Wild Thoughts

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Wild Thoughts Page 3

by Charity Ferrell

“Tell on me then. I’m not going to play this game with you for the next six months. You’re not going to keep holding this over my head, ready to blackmail me at any time.”

  She hits the gas when the light turns green, and we go rushing forward.

  I grin and look out the window, happy with her being pissed off at me. I love girls with attitude, ones that don’t take shit. Maybe Sally was right. There might be more to Addison than I thought.

  I filled out applications all morning, but none of them paid shit. There aren’t very many places around the Hamptons to work unless it’s at a restaurant or a tourist attraction.

  “You hungry?” I ask. “I’ll buy lunch.”

  She nods at the same time her stomach growls.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Where to?”

  “Your choice, being that you’re on some weird-ass diet.”

  She scrunches up her face. “Weird ass diet? I eat perfectly normal.”

  “Perfectly normal is pizza and burgers. You eat bird food and hummus, whatever that shit is.”

  “Okay, first off, I eat burgers and pizza. I’ve eaten plenty of burgers and pizzas.”

  “Oh really? How often do you binge on burgers and pizzas?”

  “Every single day.”

  I can’t hold in my smile. “Liar.”

  “Once a week.”


  Her lips morph into a scowl. “Fine, once a month, you happy?”

  “That’s better than what I thought.”

  She pulls up to a small diner with only a few cars in the lot and puts the car in park. “This is one of my favorite places, and don’t worry, they have burgers for you.”

  “That’s my girl,” I say, without thinking.

  Her head whips around to look at me.

  Why did I say that?

  I don’t even say that to chicks back home. I think this East Coast air is making me crazy. I shrug off my comment and jump out of the car.

  We give the waitress our order, and she brings out our drinks. I feel a sense of pride when Addison orders a bacon cheeseburger and fries–the same things as me.

  “So I guess this calls for us to have a conversation,” she says.

  I chuckle. “Unless you want to sit in silence then yes, that’s probably a good idea.”

  “What do you want to talk about?”

  I give her a look.

  “I mean … what are things you enjoy?”

  “I enjoy pussy, alcohol, and tattoos. What about you? Plaid skirts and Sunday brunch?”

  She throws her straw wrapper at me. “I told you to quit being an asshole. And I highly doubt those classify as enjoyments.”

  “Oh babe, they are definitely enjoyments.”

  Her eyes deadpan on me. “Hobbies? You have any hobbies?”

  She doesn’t like talking about sex. It makes her uncomfortable. I’ll have to rectify that.

  “Pussy, alcohol, and tattoos.”

  She gives me an annoyed look. “You’re incorrigible.”

  I grin proudly. “I’ve been called worse.”

  The waiter brings us our food, and we dig in.

  “Why haven’t you visited before?” she asks, swallowing down a fry.

  “I had no reason to.”

  “Your dad said your relationship was strained, but he never talks about you.”

  “Strained is an understatement. I detest the man.”

  “Detest is a pretty strong word.”

  I take a chug of my coke before answering. “My dad went to the same college as my mom in California. They started dating, and he knocked her up a few months later. When she told him she was pregnant with me, he insisted she get an abortion. When she refused, he left her. My mom had to drop out of school because she was on scholarship and couldn’t keep up with the required credits. It was too hard on her juggling a baby, a job, and school. Meanwhile, my dad was able to graduate and go on to law school. He’s now rich with a mansion while my mom works doubles waitressing.”

  “Your dad didn’t help at all?”

  I shake my head. “He didn’t come to one appointment with her. He wasn’t at the hospital when I was born. After a few years, he started to come around. He’d make an appearance every few years and tell my mom he wanted us to become a family. He’d get her hopes up and then bail again. He’s a fucking coward.”

  She plays with the straw in her cup. “Wow, that’s an asshole-ish.”

  I nod. “Damn straight.”

