Dirty Salvation (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 1)

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Dirty Salvation (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 1) Page 24

by V. Theia

  As it was his cock threatened to break.

  He'd stood back, drink in one hand, his greedy eyes all over her as she jumped about, joined in with the friendly banter as she again beat the fuck out of Pretty-boy, taking more of his money, the boy was a glutton for punishment, unable to understand his Zara was hustling the fuck out of him, obviously, she was an expert at the fighting game, but Pretty wasn't having any of it, insisting he'd get her this go.

  Five games later Rider called her name, she'd played him a merry flirting dance, glancing over now and then from under her long lashes, a smile tickling her mouth, that teasing glint in her eye as she swayed her hips, tight jeans encasing her ass, she knew he was checking her out and she was liking it. His bad girl. But enough was enough, if he didn't get inside her he might embarrass the whole club and jack off right there.

  "Time to go, Icy." his voice rumbled and she pouted. A fucking pout.

  God save his dick.

  "Thank you for the game, gentlemen. I had fun. I'm sorry you lost so much money, Pretty-boy." her smile said she was not fucking sorry.

  Where had this Zara come from, he wondered.

  He didn't know, but he liked seeing her this way, carefree and full of enjoyment.

  When she walked towards him, he got his hands on her the moment she was in distance because he fucking needed to. His arm went around her waist, dragged her in.

  "Wait! My winnings." Quick as a flash Texas stepped forward to grab the money, he rolled it and handed it to Zara who beamed such a smile at his treasurer Rider wanted to smash his face into dust. Growling her drew her away from the crowd feeling more than primal and possessive over her.

  "You had fun with the boys? sorry, it took so long." he didn't go into detail of the verbal slanging match he had over the phone with his father, not if he wanted to perform as he ached to. Nothing ruined his sex life faster than thinking of the bullshit between him and Ajax Marinos who everyone called Mad-dog. Pissy-dog was more than apt.

  "I did. I haven't played video games in forever, I never lost the skill, you saw me, Rider?” face animated, “though, did you see me nail him?" she was giggling as he walked them along to his room, but all he heard was 'nail him' and his cock hardened further.

  How much endurance was a man supposed to have when she said shit like that to make his cock come alive?

  In a sequence of fluid moves, he pinned her to the door to his room, swallowing her gasp with his mouth, his hands moved languidly down her body, fitting them around her waist so she could absolutely feel what she did to him between her legs.

  "Rider ... ohhh." he rubbed himself on her to cause that noise. He liked it.

  "Hope you're ready for me, gonna devour you, Zara."

  This was three years in the making. Wet dreams and his dick hard as granite as he'd tried to get that same high he'd had with her and failed, no woman matched to her and he was fast beginning to realize they were never meant to match, she was one of a kind.

  His kind.

  His girl.


  "I never should have thrown heaven away. Missed three fuckin' years of this wet heat grabbin' at my cock. She's mine now, I'ma make sure of it" – Rider

  Zara was pliant as a doll under his hands, her mouth opened eagerly to his a second after his breath had fanned her lips. Rider was hit with her sweetness, groaning deep in his throat, vibrating to his gut. The initial contact proved so potent, they both had to pause for a shuddering breath.

  He was a selfish desperate bastard wanting to kiss her, touch her, taste her, feel how wet she was before she was ready to deal with his range of hunger for her. How long was acceptable to wait, five minutes (as he'd wanted to before fucking her into next week) five months, five years, forever? Rather than Zara pushing him away as expected, he got her sweet tongue in his mouth, hesitantly touching his. Oh, fuck. Slow down, he warned himself.

  Not too fast, don't scare her.

  In the three years since he'd last touched her this way he'd relived their one-nighter fuckfest more than once, more like hundreds of times, saw her in dreams until he woke with his cock hard in his hand pumping come all over his belly, had anticipated that same gut feeling when he fucked other women.

  It never happened until right now, that burst of heat, the way his body was attuned to her every inhale, could feel her becoming soft for him, the base of her spine melting under his touch. He always loved a woman's body, how soft they became right before sex as if their body knew to anticipate all the hard coming their way.

