Lucy's Journey Home (Hunter's Ridge)

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Lucy's Journey Home (Hunter's Ridge) Page 4

by Maggie Ryan

  Lucas returned to the bed and helped Lucy to stand. He kissed her nipples once more before retying her chemise. Lucy was shocked to find her stomach tingling from the kisses to her breasts, her arousal returning. Lucas ignored her look of embarrassment but was delighted he had married such an intensely sensual woman. He quickly had her dress buttoned and lifted her foot to replace her stocking. She shifted a bit as he tied the first ribbon at her knee.

  “I know they cause your legs to itch, Kitten,” he said softly as he began to guide her other foot into her stocking. “I’m sure I shall not have to repeat this lesson on your little legs anytime soon, will I?”

  “Oh, no…no, Sir,” Lucy said softly as he tied the ribbon. She couldn’t imagine ever wanting to run from this man again. He caused her to feel so many confusing emotions but she knew she loved him with every bit of her heart and soul. Lucas picked up her drawers, holding them for her to step into. Lucas drew them up her legs and over her bottom, raking his fingertips across the many rows of ruffles that decorated her backside. She squirmed again, and as he tied the ribbon at her waist, he repeated his earlier words.

  “I must say that I’m afraid the little bottom hidden by these precious ruffled drawers might always be marked and tender. My little one has quite a few lessons to learn, doesn’t she?”

  “Yes, Papa,” Lucy answered praying that his words would prove incorrect as she promised herself that she would be perfectly behaved. Lucas gathered her into his arms and kissed her deeply.

  “Though you might not agree, Kitten, I must say that I am coming to adore seeing your little bottom bearing evidence that your Papa loves you so much,” he said, and she realized his words caused her to shudder with both trepidation and desire. He took her hand and led her to the door. “I hope my little one is still hungry.” Lucy’s face was delightful as her eyes grew wide, her mind instantly thinking about accepting her Papa’s tribute. She couldn’t bring herself to answer but nodded. Lucas chuckled and led her down the corridor, knowing she would soon forget her embarrassment as the novelty of having luncheon on a moving train captured her attention.

  Chapter 3

  As Lucas predicted, Lucy was enthralled with the thought of lunching in such a different environment. Her eyes shone with excitement as her husband led her through the cars to reach their dining car. She was almost trembling in anticipation of what sort of fare would be served and lifted her face to her husband to ask if he knew what sort of meal they might enjoy. Her eyes grew huge when a sharp cry seemed to rip through the air, her head whipping around to find the source. She couldn’t immediately determine who had cried out as the entire car seemed to be full of children. Children of all ages sat with their parents and their nannies. Lucy was immediately embarrassed as if just now realizing that by having been placed in this time slot for meals her husband wanted her to understand her proper place as his child-bride. She finally located the crying child, who was being placed back into his chair after obviously receiving some sort of discipline. Lucas felt his wife’s hand shake in his own but simply squeezed it in reassurance.

  “Don’t fret, little one,” he said as he began to lead her down the aisle to a table near the end of the car. “I’m quite sure you will be my good girl during our meal and not give me cause to spank your bottom again, won’t you?” Lucy nodded vigorously, her heart hammering as they passed table after table of diners, knowing she would surely die of embarrassment if he did find cause to spank her in the presence of all these strangers. Lucas furthered her fear by continuing. “I’m sure that you do not wish to bend over the table as you did our bed. I promise that having to bare your bottom and lift it for a public paddling would be a good lesson but I admit, one that would be quite embarrassing for my little one.”

  She quickly glued her eyes to the carpet, not wanting to acknowledge that she, a grown, married woman, was not accompanying her new husband as Lady Huntington. No, she was dressed far younger than her age, being led by the hand to where her new nanny was waiting. She would eat lunch as little Lucille and perhaps have to be disciplined for some misbehavior just as that poor little boy had been. Lucas led her to the table where Molly was seated. Molly stood immediately and smiled at her young charge, who looked none the worse for the punishment she had undergone.

