up from between my legs and seeping deep into my every muscle. It sank into the pit of my core, filled up every empty space within me then overflowed into the cage of my ribs. It burned there, red embers simmering up into white-hot coals. He fanned the flames of my desire with every ragged, humid breath that washed over my soaked pussy lips, with every flick of his tongue and beat of his heart until, for a moment, my pulse raced forward—then, sharply slowed to match his. Beat for beat. Until our two hearts were pulsating as one.

  The orgasm rocketed through my body, launching my shoulders forward while it tore me backward by my neck all at once. Haelian only held onto me tighter through it, and I clung to him in return. My fingers twisted in his hair, claiming silken handfuls and tugging on them so tight I was sure it must have hurt him—but the sounds coming from him mouth weren’t ones of pain.

  “Sawyer,” he growled, pulling his tongue away from my clit for just a second to snarl a hot, wet kiss against my pussy lips. “Yes.”

  He tilted me back, his movements gentle but rapid, fluid but frantic. The ground beneath me was soft with iridescent moss. It glimmered and sparkled with little white pearls of light that scattered as I ran my fingers through it and tried to catch my breath. Overhead, Haelian tore his shirt away from his body, crowned by the cave’s moonlit purple glow. As he wrenched his belt open and undid his pants, he dipped his lips to the slick folds of my pussy for one last taste. The way his tongue slid between them, gathering up my honey at my entrance then flicking hard against my clit, sent an explosion wracking through my entire body, almost too much to bear.


  “Sawyer.” He folded himself over me, his massive hand cupping the entire right side of my face as he moved between my thighs. The way I wanted him felt unreal. All of this—the moss, the moonlight, the heat of his breath against my lips—felt unreal. But the way he said my name was like an incantation, some kind of magic that pulled me back into the real world just for long enough to fully understand what he wanted. What we were about to do. “I need you. I must have you. Will you—”

  “Yes,” I gasped before he even finished the question. My nods were tiny, desperate as I wound my arms around his neck and pulled him against me. “Please, Haelian. Yes.”

  There was a flicker of a smile against his lips as I tugged him down into a kiss, but it burned away as soon as our tongues met. He tasted dark and sweet like blackberries. When I breathed in his breath, I caught the scent of rich, soft earth after a warm summer rain. Our tongues tangled hungrily. They danced against each other in a rhythm only we seemed to know. Haelian’s arms wrapped around my body, cocooning me in the warmth of his embrace. And between my legs…

  “Oh.” My breath was at a gallop to try and match my heartbeat as Haelian’s cock pressed against my sex. I couldn’t see it, but I could feel it. The shape of it, thick and flat at the tip as he teased it up and down the lips of my pussy. The slickness of his precum as it mixed with my honey, so warm that for a second, all I wanted was for him to bring it up to my mouth so I could taste it on my tongue.

  But then, he finally slipped between my folds and I couldn’t imagine wanting anything more than having him inside me.

  For a second, I was afraid—terrified, even—that I wouldn’t ever want anything else ever again.

  He groaned as his tip forced its way inside me. If I hadn’t been so wet—if my body hadn’t wanted this so damn much—I wasn’t sure that he would have even fit. He moved slowly, like he knew exactly how big he was. Like he knew if he went fast, his thickness would hurt me.


  For a second, I almost wanted to be hurt.

  I tugged him even closer and whimpered with need against his lips. That made his smile return, a curl of his mouth that left his long, sharp fangs pressing against our kiss.

  “I know, precious one.” He turned his head to stroke the side of my cheek with his nose. I could feel him breathing me in as he pressed his cock a little deeper into me, still so slow and measured that I felt like my entire universe was going to fall apart if I didn’t have all of him inside me soon. “I feel it too. But you must be patient. You are so small…”

  Desperately, I shifted my hips up to take another inch of him. My eyes couldn’t change colors the way that Haelian’s could, but when he drew back to look down at me, I made sure he saw the way my need radiated from my gaze anyway.

  “Please,” I breathed. “Please.”

  This time, when his smile came it was dark and devious.

  “Well then,” he purred. “If you insist.”

  I let out a moan as he shifted his pace. We weren’t going inch for inch, little by little anymore. His hips rocked up into me, conquering what he’d been trying to claim so tentatively before. My body moved up to meet his with every thrust, just as hungry for him as he was for me. His shaft didn’t get any narrower, though. If anything, he only thickened.

  I didn’t care. Nothing mattered now except the way his cock pressed deeper and deeper inside me with every motion, the emptiness I felt every time he withdrew and the desperation I felt to have that emptiness filled. Entirely. Completely. By him.

  His tip delved up into me, the flat of it pressing closer and closer to my cervix, and some half-feral little voice inside me was crying out, Yes! There! Yes! Yes! I didn’t know what had come over me, but I wanted it. Needed it. Loved it. My pussy clenched around him wildly like it was trying to swallow Haelian’s cock up whole—in fact, I had a feeling that was exactly what it wanted to do. I wanted him fully inside me, flush with the entrance of my womb, until his cum was gushing up out of his balls and his teeth were snarling against my neck. I wanted him to take me, break me, reshape me into something new and holy and his—only his—and I wanted—

  “Haelian!” I cried out with a shudder. Something at the base of Haelian’s cock had just shifted into me, a series of little bumps that were settled against my G-spot and making my cunt spasm so hard my whole body was clenching up along with it. I clawed at his shoulders, threw my head back, panted for mercy—

  But I didn’t want mercy.

