A La Mode

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A La Mode Page 4

by A. D. Herrick

  We hung out in the office for the rest of the night waiting for Tasha’s friend Candy to show up. From what Tasha had told me, her friend was a pastry chef and opening a shop south of Miami. I had a feeling he was edging around asking me to write her a review. I dreaded it actually. I had made it a firm point that I do not under any circumstances write reviews for friends or friends of friends.

  I refused to lie on a review and there was no sense muddying the waters in relationships. I had to figure out a way to let her down gently if she should ask. I was hoping Milo had warned her ahead of time so I wouldn’t have to worry about it.

  By the end of the night, Candy had not shown up. As we were heading out a tall man with a buzzed haircut approached Tasha.

  “Candy left with Angle and Jared. She said she wanted to get an early start tomorrow.” I heard him say.

  “When did she leave?” She asked as she pulled out her phone.

  “She left just before midnight.” She gave her a tight smile.

  “Thanks, Evan.” She gave him a brief hug.

  We all walked out to Milos Range rover. I slid in the back and allowed Tasha to ride up front. She protested at first but I reassured her I was fine with hanging in the back. The truth was, I was curious about this Candy friend of hers. I logged into my Facebook and tracked down Tasha through Milo’s friend's list.

  I nearly head a heart attack when I saw that the woman I was dancing with was wearing a similar outfit and had the same honey-colored blond hair as the woman I was dancing with.

  “Hey, Tasha?” I called to her


  “What was Candy wearing?” I asked

  Tasha turned in her seat to face me.

  “White boy shorts and a White halter top why?” she asked confused.

  “Does she wear Chanel?”

  Tasha’s brows furrowed.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “That’s the woman I was dancing with,” I told her.

  Tasha turned and sank into her seat laughing. That was not the response I was looking for.

  “One in a billion,” she said between fits of laughter.

  “What’s one in a billion?” Milo asked confused as well.

  Tasha just continued to laugh.

  “Just as sec,” She said and pulled out her phone.

  I listened as she put the phone on speaker phone and dialed a number. A groggy voice answered after five rings.

  “What?” The groggy voice said.

  “Hey, did you dance with anyone tonight?” Tasha asked her voice heavy with anticipation.

  “Yeah, I danced with Angel.” I could tell the girl on the other end was annoyed by the line of questioning.

  “Anyone else?” Tasha baited.

  “Some guy I don’t know.” I heard Candy say.

  “What did he look like?” Tasha probed.

  “Fuck, Tosh. I don’t know. He was behind me, had a big dick, and dark blond hair, broad shoulders. Why?” Candy sounded thoroughly annoyed.

  I leaned back in my seat a wide smile plastered on my face. She thought I had a big dick.

  “I was just wondering, that’s all,” Tasha sounded giddy.

  “Angel said he was hot.” Candy offered.

  “What else did Angel say?” Tasha continued to probe.

  “That was it. Then Jared started to get jealous so the subject was dropped. Can I go back to bed now? I’m sleepy and hungover.” Candy plead.

  “Candice, I love you. You can go back to bed if you promise to meet me tomorrow for lunch. I have something I want to tell you.” Tasha said excitedly.

  “Dude, I already figured it out; you’re banging that hot bartender Milo.” Candy said exasperatedly.

  “How do you know?” Tasha asked blindsided.

  “What the hell, you were practically eye fucking one another on the dance floor as you dry humped. And every time.” The phone went silent.

  Tasha had hung up on Candy before anything further could be said but the damage was done. We had all heard. Tasha was totally and crazy head over heels with Milo. Thank fuck. I don’t even know what would have happened if it came out that she wasn’t.

  “Why did you hang up on her?” I asked from the back poking the bear.

  “Shut up, new boy,” Tasha called back.

  I liked her. She was feisty. Milo just chuckled from his seat behind the wheel. A few minutes later we were pulling up to my hotel. I thanked Milo and promised to meet him for lunch and bid both he and Tasha a good night.

