Wild Thoughts

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Wild Thoughts Page 6

by Charity Ferrell

  I’m gripping the edge of the bar, anger coursing through my veins like ice while I watch Cam from across the room. He’s sitting at a crowded table, and my pulse heightens with disgust when I move my gaze from him to the blonde chick next to him. She’s too close, practically sitting on top of his dick, and she eagerly smiles at him when his hand slips underneath the table.

  This asshole really has the balls to flirt with another chick in public. The fuck?

  My hands are shaking, and I’m ready to jump over the bar and beat him senseless.

  I discreetly take a picture of them with my phone and contemplate whether to send it to Addison. I don’t want to hurt her, but she needs to know her boyfriend is a fucking scumbag. I slip my phone back into my pocket, choosing against it for now. She had a rough night. She doesn’t need to be dealing with his bullshit right now.

  “I’ll take a Jack and Coke,” Cam says, walking up to the bar, his friends following him like a shadow.

  “ID,” is my only response.

  He snorts. “You can’t be serious.”

  “ID,” I repeat, trying my best to hold back my anger.

  He smacks his palm down on the bar. His friends give him curious looks and wait for his next move.

  “Just give me the drink, so you don’t lose your job, you damn convict,” he says with a snarl.

  I grip a glass in my hand while trying to talk myself down from smashing it in his face.

  “No ID, no alcohol,” Mikey tells him, slapping me on the back and joining my side. “So scram, frat boy.”

  “I’m not leaving until you give me what I want,” Cam argues, puffing out his chest, stupidly sizing us up.

  “Fuck off,” I tell him

  “No, you fuck off,” he fires back, obviously not that creative with his retaliation.

  “Listen, asshole, the only time I want my come back is when I’m wiping it off your mom’s chin.”

  Cam’s friends roar out in laughter. It takes him a second to get it, and he kicks the front of the bar, his face heated.

  “You better apologize for that or you’ll be sorry,” he hisses.

  I look past him to the man next in line. “What can I get you?”

  Cam flips me off and throws out insults before stomping away. I only shake my head at him while the customer gives me his order.

  The customer hands me a tip for his rum and coke, and I grab my phone as soon as he leaves.

  Me: Are you coming to the club today?

  My phone beeps with a response seconds later.

  Addison: Nope. I’m relaxing at home.

  Me: Your boyfriend is here.

  Addison: I know. He sent me a text insisting I tell you to serve him. If not, he wants me to get you fired.

  Me: Fuck that little dick asshole.

  Addison: Don’t worry about him.

  My phone beeps again.

  Addison: And thank you for last night.



  I swallow hard when Zeth comes walking into the kitchen wearing his work uniform. My knees start to feel wobbly. This is the first time I’ve seen him in it, and I’d be hanging out at the country club more if I knew he looked that good in it. No wonder Savannah can’t shut the hell up about her date with him this weekend. Apparently, he’s the new, hot commodity around there.

  “Hey,” he says, awkwardly, when he notices me standing at the island.

  All of my blood rushes straight between my legs when he begins to unbutton his shirt. I catch my breath, my eyes glued to him as he pulls it off his arms and reveals his hard chest. Even though I’ve seen it plenty of times, it never gets old.

  I knead the cookie dough in my hands and rip pieces off it roughly while taking short, calming breaths to keep myself from jumping on him like a dog in heat. I should be ashamed for eye-screwing him, but I can’t help it. I sigh, and my stomach falls when he grabs a shirt from his bag and takes away my mouth-watering view as he puts it on.

  “Hey,” I say, stuttering at first. “Did you just get back from work?”

  That was a stupid question considering he’s in his work uniform.

  “I did.”

  “Did Cam give you any more shit?”

  He shoves his work shirt in his bag and tosses it on the table. “That jackass has a little Chihuahua mouth on him. I want to swat him away like the gnat he is. In all seriousness, you need to re-think your relationship and kick his ass to the curb. You’re too good for him.”

  I look at him curiously. “Have you ever even been in a relationship?”

  He stares my way, looking like I’ve grown another head right in front of him. “A dating relationship?”

  “Yes, a dating relationship.”

  He shrugs his shoulders and gives me a boyish grin. “Sure, I have.”

  “Oh really?” I can tell he’s lying.

  “When I was in first grade, there was this chick named Bethany. She had the most perfect little blonde pigtails. We chased each other around the playground and gave each other cooties.” He laughs when I throw a dishtowel at him.

  “Very funny. Someone who’s never been in a relationship is in no position to judge other relationships.”

  He moves closer and stops to look at me from the other side of the island. “I understand your boyfriend is a fucking douchebag that ditches you to go party. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that’s not a good relationship, princess.”

  “He wasn’t partying, and I told him that I’d rather be left alone. It can get awfully boring sitting in the dark.” But he did it for me.

  My heart starts to thump against my chest when he comes around the island and stops at my side. I feel the warmth of his shoulder hitting mine.

  He bumps me with his hip and gazes down at me in concern before reaching out and running a hand through my hair. “You feeling any better?”

  I nod, looking away from him. “I am, and thank you again.” The exhaustion from my migraine is still eating at me, but I’m beginning to gain my energy back.

