Wild Thoughts

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Wild Thoughts Page 12

by Charity Ferrell

  “Deadbeat mothers need to stay away from their children,” Zeth corrects.

  “Screw you!” Her attention goes back to me. “You look like a sweet girl. I wouldn’t give him the time of day. Do you know his criminal background? Do you know that he uses girls and then throws them to the side like they’re nothing? He’s done it to plenty of my friends.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Margo. Unlike you and your friends, she’s not easy and willing to give it up to a guy who says fucking hi to them.”

  Margo slides between us, making sure she bumps into Zeth’s side, and disappears down the stairs.

  “So, no Columbia, huh?” Zeth asks again, a smile forming on his lips. I want to run my tongue across them.

  “No Columbia.”

  “Doesn’t that mess with your plan?”

  “Eh, I decided to do a re-route, change things up. The only plan I want now is one that includes you.”

  He licks his lips as his fingers curl around my waist. Heat rips through me when he brings my lips to his.

  “God, I need to fuck you,” he says, against them.

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” I whisper.

  He grabs my bag and throws it through his front door. I press against him when he picks me up and grips my ass before dragging me into his apartment. He pins me against the wall and doesn’t hesitate before rocking his body against mine. I can already feel his erection through my dress.

  I push my tongue in his mouth. I’ve missed the taste of him.

  He kisses me back urgently. “I’ve missed you so fucking much.” His hips buck forward. “You have no idea.”

  “Oh, yes I do,” I say around a gasp. “Tell me you’re mine.” It’s time for some role reversing. I need to hear him confess his feelings before I let him screw me.

  “I’m fucking yours, Addison Andrews. I’ve been yours since you walked into my bedroom that first night. And you’re mine. I love you.”

  His words set me aflame.

  “I love you, too.” I arch my hips forward, wanting to feel more of him.

  He uses his knee to nudge my legs apart, and my pussy spasms when I feel his hand dip underneath my dress. My body trembles when he thrusts two fingers in me, and I pulsate around them. I tingle, and every muscle in my body tightens as sensations roll over me.

  God, I missed everything about him.

  “Fuck, I forgot how much you love it when I play with your tight little pussy,” he whispers in my ear, hitching my leg around his thigh. “And as much as I want to taste every damn inch of you, I have to feel you first. I have to take you.”

  “Take what’s yours.”

  His fingers speed up, driving me crazy. My panties get torn down my legs and thrown across the room. He wastes no time before pushing his cock inside me.

  He powerfully drives in and out of my heat, nuzzling his face in my neck, and grips my hips so tight I can’t move.

  He holds me in place while I take in the feel of his perfect cock.

  I’ve missed him being inside me.

  I’ve dreamed about this for months.

  I’ve touched myself remembering how good he felt.

  Our reunion is better than I imagined.



  I’m doing something I thought I’d never do again.

  I’m fucking Addison, right here, right now against my wall in the middle of my living room in California.

  And fuck, does she feel good.

  My hips slap against hers, my cock pumping in and out of her sweet pussy.

  God, I love this.

  I thought I’d never get anything this good again.

  I tighten her legs around my waist and takes long strides to the bedroom. She gasps and gives me a dirty look when I pull out of her. Her body makes a thump, and she bounces back on the bed when I toss her on it. I fall to my knees in front of her and rip the straps of her dress. I grunt, watching her perfect tits spill out in front of my face, and I lick my lips. She gasps when I cup one with my hand and capture the other with my tongue.

  “How do you want it, baby?” I ask, pulling away from her sweet nipple. I shape my hand around her tit and start playing with it.

  “I want you on top,” she says between long breaths. “I need to feel your weight on me. Give it to me how you like. No condom. I want to feel all of you.”

  My girl knows how to set me off.

  I release her nipple, pressing my palm against her chest, and push her to her back. She’s underneath me, just how she wanted it, and her breathing is scattered while she waits for me to give her my dick.

  I grab my swollen cock, noticing the juices from her pussy still lingering on the tip, and stroke it a few times. Her back arches when I ease myself back inside her.

  Shit. She’s so fucking tight. She hasn’t been with anyone else since me. I’m sure of it. I fill her up, driving in and out of her tight pussy, fucking her raw.

  I’ll never fuck her with protection again. I’m throwing out every single condom I have. There will never be a barrier between us. She’s mine forever. She’s going to be my wife. The mother of my children. I can’t fucking wait to see what our future holds.

  I explode inside her, and both of her bodies shake as we come apart.

  I got my girl back.

  Life is good.

  Addison throws her arm over my chest and groans. “God, I’m starving.”

  I run my hand along her thigh. “Did I wear you out, princess?” I slip my fingers between her legs and slowly start to stroke her, loving how she moves into my touch.

  “That’s an understatement. You’ve given me like ninety orgasms, so yes, you’ve worn me out for the next week.”

  We haven’t left bed since she got here hours ago. I texted Kelton a heads up that his baby momma was on the loose and then shut my phone off. I won’t have any interruptions while giving my girl a happy welcome to her new home.