  But with Zara, fuck, his muscles tensed, coiled, she was in a class all on her own. Flawless, exotic and under him.

  Now he wanted her soaked for him.

  His cock punched against his zipper, angling his hips away, the last thing he wanted was to freak her out with the need boiling in him to just fuck her. In the back of his brain, behind the sex fog and the need to come like a pervert, he was mindful of what she'd been through, was still dealing with, Rider didn't assume this would be easy, but he wanted her and god, he hoped to fuck she wanted him just as badly.

  Simple uncomplicated desire. She was driving him crazy.

  Their mouths came together in the same intense fervor as if no time had passed at all and he was floored with erotic memories. One hand left her face to snake around to her nape, his lips pressed for her to open wider. If only he could get to them to bed, fucking miles away, he stood in the middle of the room, tasting her, now the slow could happen, the teasing, the enticing her into playing with him.

  Slow down, dickhead. He urged himself.

  Rider, drunk on her, didn't think, he just swooped down for the kill and savaged her mouth, making a conscious effort not to touch her anywhere else until she was ready for it, he would take his cues from her, though his fingers itched to slide down her body and cup a full breast, to bring the peak to a hard point with long slow sucks of his tongue.

  Oh, Jesus. He was thirsty for the taste of her tits in his mouth.

  Consumed ball-breaking kisses, his fingers cupped her neck, angling it back so he could steal every last bit of sweetness on her tongue. When air was needed, he gave her it, his lips wet, he felt her breath feather rapidly on his mouth before he swooped down again to rob her of oxygen.

  Fuck breathing, he craved this.

  “Did you enjoy puttin’ on that show out there, Icy, liked makin’ me crazy, keepin’ me wait for this?” One hand left her neck, traveled along her back, she mewled and he continued over her hips and back up between them to close his palm covering one breast, squeezing gently.

  Zara detached her mouth from his to gasp, before her eyes drifted closed enjoying the sensations he was evoking. She hadn’t told him to stop, so he proceeded, grazing his hand first to one breast, then the other, playing close attention to her nipples. A chaste groping over her shirt and yet Rider felt as though they were both completely naked, exposed.

  The demand inside Rider was violent, it swirled and pumped blood down to his dick. Their one lone night too fucking long ago had been explosive and over far too soon, he’d needed her ever since like a drunk would a bottle of Jim Beam, wanting her beneath him, sucking his dick down between her beautiful lips, doing everything nasty to her to hear her scream for him again, for a virgin she had learned fast and learned well how to suck his dick, humming as she did, she'd rocked his world and left him desolate afterwards.

  All this wasted time, he could damn well kill something for the nights and days not spent with Zara.

  All my fault.

  Drowning in her kiss, biting her lower lip, his fingers crept up into her hair as her body arched and pressed to his finally, he almost didn't recognize when he felt her hand on his chest pushing back even as she leaned into his mouth, seeking.

  “Asked you a question, baby…” Weighing her every reaction as he ran his thumb back and forth across her hard nipple, he leaned in and licked moisture from her lower lip, before sinking his teeth in, capture and release. Teasing

  “Yes, I liked your eyes all over me. I felt it, Rider. I liked it,” she panted, twitching her fingers around his waist, angling her head up for more of his mouth.

  They were both breathing hard.

  His eyes flared at her candor. “Was it to drive me crazy, ‘cause you like me lookin’ at you?”

  “Yes. God. Rider.” Her moan came after he’d bent his dark head to kiss her nipple through her thin cotton tank shirt, she was so aroused, he could suck the hardened nub through two layers of material. Tiny bombs began to pop behind Rider’s eyes.

  Slow. Slow. Slow.

  Want. Want. Want.

  The moment he pushed his hips deep into hers, grinding his dick to all her softness, allowing her to feel what she did to him he saw panic close over her eyes and that was the blast of cold water he needed to get him to the same page she was at. His entire body shifted, though his hand remained, thumb stroking her fast beating pulse on her neck.

  He could see how deeply she was internally analyzing.

  “Rider … I--- hold on a second … I-I--.”

