Lucy's Journey Home (Hunter's Ridge)

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Lucy's Journey Home (Hunter's Ridge) Page 2

by Maggie Ryan

  He dropped his hands to her bottom, taking a well-rounded cheek in each of his hands. She whimpered and went up onto her toes as he gave each cheek a squeeze.

  “Ahhh,” she moaned, his hands reawakening the pain from the intense switching he had given her the day before.

  “Is your little bottom still sore from your switching?” he asked though he knew it was. Her face colored with her embarrassment. She simply nodded and then gave another sharp squeal when one hand released her cheek only to apply a crisp swat against her flank.

  “I expect a proper answer, young lady,” Lucas said. “I don’t care to either repeat the question or guess at your answer.” Lucy squirmed a bit when his hand once more took hold of her bottom.

  “Ye…yes, Papa,” she whispered. “It’s…it’s very sore, Papa.” Lucas nodded and after giving her bottom a final squeeze, released his hold. Her relief was obvious as she sighed and put her feet flat onto the floor.

  “I find it ironic that you don’t seem to have any problem with interrupting your elders, little one, and yet seem to have difficulty remembering to verbally answer my questions. Until you learn these simple rules, I’m afraid your bottom will continue to be quite sore, Lucille,” Lucas said, though his tone indicated he wasn’t truly sympathetic. “Naughty little girls who don’t pay attention to their Papas, and continue to interrupt adult conversations after being chastised rather severely only a day earlier, can expect to have hurtful bottoms and legs.” Lucy closed her eyes, the memory of the switching returning full force. It had been the most painful lesson her husband had given her. Discovering they were to leave Wintercrest to travel to her husband’s home at Hunter’s Ridge, she had thrown a huge tantrum. Her behavior caused him to not only switch her bare bottom but to take a second switch to the backs of her legs when she ran from him. Thinking about the punishment caused her legs to immediately begin to itch under her stockings. She shuffled her feet in discomfort. Lucas was silent as he turned her around and moved her a bit away from him.

  “Lift your dress,” he ordered. Lucy felt her heart begin to hammer in her chest and she turned her head to look over her shoulder, her eyes beseeching him not to ask her to bare herself in this manner. Lucas said nothing, his left eyebrow simply rising as if asking if she truly wanted to question his authority. Lucy immediately turned her head back around, her face flushed as her hands moved to drag her dress up to her waist. She felt her stomach tingle as it always did when he ordered her to do shameful things. Though her response had been far too hesitant, Lucas was proud of her obedience. She was learning, and that was what really mattered to her new husband who was also her new Papa.

  “That’s my good girl,” he said as she held her dress at her waist. He quickly added the bulk of her petticoats to her hands so that she was standing before him with only her drawers and stockings covering her from the waist down. She felt his hands on the tie of her drawers and couldn’t stop a small sound of distress. Lucas ignored her discomfort as he untied the ribbon and then slowly pulled her drawers to her ankles.

  “Step out,” he ordered, and when she did as he required, he picked up the garment and laid it on the bed beside him. He ran his hands over the rows of ruffles that adorned the seat, smiling as he thought of how precious his little one looked wearing the extremely childish drawers. He found he was constantly amazed at how Eleanor Summers managed to find just the right type of clothing to make her special little adult women look so much like precious, pampered girls far younger than their actual age. The ruffled drawers were but one example of the childish clothing that his bride would always wear. He turned his attention back to his wife. Her bottom gave testament to the extent of her soreness. Though the skin of her bottom and thighs had returned to its normal, pale color, thin welts still decorated the surface of her skin. Lucas knew it would be another few days until all evidence of her thorough switching had disappeared.

  Lucy tried to remain as still as possible as her husband removed the ribbons that held her stockings above her knees and rolled them down. The white stockings joined her drawers on the bed after she slipped out of her shoes that were childish flats instead of the modern boots worn by most women. Nude from the waist down, she shut her eyes as tightly as possible knowing he was able to see evidence of more than her discipline when his hands gently guided her feet apart. Lucas smiled, his cock rising in his pants at the sight before him. Though her entire backside, from the fullest part of her bottom to the tops of her ankles, was lined with thin welts, she was very slippery between her parted thighs and looked incredibly beautiful to her Papa.

