Giving Chase

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Giving Chase Page 2

by Lauren Dane

  Maggie couldn’t deny herself a guilty snicker and then sobered up. Well, she tried anyway. “Aww, leave poor Arthur alone. He’s a nice guy in a sea of asshats. And Dee, being a pod person herself, deserves someone equally as nice. Plus, he’s kinda hot in a very nerdy way, dontcha think?”

  One perfectly manicured eyebrow rose along with the corner of one side of Liv’s mouth. “Whatever. In any case, there is no excuse for you not to let me do this.” Liv laid the bags on Maggie’s bed, unzipping them with military precision.

  Stepping back, she glanced from the clothing to Maggie and back again several times. “Okay, clothes for tonight. Alice let me have a few things from her store to bring over here for you. They’re all really cute and it would only be a couple hundred bucks and I think you should buy them all. But, I’m willing to leave you alone for a week if you buy at least one outfit. Come on, I know they’ll all look great on you.”

  Despite her amusement at Liv’s hard sell, Maggie broke out in a nervous sweat. “Didn’t you just tell me how beautiful I was on Friday? Why do I need a makeover?”

  “You are beautiful, Maggie. But these clothes will fit you. You’ve got a great body but you never let anyone see it because your clothes are all at least a size too big. This stuff isn’t tight or slutty, it’s just modern and it’ll flatter your figure.

  “A trim and style of your hair will frame your face. You don’t need those glasses tonight because I’m driving anyway. Oh, and by the way, I made you an appointment at the eye doctor for Tuesday. I’ll meet you there. You need new frames that better fit your face. Contacts would be nice too, don’t you think?”

  Cripes, the woman was a steamroller! Maggie eyed the door, considering her chances for escape. Liv caught it and shook her head as she stepped in front of it, blocking Maggie’s way.

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  Maggie knew by the set of Liv’s face that she wouldn’t win this one. She sighed and Liv grinned, sensing imminent victory. Still she added a few things to sweeten the offer. “Sam will be there. Probably with some skanky date. You know you want him to see what he’s missing. Better yet, Shane Chase will be there too. Let’s show that dumbass what’s what.”

  Unable to hold it back, Maggie let her grin spread over her face. “You play so dirty!” But she was already looking through the stack of clothes on her bed. She had to admit the stuff was really cute. Liv did have good taste for a girl who used grape Kool-Aid to dye a dog’s fur back when they were kids.

  Liv’s eyes sparkled as she pulled out a dark blue scoop-necked blouse and a denim skirt. “I like these the best. You have great legs. Not that anyone would know since you always wear those long teacher skirts. And ugh, worse, the mom-waisted pleated khaki pants. Pleats! Oh the agony of watching any woman under eighty wear pleats!”

  Maggie burst out laughing at the look of disgust on Liv’s face.

  “To go with it, those cute boots we saw in the window of Radison’s last week.”

  “But I didn’t buy those boots, remember?”

  “Yes you did. You can pay me back later.” Not bothering to look up, Liv pulled them out of the bottom of one of the garment bags and put them on the floor. “It’ll be perfect. The skirt is the perfect length and the boots will come to the top of your calf. Well, what are you waiting for? Try on the whole outfit.”

  “If I do this will you stop setting me up and trying to make me over?”

  “Well, I hate to point out that if I do this, I will be making you over. But I promise to not try again for the next six months.”

  “I’ll take whatever I can get. Fine, hand me the clothes. But I’m wearing my glasses. I’m not gonna be blind just to look cuter.”

  Liv grinned and handed the outfit over to Maggie. Once Maggie had undressed, Liv shook her head in amazement when she saw Maggie’s underwear. “Girl, you’re something else. Look at those undies! I always forget that you’re wild beneath the clothes.”

  Fighting a blush, Maggie smiled. “What? A girl needs pretty undies.” She looked down at the forest green, lacy, high-cut panties and the matching demi-bra. Pretty panties and bras were somewhat of a weakness for her. She had drawers full of the stuff.

  “Girl, you’re a mess of contradictions. Now, get those clothes on.”