  I kiss the peak of her breast. “So, no more sex for a week?”

  “Hell no. It was an expression. I’m positive you’re going to be back inside me in a few minutes.”

  I stop my finger. “What’s your plan here, princess?” I’ll play with her sweet pussy after I get some answers.

  She stays quiet, her breathing labored, and tries to buck against my fingers.

  “Answer me … or my hand is gone,” I demand. I have to know this isn’t temporary. I need to know my girl isn’t only here for a visit.

  “I was accepted into UCLA and took out student loans. My dad left me an inheritance. I got some of it when I turned eighteen, which is how I bought my car, but I don’t get the rest until I turn twenty-one. I sold my car, but when that money is gone, I’ll be roughing it.”

  I can’t hold back my grin. Fuck, my girl is amazing. She gave it all up for me.

  “Looks like we’ll be roughing it together. I’ll help you the best I can, but I don’t know what we’re going to do about your place here. You’re going to be in my bed every night.”

  “Oh, I didn’t rent an apartment.”

  I raise a brow. “You said you moved here?”

  “I did.” She grins. “Into this apartment.”

  I laugh. “A little optimistic, were we?”

  “I knew once you saw this beautiful face, you’d invite me in. If that didn’t work, I’d tell you I wasn’t wearing any panties.”

  “And how did you know where I lived?”

  Her eyes twinkle with mischief. “Who do you think?”

  “Fucking Kelton,” I grumble.

  “Hey, buddy, you better be thanking him. I think we’re going to be on babysitting duty for awhile.”

  “So, what happened?”

  “After you left.” She gives me a pissed off look, and I kiss her forehead.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I was fucking stupid. What I did was shitty, and I will do anything you want to make up for what I did to you.”

  She nods, storing the information for later, and goes on. “My mom thought i
t’d be a good idea to invite Cam over.”

  My blood starts to boil. She better not tell me she touched that asshole. “You’ve got be shitting me.”


  “You didn’t take him back for awhile, did you?” Sadness seeps into my stomach. If she did, if she’s only here because they broke up again, it’ll kill me.

  “Hell no. I packed my stuff and moved in with Sally.”

  I release a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “I knew I liked her.”

  “She let me stay with her until I got my car sold and saved up enough money to move here.”

  Fuck, she had an entire agenda planned as soon as I left her. I’m such an asshole. She was working her ass off to get us back together while I was acting like selfish, sulking bastard.

  “You know I love you, right?” I ask, making sure she knows how much she means to me.

  She smiles, her plump lips looking beautiful. “You have no idea how good it feels hearing you say that. I was afraid I’d come here and you’d slam the door in my face.” She frowns. “I was also scared you’d have another chick here.”

  “I actually haven’t fucked a girl until today.”

  She looks at me with confusion and grabs the sheet. I remember my finger is still inside her when it slips out as she starts getting out of bed.

  “I’m so stupid,” she mutters.

  “What the fuck?” I grab her arm to stop her.

  “You had sex with someone earlier and thought it’d be okay to bring me to your bed after? Jesus, I didn’t think you were that bad, Zeth.”

  I can’t help but laugh, and she frowns when I slide my finger inside my mouth to suck her juices off.

  “What’s so funny?” she snaps.

  I place a hand to each of her cheeks and make eye contact. “Baby, you’re the girl I was talking about.”

  Her mouth falls open. “Oh.”

  I press my lips to her forehead. “Come on, my little spit fire.”

  She settles back at my side.

  “The doctor and the tattoo artist, what a fucking pair.”

  She laughs, dragging her fingers over my bare chest, getting me hard again. “The stepbrother and stepsister, what a fucking pair.”

  “Really? You were the one who made a big deal about it before. Now, you think it’s funny?”

  “I made a big deal about it because of our parents, but I’m over that. I’m over them and their rules. It’s all about us now.”

  I kiss her and look down her naked body. She’s the last girl I thought I’d fall in love with, but now she’s the only girl I can see myself being with.

  I love her. I love how she became a fighter. She fought for herself. She fought for me. She fought for us. And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you so much for reading Wild Thoughts!

  Before you move on to your next read, please consider leaving a review. They’re so appreciated.

  As a thank you, I’ve included Pop Rock as a bonus book, for a limited time. It’s full of angst, which is my happy place, and I had so much fun writing about music’s favorite bad boy.



  Pop Rock



  My life as I knew it came crashing down on me two weeks ago.

  I’m no longer Libby Graves – the wealthy daughter of Ritchie Graves, rock legend and lead singer of The Grave Diggers.

  I’m now Libby Graves – the broke off her ass woman who lost her condo and is close to being kicked out of college only a year shy of receiving her degree if she doesn’t come up with tuition.

  Three days ago, my dad’s former manager stepped in and offered me a job.

  One I’d never take if I weren’t so damn desperate.

  But the pay is too good to pass up.

  The problem?

  I’ll be working for the kind of person I despise more than anything.

  A celebrity.

  And not just any celebrity.

  He’s the worst of the batch.

