The WindWard Wolves (WindWard Triad Book 3)

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The WindWard Wolves (WindWard Triad Book 3) Page 16

by Noah Harris

  He had astral projected more than once in his life, but never had he felt so connected and yet disconnected from his body. The sight of his two mates pleasuring him while they pleasured themselves, driving all three of them to the edge, blew Johnny’s mind into a wholly different realm. All that existed for him in that moment, was Kell’s body driving down onto his, and Ash’s pushing flush against his as he buried himself deep.

  Tension rose through him, amplifying the pleasure with a sense of dawning ecstasy. Johnny released his grip on Kell’s thighs, moving them to his hips in a fierce grip. Kell cried out as Johnny yanked him down, burying himself deep in the omega. Johnny’s cry echoed his as his orgasm hit, filling his body and mind in cascading waves of pure ecstasy. He came deep, pouring into Kell with light jerks of his hips.

  Strong hands took hold of his thighs, and Johnny’s cry was renewed when he felt Ash shove himself in as deep as he could go. Bowing himself forward so he had to hold tight to Kell, Ash’s face was the picture of pure pleasure. Johnny felt the man’s cock expand inside him, exploding in Johnny. Whimpering, Johnny wriggled his hips, trying to work himself as deep as possible in Kell, while keeping Ash embedded inside him. His cock jerked inside of Kell, his orgasm trickling away, and he felt the last remnants of Ash’s orgasm as the last of his cum filled Johnny.

  Kell slumped, held up only by Ash’s restraining arm. Extracting his arm, Ash gently removed himself from Johnny. It was only as Kell eased himself up carefully, that Johnny saw the spatter of cum along his stomach and chest. Grinning, he pulled Kell down for a firm kiss, grinning lazily as they broke apart.

  “That’s one way to get woken up from a nap,” he told them.

  Ash chuckled. “I’ll give the credit to Kell on this one.”

  Kell flopped beside Johnny, looking content. “I said to wake him up with a blowjob. You’re the one who decided to take it a few extra steps further.”

  “I regret nothing,” Ash said.

  Johnny cleaned himself off completely as the other two settled themselves on the bed. Kell took his customary place between the two alphas, his face the picture of peace. Ash couldn’t decide where to look, his eyes flitting between Kell and Johnny as he lay on his side. Johnny’s previous exhaustion began to work its way back into him as he settled on the bed, bathing in their warmth and scent.

  “I won’t complain,” Johnny said, closing his eyes.

  A sharp cry cut through the peaceful silence of the cottage. Johnny’s eyes flew open as Kell groaned beside him. All three of them had just begun to doze off, jerked out of their peaceful reverie by the cry. It didn’t take more than a second for Johnny to realize it was Alexander this time, but a moment later, Noah’s cry rose up to join his brother’s.

  Johnny pat Kell’s stomach. “Stay here, I’ll get them.”

  Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, Johnny rooted around for his shorts, not even remembering having taken them off. When he found them, he yanked them on and padded out, across the sunlit cottage, to the twin’s room. They were still crying heartily when Johnny reached their cribs.

  Johnny bent over the edge of Alexander’s crib, gathering him up in his arms. “Hey there, you went and woke up your brother.”

  Noah gurgled from the nearby crib, having calmed himself down to fitful noises when he heard Johnny’s voice. Ash was the only one who could guarantee to calm Noah down, much to Kell’s chagrin, but every now and again, someone else would soothe Noah’s crying. Shifting Alexander carefully into the crook of one arm, Johnny scooped Noah up into his other arm.

  “You two just don’t want your daddies to sleep, do you?” He asked them.

  Alexander gave him a wobbly baby smile, reaching out with grasping hands. Johnny bent his face down, letting his son pat his cheeks gently. Smiling softly, he placed a kiss first on Alexander’s cheek, and then upon Noah’s forehead.

  “Everything alright in there?” Kell called across the house.

