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Naughty & Nice: A MFM Christmas Romance (Surrender to Them Book 7)

Page 12

by Kelli Callahan

  “Let’s go to the bedroom.” I tried to smile and reached for his cock, hoping I could relieve the pressure that had built up while he was spanking me.

  “You already got what you wanted.” His face twisted into a look of pleasure once I wrapped my hand around his shaft.

  “Not everything—please.” I stroked his entire length. “Take me to the bedroom and make me pay for my naughty behavior.”

  The disappointment faded and Andy scooped me into his arms. He carried me to the bedroom and dropped me onto the mattress, quickly grabbing a condom to unroll on his length. He wasn’t upset, but he was definitely ready for me. He slammed his cock into my pussy and started to fuck me as hard as he could. The bed felt like it was going to splinter beneath us before he was done. I could tell it wasn’t going to last very long. His hammering thrusts were just too good and he was already starting to throb after the few dozens of time he slammed into me. I was ready to cum again—and feel him cum inside me. I felt him start to throb against my g-spot, and that was enough to send me over the edge. My spasms started and his cock pulsated. A few thrusts later, he was erupting inside me. A few gentle thrusts followed once he ejaculated, and then he rolled to the side of the bed.

  “Where are you going?” I looked over at him in concern as he walked to the closet.

  “I told you that orgasm was going to cost you.” He reached into the closet and turned around with a red tie in his hand. “Since you can’t keep your hands to yourself, I’m going to tie you to the bed so that you won’t be so fucking naughty.”

  “Wait—what?” I blinked in confusion as he crawled into bed and grabbed one of my arms.

  “You heard me.” He pushed my arm against the headboard and grabbed the other wrist. “I’m going to tie you to the bed, and I’m going to spend all day fucking you—every time I can get hard, your pussy belongs to me. That’s your punishment.”

  “You can have me whenever you want—you don’t have to tie me up.” I struggled, but he quickly secured my hands to the headboard.

  “Nah, I like knowing you're in here being a good girl.” He chuckled under his breath. “So, I’m not going to give you a chance to be naughty.”

  Andy wasn’t kidding. He left me there tied to the bed while he went into the kitchen to start getting things ready for the dinner he was going to make for us on Christmas day. I tried pleading with him—begging even—but he refused to set me free. After I got over the initial shock and realized there was no way I could get my hands free without him untying me, I started to get really turned on. I belonged to him—there was nothing I could do but lay there and wait for him to fuck me. He returned to the bedroom so many times during the day that I lost count and he used my body to chase his desires every time. It was intensely erotic and it definitely didn’t feel like punishment. I barely had time to collect my thoughts or rest my weary eyes before he was ready for me again. By the time Zach got home, I was sore and desperately wanted to be free—yet there was a part of me that just wanted to stay tied to that bed forever.

  “Where’s Holly?” I heard Zach’s voice echo from the other room.

  “She’s tied to the bed.” Andy’s words were matter-of-fact like it was the most normal thing in the word.

  “Damn, what did I miss?” Zach laughed and I heard his footsteps walking to the bedroom.

  “Are you gonna untie me?” I bit down on my lip as he walked through the door.

  “I don’t know.” He tilted his head to the side. “What did you do to end up in this position?”

  “Something naughty…” I grinned and squirmed on the bed. “But I’ll be really good if you untie me.”

  “Maybe after I have a turn.” Zach chuckled and started removing his clothes. “You look too good in that position for me to just let you go.”

  “But—I want to put my arms around you.” I pulled against my restraints and continued to squirm.

  “There will be plenty of time for that before the night is over.” Zach walked over to the nightstand and slid on a condom after he was undressed. “Why don’t you tell me how naughty you’ve been first.”

  “Really naughty.” I bit down on my lip again. “So naughty that you’re probably going to have to fuck me really hard in order to teach me a lesson.”

  “Sounds like that’s exactly what you need.” Zach crawled into bed and lifted my legs. “Time for your punishment, naughty girl.”