  “Come, sit here,” Molly instructed, pulling out a chair. “I’m sure you must be quite hungry, little one.” Lucy felt her face flush at the endearment and the fact that it came from her former ladies maid. Despite her discomfort, she allowed her nanny to seat her and push her chair up to the table. Molly took the napkin from its place in front of Lucy, snapping it open, and then attempted to tuck it into the collar of Lucy’s dress. Lucy quickly reached up to remove it, pushing it down into her lap.

  “Lucille,” Lucas spoke softly as he took his own seat directly across from his wife. Lucy lifted her eyes to his, their unspoken plea quite clear. Lucas shook his head even as he tucked his own napkin in his lap. He calmly reached for his water glass, waiting to see how Molly would handle the situation. He knew the role was a new one for the young woman but also knew she had helped with both the little ones at Wintercrest Manor for the past several months. It was her responsibility to make sure Lucille understood not only that her former maid now had authority over her, but that Molly made sure to enforce that authority. Molly looked a bit flustered as she retrieved the napkin and once more tucked it into Lucy’s collar.

  “It would be a shame to spill on your pretty dress,” Molly said as she finished securing the napkin that would serve as a bib for the small woman. When she saw Lucy’s hand lift, she quickly placed her own over it. “No, Lucille,” Molly said bending to speak firmly. “Don’t test me, young lady. I will not replace it again. It would also be a shame if you have to miss your first luncheon because you decide to be naughty and cause me to take a hairbrush to your bottom. I’m thinking it must still be hot and hurtful from the spanking your Papa had to give you within moments of our arrival on this train. Do not think for a single moment that I will not blister your bottom and return you to your naughty girl corner. Is that what you want, Lucille? Would you prefer to display your red spanked bottom for an hour or would you prefer to behave and eat your luncheon like our good little girl?” Lucy met Molly’s eyes, her face growing red at the implied threat of a spanking before being placed in the corner, skirts well up so that anyone could see her punished bottom. Molly’s voice sounded far sterner though the woman had yet to discipline Lucy in any way. Something about the way Molly looked warned Lucy not to test her. Her eyes then turned to the occupants of the car and saw that many of the children wore their napkins in much the same manner, some even tied into huge bows at the backs of their necks.

  “Answer your nanny, Lucille,” Lucas said, his voice still soft but firm. Lucy remembered her promise to herself from only moments ago.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll…I’ll be good, Miss,” Lucy answered, her hands returning to her lap in surrender. She would wear the bib but at least she would be wearing it without first having her bottom warmed. Molly nodded, her smile indicating her pleasure in having won the battle, small as it was. Lucy realized that the server had approached their table and was standing quietly waiting to take their order. Her face flushed hotly, his small smile telling her that he had been silently listening until the matter of her behavior was settled. She lowered her eyes to the table and listened as her husband asked Molly what she would like to eat. Lucas, knowing his wife needed time to compose herself, ordered baked fish and steamed asparagus for the both of them. He also chose a wine from the list provided to enjoy with his meal.

  “Will you be requiring one glass or two?” the server asked.

  “Wine is something my wife is allowed only on very special occasions,” Lucas said and Lucy remembered the champagne of their wedding night. “My little Lucy will enjoy a glass of milk with every meal,” Lucas said firmly. Lucy knew the server was being told that though she had wed Lord Huntington, she was in truth, his
child-bride. She knew she certainly didn’t look the part of a cultured grown woman, not with a napkin tucked into her dress as a bib because her table manners couldn’t be trusted not to soil her pretty little dress. Lucy felt tears of frustration begin to fill her eyes but fought them back. Lucas had never once tried to conceal what sort of wife he desired. Lucy had known she would be treated as his special little child-wife; she just had not had a true idea of how hard the role would be to maintain, especially outside the security and sanctity of their own residence and among strangers who did not share in the lifestyle.