  Johnny looked down at their children, smirking. “He apparently thinks I don’t know how to take care of you guys without him right here. Well, let’s go see what they’re up to.”

  When he entered their bedroom, Ash and Kell were both sitting on the bed, having pulled on their own shorts. With the warming weather, none of them had bothered with much more than a pair of shorts and occasionally a shirt. Johnny knew when the heat hit in earnest, they were going to be spending a lot of time at the nearby lake rather than in the house.

  Ash brightened. “There’s my boys.”

  As Johnny approached the bed, Noah spotted Ash and began squirming. Chuckling, Johnny leaned in close and let Ash take him before his wriggling became fussing. All three adults loved the twins equally, but the boys were a little more particular. Alexander in general loved to pat Johnny’s face, but loved to watch Kell as he moved around the house. Noah absolutely adored Ash, doing his best to get to Ash whenever he spotted him.

  Kell leaned over Ash to run his hand over the wispy strands on Noah’s head. The baby cooed happily, settling himself down now that he was where he wanted to be. Alexander, meanwhile, was picking his head up to look around the room, as curious as ever. Johnny sidled around the bed to sit down beside Kell, sandwiching him between himself and Ash.

  Kell sighed contentedly. “This is the life.”

  Johnny raised a brow. “What, being sleep deprived and unable to enjoy a post coital cuddle with your mates because a certain couple of children absolutely need our attention immediately?”

  Kell beamed. “Yep!”

  Ash laughed softly, settling himself to lay his back against the headboard. “No one ever said being a parent was going to be easy.”

  “Beats trying to fight off the world,” Kell said.

  Johnny lay his head against Kell’s shoulder as the two men delved into quiet conversation. The twins were gazing up at their father’s in rapt attention, and Johnny would swear they understood the conversation. Their little faces were the picture of total innocence, with a large dose of focus. Sooner than they thought, the boys would be on their own two feet, voicing the thoughts they could only now express in coos and cries. Their whole world had already changed, and it was going to keep changing.

  As he listened to the sounds of his mate’s voices, gazing upon his son’s faces, Johnny found he looked forward to it. He had everything he had ever dreamed of having. No matter what happened, he had his family, and all the love he could ever want.



  The high-pitched laughter of children busy at play drifted through the open window. Kell looked up from the pair of pants he’d been studiously patching. Another squeal of delight came through the window, followed by a far more rugged laugh. Kell smiled as he set the pants down on the table and walked to the window.

  For a moment, he saw nothing, until a red-haired streak shot across the field outside the house. Alexander came hot on the heels of his brother, his face stretched in a wide grin. Kell swore the boy looked more and more like Johnny with every passing day. Ash and Johnny, however, swore he took after Kell in personality. Kell wasn’t so sure about that, but he was willing to indulge the alphas in their delusion. Personally, he thought Alexander’s wild and ever so defiant ways came from Johnny, refusing to admit any such thing about himself.

  He couldn’t deny that Noah almost completely took after him in looks, but his personality and his strong build came from Ash. Noah was by far the quietest of the five of them, but quick with a smile like his alpha father was. Ash wouldn’t admit it, but Kell saw a lot of Ash in the boy’s sensitivity, and most certainly in his patient manner. When it came down to it, Alexander was the ideas guy, and initiator, while Noah was hot on his trail, making sure there wasn’t too big a mess.

  Johnny came jogging into view, a look of bemused pleasure on his face. The past five years had added just a hint of lines on his face, but more warmth. He was still as fit and nimble as ever, and Kell loved watching the sharp wit he possessed flash out
from his eyes every now and then. Unsurprisingly, to Kell anyway, he’d become the more permissive parent, more often than not enjoying or cooperating with Alexander and Noah’s antics. Some days Kell found himself wondering just how many children he was really corralling.

  A thump from behind him drew him away from the window. Ash stood in the doorway, shirtless and with a bundle of firewood under one arm. Inexplicably, age hadn’t seemed to touch the man quite yet, though Kell wondered now and again if he was seeing gray crop up in his mop of blond hair. He was as strong as ever, and his crooked grin still made Kell’s heart beat a little harder when he saw it.