  I don’t like talking about my personal problems. I don’t want people thinking I have daddy issues, because I sure as hell don’t. I don’t give a shit that my dad wasn’t in my life. I could’ve turned out to be some pompous prick like him.

  She eyes my empty plate. “I don’t understand how you can eat all of that and have your body.”

  I look at her in full cockiness, and her face shades with embarrassment. “My body? Have you been spying on me behind closed doors? Do I need to start checking my closet for you before I undress?”

  “No, idiot. You decided to grace me with your naked chest last night, remember?”

  “Ah … I forgot about that. Did you like what you saw?”

  “Obviously. Your body is crazy perfect. It’s like your stomach is filled with ridges and valleys of muscle. It’s ridiculous.”

  I grin at the compliment. Since I eat like shit, I work out like crazy. I joined a kickboxing gym with my best friend, Kelton, to make sure I stay in shape.

  “You’ve seen mine. I think it’s only fair I see yours.”

  She bites into the end of a fry. “Not happening, homeboy. I wish I could eat like shit and still look good.”

  I scowl at her. “What the fuck are you talking about? Your body is sexy as fuck.”

  Usually, when girls bitch about their bodies, it pisses me off because I know they’re fishing for compliments. But I have a feeling Addison is being serious. She’s self-conscious, even though she has no fucking reason to be.

  “It’s good to have a curvy body, to look like a woman,” I go on. “Those boobs and that ass, those are good fucking things. If any man tells you different, stay the fuck away from him because he’s fucking crazy.”

  “I’m telling you, this isn’t a good idea,” I say, looking at the brick building from Addison’s car.

  The country club is bigger than I thought it would be. They don’t have this kind of shit in my neighborhood. There’s a pool in the back, and kids are running around. Women are lying out with big ass hats on their heads and drinks in their hands.

  “Quit being a pansy,” Addison says, killing the engine. “I’ll come in with you and hold your hand.”

  I shake my head, and she can’t hold back her smile.

  “I see you do have a little smart mouth on you.” I’ve surprisingly had fun hanging out with her today. “It’s not about me being a pussy. It’s about me not wanting to be around arrogant bastards like Leonard. I don’t want to get arrested.”

  “Has anyone suggested you work on your anger management skills?”

  “A few times, yes.”

  “I see you took their advice.” She steps out of the car. “If you need bail money, give me a call. I’m a trust fund kid who doesn’t pay for anything and gets money handed to her.”

  I sense the edginess in her voice. “Sounds good, thanks.”

  “Oh, and this trust fun kid charges a twenty percent interest rate. So I’d keep your mean ass out of trouble if I were you.”

  “Addison said you filled out an application at the country club today,” Melinda says.

  Dinner is spaghetti with no bread. Who the fuck eats spaghetti without garlic bread? I guess Addison isn’t the only one on some bullshit diet.

  “What?” my dad asks, nearly choking on his red wine. “You applied for a job at my country club?”

  “I wasn’t aware you owned it,” I answer sarcastically. I grin when I notice the fire light up in his eyes. “And the good news is I got it.”
  The manager there was surprisingly cool. I’m also sure it helped that Addison was up their ass to give me a job. I guess the girl has some pull around there.

  “You’re going to call the club and decline,” Leonard says. “Tell them you’ve made another choice.”

  “Yeah, that’s not happening. The faster I make money, the sooner I’m out of here.”

  He slams his hand on the table. “I will not be embarrassed by you.”

  “Leonard,” Addison whispers.

  Melinda stares at him in shock. I bet he’s never shown them the jackass he is in front of them. They’ve never seen the real Leonard Isaacson, the man who walked out on his girlfriend because she inconveniently got knocked up with his child.

  “What do you have to be embarrassed about?” I question. “That I’m your bastard son? Or that I look different than all of you people?”

  “You act like a disrespectful prick; that’s why.”

  “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it?”

  He scoffs.

