Reality's Plaything 4: Savants Ascendant

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Reality's Plaything 4: Savants Ascendant Page 46

by Will Greenway

  Surrogate(s): Aarlen Frielos, Beia Targallae, Corim Vale

  Name: Nethra Argos

  Title: Tactical Commander

  Shaladen: Nova

  Surrogate(s): Talorin Falor

  Name: Garn Ellon

  Title: Tactical Leader

  Shaladen: Warstar

  Surrogate(s): Algernon D’Tarin

  Name: Sroth Mephista

  Title: CovertOps Leader

  Shaladen: Korvel, Swiftwind*, Blightscythe*, Flameripper*

  Surrogate(s): T’Gor D’Shar, Tigress D’Shar, Vulcindra Skybane, Suda Nightrhmer

  Name: Areth Jalt

  Title: Intelligence Ops

  Shaladen: Starsong

  Surrogate(s): Arabella

  Name: Aurra Levon

  Title: Psych Tactics

  Shaladen: Starwind

  Surrogate(s): Elsbeth Crowninshield

  Name: Yi Esperantil

  Title: Chronal specialist

  Shaladen: Krelstar

  Surrogate(s): Adwena Swiftwing

  Name: Zarthel Benwarr

  Title: Magic/Tech spc

  Shaladen: Pulsar, Darkbane*, Golnir*

  Surrogate(s): Zedar Cloudseeker, Aleesha Cloudseeker, Bertram Terrantil

  Name: Jarella Kepsforia

  Title: Security spc

  Shaladen: Cataract

  Surrogate(s): Gwenafra Tristar

  Name: Culavera Sajaer

  Title: Tactical spc

  Shaladen: Jemfire

  Surrogate(s): Terra Karlin-Falor

  Name: Leto Satieroth

  Title: Tactical spc

  Shaladen: Cybersong

  Surrogate(s): Damrosil Terranath

  *Shaladen names so marked are “honorary” imbued weapons.

  See Also: D’Tarin, Algernon, Falor, Talorin (Tal), sharonsheen, shaladen, Targalle, Beia (Regaura) (Queen)

  Eternity—The name ‘Eternity’ is only a concept. However, it is popularly addressed as a living, breathing creature, and is often worshipped as a god. Eternity itself is actually a composite consciousness. It is the pooled psychic resonances of all living things. It is suspected that, after the first expansion, outside influences planted the seeds that would eventually develop into the super-consciousness that is Eternity.

  One speculation points to a “Father” and “Mother” force (Alpha and Gaea) as being the originators of these seeds. These two beings are cited throughout the records made during the early development of the Protectorate, but their actual presence is never recorded. These two creatures are also cited as the progenitors of the First Ones, the race from which the original stock, and many later generations of universal protectors originated.

  During the earliest stages of evolution, Eternity was little more than an infinitely large amoeba with a few basic responses. The thoughts of the myriad forms of life that were evolving began to etch neural paths on this receptive blank slate. At some point, the populations of life grew large enough that the resonances activated the ‘seeds’. These twelve gigantic gems began to pick up and enhance the neural responses, and themselves take on the sophistications necessary for stimulus and response.

  As Eternity evolved, lifeforces were drawn into the matrix of gems. A residual imprint of these first primitive creatures created the first evolutionary steps in Eternity’s progress toward awareness.

  A billion cycles ago, both Eternity and life had diversified to a point where major changes could be undergone. During these changes, creatures began to be physically drawn into the matrix. From that point, these creatures became Eternity. The composite awareness saw all of time and space as a body. The body lacked defense mechanisms, and this fusion of living and unliving essences could sense wounds that threatened the health of ‘the body’.

  Forces brought the ‘seeds’ to a central ‘womb’ to focus the consciousness. With this centralization, further powers became realized, and development increased in speed. Hosts were cultivated from the vastness of evolving creatures; these would be the anti-bodies that would attack and destroy infestations, and heal wounds.

  The matrix continued to assimilate living creatures; its power multiplying as it grew.

  Initially, twenty-four hosts came into being; two were linked to each seed. These hosts were incubated, forged, and evolved to fulfill special roles in the universal defense. These were the first Guardians.