  I planned to spend the rest of my night checking out this Candy girl. From what I gathered the guy she was getting down with on the dance floor was gay. I hoped that was right. I had a taste for something sweet, that something being Candy.

  Chapter Five


  I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing off the hook. Reaching over my hand fumbled around the nightstand in search of the phone. Without looking I answered it and pulled it to my ear.

  “Wake up, babe. We’re meeting for lunch in an hour.” Tasha’s voice was chipper and alert.

  I groaned and covered my eyes with my hands. I needed to be at the shop getting things ready. I couldn’t believe I had overslept.

  “Okay, but then I need to get down to the shop. Please tell me it’s casual. Where are we eating?” I asked. My eyes still closed as I stifled a yawn with the back of my hand.

  “Well, I was hoping for something slightly upscale. Meet me at Donte’s in an hour, dress cute.” She said and hung up before I could respond.

  I jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. Donte’s was beyond upscale, it was elite. I can’t believe she would throw this at me with only forty minutes to get ready. I jumped into the shower and made quick work of getting ready.

  I quickly blow dried my hair as I thought about what to wear. I needed something I could wear out to lunch as well as in the shop as I prepped for Monday’s grand opening.

  A part of me wished I hadn’t gone out. There was still so much to do to get ready. I didn’t have near enough time. Once my hair was mostly dried I ran a few squirts of texturized through it and called it done. My hair fell in waves down my back but thankfully didn’t look limp and dead. I made sure to stash a few hair ties in my car for days like these in which I didn’t have time for an elaborate yet functional up do.

  I kept my makeup minimal and just threw on a neutral shadow, lined my eyes and applied my mascara and a pink gloss. I dabbed on a little blush and called myself done. Running into the bedroom I threw open my closet door and pulled out the first pair of pants I saw.

  I slipped on the white slacks knowing I would regret it later and fished out a coral flowing top. It was a sleeveless boat neck top but I loved the bright color and how it stood out against the white slacks. I threw on a few gold and coral dangling necklaces to dress up the plain shirt and slipped on a pair of coral heels. I topped the whole look off with a few matching bracelets and a pair of dangling gold earrings and grabbed my white purse. I filled it with my wallet and extra hair ties. I looked myself over, impressed with the quick overhaul.

  I looked cute enough to pass muster and all I needed to do was pull my hair back and remove my jewelry and I would be set to work in the shop. I dabbed on a little perfume and left the apartment with three minutes to spare.

  I pulled up to Donte’s right on time. I gave the hostess my name. the young woman gave me a tight smile and lead me to a private dining room in the back of the restaurant. I ignored her coldness and followed her.

  Tasha was sitting at a table with Milo and a man with dark blonde hair. His back was to me so I couldn’t see his face. As soon as Tasha spotted me she jumped up and rushed over to wrap me in her arms.

  Tasha looked stunning in a white maxi dress that dropped down to her ankles and had a slit that came mid-thigh paired with a bold red cardigan, her long dark hair was pulled up in a high ponytail and she was wearing a pair of red heels.

  “Finally, I thought you would never make it.�
� She gushed.

  I stepped back from her and looked at the time on my phone. It’s 11:59, I’m one minute early.” I cocked an eyebrow at her.

  She waved her hand brushing away my comment. Taking me by the hand she led me to the table.

  “Candy, you remember Milo.” Tasha motioned to the sexy man at the table.

  I shot Milo a friendly smile as he stood and walked over to me, his hand outstretched. I took his hand and gave it a friendly shake. He was gorgeous in his white dress shirt. His bright green eyes sparkled.

  “And this is Milo’s best friend, Patton.” Tasha motioned to the blonde man that was at the table across from Milo.

  The man was now standing beside Milo. Both of them were well over six feet tall. The blond man had the most gorgeous whiskey colored eyes with flakes of amber in them. He smiled brightly at me. My world began to spin on my axis and I realized who I was staring at.