  “Makes you wish you could be out there running around instead of locked up in here slaving away, huh?” Ash asked.

  Kell chuckled. “They had me running around earlier, I came in here to hide. Let Johnny try to run them down, maybe they’ll actually want to go to bed at a decent time tonight.”

  “Oh you know that’s not going to happen, they always find that last minute burst of energy.”

  “How do two five-year old boys manage to run down three full grown adults, two of which are talented and skilled fighters?”

  Ash grinned. “Maya likes to tell me children have an infinite store of energy that they pull from somewhere far more powerful than any adult witch or werewolf could ever dream to find.”

  “Maybe we should get the Coven to research it, do something productive for once besides bothering us constantly.”

  Ash set the bundle next to the fireplace. “Can’t blame them for wanting a little bit of guidance from the WindWard.”

  “And as I’ve told them and the Pack both, I can’t make them behave themselves. They have to figure out how to get along, because I’m not always going to be there to hold their hands.”

  Ash straightened, beckoning Kell closer. “I think you doth protest too much.”

  Kell sidled up closer. “You think so huh?”

  Ash gripped Kell’s hips, yanking him close. “I think, you like that they’re coming to you for advice.”

  Kell cocked his head. “You do, do you? And why would I enjoy being pestered all the time?”

  “Because you like that they’re trying to make things better, and that they value your opinion on the matter. You’ve yelled at them enough up to this point, and now they’re finally listening.”

  It was true, but Kell wasn’t going to give Ash the satisfaction of knowing it. The relations between both Coven and Pack were by no means perfect, but they had improved dramatically in the past few years. Without the Cult pulling strings to orchestrate animosity from the shadows, the Children had made, at first hesitant and then finally bold steps toward building bridges. There was still plenty of bickering, as the two different groups argued and politicked with one another, but Kell liked to think of it as growing pains.

  Ash closed the remaining distance between them, pressing their lips together in a tender kiss. Almost six years of being kissed by him, and Kell still felt his body vibrate with pleasure when their lips met. For all his size and strength, Ash was forever a gentle kisser, slowly building until his self-control broke and he all but mauled Kell in his passion. Kell never got tired of trying to drive the man over the edge, seeing just how long it took until Ash’s willpower wilted.

  There came a synchronized giggling from nearby, separating Ash and Kell. Noah and Alexander stood in the doorway, grinning wide as they stared at them. Johnny was behind them, his grin more of a smirk as he eyed his mates. The three of them were still breathing heavily, with a sheen of sweat across Johnny’s brow.

  “Done causing mischief?” Kell asked.

  Johnny’s eyes sparkled. “Never.”

  Alexander bounded across the living room to hold his cupped hand up to Kell. “Guess what we found?”

  “If it’s something alive that hops or skitters, then you’d better show me and put it back where you found it,” Kell warned him.

  Alexander frowned. “You cheated. Hearing my thoughts is cheating.”

  Kell chuckled. “I don’t need to hear your thoughts Alex, I just need to know you.”

  Noah peered over the back of the couch, watching his brother intently. “It’s a lizard.”

  Alexander sighed dramatically. “Noah, don’t tell! I wanted to scare him!”

  “And who told you that lizards scare me? It’s centipedes I don’t like,” Kell said.

  Alexander wrinkled his nose. “Ew, I hate those.”

  “Good, you bring one of those up to my face and you might find yourself sleeping outside,” Kell warned in mock seriousness.

  “Or having to help Maya again,” Johnny added.

  Noah brightened. “Is she coming for dinner?”

  “She shows up when she wants to,” Johnny said.

  Noah sighed. “Well, maybe if I think about it real hard, she’ll show up. She did the last time.”

