A La Mode

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A La Mode Page 7

by A. D. Herrick

  “Did you ever think that maybe that’s why I like her?” I asked irritated that she was trying to keep me from Candy.

  “She has never had a boyfriend, gone to first, or second base let alone third base with a guy. She is a good girl.” She implored.

  “I think you are mistaken.” I deadpanned.

  “No, I’m not. I have known her my whole life. Whatever the two of you have going on right now is the most she has ever done with anyone. I don’t want her getting hurt when you blow out of town.” She said, her voice raising an octave.

  “And what makes you think I’m just going to blow out of town?” I asked now angry.

  She stepped in even closer.

  “I have been with Milo for over five years and never once have you stopped in to see him. That is evidence enough for me.” She spits out.

  “That’s funny. The best friend that you love so much didn’t even know you were in a relationship, let alone one that has been going on for five fucking years.” I loomed over her daring her to protest.

  “Back away from her or I swear you will regret it.” She jabbed a finger in my chest.

  “What’s going on?” Candy called confused by the scene unfolding in front of her.

  “Nothing, Babe,” I walked over to her and pulled her into my arms.

  She tentatively wrapped her arms around me. Her chin rested on my chest as she looked into my eyes. I could see confusion clouding her eyes. Her forehead wrinkled with worry. I pulled her lips to mine and gave her a sweet kiss.

  “We were just having a small disagreement. But I think we worked it out.” I caressed her cheek with the back of my hand.

  “How are things out there?” I asked, distracting her from the scene she walked in on.

  “It’s good,” She smiled brightly. “Amber and Allie are doing a fantastic job out there. I just came back here to start on some more tarts and candies. Want to help?” She asked eagerly.

  How could I resist her bright smile and warm eyes? I kissed her fully on the lips, pouring all of my want and need into it. Candy moaned and I swallowed the sound. We broke apart when Tasha barreled past us, her shoulder ramming into mine.

  “What the hell Tosh?” Candy called after her friend.

  Tasha didn’t stop. She continued out the door. Candy’s face marred with worry and concern for her friend.

  “Babe, let’s get these dishes out and prep for tomorrow. Let Tasha cool down.” I urged her.

  “I don’t even know what she is mad about.” I could hear the stress and confusion in her voice.

  I knew why she was mad but I didn’t know how to tell Candy. I was torn. I didn’t want to see her suffer knowing her friend wanted me gone and yet she would suffer from not knowing.

  “Do you have time to sit?” I asked her.

  My mind had been made up. If I could shed some light on the situation for her I would. Candy nodded her head. I pulled out a seat for her at the prep table.

  “Tasha asked me to leave you alone,” I admitted.

  “But why?” Her voice was strained and full of confusion.

  “She said she didn’t want me to…” I struggled for the right words. “Take your innocence and blow out of town,” I said finally.

  Candy’s face flushed. I couldn’t tell if it was embarrassment or anger. She stood up from her seat and walked away. I watched as she started pulling out mixing bowls and ingredients, slamming them on the table one by one.

  I had no ideas what to do so I just stood there and watched her work. I would be there if she needed me. I had absolutely no experience with females outside of the bedroom.

  Chapter Nine


  I was livid and completely mortified. How could Tasha tell him about me? She had most definitely crossed a line exposing my secrets. If I had wanted him to know I would have told him. I had planned to tell him. I didn’t know how but that didn’t matter anymore. Tasha had just bulldozed in and did it for me.

  I couldn’t believe she told him to go away. What kind of friend does that? She knew he was my one in a billion. She knew that if I was going to give it up to anyone it would be him. Why would she try and ruin this for me? Was this payback for not rejoicing in her five years of lying to me?

  I took my frustration and anger out on the bowls and pans I threw on the counter. I buried my head against the door to the walk-in refrigerator and steadied my breath. I needed to calm down. I would not let Tasha ruin what had begun to be the happiest day of my life. It was my grand opening and I have Patton freakin’ Blake in my kitchen and in my bed none the less.

  I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind and I sank into them willingly. My whole body seemed to collapse into his. Patton didn’t say anything. He just held me and let me regain my center. How could a man I have known less than twenty-four hours have such an overwhelming effect on my mind and my body?

  “Okay, we are going to get started on more tarts, mousse, and candies. Then we can get out of here. Allie and Amber know what they are doing. This isn’t their first rodeo. They will be prepping the dough for tomorrow and get everything put up.” I said.

  It was nearly five and I was ready for a shower, food, and bed. Patton gave me one quick squeeze and released me.

  “What would you like me to do?” He asked.

  I thought about it carefully.

  “If you can prep the fruit like I showed you this morning that would be great,” I said.

  I pulled open the door to the walk-in fridge and Patton followed me in. I watched as he loaded his arms with kiwi and berries. I grabbed the ingredients I needed and followed him to the prep table.

  “You know. I never thought cooking would be fun. But I’ve had a great time with you today.” Patton said.

  “Well, Mr. Blake, perhaps you will now have a greater appreciation of the work that goes into your meals,” I said without inflection.

  Patton smiled up at me and winked.

  “Perhaps.” He said.