  I shiver when his hand moves down to my shoulder.

  “No problem.” He gestures to the mess in front of me. “What you got going on here?”

  I play with the dough in my hands. After I got out of the shower, I decided I needed something to take my mind off everything. I called Cam earlier to ask if he wanted to come over and hang out. He declined, saying he had plans with his friends today, which pissed me off and led to an argument.

  “I’m making cookies. Want to help?”

  “Sure. I can’t promise I won’t fuck up some shit.” He wipes his hands together. “What kind of cookies are we baking up in here, Paula Dean?”

  “Chocolate chip and peanut butter.”

  “Since I’m giving you my assistance that means you’re giving me half, right?”

  I fake an annoyed groan. “Fine, you can have half.”

  He snatches the dough from me and starts to play with it. “I know you’re going to think this sounds like bullshit, but I really am sorry about what I said about you.”

  I gulp. I don’t want to have this conversation. I’d rather we act like it never happened. “It’s fine. I can’t be mad for what you think about me. It’s your opinion, and you’re free to express it to whoever.” My response sounds like total bullshit. I can tell he’s thinking the same.

  “That’s not what I think about you.”

  “Let’s just drop it.” The last thing I need is another migraine.

  He nods. “Got it. Now on to the cookie making.”

  We get started rolling out the dough and mix all of the ingredients together. He makes it his mission to have my entire face covered with flour by the time we’re finished. I put the timer on the oven, and he slides the cookies on the top rack.

  He grabs a can of coke from the fridge, pops it open, and leans back, his lady-killer green eyes focusing on me. “Where’s your dad at?”

  His question catches me off guard. My eyes flicker away from h
im, and my stomach starts to sink.

  “He died when I was ten,” I answer, the words hurting as they come out.

  I don’t like talking about my dad. When he died, my entire world came crashing down. The man who allowed me to be his shadow, following him around everywhere he went, and who had tea parties with me and my fifteen dolls was gone. That part of me was gone.

  “I’m sorry.” Concern fills his face as he comes closer. “How did it happen?”

  “He was a firefighter and died on a run.”

  “Does that piss you off?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Did it make you angry that he died helping other people live?”

  He’s the first to ever ask me this question. Plenty of people gave me condolences, but no one asked how I was feeling. “It did at first. I hated everyone in the department, wouldn’t even talk to them at his funeral, but I’ve come to the realization that no one could’ve stopped it. That’s what my dad wanted to do. He wanted to save lives, and he did. Unfortunately, he couldn’t save his own.”

  I don’t realize a tear is trailing down my cheek until the warmth of his thumb tingles across my skin, and he catches it. He wipes the sadness from my face. My heart beats like a drum, sending vibrations through my body, when his finger slides from my cheek to the top of my lip, tracing it slowly.

  It’s back. The hammering that coursed through me when we were on the couch that night has come back to life. My stomach flutters with anticipation and fear. I can’t move away from him. I lean forward, my eyes slowly shutting.

  We’re inches apart.

  This is going to happen.

  It shouldn’t, but I can’t hold back.

  I jump when the oven starts beeping.

  Saved by the bell.

  My eyes shoot open, noticing his become dark and hooded.

  He scratches his head, and disappointment etches on his face. “I need to hit the shower.”

  He turns around and leaves the kitchen before I have the chance to stop him. I want to tell him I don’t know what is going on between us, but there’s something.



  To say I’m not thrilled about this date is an understatement. I’d rather sit at home and jerk myself off than do this. The only reason I’m not bailing is that it’s an opportunity to hang out with Addison. She’s been distant since the incident in the kitchen … when I was about to shove my tongue down her throat and take her on the counter.

  She wants me. I’m sure of it. She’s trying to fight the desire and keep her good girl image. I know if I break her, if I get into her panties, I’m done for.

  That’s the one trigger to get my ass kicked out of here.

  It’s fucked up I want to spend time with my stepsister. It’s even more screwed up that I was thinking about her when I was jacking off in the shower this morning.

  I couldn’t help it. I’d set an image in my mind as I stroked myself: a curvy swimsuit model, but by the time I was ready to bust, my imagination took a turn. That model’s face transformed into Addison’s. Her tits became Addison’s, and those lips around my cock were her sweet pink ones.

  There’s something about her that’s overtaking me. I can’t stop thinking about her.

  I snap the buttons on my shirt and sit on the edge of my bed. She has a boyfriend. I need to get her out of my head, out of my system.

  “Hey there, handsome,” Savannah says, standing in my doorway.

  This chick might be the ticket to my new state of mind. If she doesn’t annoy the shit out of me tonight, I might fuck her until I can clear my head.

  Savannah’s red dress is so tight I’m not sure how she even managed to get it on. I blink a few times, focusing my eyes on her tits, and I know she’s going to have a nip slip tonight, which I’m positive is intentional. It will also be intentional that she suggests I wrap my tongue around her nipple and ram my cock inside her later.

  She saunters into my room, her long legs on full display, and grabs my hand to pull me into the living room. I grunt when I’m pushed down on the couch. My eyes fix on her as she climbs on my lap. She grinds against my dick. I can’t help but get hard when I realize she’s not wearing any panties.