  These first creatures were far less refined than the Eternals and Guardians that evolved later. They did have a purpose and a design. They built defenses around the womb, and created the pocket dimension Siderous Chronous.

  These first defenders oversaw the choosing of their predecessors. They learned ways to make them stronger and more durable, having longer life-spans and broader capabilities.

  The second-generation Guardians were more in tune with the matrix, capable of tapping into its now-immense powers themselves, physically and mentally superior to their parent races. Their life-spans were greatly extended, some ten times that of their parent races. These were the generation of savants that would eventually shape the ‘seed-womb’ into Eternity’s Heart. The ‘seeds’ were faceted, and refined, to amplify their consciousness-projecting powers. They amassed the knowledge and powers to build defenders far more advanced than themselves. At this time, the defenders were broken into two groups: The savants and the warriors. The savants were to evolve mentally, with consciousness that extended through time and space. The warriors would tap directly into the cosmic forces now funneling through the matrix.

  The Protectorates third generation was fraught with disappointments. Many forms of life did not survive the rigorous incubation processes, or the radical alterations in their physical and mental structures. The projects of this generation were shelved as too ambitious after 47 of 48 subjects died through body failure or instability. The sole survivor (Culavera) was stasised as a borderline case, and took part later in the scaled-down mutations.

  By the time the scaled-down projects were underway, the second generation Guardians were nearing the end of their lives. The survivor of generation three, and two other volunteers, underwent the fourth generation treatments. All three came through alive, but mentally shattered. Only Culavera, who was the result of the far more ambitious 3rd generation group, was salvageable for further treatment. Culavera was put into stasis pending further review.

  Three of the second-generation guardians had died by the time the fifth generation process went into affect. One volunteer (Leto) went through the process and survived physically and mentally intact, but undershot expectations for the desired matrix synthesis. The subject was put in stasis for review by his predecessors.

  All but three of the second-generation guardians were dead when the sixth evolution forging was undertaken. Five subjects underwent the rigorous process, and all survived. Only one second-generation guardian survived to see the seventh evolution, which birthed five time Guardians and ten Eternals. He died before the final annealing of the subjects was completed.

  The seventh generation Eternals and Guardians was a near perfect synthesis of power, longevity, and durability. Possessing hardened mindsets, expanded mental power and flexibility, they evolved into the Eternals and Guardians known today, about 10 million cycles ago.

  See Also: eternals

  ether—The somewhat dated notion of a fundamental fabric that binds matter together—in other words the vacuum where things AREN’T. (The author notes that its a dated concept in light of quantum theory. However, since most of the readers don’t have a doctorate in physics—we’ll stick with easier concepts.)

  ethereal—Typically it means to be insubstantial. It however can be used to indicate ‘out-of-phase’ state. The Ethereal plane is an alternate interpretation of real space much like the astral. See astral plane.

  etherlock—An etherlock is caused when a time-driver, mage, or device causes the probability fields in a specific area to become static. Essentially all matter in the target area is forced to assume
the same inertia, temporal phase, and energy potential as designated by the ‘lock’. This has the effect of rooting an area in time and space absolute to either a specific set of coordinates or a given vector. The etherlock prevents any kind of matter or time transference within its confines. The process takes a tremendous amount of power, and is the most demanding discipline practiced by a time-diver.

  See Also: energy, magic, temporal


  Fabrista—The race of Kriar occupying the ‘Fabrista’ Homeworld.

  See Also: kriar

  Falor, Talorin (Tal)—Talorin Falor is one of the more storied figures in the Ring Realms, a warrior with a truly mythical ability to find himself in the ‘hotspots’ of legends in the making. Tal’s history is a complex knot of twists and turns that involves many enterprises and tragedies. After a few seasons spent treasure hunting, Tal retired while still young to invest his gold and become a businessman. He ended up in the unlikely role as the proprietor of a brothel, an enterprise he shared with his adventuring partner Kaas Windsbane. The two men, while running a house of ill repute, were known as the ‘softest touches in town’. They never bound their girls to contracts, nor did they ask more than a token percentage of any fees collected. In fact, the two men even helped their ‘girls’ get ‘legitimate’ work should the seamy life no longer appeal. Perhaps it was this low-pressure approach that made their business so successful. The endeavor was not to last, Tal grew bored and started looking for adventure again. He took up with king Tradeholm’s eastern front regulars as an experienced captain. It was during this tour of duty that he met and fell in love with an Elven woman named Deirde Silkere. Tal continued his borderland tour and kept house with Deirde for several seasons. What might have been an idyllic life for the warrior turned tragic when raiding parties from the east realm overran several villages and cities along the border. Tal and the troops under his command were quick to respond, and over a period of days drove back the enemy. It was during this conflict that Tal showed mercy to one of the enemy commanders. An act of altruism which would see an entire village of elves sacked as revenge, and result in the loss of his wife of only a few seasons. This experience would harden the man for the many adventures to come.