  Molly knew her former mistress was valiantly trying to compose herself. Though she knew she would have to be firm with the woman, she also truly cared for her. Seeing that Lucy had not lifted her eyes from the surface of the table since she had accepted the bib, Molly wished to see the excitement of the trip return to Lucy’s violet eyes.

  “I must say, it is quite interesting traveling by train,” Molly began as she took a sip of her water. “I can’t say that your little Cleo is quite as thrilled, though.” Lucy immediately lifted her head and turned to face Molly.

  “Is…is she okay, Mol…um, Miss Molly?” Lucy asked, her embarrassment of having to use the title nothing compared to her concern for her beloved pet. Molly set her glass down and turned to meet Lucy’s eyes.

  “I’m afraid she is a might frightened, Lucy,” Molly said softly. “I know everything seems so new and strange. I know she must miss her home but would never want to be without her sweet mistress. Everyone needs a bit of comfort and reassurance that things will be fine. Perhaps you might visit her after luncheon to let her know that though she is in a strange place and surrounded by strangers, she is safe and loved by the people who truly know and care about her. If you ask your Papa for permission, I know Cleo could use a good hug and some play before you take your nap.” Lucas was impressed with Molly’s words. She hadn’t said much but what she said was not only showing her concern for the small kitten that he had gifted Lucy with a few months earlier; her suggestion was also an attempt to let Lucy know that she was loved and treasured as well and shouldn’t be concerned about what others might think of the role she had vowed to assume. Lucy turned her eyes to her husband.

  “Oh, please, Papa, may I see Cleo before I take my nap? She needs to know that I am still here and that I love her,” Lucy pleaded. Though she had not been put down to nap since the day she wed, she didn’t even question the fact that she would be napping every day after luncheon for the foreseeable future. Lucas smiled and reached across the table to capture her small hand.

  “I believe Cleo would be much happier if she could see you for a bit before Miss Molly puts you down for your nap,” Lucas said with a smile. “If you don’t make a fuss and eat your luncheon, I see no reason why you shouldn’t be allowed some play time.” Lucy rewarded him with a huge smile, her head nodding.

  “Thank you, Papa,” she said as the server returned to the table with their meal. He poured Lucas’ wine into his glass after Lucas had approved the vintage. The server placed a large glass of milk in front of Lucy.

  “I thought that such a pretty little miss deserves a pretty glass like her Papa,” the server said and Lucy had to smile. She had been forced to drink milk for months now but never before had it been served in a beautiful wine glass.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she said politely, immediately picking up the glass and taking a sip. She still didn’t like the taste but found it far more palatable when drunk from beautiful crystal. Lucas grinned at her ability to find happiness in something she had dreaded for months. The rest of the service went smoothly as plates were set before each of them, the silver domes removed with a flourish. Lucy did not complain when Molly reached across to her plate to cut her fish and asparagus into small bites. While her nanny worked on preparing her plate, Lucy took the opportunity to look around the compartment. The room was full of rattling silverware, quiet conversation and the occasional soft reprimand to a child being taught how to behave at table. Lucy was about to return her attention to her plate when her eye caught sight of another. The girl appeared to be about Lucy’s age, and as their eyes met, the two girls smiled across the tables at each other. Right before Lucy bent her head to begin to eat, she paused. Realizing what had captured her attention, Lucy lifted her eyes again. The girl was dressed in clothing resembling what Lucy was wearing. Her long black curls were loose and the front of her dress was covered with what looked like an actual bib. Could it be that there was another child-woman on the same train? Before Lucy could speak, Molly gently patted her hand where her fork had been frozen in mid-air.

  “Don’t dawdle, Lucy,” Molly said also tapping the edge of Lucy’s plate. “I’ve prepared your meal; now eat before it grows cold.” Lucy nodded, taking her first bite, not tasting the fish as she thought about the girl. When she looked up again, the table where the people had been sitting was empty. She turned her head to look behind her, catching just a glimpse of the girl as she was led through the door.

  “Did you see—?" Lucy began but was immediately silenced by her nanny, who was aghast that her charge would dare speak with her mouth full of asparagus.