  “I’ll only work there a few months, save money, and get the hell out of here. Isn’t that what you want?”

  He wipes his mouth with a napkin. “That’s exactly what I want.”



  You’re getting me in trouble, princess.”

  Zeth’s voice startles me, and I almost drop my bottle of fingernail polish. I haven’t talked to him since our job-hunting trip yesterday. After dinner, I went straight to my bedroom and didn’t come out for the rest of the night.

  I called Cam, who’s been moody lately. He said his parents have been on his ass to get his shit together and be more responsible. I don’t blame them. He thinks hanging out with his friends and drinking all day like some frat boy are his biggest priorities.

  “Pink, cute color,” Zeth says, gesturing to my toes before falling down on the opposite end of the couch and looking at me.

  “Thanks … so why am I getting you into trouble? I think you do a good enough job of that yourself. You don’t need my help.”

  “You’re talking me into shit I’d never do. I applied for a job at a country club, for fuck sakes.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry for helping you make money.”

  He laughs.

  “You should be thanking me, not calling me a trouble maker.”

  “That’s what I’m doing. I’m thanking you. I know they wouldn’t have hired me if it wasn’t for you.”

  “You’re going to take the job, right? It would be stupid to turn it down.”

  “I’m taking it. It’s honestly the last place I thought I’d ever work, but it pays the most. I need money, and I need it fast.”

  “When do you start?”

  “On Monday.”

  “I can’t believe your dad made such a big deal about it. He’s usually cool and easygoing.”

  He stretches out his arm and rests it along the back of the couch. “That’s because he likes you.”

  “He likes you, too. You’re his son.”

  “The fact that you share the same blood with someone doesn’t mean you have to love them … or even like them. Blood and family don’t mean shit to some people.”

  “Well, that’s sad.” I feel bad for him. I can’t imagine not having a parent’s love, to constantly feel rejected.

  “Life can be sad.”

  I start adding my topcoat. “Any plans for tonight?”

  He shrugs. “Not sure, I was thinking about going out.”

  “Going out? You don’t know anyone around here.”

  He chuckles, shaking his head. “It’s easy to make friends in bars on a Friday night, sweetheart.”

  I scrunch up my face, feeling stupid. Of course, that’s how older people date. He’s going out to pick up another woman. Hopefully, he doesn’t bring her here.

  “What about you? Any big plans?”

  “Dinner and a movie with Cam,” I answer, looking away from him.

  I’m embarrassed by how incredibly lame that sounds. It’s so typical and all we do. We go to dinner, a movie, or watch TV in my basement. We don’t go anywhere or do anything exciting–just like how we have sex.

  “Let me know if you need some privacy later. I’ll wait until you guys are done fucking on the couch. I don’t want to interrupt again.”

  “We won’t be fucking on the couch.”

  I won’t be having sex with Cam down here until Zeth moves out. I can’t risk him walking in on us again. I’m not going to take the chance of him seeing how incredibly lame of a screw I am. I’m sure Cam will bitch about it, but he’ll have to get over it.

  He bites the edge of his lip, grinning smugly. “Does it feel good to say that?”

  “To say what?”


  I look at him with confusion.

  “I’m sure that dirty word doesn’t slip through those pretty pink lips very often.”

  “You don’t know that. Quit thinking I’m this lame, sheltered freak whose mouth will burst into flames if she says something bad.”

  “Then prove it to me.”

  “Fucking,” I blurt out

  “Say it again,” he says, challenging.


  I grin. Obviously, this isn’t the first time I’ve cursed, but I feel the need to prove him wrong. I want him to know I’m not the girl he thinks I am.

  He taps the top of my head and gets up. “That’s an excellent start. See, I knew I’d start corrupting your innocent ass.”



  I’m finger-fucking a girl in the backseat of Addison’s car. She let me borrow it for the night, but I’m sure she wouldn’t have offered it up if she knew I was planning on getting laid in it.