  They really don’t understand the concept of punishing me—but I’m not going to complain.


  Christmas Day

  There was no presence in the world as good as the one that was in our bed when I woke up on Christmas morning. We spent all night enjoying her beautiful body, and I was scared to think about the fact that it was our last day together. I was able to get our flight changed to the day after Christmas, and I couldn’t change our plans again, no matter how much I wanted to stay in bed with our gorgeous brunette. I went to the kitchen and started the coffee. I was definitely up early, but we had to be at the orphanage before all of the orphans woke up. They wouldn’t have much under the tree otherwise. Andy had done a lot of prep work on our Christmas dinner, and the only thing he really needed to do was start the turkey before we left, so I woke him up and headed to the shower. Holly was still sleeping, undoubtedly exhausted after what we did to her—especially Andy. I knew my brother was dominant in bed, but Holly was bringing out a side of him that I had never seen before.

  “Okay, I’m all set in here.” Andy looked up at me when I walked into the living room after my shower. “I’ll hop in the shower and then we can wake up Sleeping Beauty.”

  “Sounds good.” I nodded and poured a cup of coffee.

  I got all of the presents ready between sips of coffee. I had stopped by the store the day before and picked up a few large red sacks, which I hoped we could get everything into. I had my doubts once I started packing them, but I managed to get most of them loaded before Andy returned. He woke Holly up and she went straight to shower before I got a chance to show her the cute elf outfit I got so she could play the role of Santa’s helper. Andy was less than pleased by his Santa helper costume, which was similar to Holly’s with pants instead of a dress, but he begrudgingly put it on. Holly was happy with her costume and after she got it put on, she looked like the most adorable Christmas elf ever.

  “It’s a good thing none of the helpers at the mall looked like you in their costume.” I walked up and put my arms around her waist. “Santa might have been quite busy!”

  “I better be the only elf you look at.” Holly narrowed her eyes at me.

  “Don’t worry, you’ve got all of Santa’s attention.” I leaned forward and kissed her.

  “Okay, put on your beard and let’s go before I decide that I want to tear this fucking costume off.” Andy took a step towards the door and groaned.

  “You’re so—whimsical.” Holly walked over and slapped Andy on the ass. “I’ll help you out of it later.”

  “You better.” He groaned again and opened the door.

  I’d love to say I maintain my composure and bellowed ho-ho-ho all the way back home, but I struggled to keep it together once we made it to the orphanage. Ms. Winters broke down in tears the instant she saw everything we brought and the kids were so excited I thought they were going to tackle us each time they ran up to give one of us a hug. We had more than enough for all of them and then some. They were running around, comparing presents, screaming at the top of their lungs, and truthfully—it was a beautiful sight. After most of the initial commotion died down, we took Ms. Winters into the other room and presented her with the present we picked out. That brought more tears and more hugs.

  “I’m just—floored that there are nice young people like you in the world.” Ms. Winters wiped her eyes. “We used to have so many sponsors, but I guess times have gotten tougher in recent years.”

  “I can’t believe that.” Holly shook her head. “It seems like there would be a lot of people
that willing to help.”

  “Honestly?” Ms. Winters sighed. “There just aren’t that many orphanages left anymore. We used to be a private orphanage, but the benefactor who supported us passed away. The state took over and usually only send kids here if they can’t find foster homes. I’ve tried to get some help, but I can’t even afford to hire enough people to look after the kids…”

  “How long do they stay usually?” Andy looked over his shoulder at the group of kids huddled around a Nintendo Switch.

  “It depends. The younger kids are usually easy to place with families, but once they’re old enough to go to school, it can be a challenge. Some of them have been here for a few years. I think they just get forgotten sometimes—out of sight, out of mind.”

  “That’s awful.” I shook my head and sighed.

  “One day the state will just shut us down.” Ms. Winters stared at the floor. “This place costs more than it’s worth.”

