Small Woman, Big Trouble [Wet and Willing 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Small Woman, Big Trouble [Wet and Willing 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Berengaria Brown

  Wet and Willing 3

  Small Woman, Big Trouble

  Deb Steele hikes through a Water Authority reservation. But houses are being built on one section of it, and she can’t get home. She phones Kai Cole, and he and Harry Anders come to get her. While she’s waiting for them, her cell phone battery dies and a young man turns up on an electric scooter. When he realizes she’s quite alone, he plans to sexually assault her. She escapes from him just as Kai and Harry arrive.

  Kai worries about how he can protect Deborah if this man is following her, and Harry suggests they learn karate. Kai decides the only way their beginning threesome relationship can progress further is if they all move in together.

  But, as Deb is leaving work late that evening, the attacker jumps her once again. Why is he after her? How can the men protect her? And will they ever have enough time to build their friendship into a genuine relationship?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 20,715 words


  Wet and Willing 3

  Berengaria Brown


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2012 by Berengaria Brown

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-598-4

  First E-book Publication: October 2012

  Cover design by Christine Kirchoff

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To all the awesome Siren staff, authors, and readers I met at the Romance Convention 2012.


  Wet and Willing 3


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Deborah knew the fact that she was short and slender confused men. She was no child. She’d been legal for damn near ten years, but she looked small, although she did have boobs, even if they were A cups. Dying her hair bright-purple had been an attempt to age herself, but it was a spectacular failure. Still, she liked the color and figured she’d leave her hair that shade awhile longer.

  Today was a perfect spring Saturday, and she wanted to go hiking, but none of her friends would go with her. After eight text messages and three phone calls all telling her “No way,” she decided to walk by herself. Six months or so ago she and Kai had walked through a Water Authority reservation. It was a wide, three-quarter-circle of consecutive parks and grassed areas, crossed by roads every now and then. Eventually it ended, but a mile from there to the left was the main road that would take her almost all the way back to her home. All up, about ten miles to hike, much of it on grass and walking tracks, the perfect hike for such a lovely day.

  Undeterred by the lack of a companion, Deborah shoved three bottles of water, some energy bars, and an apple into a small day pack, checked her cell phone was in the pocket of her shorts, slung a sweater around her neck, laced up her gym shoes, and left her apartment.

  Smiling to herself, she walked down the road from her apartment block, turned right, hiked a few blocks, and was at the first park. This bit was the least enticing. It was pretty much just grass with a few scraggly bushes where teenagers hung out to smoke and drink. But after a few blocks, and across another road, the next park was much nicer, with flower gardens and a kids’ play area. Today parents were sitting on the grass while children played in the fort and ran around laughing and screaming happily.

  By now she had settled into a steady hiking pace and was really enjoying the sunshine and the scenery she passed. I’m so glad I came. I needed a nice long walk, and who cares if I don’t have anyone to walk with.

  The next couple of miles were steadily uphill, so when she reached an area with flower gardens, she sat on the grass for a break, munching on an energy bar and drinking one of her bottles of water. She looked all around, but she wasn’t high enough to have a nice view. Still, the green of the grass, the multicolored flowers, and their various perfumes were a treat for her senses, so she stretched her back, knotted her sweater into the straps of her day pack, and began walking again.

  Less than a mile farther on, her journey started to unravel. A new housing estate was being built all across the grass and park. What had been a reservation was evidently now housing land and surrounded by a high barbed-wire fence. Deborah guessed she was at the farthest point of the three-quarter-circle from her home, say five miles, so it was a gamble whether she went back the way she’d come or tried to find a new way forward.

  All I have to do is get to the next park. So a block to the left, then a block to the right, turn right again, and I should see the park from there. No problem.

  Deborah headed left and walked. And walked, and walked some more. There were no roads to the right, and very few to the left either. Besides, going left was stupid. She’d be better off turning back and retracing her steps all the way home. She thought about turning back, but the farther she walke
d, the more she decided there had to be a side road soon. Surely. Eventually she accepted she’d miscalculated and stopped at a side road to the left. Problem was, the side road was named, but the road she was in wasn’t. Thank God the side road wasn’t “Main Street” or “First Avenue” or something there’d be a million of. Unfortunately there was probably going to be more than one “Hillside View.” Hopefully only two or three though and she could work out where she was.