  The chick moans, crushing her hips against my hand, pleading for more. I add another finger, feeling her juices drip down each one. Her name is Kelly, Kyla, something that starts with a K. I don’t remember, and I don’t care to. She’s hot as fuck and was willing to jump in the backseat after only talking for five minutes in the small bar I found a few miles from my dad’s place.

  I pick up my pace, driving three fingers in and out of her wet folds, and I feel her pussy start to clench around my fingertips. Loud moans blast from her throat as she explodes.

  The sound of my zipper going down echoes through the car, and she doesn’t waste any time before wrapping her full lips around my cock. Her mouth is hungry, taking my length deep in her throat. She settles her head above my lap, giving me the perfect angle to knot her hair in my fingers and guide her to how I want it.

  She’s got fucking skills. She’s using her tongue in all of the right ways–curling it around the tip, licking down my dick, and cupping my balls.

  I shut my eyes and tilt my head back in pleasure. It’s been a minute since I got my dick sucked–since I moved here.

  I take in a deep breath when I realize I have a problem. Not a problem with my cock, but a problem with my mind. Instead of this K chick’s mouth, I’m imagining it’s someone elses. I’m fantasizing it’s the girl’s mouth that owns this car. I envision those hot pink lips sucking my cock dry.

  I shake my head, trying to rid my thoughts of her, and tighten my hold on K’s curly strands. I pump my hips up, losing control.

  It’s because Addison is off limits, because she’s a challenge, that’s why I want her so fucking bad.

  It’s not attraction. It’s not lust. It’s a challenge.

  My chest shudders as I bust in the girl’s mouth, my thoughts still on Addison. She licks my cock up and down one last time, lapping up any extra cum like she’s starving for it.

  “Thanks, babe,” I say, releasing her hair so she can get up.

  “Want to go back to my place?” she asks, wiping her mouth.

  She bites the corner of her lip, waiting for me to answer. She’s hot as fuck. Her blonde hair is the perfect length to grip while fucking her from behind. Her black top is showing me everything she has to work with. I
lick my lips, remembering how I was sucking on her tits earlier.

  I pull up my pants and buckle them. “Maybe another time.” The words fell from my mouth before I had the chance to think.

  What the fuck?

  I need some pussy, why am I saying no?

  She roams her hand over my cock, rubbing me slowly, and I start to get excited again. “Why not tonight? I only live a few miles away.”

  “I got you off. You got me off. I think it’s time we call it a night.”

  “Okay then, let me give you my number.”

  She recites her digits, and I pretend to punch them in my phone.

  She opens her purse and pulls out her phone. Shit. “And give me yours, so I know who’s calling.”

  The whole give me your number because I don’t answer unknown callers is the best line to get someone’s number. Sometimes, I give them Kelton’s number, and he gets shitty at me. Other times, I give them the sex addict’s hotline number. I don’t do dating. I fuck, that’s it.

  I ruffle my hands through her soft curls. “I was kidding, babe. This was fun. Your dick sucking skills are out of this world, but it’s not going any further than this. I’m not from here. I’m only visiting.”

  Her face falls. “I wish you would’ve told me that before you had me sucking your dick in the backseat of a car.”

  “You didn’t ask.”

  I wince at the sting of her hand connecting with my cheek before she climbs out of the car. I laugh; leaning back against the seat, and my stomach slowly starts to churn. I look around, wondering if Cam has ever fucked Addison here. I shake the thought away, suddenly feeling sick to my stomach, and jump back in the driver’s seat.

  I make a pit stop at the gas station before going home to fill Addison’s tank up and wipe down the backseat. I slow down when I reach the front of the house and notice there’s only one light on upstairs. The garage door opens, and I shut the car off when I make it in. I pull my phone from my pocket and hit her name.

  Me: You naked in the basement?

  I didn’t notice Cam’s car outside, but I need a conversation starter. I grin when my phone beeps a second later.


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