  It was Patton Blake, the man of my dreams and many of my fantasy’s. Actually every fantasy I can remember having starred Patton Blake. I smiled brightly at him and shook his outstretched hand. I felt a zip of electricity as soon as his skin touched mine. I watched as his eyes widened. I could tell he felt it too.

  “Let’s sit,” I heard Tasha say.

  I hadn’t realized that both she and Milo had already taken their seats. I politely withdrew my hand from Patton’s and gave him a polite smile. He seemed to take the message. He placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me to my seat, pulling out my chair for me. I was still in shock.

  Tasha kicked me under the table. I looked up and caught her mouthing “One in a billion,” I smiled and shook my head. My head was still a spinning mess. I couldn’t believe I was having lunch with thee, Patton Blake.

  “What’s good here?” Patton asked to no one in particular.

  Tasha spoke up before anyone else could speak.

  “Candy prefers the Lamb Chop Masala whereas I prefer the Fish Nilgiri.”

  Patton seemed to think over her suggestions as he looked at the menu.

  The waiter came out with our drinks. I opened my mouth to speak but Tasha cut me off.

  “I ordered for you since you were late.” She shot me a wink.

  “Thank you,” I gave her a curt smile.

  Milo watched the exchange between us with a wide smile. I shot him a questioning look which caused him to smile brighter. He glanced at Tasha and then to me and Patton, who was still studying the menu.

  “We have an announcement,” Milo called out attention to him. I watched as Tasha placed her hand in his.

  “We are getting married,” Tasha said happily.

  My jaw dropped to the floor as I started at the two of them. They looked happy but they had not been dating long.

  “Babe, how long have you even been dating?” I asked genuinely concerned.

  “Five years last week,” Tasha said proudly.

  I sat back in my seat and let her words wash over me. She had been lying to me for five years. She never once mentioned Milo in all that time.

  “What about,” I started.

  “I made them up. Milo owns the club. We started dating after I got a job there and have been dating all this time.” She confessed and answered my question.

  I had assumed all this time that she was against settling down and that she had numerous flings. Now she tells me they are all made up. I couldn’t believe it. I felt like everything was a lie and my world was swimming. Did she know that Patton was Milo’s best friend? Had she known all this time?

  I stood up and walked out of the restaurant straight to my car. As soon as I reached the driver’s side door a hand landed on my shoulder. I whirled around to lay into Tasha and came face to face with Patton’s chest. He had my purse in his hands. In my haste to escape, I had completely forgotten my purse which housed my keys, phone, and wallet.

  “You will need this.” He said quietly as he held my purse out to me.

  “Did you know?” I asked.

  He shook his head.

  “I just got into town last night. I met Tasha for the first time at the club. I knew he was dating a girl but that was all I knew.” I saw the sincerity in his eyes.

  I licked my lips and nodded my head. I believed him.

  “Look, how about I come with you and we go grab some real food.” He gave me a lopsided grin.

  I couldn’t believe Patton Blake wanted to go grab a bite of food with me. I know he was just being sympathetic and that he was also blindsided. But all the same, I couldn’t believe it. I gave him a quick nod.

  “Get in,” I unlocked the doors and slid into the driver’s seat.

  Once Patton was in I started the car. My Charger was a gift to myself when I got the job at La Rue. It was my baby; I couldn’t imagine driving anything else. I watched Patton out of the corner of my eye as he examined my car. I bet he thought I would be driving a Prius or a VW Bug.

  “What are you I the mood for?” I asked Patton, still floored that I was sitting beside my dream guy. I couldn’t believe he was real and here with me.

  “I have no clue. I haven’t been to Miami in eight years, you choose. I’m sure whatever you pick will be fine.” I looked over at him and arched an eyebrow.

  “Okay,” I was in the mood for comfort food. Patton Blake was just going to have to suck it up.

  I took Patton to one of my favorite restaurants. Zeks, it was a Greek restaurant that served the best Moussaka I had ever eaten. We pulled into the back alley and I parked against the dark brick building. I grabbed my bag and called for Patton to follow.