  That man would be the death of me.

  “Are you going to be making quiche?” He asked.

  “For you?” I asked confused.

  “For the shop” He replied.

  “I hadn’t considered it.”

  “You make an amazing quiche. I think you should add it to the menu.” He said without looking up.

  Did I just receive a compliment from Patton Blake? The world must have just stopped spinning.

  “Did you just compliment me?” I asked. My eyes focused on mixing the filling for my tarts.

  I was afraid of what I would see in his eyes so I kept them trained on the bowl in front of me. I would have to prep the jelly next and get it going on the stove.

  “Miss Frye. That was most definitely a compliment.” He stated.

  My eyes flashed up to meet his. I could see the heat in his eyes and it sent a shiver down my spine.

  I cleared my throat and turned to the shells I had prepped earlier in the morning.

  “Is what Tasha said true?” Paton asked.

  I felt like my world stood still. Would he be disappointed? Angry? Annoyed? I didn’t know. This was completely uncharted waters for me.

  “Yes,” I stammered.

  “Why?” His question stunned me.

  “What do you mean ‘why’?” I asked.

  “What I mean is… is there a particular reason?” He seemed to stammer over his words.

  “Would you prefer the truth or a story?” I asked.

  It’s better to peel the band-aid off quickly, I suppose.

  “I would hope for the truth.” He said.

  I looked up to meet his eyes. It was like ripping off a band-aid, I told myself.

  “I never felt the desire to be with anyone. I didn’t feel a spark or a tingling, nothing. It never bothered me either. Tasha kept on me to get out there and give it a try. She wanted me to at least attempt to get into a relationship or at least get laid.” I took a deep breath. His eyes never left mine.

  “So w
hen Tasha kept pushing me I told her I was saving myself for you. That started her on a whole different tirade and she told me that my chances of being with you were one in a billion.” There I said it. I got it all out there.

  Patton stood there blankly. I squirmed under his heavy gaze. My nerves were eating me up and I felt nauseous. Before I could break away he was closing the distance between us.

  Patton wrapped me in his arms and kisses me hard. His tongue begged for entrance. I parted my lips and allowed him in. his tongue sought out mine as he deepened the kiss. My arms wrapped around his neck and drew him in closer to me. His hands gripped my ass firmly. I felt his cock stiffen between us.

  Reluctantly he released me. Already I missed his touch and his arms around me.

  “Let’s get this prep work done so I can get you home.” He shot me a cocky wink.

  We worked side by side diligently as we prepped for the following morning. I was grateful to have Allie and Amber in my life. We had worked together at La Rue and they were eager to get out of the restaurant and work for me. Their hours had been slashed at La Rue and they were both ready for a steady paycheck.

  Chapter Ten


  I couldn’t believe what Candy was telling me. She was a virgin and had saved herself for me. Yes, I understood that she primarily used me as an excuse but I preferred to think of it as she was saving herself for me.

  I shouldn’t have taken it so personally but I did. It felt like an honor and a challenge. I also understood why Tasha had been so adamant about me leaving Candy alone. I knew without a doubt that I could not take her virtue. I would feel like a complete asshole for taking something she had held on to for so long and then turn around and leave.

  I needed to put the brakes on whatever was happening between me and Candy. I had to watch my step and tread lightly. The last thing I wanted was for her to feel that I was brushing her off because she was a virgin. It was that and so much more.

  As much as I wanted to stay with her and see where this thing between us goes I knew myself. I couldn’t settle down and most definitely couldn’t settle down in Miami. Tasha’s words had woken me up from my daze and Candy just confirmed it. Already I felt like a dick for what I was about to do.

  I had finished my prep work that Candy assigned to me. It was now or never. I needed to make a clean break.

  “Is there anything else you need me to do?” I asked.

  I hoped my voice sounded nonchalant.

  “No, I think that’s it. I just have a few more things to do.” She said looking up at me.

  Her face lit up with a smile. My stomach felt like I swallowed a bucket of rocks. This was going to be fucking hard. I needed to man up and get out of here.

  “I’m going to take off,” I said softly.

  My heart broke as I watched the smile slide off her face.

  “Oh, okay. Do you need a ride?” She offered.

  “No, I’ll catch a cab,” I said.

  I needed to touch her one last time.

  I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her holding her close to me. I felt her small delicate arms wrap around me, holding me tightly. I didn’t want to let her go but I knew that I would only hurt her if I stayed. There was nothing I could do but to let her go now before either one of us got hurt in the end. I laid a kiss to the crown of her head and left the shop.

  I pulled out my phone and called Milo. Thankfully he answered on the third ring.

  “What did you do?” He bellowed into the phone.

  “I haven’t done anything.” I retorted.

  “Why has Tasha spent the day crying if you hadn’t done anything?” He asked angrily.

  “Have you even thought to ask your girlfriend? Or were you too ready to blame me?” I bit the words out furiously.

  “She won’t talk to me.” I could hear the stress in his voice.

  “Come pick me up in SoHo. I’m walking to the park down here.” I said.

  “Why are you not riding back with Candy?” He asked confused.