  Once changed, Maggie looked down at the outfit and back at her reflection in the mirror. Liv had been right. The clothes weren’t tight but they showed her figure. She looked pretty. The skirt came to just below her knees and the boots weren’t too high-heeled that her feet would be dying in half an hour. She tugged the bodice of the blouse up a bit, it showed more boobs than she normally did. “Liv, jeez, you can see my boobs.”

  Rolling her eyes, Liv clucked her tongue. “Now, shug, don’t exaggerate. You can see your cleavage, big difference. Even at that, it’s just the very top of your cleavage. I promise you it doesn’t look slutty or even daring. Wow, I’d forgotten that you had breasts with all those buttoned-to-the-chin shirts you wear beneath the bulky sweaters.”

  “Janie is the sweater girl. She’s the one with the great figure.”

  Startled, Liv gave Maggie an appraising look up and down. There were moments when Maggie revealed another small, but bone-deep wound her mother and sister had laid on her and it broke Liv’s heart.

  “Mags, you’ve hidden your light under a bushel for far too long. You look so pretty dressed up like this. Jane Marie is not the only pretty sister. Stop letting her mess with your head.” She motioned to the chair. “Come on now, let’s get the rest of you done.”

  Putting a drape around Maggie’s shoulders, Liv loosed Maggie’s hair and wet it down. Quickly and efficiently, she trimmed about four inches, layered it to free the curls and cut the front to frame Maggie’s face. The weight gone, the pretty strawberry-blonde hair was a riot of curls.

  After the application of some goop to hold the curl and wall out the frizz-inducing humidity, Liv opened up the train case.

  With artful application of subtle colors, Liv emphasized Maggie’s giant amber eyes and put a shine on her full lower lip. Maggie didn’t need a lot of makeup and would have been uncomfortable in it anyway. Finished, Liv stood back and surveyed her work. Impressive. The mousy schoolteacher was gone. In her place, a pretty, fey-looking woman with long legs and a nice bosom. Not bad for a few hours’ work.

  Cocking her head, Liv met Maggie’s eyes in the mirror. “Look at yourself, Maggie.” Moving away, Liv changed her clothes and finished getting ready while Maggie just stared at herself in the mirror.

  For so very long she’d only looked at herself in the mirror long enough to put her hair back. That wasn’t her place in her family. The shock that she could be something else, someone other than the smart one in the Wright family, hit her. Tears burned her eyes for a moment until she blinked them back. “Wow, Liv.”

  If Liv saw the tears she ignored them. Just one of the million reasons Maggie loved her. “Instead of saying, I told you so, I’ll just say that you look fabulous. In fact, we need to go clothes shopping! Or you could just keep the outfits I brought over and we could go shopping. You can show me where you get all those fancy panties.” Liv winked.

  Maggie fingered the colorful clothing in the bags. “Well, maybe. I mean, looking at myself right now... I think that I much prefer this me.”

  “Hon, you’re the same you. Clothes and a haircut don’t make you into a different person. But these clothes do allow the world to see more of how gorgeous you are on the outside. Everyone already knows how beautiful you are on the inside.” Liv paused a moment. “I don’t want you to feel I didn’t already think you were beautiful. Inside and out, even with those ugly-assed schoolmarm clothes. You’re the most beautiful woman I know.”

  Maggie stayed silent for long moments as she swallowed past the tears in her throat. Her emotions seemed to have chosen that moment to run riot. “It’s just that yo
u’ve always been the gorgeous, glamorous one. Dee’s the sweet, pretty one and I was the smart one. It feels weird to see that I can be the pretty one, too. Heck, sexy even.”

  Arms encircled her from behind as Liv hugged her. “Aw, shug, your mom sure did a number on you. Yes, your sister is a beauty but she’s not the only stunner in the family and on the inside, she’s a troll.”

  “Janie’s tall, blonde and married with two perfectly gorgeous children. She never looks unkempt. Her house is a freaking showplace and her husband adores her. She’s perfect.”