  My new employer is a young, attractive, out of control, all over TMZ, and is under the impression that he’s God’s gift to the female population celebrity.

  Fuck my life.

  Chapter 1


  I’ve never been someone who regrets the choices they’ve made.

  I like to look at them as life lessons.

  Losing my virginity at sixteen to a lying asshole taught me that guys would say anything to get into your panties, even throw out that all cherished four-letter word.

  Stealing my father’s Corvette and going on a weekend road trip with my best friend taught me that showing a little cleavage can get you out of spending the night in a jail cell.

  My rock star father turning himself into a Federal Correctional Facility last week taught me there are only two certainties in life – death and taxes, and not to depend on other people to pay your bills because when they go broke, your ass goes broke.

  But I have a hunch that might change today as I step out of the Uber car and head into the high-rise office building as the California sun throws her heat down on me.

  This is the last situation I thought I’d ever be in, but when you’re broke and desperate, you do shit you don’t want to do.

  Thomas’ secretary greets me with a smile when I walk out of the elevator and into the lobby. “Thomas is running late,” she says. “He told me to have you wait in his office.”

  I sigh, nodding. Damn you, Thomas. “Thank you.”

  I pull out my phone and start sending him a text that he better hurry his ass up as I open his office door.

  “It’s about damn time you showed up.”

  The deep, edgy voice catches me off guard, causing my phone to fall from my hand onto the carpeted floor. I look up to face whoever this rude ass is, and my mouth falls open when I see him standing across the room. He’s casually leaning back against the beige wall, his muscular arms folded over his chest, and a smug, imperious smile is spread along his lips.

  He isn’t Thomas – but I’m fully aware of who he is – along with millions of other people in the world.

  I’ve watched him perform on TV at award shows, and his photo is plastered all over every gossip magazine, but I’ve never seen him in person. They aren’t exaggerating when they talk about how ridiculously attractive he is.

  There’s no denying he’s solidly built underneath his thin, white t-shirt where I can faintly see the evidence of his nipples showing through. A few days old stubble scatters along his lower cheeks and strong chin. He’s wearing a baseball cap, most likely trying to look inconspicuous, and strands of toffee brown hair peeks out along its edges.

  Everything about him screams masculinity and arrogance.

  This man, ladies and gentleman, is Knox Rivers.

  He’s my new boss and America’s favorite bad boy.

  “Fuck,” he hisses, a hint of apology on his face. “I thought you were Thomas. The guy is always on my ass about how being late is so damn unprofessional.” He throws his arms out, gesturing to the Thomas-less room. “Yet, I’m the only one here.”

  I nervously bend down to pick up my phone and slip it back into my bag. He’s not the only one who wishes Thomas wasn’t running late.

  He gives me a once over, his green eyes narrowing in on me with suspicion. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Libby,” I answer, like he should know exactly who I am.

  He throws his head back, groaning. “Shit, is that why I’m here?” He looks back at me. “You another chick claiming to be carrying my love child or some shit? You’re wasting both of our time, sweetheart. I always wear a condom and do early paternity tests.”

  What the?

  He can’t seriously think I’m here to baby blackmail him?

  “That would be a huge negative,” I answer.

  He’s still looking at me like I’m lying about fake carrying his baby.r />
  “I’m the new hire.”

  He keeps staring.

  What the fuck?

  “Your new assistant,” I say in clarification.

  He scowls. “I’m sorry, you’re my new what?”

  “New assistant.”

  The hell? I thought that’s why we’re meeting here today?

  “You’ve got the wrong guy, sunshine. I didn’t hire a new assistant. So whatever your little plan here is, it’s not going to work.”

  I’m going to throw Thomas out that window when he gets here.

  The sound of a loud clap causes me to jump, and I turn around to see Thomas standing in the doorway with a bright smile on his face.

  Fucking finally.

  Perfect timing. He had to show up post awkward baby momma conversation.

  “Great, I see you two have met,” he says, shutting the door behind him and walking over to his desk. He plops down in the massive leather chair and tilts his head towards the two open seats in front of him. “Have a seat.”

  I do as I’m told. I’m a rule follower.

  Knox obviously isn’t, because he stays exactly where he is, the same scowl on his face like someone told him he couldn’t have any more cookies.

  He points to me. “This chick said she’s my new assistant, which is news to me, considering I don’t remember hiring her.”

  I gulp, looking back and forth between the two men.

  This meeting definitely isn’t going as planned.

  I expected Knox to give me a hard time. Men like him think if they have money and a Grammy on display in their living room they can do whatever they please, but I figured Thomas would’ve at least given him a heads up that he was getting a new assistant.

  “You didn’t hire her,” Thomas answers. “I did.”

  “I like the assistant I have just fine.”

  “You like her because all she does is stay on her phone and let you do whatever you want. You’re missing important events and not taking shit seriously, so I fired her.” Thomas nods towards me. “And hired Libby. You’re getting out of control, and I had to put a stop to it before you lose the career you’ve worked your ass off for. Libby’s job is to help you get back on track and behave.”


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