  Deborah sat on the sidewalk, dropping her day pack beside her, and pulled out her cell phone, scrolling through the icons for Google Maps. She began with her home and traced her journey through the various parks, looking for the new housing estate. But it wasn’t there. Again and again she ran her finger along the route she’d walked, but there was nothing on the map to indicate which park had become a housing estate, and therefore no way of knowing exactly where she was and how to get home. Apart from walking all the way back. Well fuck! I thought these maps were downloaded from NASA and updated daily.

  Deborah shrugged her shoulders and stretched a few times. Either she was a hell of a lot less fit than she’d thought she was, or she’d walked way farther than she’d guessed. Her legs and back were tired, and although she likely could manage walking the entire return journey, she damn sure didn’t want to. So all she had to decide was whether or not to suck it up and turn back and start walking right now, or phone a friend. She looked at the sky then at the time on her cell phone. She knew her pace had been steady, and she’d only had the one break at the top of the hill. From the elapsed time, she had to have walked about eight miles already. By the time she walked eight miles back it’d be almost dusk, not a good time for a small female to be out alone in a park. Dammit! She really didn’t have a choice at all. Kai was so going to laugh at her.

  “Hi, Kai.”

  “Hey there, Deb. How was your walk?”

  “Ah…um…yeah, that’s why I’m phoning you.”

  “You’re lost? How the hell could you get lost? Where are you?”

  “I’m not lost. Not exactly. I’m just—”

  “Where are you, Deb? Tell me right now.”

  “That’s the point. I don’t know precisely where I am. There’s a new housing—”

  “If you don’t know where you are, you’re lost.”

  That voice was not Kai’s. Who did he have with him? And why did Kai have his phone on speaker?

  “Who are you?”

  “Harry. Harrison Anders. From the Aquatic Center.”

  “Where the fucking hell are you, dammit?”

  That was Kai. She grinned. “I’m in a long road. I’ve likely walked a mile or two down it, and it stretches as far as I can see ahead. The side road on the left is Hillside View. If you track back down the long road, the new housing estate will be on your left and the Water Authority reservation park on your right.”

  Harry spoke. “Kai’s mapping your route from your apartment. I’ll drive us to meet you. We’ll keep the line open so you know how we’re progressing.”

  Deborah heard the noise of a truck engine starting, then traffic noises, and a lot of soft muttering and swearing from Kai. Mordecai Cole was her long-term best friend and occasional fuck-buddy. He’d always been there for her, and they truly had a great relationship, including in bed. But he was bisexual and needed to fuck men as well, so they’d never been exclusive. He was still her best friend though, and she loved him, although she’d never tell him that. He was quite conceited enough already.

  Kai was nine inches taller than her, strong and buff, and she adored the way he could gather her up and hold her. She’d even walked up and down on his back once when he’d wanted her to play geisha girl. That had been a lot of fun.

  Harry she’d only met a few months ago at the Aquatic Center. I wonder if they’re fuck-buddies, too. Harry had golden-brown hair, big blue eyes, and a muscular build rather like the dark-haired Kai. For a moment she considered being sandwiched between them, but Kai had never mentioned a desire for a threesome. With him it always seemed to be either a man or a woman. Never both at once. Deborah rather fancied the idea of being with him when—if—he wanted both at once.

  She shrugged. At least Kai and Harry hadn’t been in bed when she’d phoned. That would have been even more embarrassing than having to call Kai to come and rescue her.

  For the next twenty minutes Deborah wondered how Kai and Harry had met, whether or not they were fuck-buddies, and what Harry would look like naked. Mel, who worked for the same company she did, Overcoming Disabilities, Inc., had actually seen him in nothing but his soaking wet underwear during a search at the Aquatic Center. Harry was an IT geek, and someone had planted bugs to terrorize Mel at the swimming pool. It turned out to be the slime ball from their own company, Chris, who’d done it. The same man who’d tried to steal her clients and paperwork. Well, he was gone now. Terminated unceremoniously and sitting in jail for other offences. And good riddance to him, too.