  I wanted him.

  “Mine,” he snarled. Mercy wasn’t on his mind either. “You are mine, Sawyer. All mine—forever mine.”

  Now, every time he withdrew from me, the pressure on my G-spot when he forced his way back in was too much to contain or control. I couldn’t fight it. I didn’t want to.

  Instead, I wrapped my legs around his hips and pulled his
head to my breasts. He left hot, searing kisses over my mounds in between ragged breaths. He was close—I could feel it. So was I. And I needed it—not just my pleasure, but his, too.

  The desperation hit me so hard and so fast, I didn’t know where it had come from or what had caused it. Whether it was something about the glow of the cave all around us, or my own raging hormones, or just the sheer, unfathomable connection I’d felt with Haelian’s strong, hard body ever since I’d first woken up in his arms, I wanted something from him so badly, I didn’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t have it.

  “Haelian,” I whispered as I arched my back and pulled my legs even tighter around his waist. “Come inside me. Please. Please.”

  Immediately, he stiffened. Our gazes locked on each other’s. Mine, as urgent and needy as it had ever been; his, a deep, dark blue that swirled around his irises like a tempest. Then he snarled, claimed another kiss from my lips, and I was sure I had him.

  I was sure that he would give me what I so completely needed. The thing I was craving with every cell in my body, every drop of blood in my veins.

  My pussy spasmed in response. My chest sang and my heart felt so full of joy, it nearly burst.

  “Yes,” I hissed, locking my legs behind his back and tugging him down for another kiss—another, and another. My orgasm, another one, even more powerful than the last, was rising up in me, and Haelian’s cock throbbed inside me, telling me that he would join me as soon as he let himself go.

  And when he did—

  “No,” he gasped suddenly, clenching his jaw and closing his eyes. “No.”

  His hips jerked back so hard, the hold my legs had on his waist was broken in an instant. My pussy was still clenching, sending earthquakes of pleasure though my entire body, but when Haelian joined me, he wasn’t inside me anymore. He pulled out of me breathlessly, gripped the base of his cock and sent rope after rope of hot, slick cum shooting across my stomach, over my tits and all the way up to my neck.

  A ragged cry of my own left my throat. “No! Please, Haelian—no!”

  My lower lip trembled pathetically. Searing tears burned the corners of my eyes, threatening to fall down my cheeks as my orgasm subsided.

  I was completely unhinged. I’d wanted him—needed him—begged him for his cum! So why hadn’t he—

  “Sawyer.” He shook his head and reached up to wipe a tear away from the side of my face as it finally fell from my lower lashes. “Sawyer…I am so sorry. Please, do not cry.”

  “I wanted it, Haelian.” Now that the moment was broken—and Haelian’s cum was all over my body instead of inside my womb—I felt pathetic for complaining. But I had wanted it. Maybe it was stupid but…

  But it just didn’t seem fair.

  “I know, precious thing.” Haelian continued to stroke my face. With his other hand, he smoothed his fingertips over my skin where his cum was now pooling and glistening in the purple glow of the moonlight. His brow was knitted—but if it was with concern for me, or regret, or anger, I couldn’t tell. “I know.”

  “Then why didn’t you give it to me?” My lower lip pushed out in a pout. I felt like an idiot little kid who’d just been told she couldn’t have ice cream for dinner—but I wasn’t some stupid child. I was an adult. The fact that I was lying there covered in Haelian’s cum should have made that clear enough for us both. “I asked for it. Why didn’t you—”

  Slowly, Haelian’s lips curled into another smile. The blue in his eyes hadn’t waned, but there wasn’t just desire in them anymore. There was sympathy, too. “These caves do things to even people of my kind, Sawyer. Intense things. Things that only two true mates can feel between one another.” He sighed—I thought, with regret—but his smile didn’t waver. “Admittedly, it was why I wanted to bring you here—to see if we were compatible…”

  “Is that what I was feeling? Some kind of weird cave magic?” I frowned and scooted into a sitting position. “Well, I think you proved that we’re compatible now, at least.”

  “Yes, I agree.” He chuckled, then shook his head again. “Forgive me, Sawyer. It is not magic that makes lovers feel such things here, I do not think. It is…perhaps, just the atmosphere. Perhaps something in the air. Perhaps the pull of the moons overhead. But whatever it is that does this to us, even for my kind, the reaction that you had to these caves…it was uncommonly strong.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “So you brought me here to get me all drunk on your weird cave-aura…just so you could not come inside me?”