  I was surprised that he knew where I was. Apparently, Tasha had done some talking.

  “It’s a long story and I need a drink,” I said defeated.

  “I’m on my way. You better start talking once I get there.” Milo threatened.

  I walked through the park and let the events of the past twenty-four hours wash over me. I was so confused about the whole situation. I knew it was entirely too soon to be in love with Candy. However, I did feel such strong emotions toward her. She was like no woman I had ever met before. Already I missed her and I hadn’t even been gone for fifteen minutes.

  I spent twenty minutes walking around the park before Milo called to let me know he had made it. I climbed into his truck and closed my eyes. I was prepared for him to start laying into me.

  “Why do you look like shit?” He asked.

  I was not expecting that question. Hell, I hadn’t realized that I looked like shit.

  “Fuck off.” I shot back.

  “Okay, I came to pick your sorry ass up. Now tell me what the hell is going on.” He said.

  Milo shifted the truck into reverse and pulled out of the parking lot.

  “Let’s go to Mike’s,” I urged.

  “Fine, now talk.” He said.

  I groaned but complied.

  “Well, I was having a grand tome with Candy when your girl Tasha decided to break up the party. She told me to stay away from Candy. Apparently, Candy didn’t take too well to it.” I said.

  “There is more to it than that. Why did Tasha tell you to stay away from candy?” He asked.

  “Apparently she assumes I will steal Candy’s innocence and leave her an emotional wreck,” I replied.

  “What do you mean her Innocence?” He asked confused.

  “Dude,” I shot him a look.

  “No fucking way?” He asked in shock.

  I felt like a dick for sharing Candy’s most intimate details but I knew that Milo wouldn’t understand otherwise.

  “Why does Tasha think you would steal her innocence and leave her?” He asked confused.

  “The hell if I know. Apparently, my girl said I was the only man she would give it up for and your girl told her she had a one in a billion chance to get with me. So, when I did show up on the scene your girl flipped her shit.” I said exasperatedly.

  Milo scrubbed his face with his hands.

  “Fuck,” He said.

  I agreed with him. What a huge fucking mess over absolutely nothing.

  “So why are you catching a ride with me and not with Candy?” Milo asked.

  “I didn’t want Tasha to be right. What if things progressed and I left her and broke her heart? You know I’m not a sure thing. I haven’t been to Miami in years. My job has me flying all over the country.” I inhaled deeply and blew it out. “You know I haven’t had the same piece of ass since Sarah. What makes you think I could start now?” I asked.

  “Did you ever spend this much time with a woman without fucking her?” He asked.

  “Of course not,” I bellowed.

  I had never even stayed the night with a woman. I was in and out before they knew what hit them.

  “Did you stay the night with her last night?” He asked.

  “Yes, you know I did,” I replied sharply.

  I had called him while she was in the shower and let him know where I was.

  “Where did you sleep?” He asked.

  His line of questioning was really pissing me off.

  “In bed with her,” I said curtly.

  “Why all the questions?” I asked.

  “Just answer them and shut up.” He sneered.

  “Did you fuck her last night?” He asked.

  He was really starting to piss me off now.

  “No, I didn’t fuck her,” I said, now livid.

  “What did you do all day?” He asked.

  “I fucking went into the shop with her. We got everything ready for her grand opening and prepped.”
I said pissed.

  “Okay, so you spent the entire day with her yesterday working in the kitchen, you stayed the night with her last night and didn’t touch her and then you spent the day with her again in the shop. Please tell me how she is like all of the other girls.” He said firmly.

  His words nearly bowled me over. And Milo gets a strike.

  “She is nothing like the other girls,” I whispered.

  He was right. She was nothing like any woman I had ever encountered. I couldn’t promise her I would stay or that I wouldn’t break my heart. Just like I knew she couldn’t promise me the same. But I could see if she was willing to see how things went. We had two months to figure it all out. Two months to get to know one another.

  “Fuck you, Milo,” I said.

  Milo just laughed. Milo threw the truck in park and I looked up to see that we were nowhere near Mike’s. We were in front of Candy’s apartment building.

  “I’ll hang out here just in case she the woman has enough sense to throw your ass out,” Milo said, punching me in the arm.

  “Fuck you,” I barked at him and bounded out of the truck.

  I raced in the front door and up the three flights of stairs. No wonder she had a nice firm ass. These stairs were murderous.

  Chapter Eleven


  I had just walked in the door and put my things away when I heard someone pounding on my door. Apparently, Tasha didn’t waste any time coming to rub my nose in the fact that she was right. I yanked the door open and felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach.

  Patton stood at the door propped up by the door jam. His breathing was labored and I could tell he had just run up the flight of stairs. I immediately remembered that he had left his bag in my apartment and his computer. My heart sank further at the realization. He wasn’t here for me. He was here for his things.

  “May I come in?” He asked through labored breaths.

  I opened the door wider and backed out of the way, granting him entrance. Patton surprised me by pinning me against the wall, his hands fisting my hair as his lips crashed down on mine. His foot kicked the door shut as his tongue massaged and caressed mine. My hands fisted his shirt pulling him in closer to me. I couldn’t get enough of him.


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