  The alarm that was etched on her face about killed Rider. He caressed his thumbs to the holler of her cheeks, dropped a kiss on her lips, spoke gently against them. “It’s just you and me, Icy. No one here but us. Think only about us, right here, feel me touchin' you.”

  She made a sound of frustration. Letting her head drop, hair so blonde it was practically white falling between them in a waterfall.

  “Ughh! Arghhhh.”

  The circumstance of his balls turning blue notwithstanding Rider laughed a rich noise, sweeping her hair back from her face, making her look up at him.

  “You wanna try for a vowel now?”

  “I can’t --- I don’t know how ---- God fucking damn it! --- Ughhhh --- I can’t get past it, Rider. I feel defective. If I can’t do this with you. YOU of all people when I'm so wildly attracted to you, attracted to everything about you! Then I never will with anyone. Do you know how long it's been since I wanted you inside me, I want it, Rider, every damn day for years.”

  Resting her forehead on his chest, Rider could only hold her and absorb some of her frustration he felt shaking through her small body.

  Had he gone too fast too soon?

  One track minded, his mother didn't raise no fool, he zeroed in on one thing only, hands splayed to her back, touching her gently, hesitant to break their connection.

  “Listen to me, Icy, when I tell you; Then I never will with anyone is not gonna happen, you hearin’ me on that? No one else is ever gonna touch you but me. Just me. I will kill anyone else for layin’ a fuckin’ finger on what’s mine, even lookin’ at you with want in his bastard eyes he’s a dead man. Whether it’s now or a year from now. Just me. Let me see you’re understandin’ me on that.”

  Big wide eyes did look at him but she didn’t say a word for a long minute. And then. A small smile touched her lips. He adored that fucking smile because it said a lot of good shit that she hadn’t minded what he’d declared, basically pissing a circle around her to ward off other dirty bastards who dared to look at her.

  “I understand you’re a prehistoric dinosaur, a chest beating caveman, and about as old-fashioned as they come and only hears what he wants to hear.”

  Her smile said she was grateful for it.

  Rider smirked something dirty that passed through his blue eyes. “Yeah, I am. Ain’t got no apologies about it, baby. When you wanna fuck, you fuck me, no one else, got it? day or night, don’t care what’s’ happenin’ around us, you get your sweet ass to me and say you wanna be fucked.”

  Even as she was hit with absurd shyness, color staining her cheeks he saw something flicker in her eyes. His sweet unsure Icy, what all mental abuse had been done to her to have her this afraid of sharing her body with him again.

  As sexually inexperienced as she was that first time, he recalled, she’d been hesitant in how she’d touched him initially, he’d enjoyed guiding her fingers to wrap around his cock showing her how to pump him up and down to bring him close to the edge, she’d been a studious fuck, better than anyone he’d fucked before or since.

  Now she was a ghost of that hungry courageous woman.

  He finally got his tongue unstuck from the roof of his mouth. Because as hard as he wanted to reintroduce her to the power of their chemistry sizzling between them, his dick had other ideas and wanted to take her hard and fast down on the floor like rutting animals.

  "Just us, baby." He coaxed, voice filled with lust.

  He dropped a kiss to her lips, once, twice.

  When his mouth found hers deeply once more, she surprised the fuck outer him by biting his lower lip then licking it, one shudder went through her and hit him tight in the chest.

  She was shaking uncontrollably. And he knew his room wasn't cold.

  "Baby...“ He groaned, voice a thick husky noise, tortured by sexual need. “Don’t ever be fuckin’ scared of me. Do fuckin’ not. If I do somethin’ you don’t like, just tell me and I stop.”

  He growled nipping back on her top lip, liking how she swayed into him unbidden to whatever was going on inside her mind. “I won't do anything you don't want, get me? Your pace. Your needs. This is at your speed, baby. Tell me what you want, how you need it."

  Even if his dick snapped off he wasn't going to hurry her. His fucking dick could chill the fuck out, his woman said when, and if when wasn't fucking now then so be it, her pale eyes wild and panicked conveyed she wasn’t so sure at all.

  Besides that, he felt a goddamn pussy second guessing himself whether she liked him or not.