  “Lucille Huntington, little ones do not speak with food in their mouths!” Molly said and Lucy immediately shut her mouth in embarrassment. She knew far better than to have done so and for a brief moment wondered if being treated like a small child was causing her to truly regress. After she swallowed, she apologized and finished her meal using proper manners.

  The small group stood and Lucas smiled as Molly removed the napkin from Lucy’s dress and dabbed his wife’s small mouth. Lucy blushed but didn’t fuss as Molly took her hand and the two followed Lucas from the car. As they walked through the compartments back to their own rooms, Lucy couldn’t stop thinking about the girl she had seen. She wanted to ask her husband whether he had also seen the girl but was hesitant. She found she didn’t have a chance as they arrived at Molly’s door.

  “Lucy, why don’t you go play with Cleo for a few minutes while your nanny and I speak,” Lucas suggested. Lucy’s face lit with pleasure and she practically bounced waiting for Molly to unlock the door.

  “Be careful now,” Molly warned as she replaced the key in her apron pocket. “Make sure Cleo doesn’t escape the room.”

  “Okay,” Lucy agreed, her hand on the doorknob. When she saw the look of disapproval on her husband’s face, she quickly added, “Thank you, Miss Molly. I’ll be careful.” Molly smiled and they watched as Lucy only opened the door wide enough to slip inside before closing it securely behind her. Lucas heard her soft squeal of pleasure and knew she had found her precious pet. He led Molly into his own compartment.

  “You did a very fine job during luncheon, Molly,” Lucas complimented his employee as he shut the door. Molly smiled, pleased he seemed to approve of her actions. “It was quite sweet for you to comfort Lucy without her being aware of you doing so.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” Molly said sincerely.

  “Is there anything you wish to ask before I leave you to put our girl to bed?” Lucas asked as he moved about the compartment to gather his reading glasses and the newspaper he had yet to read. Molly hesitated for a moment before nodding, remembering how Mrs. Bremmer had told not to be scared to ask questions if unsure of her duties. It was her responsibility to be absolutely clear as to what her employer wished for his special child-wife.

  “Do you wish Miss Lucy to be restrained, Sir?” she asked, knowing that Miss Louisa was usually restrained by soft ties around her wrists and sometimes her ankles as well, tied to the rails of her crib where she napped daily. Lucas looked at the bed and then shook his head.

  “Let’s see if our little one can behave herself without restraints, Molly,” he suggested. “I do not like the thought of her being tied to the bed if there should be some emergency on the train. I feel she will be quite sleepy as it has been an exciting day so far. Her spanking was quite intense as well, and she should fall asleep easily.
Remind her that she must stay in bed until she is awakened.” Molly nodded, not having considered that there might be any reason for the woman to need to get out of bed quickly, and shuddered slightly at the thought of some horrific accident. Lucas saw her shudder. “I wouldn’t worry about it, Molly,” he said reassuring her. “I would just prefer to be prepared.”

  “Um, then, Sir, do you wish her to remain clothed for her nap? I mean, in case there is such a need?” Molly asked.

  Lucas shook his head. “No, I have no true concerns that anything will happen. Put her into her gown as usual. I wish her to grow accustomed to her daily routine as this will be the first time she has been required to nap since our marriage. There is no need to confuse her as to what will be required each time she is put to bed.” Molly nodded and moved to the closet to begin gathering the items she would need. Lucas watched as she chose a simple but childish nightgown of pale pink and a ribbon from a small box that would hold the end of Lucy’s hair securely after her nanny braided it. When she looked as if that was all she would choose, Lucas reached into the closet and added his own items to the bed.

  “She will always wear a nappy and diaper cover to bed, Molly,” Lucas said wanting to set his rules for the young nanny as well. “Do you know how to properly take her temperature?” he asked as he opened the small box that he had placed on the table. Molly blushed but nodded, having seen Mrs. Bremmer often take Louisa’s temperature.


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