  After this harsh lesson, Tal’s tactics and demeanor took on a darker tone, the bitterness over his loss one not quickly forgotten or left behind. He went back to active adventuring and campaigning now in a more serious vein. It was shortly after that he met up with members of the Band of the Crescent Moon, and learned more of the Death Spectacles run by Meridian Arcturan. He met Beia Targallae and T’Gor D’Shar and began assisting them in shutting down the arenas. It was during this time that Tal began adding to his fighting skills, learning to combat the arena pit fighters on their own ground. He began studying and mastering the harsh art of the Dan Sadad.

  During the cycles that followed Tal would be involved in the recovery of the amulet of Tarkimaar, he would fight all manner of creatures from adamantium golems to skellar. He would take part in the revival of the Eternals slain by Garfang, and help organize many of the quests to recover the Shaladen swords. He himself would recover the shaladen blade Warstar. He would foray repeatedly in the cities of Dream Merchants and even fight the rogue elements belonging the deposed Kriar leader Daergon Surr.

  Tal’s hard heart would soften and there would be romantic interludes with Desiray Illkaren (then single) and Dominique Ariok. However, it was a fellow Shael Dal, Terra Karlin whom he often adventured with that eventually captured his eye and heart. After a courtship of several seasons, they would become the second married couple in the Shael Dal (T’Gor and Tigress being the first).

  Tal’s adventures would continue. He became a key figure in the Shael Dal, the indomitable spirit to succeed against all odds. He would prove instrumental in several missions including a special cooperative mission with the Fabrista Kriar to Karanganoi homeworld, where they would learn of the Baronians and their mysterious ‘masters’.

  Tal remains active in the Shael Dal and few would dispute his being their spiritual core. He and his wife Terra continue their efforts to remove all traces of the Arcturan death spectacles. Tal created several schools for adventurers, that serve as sources of income as well as recruiters for the various causes that he takes part in.

  See Also: eternals, Felspar, Desiray Illkaren, kriar, shaladen

  Falor, Terra Karlin—Active member of the Shael Dal wielding the Shaladen blade Jemfire.

  See Also: shaladen

  Felspar, Annawen Kel’Ishtauri—Annawen is the silent sister to Cassin. The two sisters are as different from one another as they are alike. Where Cassin represents restraint, logic, and intellect, Annawen represents hedonism, creativity, and passion. Annawen is extremely promiscuous, outgoing, and spontaneous. While Cassin plans things down to the last detail, Annawen simply makes it up as she goes. Each sister represents the pure forms of the extremes that might occur in a normal personality. This is why Annawen is so good at magic. It is a skill that requires confidence, the slightest shred of doubt can ruin or cripple a spell. Annawen literally has no worries, and no fear or compunction about the consequence of her actions. By that token, she has nothing holding her back. This is, of course, why she has problems with control.

  Though law and rules are not the kind of thing Annawen would normally like, she finds the idea of twisting rules to her own ends intriguing. Her creative and exhibitionistic nature is extremely well suited to both a courtroom and the stage. She would be perfectly suited to them except for the fact that she does not speak aloud. This of course, keeps her out of trial law in all but the most sophisticated territories where telepathy is tolerated as a means of communication. She does on occasion call on Cassin to be her ‘voice’ as she is in most of their everyday life. Cassin typically refuses most of her sister’s requests because she feels Annawen should ‘find her own voice’. Being the eldest, they are the big sisters to all the Felspar family children. They are often bailing their brothers and sisters out of trouble. Annawen’s interest in law is quite valuable for resolving many of the situations that arise.