  I could see the confusion on his face but he followed me anyway. I always entered Zeks through the back. I had a special table that was always mine. I had been coming here since I was a teen and found the place. Patton followed me through the busy kitchen and into a room in the back through to the dining room. People shouted their hellos as we pass. I smiled and waved at them.

  When we reached my private table in the back of the dining room Patton looked thoroughly confused and amazed.

  “This is a restaurant?” he asked more to his self.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “People know you here?” He sounded bewildered.

  I decided to put him out of his misery.

  “I have been coming here since I was a teen. The restaurant is family owned and everyone knows me here. As for the menu, everything is good but their Moussaka is the best you will ever taste in your life.” I promised.

  Patton cocked a brow and gave me a cocky smile.

  “I’ll have you know, Greek is my favorite cuisine and Moussaka is my favorite.” I watched as his tongue glided along his lower lip. My eyes transfixed. I swallowed hard.

  “Good, then we can order.” I shot him an uneasy smile.

  Athena came over just in time to take our orders. She set two glasses of tea in front of us without asking and two glasses of water.

  “Where have you been, child?” She asked, bending down to engulf me in her arms. I hugged her back tightly.

  “I have been busy with the shop, we open tomorrow. Tasha is getting married.” I gave her a watery smile.

  “How?” She asked the same question anyone that knew Tasha would ask.

  “Apparently they have been dating for the past five years,” I explained.

  Athena tsked and shook her head. Her hands rested on her hips.

  “She just now told you,” It was a statement, not a question. I nodded my head.

  “Who is this handsome gentleman you have with you?” She asked taking stock of Patton.

  “This is Patton; he is a friend of Tasha’s fiancé, Milo,” I explained.

  Athena wrapped Patton in a firm embrace. I held my breath waiting for him to shove her away or complain. I was surprised when he hugged her tightly. The man amazed me.

  His reviews were direct and often rude. In the interviews I had watched of him he was assertive and outspoken often downright ruthless. I often found him narcissistic and callous. I
expected this dominant opinionated man and so far I had come up with the complete opposite. He wasn’t critical or cruel. He seemed quiet, thoughtful and sincere.

  “Is this the man that left that mark on your neck?” Athena chided pulling me out of my analyzation of Patton.

  I blushed and looked down at the table unable to meet her eyes.

  “Yes,” Patton answered.

  My eyes shot up to meet his. I had forgotten the mark left on my neck by the man in the club. I couldn’t believe that Patton was taking credit for it to keep me out of hot water.

  “You take care of her and treat her like a lady.” Athena threatened Patton.

  Patton gave her a warm smile and nodded his head.

  “I plan on it.”

  “Do you know what you want to eat?” Athena asked Patton. She already knew what I would be having.

  I spoke for Patton not giving him a chance to order.

  “Bring him the same as me. I think he will enjoy it.”

  Athena shot me a wink and went back to the kitchen to give them our order.

  “Ordering for me, huh?” Patton asked. I saw the glimmer in his eyes and knew he wasn’t upset.

  “You will love it, trust me.” I smile at him proudly. “Why did you tell Athena you marked me?” I asked.

  “Because I did,” He deadpanned.

  I looked at him confused.

  “Milo asked me to follow him to find you and Tasha. I got held up and by the time I found him he was wrapped around Tasha and was too busy to talk. I saw you standing there and you looked sexy as hell and I couldn’t help myself. I had to dance with you.” He looked away and I could have sworn I saw him blush.

  I knew I was doing some blushing of my own.

  “Did you know who I was?” I asked.

  “Not a clue. Milo tapped on my shoulder and told me we had to go find you. That’s why I left. When I saw you dancing with another I left it at that.” He admitted.

  “He’s gay, just so you know. He is my normal dance partner.” I didn’t know why I admitted it but I felt that it needed to be out there.

  Patton smile widened.

  “Yeah, I heard.” He shot me a wink.

  Neither of us said anything. We just watched one another across the table. His eyes kept wandering down to my lips. I could feel our bodies being pulled into one another across the table. My eyes kept dropping down to his lips.


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