  “What will happen to the kids?” A look of concern spread across Andy’s face.

  “It’s hard to say.” I saw tears forming in the corner of her eyes again.

  “Would you excuse me for a moment?” I pulled out my cell phone.

  “Sure.” Ms. Winters nodded.

  I didn’t care if it was still early in Minnesota. I knew my parents would be up. I told my Dad about the orphanage and how bad things really were. That was all he needed to hear. He said that as soon as he returned to Georgia, he would meet with Ms. Winters and get a charity organization set up. He had done something similar for a group home in Minnesota when Andy and I were kids. Within a year, he found enough people willing to help that they were able to move to a much bigger location and properly care for all of the kids that lived there. I knew he could do the same thing for Ms. Winters and the orphans she was trying to care for on her own. After all, who could turn down a request from Santa himself? That was sure to bring bad luck when the holiday season rolled around again.

  “Okay, everything is taken care of.” I walked back into the room and took Ms. Winters by the hand. “We’re going to get you the help you need.”

  “What? How?” She blinked in surprise.

  “He called Santa Claus.” Andy chuckled under his breath.

  “I’m lost.” Holly looked at me with a bewildered stare. “What happened?”

  “I called my Dad. He’s going to work to get a charity set up here in Georgia to help the orphanage.” I nodded and smiled.

  “That’s—amazing.” Ms. Winters wrapped her arms around me. “Thank you so much! Anything would help, even if it’s not a lot.”

  “You don’t know our Dad.” Andy whistled and I saw his eyes start to get a little damp. “These kids might be driving Porches next year.”

  “You guys are freaking amazing.” Holly’s face lit up with a smile from ear-to-ear.

  I finally had a real understanding of why my father liked being Santa Claus so much. I focused on his love of the holiday season, our unfortunate last name, and never took time to think about all of the good he did the rest of the year. He was always helping people, and all he really wanted for it was an opportunity to be a mall Santa so he could interact with as many kids as possible when he put on the suit. The fame and the chance of being in the movies was probably alluring since it was the path our grandfather took, but that wasn’t what drove him to be the man he was. Andy and I would be lucky if we became half as good as him. We left the orphanage after spending a little bit of time with the kids and headed back home.

  “Oh.” I looked over at Holly. “We got you a Christmas present.”

  “You didn’t have to do that.” She shook her head, but I saw a grin on her face. “But—I did pick up something at the mall the other day.

  “If it came from Spencer’s, I might have a slight objection.” Andy nudged Holly and winked.

  “No, not from Spencer’s.” She shook her head back and forth.

  We went back to the house and Holly excused herself for a few minutes to call her parents. They were in the Caribbean, but she still wanted to say hello to them on Christmas. Andy and I talked more about the orphanage and the things that our Dad could do if he set up a charity. It was clear that they needed some help, and I was glad that we were able to give the kids a good Christmas. Andy seemed just as excited as I was about it. We both seemed to be finally in touch with the true spirit of Christmas, which was something we never fully embraced before we put on the Santa suit. We changed into regular clothes, which was a pain for Andy, who was crammed into his elf suit. Once we were changed, I grabbed Holly’s present and she gave us each a box. I shook mine and heard something rattle.

  “Be careful.” Holly held up her hand. “It’s fragile.”

  “Hmm.” I pulled the top off my box and stared at my gift...

  “Oh my god.” Andy tore open his box and started laughing.

  “What’s wrong?” Holly stopped opening her present and looked at us with concern.

  “Nothing.” Andy shook his head back and forth. “Open your gift.”

  “You got me—the exact same thing.” Holly lifted a snow globe out of her box.

  “Hopefully with a different engraving.” I picked up my snow globe and read what was written on the front.