  Haelian held my gaze until my eyes softened. When he looked at me like that—like what I was saying was so silly, I must have been intentionally misunderstanding him—it was hard not to feel like maybe he was right. Was I being ridiculous? Maybe. But I’d wanted him to come inside me so bad…

  “I’m sorry,” I finally said, hanging my head. “I just…I’ve never felt that before. And then when you pulled out, I felt like…” Ugh. My voice was getting smaller and more pathetic by the minute. Just a little while ago, I’d felt like some kind of feral sex goddess. Now, I just felt, well…dumb. “I felt like you didn’t want it too.”

  This time, when Haelian’s laughter came, he threw his head back and roared with it. It bounced off the walls of the cave and echoed around us so loudly, I couldn’t help but giggle along—a little nervously—too.

  “I wanted it, Sawyer. Badly. More than I have ever wanted anything in my life.” He held his fingers up to my lips. The cum he had gathered from my neck on his fingertips clung to his claws, glistening like strands of pure light. “Believe me. I wanted it too.”

  I stared at the cum on Haelian’s fingers for a moment, willing myself not to lick my lips—and failing. Even now, when I was annoyed and restless over what he’d denied me, I was still hungry for him. His cum…it looked good. Too good. Good enough to eat.

  But I wasn’t falling into the trappings of my own desires again that easily. Not until I understood why he hadn’t given me what I’d wanted.

  “Then you should have come inside me, idiot.” I glowered. Sexily, I hoped. Even if I was pouting, I didn’t want him to think I was some kind of stupid brat all over again. “Why did you stop yourself?”

  Haelian moved a claw to my lower lip. He smeared his cum across it, until I couldn’t help but stick my tongue out and lick it clean.

  Holy crap. Even just tasting his cum sent pleasure pinging around in my brain. It barely tasted of anything at all—fresh and clean, just a little bit salty and a little bit sweet—but it took every ounce of restraint I had in me to stop myself from grabbing hold of his wrist and licking all of his fingers clean.

  Chuckling, Haelian wiped the rest of my tears away and wrapped a hand around the back of my head as he folded himself over me again.

  “Maybe I simply wanted to mark you, Sawyer. You must admit…you look beautiful like this, covered in my seed.”

  My clit throbbed at his words. Haelian marking me…okay, yeah. That was hot. And when I looked down at the way his cum was glistening on my bare skin, bathed in the purple moonlight, I had to admit, he wasn’t exactly wrong.

  I felt beautiful. Way more beautiful than I should have felt, anyway. Actually, I felt more glamorous than I had in a long time.

  But he wasn’t getting off that easy.

  Or, I guessed, he wasn’t getting off any more than he already had.

  “Haelian. Come on. Tell me.” This time, I knew my pout was a sexy one by the way the blue swirled in his eyes.

  He leaned down and placed another kiss on my lips—somehow gentle and rough all at once.

  “Or maybe,” he purred as he pulled away. “Maybe I decided to wait until you weren’t so moonstruck by the idea of taking my seed, lovely one. You know what would happen if I spilled it inside you, don’t you? You are in heat. I can smell it on you. And if I had given you what you asked for…”

  “You would have gotten me pregnant,” I breathed. “I…it’s weird, but I can actually feel it. You would have knocked me up, just li
ke that.”

  “I told you, I would never beat you,” Haelian informed me, his gaze suddenly serious. But it softened after a moment. “But, yes, I felt it too. And it did not seem fair, to take you in such a way when you were, ah…when you were as entranced by these caves as you were. I thought, perhaps, it would be taking advantage.”

  He took my hand in his and moved it to my belly. His cum was cooling on my skin now, but it was still pleasantly slippery. Beneath it, my skin was warm and smooth. And beneath that…

  Wow. I could still feel the way my orgasm had shocked through me. I hadn’t just felt it in my pussy. I’d felt it all the way in my core. My womb.

  “I guess I understand,” I relented. “I, um…yeah. Maybe these caves did make me go a little baby crazy.”

  Haelian’s smile was gentle and kind. “Perhaps a little, yes. But please do not misunderstand me, Sawyer. Just because I did not take advantage…it did not mean that I did not want to.”

  Slowly, a grin of my own appeared on my lips. “Maybe we should, um…maybe we should do this again, in that case. Somewhere a little less…crazy-making?”

  Haelian quirked an eyebrow. “Would you like that, treasured one?” He pressed his hand over mine on my stomach, moving his fingers into the spaces between mine. “You would like to lay with me again?”

  I glanced up at the purple quartz ceiling overhead. The moons were already moving out of position now, and the purple glow was fading…but whether it was the caves, or just something inside me that made me want him, that feeling hadn’t changed at all.

  A baby. With an alien warlord. It wasn’t exactly my most sane desire, but…

  But I wanted it just the same.

  “It wouldn’t hurt to find out, would it?” I asked.

  Haelian’s smile grew as broad as I’d ever seen it. “I do not think so, no. But for tonight…” He reached for his shirt and moved the soft linen over my skin, mopping up what was left of his cum before he rose from between my legs. “For tonight, I should get you home. The hour grows late…” His eyes narrowed deliciously. “And I would not want to be tempted to have you again before we leave.”


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