  “Bleah! You want to be blonde like Janie? We’ll get you some of the same blonde she has, it’s out of a bottle. And beyond her looks what does she have? You’re good and kind and smart and funny. You give back to this town and those kids. Honestly, sometimes I want to smack your momma for making you think that just because your sister was in pageants that you’re not as good. Well, I’d like to smack her for a whole host of reasons but that’s neither here nor there now. Now, we have a picnic to get to, let’s go.”

  Chapter Two

  Petal’s Homecoming Week festivities were a major happening. Everyone from three months to a hundred and three came out to at least two of them—the picnic that set off the week and the football game against Crawford High.

  The picnic was held down at the park, on the shore of the lake, and the evening ended with fireworks. The entire town came out to eat themselves silly on barbecue, homemade ice cream and peach pie. As traditions went, it was one of Maggie’s favorites.

  Maggie had to admit, the attention Alex Parsons paid her was wildly flattering. When they’d approached he’d given an almost cartoonish double take as he’d realized who she was. He seemed nice enough and he certainly had no problems being on a date with her. It was really nice to have a man so clearly attracted to her. His arm casually circled her shoulders as he guided her through the park.

  Stopping at the top of a rolling hill that led down to the water, Alex turned to her. “How about right here to spread the blanket?” The spot would provide a perfectly unobstructed view of the fireworks and was close but not in the path of the tables heaped with food.

  “Perfect.” Maggie helped spread out the large blanket. Straightening, she suggested that the guys stay to guard their spot while she and Liv went to grab the food.

  “You sure you don’t want us to do the food run?” Alex asked.

  “No, that’s okay. Maggie and I can get in and out quicker. Anyway, all of the old ladies love Maggie and will give her the royal treatment.”

  Blushing, Maggie couldn’t deny it. After all the years she’d been volunteering and taking meals to the folks at the retirement home and senior center, they did love her. And she loved them too. They’d become her family in many ways.

  As she walked away, Alex watched her with a dreamy smile on his face. A woman like Maggie would make a wonderful wife and mother. There’d been so many others, women he’d thought were the right one. Could Maggie be it? He didn’t quite dare allow himself to believe he may have finally found her.

  * * *

  “Who’s that?” Intrigued, Kyle stared at the redhead in the skirt walking past them toward the food tables. He loved the way she moved, graceful but a little shy. That long curly hair was gorgeous. Hell, she was gorgeous. Was she visiting town? He recognized the dark-haired woman as Olivia Davis, the mayor’s secretary.

  Chase men did not fail to notice beautiful women and the other two looked up as well.

  “Oh my lord, that’s her!” Marc burst out laughing.

  “Her who?” Shane craned his neck to get a better look and blanched. “Oh no, it’s the teacher.”

  “And it looks like she caught you drooling, too. Listen, why don’t I go over and apologize to her for you, I know how much you don’t like her.” Kyle realized he was only halfway joking.

  “I owe it to her. I was a jerk.” Muttering to himself, Shane shoved himself past his brothers and stalked toward Maggie.

  Catching sight of Dee and Arthur, Maggie waved them over. She pointed toward their blanket. “We’re over there with Alex and Shaun. We just came to grab food.”

  “I’ll come with you two. Arthur, can you take our stuff over there? I’ll be back shortly, with extra potato salad.” Dee smiled sweetly and Arthur kissed her nose before loping off toward the blanket.

  Dee turned back to Maggie and gave her a once-over. “My God! Girl, you look gorgeous!”

  “It’s all Liv, I had nothing to do with it.”

  “Shaddup. I cut your hair and helped you pick some clothes. I didn’t give you a kidney or anything.” Liv waved her comments off.

  “Don’t look now, Maggie, but I do believe the big bad sheriff is drooling,” Dee murmured.

  They didn’t even bother to pretend not to look as Liv and Maggie turned in unison to look in his direction.

  “Oh and look, he’s coming over here.” Liv smirked.

  “Great, and the whole town is watching. Is the man incapable of doing anything without making a scene? God, this is going to get back to my mother, I know it.” Maggie blushed scarlet as heads turned to take in Shane’s progress toward the three women.