  She’d stilled, turning frozen against him and he pulled back to gaze down at her. Both palms cupped her face.

  “Breathe, Zara. You’re turning blue. Fuckin’ take a breath right now.” He issued forcibly. She looked up at him as if his raised growl had snapped her back to the present, he watched color flood her cheeks, at last, her chest inflated.

  “I’m sorry. I … got a little dizzy.”

  “Nothing to be sorry for.” But one last bastard was going to be sorry real soon for terrifying his girl, stealing her goddamn light from inside her eyes. Rider continued to stroke her neck when she didn’t seem to shy from his touch, she tentatively licked her lips and his dick ached, eyes followed that pink little tongue wanting to suck it into his mouth again.

  Rider dropped his head, got in her face and brushed a soft kiss on her swollen lips. Told her again. "Your pace, baby. Do you want me to stop?"

  “No. No, don’t stop. I want this so much, I want you. Just---” he thought she looked cute as fuck as her brow bunched together in deep concentration.

  Here they were making out in his room like teenagers afraid to go to second base, his cock raging hard and his girl doing too much thinking. His brothers would think him crazy to work this hard to get Zara into his bed when there was free pussy available for the president with a click of his fingers. He wanted only one pussy; hers.

  “I just don’t want to disappoint you.” she rushed out. Embarrassment clouding her eyes.

  Rider blinked. Did his own frowning. Was she insane? He was a teenager with a rager to get inside her. “Never gonna happen, baby. If you can’t feel already, I couldn’t get any harder, or turned on, I'm ready to blow like a goddamn rocket just from kissin' you. I fuckin’ want you any way I can have you. But this is your show, so let me worry about me, okay? and tell me what you want.”

  She inhaled. Paused. Stared up at him through her lashes. She was so fucking sweet she gave him a cavity. Any damn wonder Rider wanted to gulp her down, one dirty slurp at a time.

  “I kinda ... Perhaps I could … would like ...“ Fuck, she was going to kill him all this hesitating. Say it, baby. Say you want me. He held her at the small of her back, fingers splayed against her ass, keeping her against his hardness, letting her get used to that feeling. “I want to touch you just like this.” And then she popped her hips crashing them into his and Rider saw fucking stars as she
hit his pelvis.

  His entire body convulsed losing blood from his brain when it raced down to his dick.

  Her sincere answer appeared to calm him somewhat after a long minute of him trying to stop himself from coming in his pants, he breathed and focused his sex-starved brain.

  “Oh, fuck yeah, baby. You wanna do some grindin’ on me first, test me out, see how you like it again? Fuck yeah, you go for it. Drive me fuckin’ crazy with that sweet pussy."

  To help her out, ‘cause he was a swell guy like that, selfless even, he picked Zara up and plastered her to the nearest wall over by the bathroom door, whatever was going on in the common room outside the door he couldn’t give a fuck about, he was all about Zara, and showing her what shit was done to her didn’t define who she was now and what pleasure she could still feel if she could allow herself to.

  Swiftly it was paramount that he help her to feel again, he wanted her screaming his name, sure, he liked hearing his name breathlessly in her mouth, sexy as hell and he remembered the sound well, but to have her coming apart for him, he wanted that more.

  Rider helped her legs go around him, all the while telling her it was okay in a low voice, reiterating this was her pace and he’d stop any time she wanted. “I mean it, baby.” oh fuck, she started shoving her hips into his. “Even if I’m planted balls deep in you, as far as my dick can reach inside all that wet honey and you tell me to stop, I’ma stop. Okay?”

  “I got it, Rider. I like how you feel. Big. Hard. So, so nice. God, so hard. I like it. I feel all of you.” she made a Mmmm noise from the back of her throat, Rider swore he almost came.

  Keeping her moving against his erection with intensifying friction, if this was how she needed it, to feel comfortable with him, by fuck Rider would endure the agony of her sweet body rocking out against his.

  Though it was torture, real agony.

  His teeth mashed together hard enough to crack, his throat gurgled grunts of pleasure, fingers tightened on her hips.

  Oh, Christ yeah. Ride me, baby.


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