  I couldn’t believe we had gotten her the exact thing she got us. Andy was the one who spotted the snow globe in Things Remembered when we were looking for a gift to give Holly. We engraved To the Best Girl on the Naughty List on it, which Andy thought she would get a kick out of. I could tell by the look on her face that she definitely did. I was starting to wonder if I was blind to what was right in front of my eyes. Yes, we had to leave, but I didn’t want to lose Holly. I didn’t care if there were going to be a million miles between us after we left Georgia. I wanted to find a way to make it work—there had to be something we could do. The holiday season had given us so much, but the best part of it was sitting right beside us.

  “Okay.” Andy stood up and walked over to the fireplace. “Now you have to look inside your stocking.”

  “You didn’t…” Holly narrowed her eyes at Andy as he walked over to the fireplace and picked up a stocking that was hidden from view.

  “You got her—a stocking full of switches?” I blinked in surprise as he held up a stocking with a half-dozen slender cuts of hickory protruding out the top.

  “She’s on the naughty list,” Andy smirked and tossed the stocking to Holly.

  “Yeah, you’re definitely not using any of these on me.” She held up one of the switches.

  “Sorry, that’s what happens to naughty girls on Christmas morning. Are you going to bend over the back of the couch on your own or does Zach have to grab your arms?” Andy gave the switch a quick swing in the air.

  “You’re not going to let him use that on me, right?” Holly looked at me with concern on her face.

  “Well, you have been pretty naughty.” I chuckled under my breath and winked at her.

  Holly hopped off the couch and tried to run, but she was laughing as she scurried around the room. Andy stalked her with the switch but didn’t really try to make contact as he swung it in the air. I picked up my snow globe and walked over the fireplace mantle while they continued to play a game of cat and mouse around the dining room table. There was a good chance they were going to end up in the bedroom, and I would join them once they got done playing their games. The spanking and dominance thing was more Andy’s thing than mine anyway. I went to the kitchen and checked on the turkey. It still had a little time before it was ready, so I pulled out a few of the dishes that would need to be heated. Andy had precooked most of them, so it would be pretty easy to get everything ready once the turkey was done.

  I really wish this wasn’t all going to come to an end when we fly out of here tomorrow.


  “You know that if you keep running, I’m going to end up tying you to the bed when I finally catch you.” Andy tapped his palm with the switch as I tried to use the dining room tab
le as a barrier.

  “Not again!” I shook my head back and forth.

  “Then you better come over here and take your punishment.” Andy grinned and took a step back.

  “I wasn’t that naughty! I should have gotten candy and toys in my stocking!” I narrowed my eyes and studied his movements.

  “You know what has to happen if you want to be a good girl again.” Andy tapped the switch on his palm and chuckled.

  I wasn’t sure if the switch was going to turn me on the same way that Andy’s hand did. Being over his knee for a spanking was a little different than bending over to have a length of hickory wood used on my ass. It looked like it would sting a lot worse than his hand—plus I didn’t know what his real intentions were. He seemed to be playing around, but he had spanked me pretty hard the last time I was over his knee—not that I complained except when he refused to put out the fire that he started. It didn’t seem like I was going to escape the situation I was in unless I let him have a few swings with the switch. Perhaps submission would get me a little mercy—it wasn’t like I had truly been that naughty—except when I was with them.

  “Okay, fine.” I held up my hands in surrender.

  “Back of the couch.” Andy pointed with the switch.

  I walked over to the couch, but I kept one eye on Andy. My heart was beating in my chest a little more than I expected. I bent over the couch and waited. Andy walked over and pushed a hand under my stomach, quickly unbuttoning my jeans. He slid them down to my knees and my panties followed. Zach walked to the edge of the kitchen and had a smirk on his face as he watched his twin brother prepare me for my punishment. Andy took a step back and tapped my ass with the switch. I expected the next thing I felt to be a sting, but instead, he just started to trace the curve of my ass and down the back of my thighs. It was almost like a feather brushing against my skin and tickled a little bit. When I finally felt him pull it away, I prepared for the sting again, only get a few more pats. A second later, I got three quick taps that were hard enough to be felt, but they weren’t serious in any way.


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