  Coming to a halt before them, he stood, hands on his hips. Maggie had to crane her neck up to see his face. What a surprise, he was glowering. Did the man have any other facial expression where she was concerned?

  Frustrated anger coursed through her. “Yes? Did you fall getting out of your car and have come to yell at me for it? Or wait, let me go and grab some food and you can crash into me and spill it. I know! Gas prices are my fault right?” Maggie narrowed her eyes at him.

  Anger flashed in Shane’s eyes. “No. I came to apologize but I can see that you aren’t ready to hear it.”

  “That’s right, turn it around on me. Make it my fault again that you didn’t do the polite thing last night. Gee, you think that because you are so good-looking that you get a free pass?”

  Ohmigod, did I just tell him I think he’s good-looking? She groaned inwardly.

  “What’s your problem anyway? Are you just naturally cranky?”

  “Me? I’m cranky? You take the cake, buster. If you’ll excuse me, I have a picnic to attend with my friend.” Maggie’s teeth were clenched so tight her jaw ached. She, Liv and Dee snorted and turned and walked as one toward the food tables as if Shane didn’t exist.

  “Smooth.” Kyle approached, watching her as she walked away.

  “What now? I came to apologize and she started in on me before I could say a single word.”

  “Shane, you’re a giant. You stand at least a foot taller than the woman. You stalked over here with that look on your face and glared down at her. Of course she felt threatened! You are aware you’re physically threatening right? It’s one of the reasons you rarely get challenged as a cop. So if the bad guys won’t take you on you think she’s immune? And you do have a history of intimidating her.”

  Kyle’s eyes wandered again to Maggie. Watching as she chatted animatedly with her friends and the women handing out heaping plates of food. “You know, she cleans up pretty nice. I had no idea.”



  “I recognize that tone, Kyle. A woman like that is trouble. There are plenty of beautiful women in Petal. Stick with one of those.” Shane’s glower was back.

  Kyle laughed heartily. “Hmm, you’re sounding a mite jealous, Shane. You looking for a bit of trouble? If so, I’d be happy to stand back and let you at her.”

  The two of them watched as the women walked back to their blanket. Alex got up and went to help with the plates of food she’d been carrying and then helped her down to the ground.

  “Uh-oh, looks like someone else got to her first. Who’d have thought that little schoolteacher with the conservative blouses and the bun would look like that underneath?”

I stole Melissa Harken from Alex Parsons back in the eighth grade. I don’t see why I can’t snatch our pretty schoolteacher from him.” Matt strolled up with Marc. The grin on his face made it obvious he was deliberately goading Shane.

  “Yeah, right. And that would be before or after you admit to all of us you have a thing for Olivia?” Kyle winked at Matt who laughed.

  “Yeah. Well. Anyway. I don’t think it would be very hard to push Alex out of the picture.”

  “No one is snatching anyone!” Shane turned away, stalking back to their blanket, grumbling under his breath.

  The other three broke into laughter. “Uh-oh, this one has gotten under his skin big-time,” Kyle said. “She is a pretty little thing, isn’t she?”

  “Hot is more like it. Damn, look at those legs. It’s always the quiet ones.” Of all the brothers, Marc was the one who seemed to revel in female attention the most. He watched Maggie with a sly smile. “How come I never noticed her before?”

  “You’re three years younger than we are. Plus, she’s not the tight-jean-wearing, belly-button-ring kind of girl you usually chase.” Matt turned to find Shane back at their blanket, drinking a cider and staring in the direction of Maggie Wright. “We’d better get back over there before he pops a vein.”

  * * *

  In marked contrast, Maggie was having the time of her life. Alex Parsons was a nice guy and it was a treat to have a man pay that much attention to her. And when Alex leaned over and kissed her quickly on the lips—just a peck really—Sam walked by with his new girlfriend. He’d nearly fallen over himself as he’d done a double take. It wasn’t like she wanted him back, but it was nice for him to see what he was missing.


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