  Annawen feels that Cassin is an errant part of her that has run away. The fact that she cannot function overlong without her troubles her. She harbors a secret (not so secret to her sister) desire for them to unify into one person. Cassin is extremely bothered by this desire in her sister, likening it to being ‘consumed’. Despite their oppositeness, they are as close as two sisters can be and NOT be one person. Becoming married to Sindra and Drucilla Frielos has been an extremely satisfying experience for Annawen. Her pairing with Drucilla provides a balance in her life that Cassin was unable to provide.

  The Frielos twins are specialists too, but it is not along the right-brain left-brain aspects. Drucilla represents the passive aspect of their pairing (to Sindra’s aggressive) which is well suited to Annawen’s personality and tendencies. Cassin and Annawen are extremely active and well traveled. They are adored on Homeworld. Elsewhere they are regarded with respect, and in many cases with fear and suspicion.

  Elsbeth Crowninshield considers the twins, and Annawen in particular, two of the greatest threats to the integrity of magic. Despite herself, Elsbeth has been unable to view these two as enemies though they embody the very essence of what she fears (the merger of magic and technology). Whether by luck, or through their empathy, the twins knew it was essential to make sure they became close to this elder elite. A campaign several years in the making got them into the good graces of the red-haired woman buying them safety from her war on technology.

  After an encounter with Corim Vale, and his metapathic talent, Annawen has become rather fixated on the handsome man. The fact that he’s in love with Dulcere Starbinder is not at all troubling to her. She knows she’ll get her way eventually… she always has in the past…

  See Also: Crowninshield, Elsbeth, Frielos, Drucilla, Frielos, Sindra, magic, telepathy

  Felspar, Caldorian—Son of Desiray Illkaren Fel
spar and Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri. Cassandra is the “Foathra” or the surrogate of a female / female coupling who provides the male genes. Caldorian is has an identical twin brother Sebenreth’Kar Felspar.

  Caldorian is currently married to Bronawyn ShadowStalker and has two daughters: Cassopia and DonaRae.

  See Also: Felspar, Desiray Illkaren, Shadowstalker, Bronawyn

  Felspar, Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri—Cassandra is one of the only surviving members of the first incarnation of the Band of the Crescent Moon. She has traveled and adventured extensively throughout the Realms during her 91 years of life. At one time she was engaged to be married to Gondor Degaba who, by a quirk of fate, was changed from a male to a female by the Aesir pantheon lord Loki. In Gondor’s new identity as a female things got pretty complicated as he and she had already managed to conceive children. Cassandra ended up not being able to handle the relationship and the two of them grew apart but continued to raise their daughters Cassin and Annawen. Cassandra went on to marry the elder mage Loric Felspar.

  After the adoption of Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri by house Techstar, it became a fashion among the Kriar nobility to start interacting with the humanity and skilled mages in particular. The ability of magic to overcome something Kriar science could not opened many eyes, and sparked intense interest in learning the secrets of magic. Also, humans being young and impressionable, made them excellent protégés. The Kriar being empaths, derive a great deal of satisfaction being around creatures who still experience excitement and passion. They can feel ‘vicariously’ through their empathy, emotions and sensations that they themselves have become numb to due to hundreds of millennia of life.

  The Techstar family has profited enormously by Cassandra’s addition to their ranks, as the mage’s ‘star status’ among Kriar is worth a great deal in favors, media deals, and other ‘celebrity status’ benefits. This, of course, certainly hasn’t hurt Cassandra’s popularity among the members of her adoptive family.

  See Also: Felspar, Loric, kriar, magic

  Felspar, Cassin Kel’Ishtauri—Cassin is the steadfast twin of the union. She represents all the things that Annawen is not. She is steady, logical, and dedicated to rational thought. Cassin is extremely close to her Mother (Foathra) Dorian. Dorian is Cassin’s paternal progenitor. Early in her life, Dorian was in fact Gondor (a man) and engaged to Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri. A extremely unfortunate encounter with a vampire and a the humor of a Loki resulted in a man being placed in woman’s body. By shape changing, he could regain his normal male form, but the magic would eventually wear off and he would again become ‘Dorian’. It was in his shape-changed state that Dorian (Gondor) fathered the twins Cassin and Annawen. As a way of keeping things from getting confused, they coined the term ‘Foathra’ for a female that had sired children.


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