  Kai had been giving her updates on their progress every few minutes, then Deborah noticed the red light flashing on her cell phone. “Uh-oh. My cell is dying. I’ve got to switch it off,” she said.

  “Not a problem. We should be there in five minutes. See you then,” said Kai.

  Deborah tucked her phone back in her shorts, stood up and stretched, then looked around. There was really very little to see. The land on this side of the road was empty, not just of houses, but also of crops and animals. “It’s hard to believe I’m still in the city. But there’s nothing here. No farms, no houses. Just nothing.” The other side of the road, the one she’d been hoping to turn down, was still the same abandoned-looking industrial estate she’d been following the entire way from where the park had once been. That was a puzzle really. Why were houses being built on a Water Authority reservation when there was all this vacant land on the other side of the road? She shrugged. Not her problem.

  Just then she heard the faint sound of an engine, rather like a lawn mower or something like that. She turned and looked in every direction, but the idea of a lawn mower didn’t make sense. However the engine sound was steadily getting louder, so she walked the few paces needed so she could look down Hillside View Road. Sure enough, there was a motorized scooter whizzing down the road toward her.

  “Huh. If I’d just been patient, I’d have found out where I was and how to get home. I wonder who this is and where they live.” She still couldn’t see any houses. Hillside View looked completely empty apart from the scooter, which was getting much louder and bigger as it approached.

  The man riding on it looked to be large for such a small vehicle, but she guessed he was into gadgets or whatever. He was quite young and spoke before the little scooter had even stopped. “Who are you, and why are you here?”

  “My name’s Deborah, and I was hiking through the Water Authority reservation, but they’ve built houses on it back down there. What’s the name of this road?”

  “You’re all alone?” he asked.

  Worry sparked along Deborah’s spine at that question. He’d made no attempt to say who he was or to answer her question.

  “Of course not. My two friends will be back in a minute.”

  “You’re lying. You’re all alone, and you’re mine. I’m gonna fuck you ’til your eyeballs pop out. I’ve been needing a woman for a while.” He stepped off the scooter, letting it drop to the ground, unzipping his jeans as he spoke.

  Deborah weighed her choices. Running wouldn’t be smart. He’d soon catch up to her on his scooter, and she didn’t know which direction to take anyway. She needed to run toward Kai and Harry but had no idea whether they’d arrive from her right or her left. However, Kai had said five minutes, and that time must be just about up. They’d be here very soon, so all she needed to do was keep him talking.

  “Before we fuck, we should get to know each other a little. My name’s Deborah. What’s yours?”

  “I’m not stupid. I’m not telling you my name. And I’ve got a condom, so you won’t c
atch me with DNA either,” he said moving toward her with a leer on his face and his arms outstretched.

  “But sex is so much better if you talk to each other and build up a rapport first,” she said a little desperately, trying to move away from him without making it too obvious.

  “Bullshit. Women are just holes to be filled. Men are the superior beings.”

  He sounds just like Chris. He had a thing about women being subservient, too. I wonder if there’s a group they both belong to. She stepped off the sidewalk into the middle of the road. Come on, Kai. Now would be a really good time for you to get here!

  Deborah kept her gaze on the young man as he pulled his cock out of his underwear and fumbled in his pocket. Likely for the condom he’d mentioned. He had brown hair and eyes, a light tan on his arms, and appeared to be in his very early twenties. She stayed in the middle of the road, making sure she was well out of his reach. Hopefully he wouldn’t just jump her bones in the middle of a road, even if she hadn’t seen a single car go by the entire time she’d been here.

  He rolled the latex over his cock then left it bouncing outside his jeans as he made a grab for her. She skipped back a few steps from him, keeping her distance.

  “I’m ready for you. Come here, and take my dick.”

  “You may be ready, but I’m not. I like to get to know people before I sleep with them.”

  “Ain’t gonna be no sleeping. Just fucking. Now get your cunt over here right now.”

  He lunged at her, and she ducked first to one side and then the other. But his arms were long, and he was young and quick. He snatched her arm and dragged her to him as she tried to dig her heels in and make it as hard as possible for him to get her. But she likely only weighed half what he did, and he reeled her in easily enough.


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