  Somehow Kell didn’t doubt that. Despite the WoodWard not having said outright she could read thoughts, she certainly gave the impression of it. Maya had continued living her life exactly as she had done before, albeit with the occasional inclusion of the children. Both her and Earl had taken a shine to the twins. Kell still wasn’t sure what to think of the shaman, but the twins loved him, and Earl positively doted on them.

  In all reality, pretty much everyone who met the boys took to them almost immediately. In some ways, Kell attributed the Children’s acceptance of the Wards and each other in part to the boys. They were the first wolf-witches to be born without the expectation that they would have to choose a side, and it was going to stay that way. Something about the presence of two boys, happy and whole, exactly as they had been born, spoke to the Children in a way that Kell, Ash, and Johnny never could.

  Best of all, the boys were completely free of the worry of the world coming for them. While the humans were still ignorant of the supernatural world that existed beside their own, the world was a little safer for everyone. With the Children making and trying to keep peace, and the Vigil dissolved and useless after years of infighting, the boys had a bright future ahead of them.

  “Show me the lizard and then put him back where you found him,” Kell said.

  Alexander did, and Kell cooed over the terrified creature appropriately. As expected, the boys were positively thrilled at their find, and laughed when Ash pulled away from it. They were still young and thought it hilarious that someone as big and strong as Ash could be bothered by something as small as a lizard.

  “I don’t like the way they move,” Ash mumbled as the boys tore out of the house at the speed Kell swore all children used.

  Johnny chuckled. “You know they do it because you give them the reaction they’re looking for.”

  “I can’t help that I don’t like small skittering things.”

  Shaking his head, Johnny crossed the living room to lay a hand on Ash’s back. The two men stared at one another, one frowning, the other grinning. Ash’s frown began to falter the longer he stared at Johnny, until finally it was a grin to match Johnny’s own. Kell rolled his eyes, pretending to be exasperated at their goofy comradery, even though he adored it. It didn’t matter how much their relationship had changed, becoming romantic and sweet with the years, the two had never lost their boyish friendship.

  Ash gave up, leaning in and kissing Johnny soundly. They were still smiling when they kissed. Johnny reached up, stroking Ash’s chest affectionately before pulling away. Without missing a beat, he gathered Kell up and kissed him as well. Unlike Ash who preferred the slow build, Johnny’s kisses always seemed aimed to steal Kell’s breath. This time was no different, and when they pulled away, Kell found he had to take a deep breath, steadying himself.

  Johnny’s eyes glinted with a hint of promise and Kell’s stomach fluttered in anticipation. It was a little harder to get away to have their fun with the boys in the house, but they always found a way. Sometimes it meant sending the boys off to spend a few hours with Maya, but usually it meant getting some well-earned time in
at night, after they were absolutely sure the twins were asleep.

  Noah’s voice rose through the air, accusatory. “No! You’re supposed to put him back!”

  Johnny sighed, hanging his head. “And there they go.”

  “What do you suppose Alex is trying to do with that poor lizard?” Kell mused.

  Ash shook his head. “God only knows, but I should probably go stop him before he follows through with it.”

  “Eh, I’ll help, it’s probably my fault anyway. I’m the one who pointed out the lizards to them in the first place,” Johnny said.

  Kell smiled, glancing at the table where his half-finished patch job still waited for him. There came a peal of laughter from outside as Noah still found himself amused by his brother’s antics despite his previous warning. It was followed by the deep rumble of Ash’s voice, rife with amusement and just a hint of leeriness. Kell would bet the entire situation was bound to get out of hand when Alex decided to use the lizard to torment Ash, while both Noah and Johnny stood by, doing absolutely nothing to help.

  Grinning, Kell quickly followed in his mate’s footsteps. The housework could wait while his entire world was outside, waiting for him.


  About the Author

  Dear reader,

  I hope you enjoyed The WindWard Wolves.

  It’s always hard writing the end to a series; I truly had a blast writing these character’s and I hope you enjoyed reading about them. Be on the lookout for my Midsummer Moon series, these characters may make an appearance in there, I’m going to give it my all, will include all type of shifters in that series. You will love it.

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