  “Does that feel better?” he asked, as if his only concern had been for her comfort. Lucy was highly embarrassed but had to admit that removal of the garments also removed some of the horrid itching.

  “Yes, Pa…Papa,” she said softly. “Tha…thank you.” Lucas allowed his hands to lightly trace a few of the welts before cupping her switched cheeks.

  “I hate to see such marks upon you, Kitten,” he said and Lucy shuddered at his words as well as from what his fingers were doing as they traced the marks that he had put on her bottom. “I fear your bottom shall always bear some trace of your naughtiness until you learn to be my good little girl,” Lucas said as he continued to rub his fingertips against the evidence of his words. You were a very naughty little girl yesterday and it seems you still have many lessons to learn.” He paused for a moment feeling her shudder under his ministrations. She yelped loudly when his hand lifted and then descended on her bottom with a loud, crisp smack.

  “Turn around and bend over the bed, Lucille,” he instructed, turning her gently. Lucy wanted to beg for him to not spank her. Just the thought of his hand swatting her bare bottom again caused tears to fill her eyes. She turned her head to look back at him again, her eyes welling, her plea evident without needing to voice it. Lucas gave a single shake of his head. “This is not the first time you’ve been disciplined about interrupting, is it, Kitten?” Lucy bowed her head as she bent across the bed, her hands reaching out to grip the surface of the bedspread.

  “No, Papa,” she whispered remembering being gagged with Uncle Edward’s handkerchief for exactly that reason.

  “As I said before, you will have many lessons to learn, Lucille. However, you will also learn that if a lesson needs to be repeated, the lesson will be much harder on this poor, beautiful little rump.” Lucy blushed hotly, knowing he was looking down at her bottom even as she felt his fingers lightly trace a welt. “Up onto your toes, Lucille, legs apart. Lift that naughty bottom up for your Papa.” Lucas removed his hand and watched as his little child-bride did as he instructed, her bottom lifting and pushing out as if seeking the punishment she knew she had coming.

  It didn’t take long before she was bawling into the bed, her cries muffled yet audible as her Papa’s hand swatted again and again against her bare bottom. Each crisp swat cracked with a sharp sound that didn’t have time to fade before another joined the chorus. Lucy’s bottom bobbed up and down and twisted from side to side as her spanking continued. Lucas placed one hand at the small of her back, his touch causing her bottom to lift as he instructed her to remain still.

  “Papa… please, plea… ” Lucy pleaded as his swats became both faster and harder. “It hurts!” she yelled, her head lifting as she wailed when he began to spank the most sensitive area where her bottom met her thighs, each swat lifting her bottom and reddening the crease of her sit-spot.

  “It is a spanking, Lucille,” Lucas said as he gave her sit-spot another round. “It is supposed to hurt and burn your bum. Perhaps you will learn to give adults the proper respect and remain silent until they are finished speaking. Lift your bottom higher, Lucille, or do I need to get your paddle?” Lucy shook her head furiously, her bottom straining to lift as high as possible for her Papa. Lucas smiled at her instant obedience and resumed her spanking. He covered her entire bottom once more before stepping away and looking down at her hot little posterior. He could feel the heat e
manating from its surface.

  “You may stand,” he said softly after giving her a few moments to compose herself. Lucy pushed herself up and stepped back. As she stood, her clothing slid down and she gave a soft moan as the fabric brushed against her hot rear. Even though she had been given only a hand spanking, her previous punishment made her bottom feel as if she had been paddled or strapped and had begun to burn from the very first swat.

  “Th…thank you, Papa,” she said shakily. “I’m very sorry, Papa.”