  “I’ve been excited about this date all week,” she says into my ear. “I can’t wait for you to fuck my brains out.”

  I’m positive she’s not as exciting in the sack as she’s trying to lead on, but if I get wasted enough, she’ll do.

  “Fuck, Savannah. Can’t you wait until after he buys you dinner before you give it up? Have some respect for yourself.”

  Both of our heads turn to find Savannah and Cam standing a few feet away from us.

  “Cam,” Addison yells, smacking his arm for his comment. “Don’t talk to her like that.”

  All eyes turn to me. Savannah is waiting for me to come to her defense, which isn’t going to happen. I’m not about to defend her with Addison standing right there. She’s already looking at me like I’m scum for letting her friend dry hump me. Cam looks like he wants to drag a knife across my throat. I guess he’s still not over the other day at the club.

  This is going to be a fucking blast.

  Savannah shoots Cam a dirty look. “Screw you, Cam!”

  I tap her thigh, silently telling her to get off my lap, and she does. I breathe in a rush of air when I look at Addison.

  She looks hot as fuck. Her hair is pulled away from her face, a few tendrils falling around her ears. Her dress is black, crossing across her neck with slits on each side, and hits a few inches above her knees.

  My dick gets harder looking at her than it did when Savannah was hopping on it, ready to ride me.

  Cam clears his throat. It’s obvious I’m checking out his girl.

  “You guys ready to go?” he asks. “I’m not going to miss our reservation because Savannah needs her pussy stroked.”

  The place we go to is too fucking fancy for my taste. A cheeseburger is twenty-five dollars.

  Thank fuck, I got decent tips last night, or Savannah’s ass would be in the kitchen helping me wash dishes to pay for our bill. I briefly considered making her pay for her own. I don’t want to be here. I didn’t want to take her on this date, but I know that will make me look like a cheap, inconsiderate bastard.

  The meal is awkward, of course. No one is comfortable. Savannah can’t keep her hands off my dick. Cam keeps saying the stupidest shit, and Addison has barely muttered a full sentence.

  “I need to go to the bathroom,” Savannah says, throwing her napkin down on the table. She grabs her purse and gets up.

  “You want me to go with you?” Addison asks, scooting her chair out.

  I’ll never understand the whole girls have to go to the restroom in a group thing. The last thing I want to do is schedule bathroom breaks at the urinals with my boys.

  “It’s fine, girl. Eat. I’ll be right back,” Savannah answers, signaling for her to stay put.

  A minute later, Cam’s phone buzzes.

  He stares at his screen a few seconds, his eyes widening. “I’ll be right back. This is my dad. It’s important.”

  I look away when his lips brush against Addison’s cheek before he leaves the table. “I guess that leaves just the two of us.” I start to lift my drink to cheers her when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I sift it out, fully prepared to hit the fuck you button, but my stomach curdles when I see Margo’s name flashing across the screen.

  Shit. Calls from her are never good.

  I suck in a breath. “Fuck. I have to take this.” I feel bad for leaving her alone at the table, but I can’t ignore this call.

  Addison nods, like it doesn’t matter that everyone is ditching her, but I can see in her eyes it does.

  I spend an agonizing five minutes talking Margo down and hang up with her. I shoot Kelton a text next to let him know what’s going down. I’ll always have his back. My phone gets shoved back in my pocket as I make my way back to our table, hoping this date ends soon.

  I stop before I make it there when I hear Cam’s voice. I take a step closer and realize he’s behind a closed door.

  “You were trying to make me jealous, weren’t you?” he angrily asks.

  “You know that,” a sensual voice I recognize answers. “And it worked because your hand is up my dress right now.”

  “Fuck you,” he fires back. “You were flirting with him, practically taking his cock on the couch for me to see. You knew damn well that shit would piss me off. Don’t do that again, especially with that fucking loser. You’ll regret it.”

  I ball up my fist at the same time Savannah lets out a loud moan.

  “I can fuck whoever I want, and yes, I’ll be screwing his brains out tonight,” Savannah says with a groan.

  That’s not fucking happening. My dick isn’t going anywhere near that broad.

  “The fuck you will be,” Cam spats.

  “You’re still with Addison.” She says her name in distaste, like it’s poison. “You have sex with her. You tell her you love her! You need to make a decision. Leave her, or I’m done.”

  “Babe, you know I love you,” he says. “Give me a little more time.”

  I slightly open the door, careful not to make a sound, and see Cam’s hand pumping in and out of Savannah’s pussy. She’s pushed up against a wall, her ass lodged against his cock as she grinds against it. She gasps when he pulls down his pants and slides inside her.

  Oh fuck, shit just got worse.

  My nails bite into the side of the door. He grunts with each slam inside her.

  My pulse elevates as I push open the door and walk into the room, unable to hold back my anger any longer.

  “Looks like you still don’t know how to fuck a woman right.”

  Cam freezes at the sound of my voice. Savannah looks back at me, and a sly, venomous smile spreads across her lips. She knows I’m going to tell Addison. She’d rather hurt her best friend than lose her temporary dick.


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