  “You haven’t been told to cover yourself, Lucille,” he said firmly. She nodded, again feeling her face burn remembering he also liked to simply look at her body and expected her to remain however he placed her until given permission to either move or cover her nakedness. She pleased him by immediately bending, a soft moan escaping at the pull of the movement against her newly spanked bottom, to lift her dress and petticoats up to her waist to expose that same hot bottom. Her face burned as he told her to gather the front of her clothing as well but obeyed until she was totally exposed, front and back from the waist down. “Legs apart,” Lucas said softly, loving the look in her eyes. She was both embarrassed as well as aroused, her eyes still shining with her tears and yet shining with need as well. Her heart was pounding as her eyes locked onto his even as she shuffled her legs apart, her sex throbbing almost as much as her punished nates. Lucas smiled and nodded, stepping forward to reach out to cup her exposed sex. She moaned again, her face now scarlet, her knees trembling as she felt a gush of wetness flow from her, knowing her husband could easily feel it against his palm pressed as it was hard against her sex.

  Remembering his rules, she took a deep breath. “Papa, may I make…my pen…penance?” Lucas was proud of her for remembering this intimate requirement and was about to speak when a sharp knock sounded on the door. Lucy gasped, her eyes flying to the door and then to her husband. Lucas was very proud of his little one when she didn’t immediately close her legs or drop her clothing. He covered her trembling hands with his.

  “We shall continue in a moment. Go to the corner by the table and place your nose against the wall. You may lower the front of your dress and keep your legs together, but keep your naughty, red bottom pushed out on display,” he instructed softly as he stepped back. She whimpered but dropped the front of her dress and moved to the corner by the small table. Another knock sounded but Lucas waited until his little one was properly positioned exactly how a well-spanked naughty girl should be: her nose hard against the wall, her clothing held at her waist, her bottom pushed out into the room. He walked to the door and opened it to admit Mr. Brannon, Molly following closely behind. Both could easily see the punished woman in the corner though neither said a word.

  Molly saw Mr. Brannon’s glance go from the corner to the bed to see Lucy’s discarded ruffled drawers on the counterpane. The man didn’t react as he simply put the two valises down.

  “Shall I wait to unpack until after you…um…after luncheon, my Lord?” Molly asked, her own face flushed a bit.

  “No need to wait, Molly,” Lucas said. “Lucy and I will continue her lesson after her corner time has been spent. There is no need for her naughtiness to cause you to be inconvenienced. Please, go ahead with your duties.”

  “Certainly, Sir,” Molly said and watched as the porter walked to the closet and returned with the small stool, lifting one of the valises onto its surface. Molly immediately opened it and began unpacking Lucy’s clothing and hanging the pretty, childish dresses onto the many hooks inside the closet.

  “Lucy, do you have something to say to Mr. Brannon?” Lucas asked and wasn’t surprised to hear a small whimper from the corner. He knew she was hugely embarrassed and was pretending that no one in the room could see her in the corner. Lucas knew that she needed to understand it had been her own actions that caused her to be in the embarrassing position.

  “Please, Mr. Brannon, forgive me for my rudeness in interrupting your conversation with my Papa,” Lucy said softly, her hands shaking as she forced herself not to release her clothing to cover her bottom, knowing the man could not help but see that her rudeness had obviously been very well punished. She deeply appreciated her husband allowing her to retain as much modesty as she could by not requiring her to stand with her legs apart.

  “Thank you, Lucille,” Brannon said, pleased at the apology. “I know how hard it is to be a good little girl when you are so excited.” Brannon saw that Molly had emptied the first valise and soon had the second on the stool for her. He turned his attention back to the captivating sight of the beautiful small woman, the condition of her bottom proving that her Papa did not condone rudeness from his little one. Lucy nodded, a fresh tear sliding down her cheek at the porter’s words.

  “Ye…yes, Sir. Than…thank you for your forgiveness, Sir,” she said, knowing she was expected to show her appreciation for any adult’s concern. Brannon’s attention was diverted from Lucy when he saw Molly begin to place several items onto the shelves of the closet. He watched as nappies and a few pair of rubber, red diaper covers were placed onto one shelf. A paddle and a small strap were placed on another and he knew that Lady Huntington’s husband was very strict indeed. What appeared to be a large, adult-sized pacifier was taken from the valise as well as a child’s doll.

  Lucas stepped forward and took both items, turning to place the doll against the stacked pillows of the bed. He also took a long, slender box from Molly and placed it on the small table beside where he had placed the pacifier. Lucy’s heavy oak hairbrush was also placed on the table to be readily available for either brushing her hair or blistering her bottom. The valise was finally emptied and placed onto the floor. Brannon replaced the stool into the closet.

  “I shall store these in the luggage compartment,” he said. “I believe there is an additional, larger bag yet to be delivered. I assure you I shall find it and return.” Lucas nodded though he had no intention of being interrupted again so soon.

  “Very well, but please wait until we are taking our luncheon,” he instructed.

  “Certainly, Sir,” Brannon said, giving a small bow before leaving the room. Molly turned to face Lucas.

  “Do you wish me to stay and help you with Lucy, Sir?” Molly asked and gave him a swift curtsy when he informed her she might entertain herself and that they would meet for luncheon. Molly closed the door behind her and shook her head in sympathy for her young charge, a bit surprised that Lucy had misbehaved so early in the trip. It was obvious that the arrival of her and Mr. Brannon had interrupted a punishment, and she hoped that Lucy would be better behaved the next time they saw each other. She was once more grateful that it had not been her duty to chastise the little one. She stopped in her compartment, gathered her book, and after petting Cleo, who had settled into her basket, left to enjoy a few moments to herself.

  Chapter 2

  “You may turn around,” Lucas said the moment the door closed behind Molly. Lucy obeyed, turning from the corner but once more dragging the front of her clothing to her waist, baring herself as she had been before the interruption. She watched as her husband went to the bed and removed two of the four thick pillows from their place at the head of the bed to pile them on top of each other both close to the edge of the bed as well as near the foot. She grew puzzled when she saw him take his handkerchief from his pocket and set it down on top of the bed coverings. She had expected to be ordered to her knees immediately in order to perform her penance. Lucas ignored her look of puzzlement.

  “Climb up onto the bed,” Lucas said as he patted the top of the pillows. “Present your hot, sweet little bottom right here, please.” Lucy shuddered, her mind trying to cope with the fact that she felt her sex growing moist at the thought of the position he was requiring, knowing it would elevate her bottom quite high. She saw her hairbrush on the table and feared it would soon be connecting to her already aching backside. Despite her trepidation, she slowly climbed onto the bed and then squealed and swayed when the bed seemed to jerk
from under her.

  “Don’t be frightened, Kitten,” Lucas said taking her upper arm. “It seems our journey home has begun.” Lucy’s mouth opened in a gasp of surprise as her head lifted to see the slow blur of the railroad depot passing the window. She looked over her shoulder from where she was kneeling and smiled, her face showing her excitement to be under way despite her current situation. Lucas chuckled and then grew serious as one hand patted the piled pillows.

  “You may look out the window after we are done, little one. Bottom right over now.” She flushed but didn’t protest as he took her arm and guided her over the pillows, her bottom now well up and presented to the room. Her legs would have hung over the edge of the bed if he had not guided her to her knees, widely spreading them to her mortification. “Lay your head down, Kitten,” Lucas instructed and watched as she did so, her face flushed with a combination of intense embarrassment as well as desire she didn’t understand. Lucas had her lift her head in order to place the linen square of his handkerchief under her cheek. Lucas trailed a finger down her cheek and then across her soft lips before bending to give her a soft kiss. Lucy moaned, her heart thumping inside her chest as she returned his kiss. She had believed he was going to continue her spanking for interrupting his conversation, but at his kiss, thought he might be preparing to take her for his pleasure as was his right. Her body was quivering as she waited for whatever it was that her new husband desired. The movements of the train caused a funny sensation as the bed seemed to vibrate beneath her cheek where it pressed against her husband’s handkerchief, and her lifted bottom swayed.


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