Giving Chase

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Giving Chase Page 6

by Lauren Dane

  “Oh, okay. I was under the impression you had a thing for Maggie. My bad. I didn’t know she was just the next in a long line of women you toy with and move past because, God forbid, you actually allow yourself feelings about any of them.” Scowling, Kyle took his shot.

  Matt snorted in disgust at his oldest brother. “I think I’m going to go. I’m meeting the guys over at the Honky Tonk.” He finished his soda and stalked out.

  “Wait, I’ll come too. Friday night’s a good night at the Tonk. Lots of lovely ladies to dance with.” Marc followed with a laugh, pointedly ignoring his oldest brother.

  Kendra came back and draped herself over Shane’s arm, looking bored. “Are you going to play pool?” she asked, a tiny bit of a whine in her voice.

  “Yeah, you want to play?”

  She looked horrified at the very idea. “No, why would I want to do that? The sticks are used by everyone. Eww.”

  “They’re called cues,” Kyle said under his breath and shot yet another ball into the pocket. He couldn’t help but think that Maggie would have jumped at the chance to play with them. He imagined those big whiskey eyes glittering with delight after she’d sunk a ball.

  Kyle cleared the table of the solids and put the cue back into the slot on the rack. “I think I’m for the Tonk, too. Nice seeing you, Kendra. Shane.”

  “You want to hit the Honky Tonk, too?” Shane asked her.

  “Sure,” she said, looking bored still. “At least they have a better quality of mixed drinks there.”

  * * *

  Maggie was glad she’d let them drag her to the Tonk. Instead of moping about Shane and gorgeous Kendra, she was kicking her heels up and dancing the night away. The Dixie Chicks were coming over the sound system and she had Ryan Jackson’s fine body guiding her along the floor effortlessly. Okay, so he was as married as the day is long and his wife put him up to dancing with Maggie so she could rest her feet but he made her laugh and she was having fun.

  “Maggie, do you want a drink, sugar?” Ryan asked, having to yell in her ear.

  “That sounds good, my legs are tired!” She laughed as he spun her off the floor and back toward their table and his wife who had her shoes off and her feet up.

  It took a few seconds to register that Matt and Marc were there with Darla as well. “Oh hi.”

  “Hey, Maggie. You sure were tearing it up out there.” Matt said it with an easy smile and she relaxed a bit.

  “Nah, it was all Ryan. Darla let me borrow him a bit.”

  Drinks had arrived and they’d all fallen into an easy back and forth, talking and laughing, when Kyle, Shane and Kendra came in. Marc waved at them and they started toward the table.

  “Uh, I should go and find Liv and Dee.” She moved to stand but Matt put his hand on her elbow to stay her.

  “They’re both out there dancing.” He nodded with his head and waved at the other women who saw and waved back.


  “Stay awhile and visit, Maggie. Chuck’s not showing any sign of letting Liv get away anyway.” Darla laughed, not knowing why Maggie wanted to run and hide.

  Kyle came and sat down next to her, giving her a warm hello. “Hey there, shug. You owe me a dance tonight.” He stood up again. “In fact, why don’t we hit it now?” He bowed slightly and extended a hand and after a brief hesitation she took it, never once looking at Shane.

  “All right then. But remember excessively tall men have much longer legs than small women. Which means you’ll be dragging me all over the place if you go too fast.”

  “Do I look like I don’t know how to take it slow with the right woman?” he said with cheeky innuendo in his voice and she rolled her eyes.

  “One of these days I need to meet your father to see if he’s as full of it as you four are.”

  Kyle laughed as he led her down the steps and onto the floor. He twirled her once and into a slow two-step as the tempo of the Martina McBride song came on and slowed the dancers down.

  “You all right?” he asked her when they were away from the table.

  “What do you mean?” He was so close to her it was hard to concentrate.

  “Shane isn’t a bad guy you know. He just got screwed over pretty severely a year and a half ago by his fiancée. Turns out she was sleeping with his best friend. Ran off with him a week before the wedding. Ever since, he’s guarded his feelings with women—never goes out with them for longer than a few weeks.”

  “I really don’t care. I have no say in what Shane does. I just went out with him officially once and chatted with him a few times. I’m just dating him casually, I know that. It’s not like I have a vested interest in him or anything.” Even she didn’t believe it as she said it.

  She liked Shane Chase, thought she might have been the one to settle him down. But okay, she knew it now. Knew it truly was just a casual dating relationship and she could do that. She was an adult woman after all. Liv did it all the time. There was no reason why she couldn’t enjoy herself with people and date around casually.

  Kyle smiled. God, she was so genuine and in way over her head. “Ah, Maggie, you’re too sweet for this game. You’re a wonderful woman but don’t count on him coming around to that. He’s not ready to let himself really care about anyone just yet. I’d hate to see you get hurt. I just want you to know this up front, to protect yourself.”

  “I appreciate the advice, Kyle.” She ruthlessly tamped down the sinking feeling that he was right. At the same time, Kyle’s arms around her made her feel warm and relaxed. The flesh just under his hand at her back tingled a bit. Maybe Alex was right, maybe she was a slut.

  “If he wasn’t my brother, I’d ask you out myself.” He tried to sound lighthearted but it was the truth.

  “Please don’t.”

  “Don’t what?”

  She stopped and pulled away, turning to escape him and the dance floor. He followed, catching up quickly. Reaching out, he grabbed her hand to stay her but she jerked it away and ran for the back deck. Sighing, he followed, catching up with her in the much quieter, much cooler, night air.

  “You want to tell me what the heck you’re talking about? Don’t what?” He hoisted himself up to sit on the wooden railing of the deck so that he could face her.

  Throwing one hand up in frustration she sighed. “Don’t pity me and throw a few false compliments my way because you feel sorry for me.”

  He was still confused. “I don’t pity you and they aren’t false compliments.”

  “Please! My God, you don’t think I have mirrors at my house? I know what I am and I know what I’m not. I’m not Jane Marie, I’m not Kendra. I can’t compete with that. But I sure as hell don’t want some kind of pity thrown at me because Shane has gone back to his regular diet of tall, gorgeous women. It’s okay that I was an aberration. I shouldn’t have expected more, it’s my own damned fault.”

  Kyle sat in stunned silence for a few moments. He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. This woman was so beautiful and so special and yet, she thought a vapid, shallow woman like Kendra, or worse, her own sister, was better than she was.

  Grabbing her hand, he brought it to his lips. “Sugar, I can’t believe you think you have to compete with any other woman. I don’t believe you do have mirrors in your house. If you did, you’d see a beautiful woman looking back at you and it’s clear you don’t. Honey, take it from me—a lover of women—you are absolutely, positively gorgeous. I am not throwing pity at you. Honestly, the only thing that’s keeping me from grabbing you and kissing those beautiful lips is the fact that Shane is my brother.”

  Sighing, she ran her hands through her hair and over her face. “I can see you need an example. I was a virgin until I was twenty-two. My first year of graduate school. I went out on dates sure, but no one ever showed any passion toward me. Like a lot of grad students I had an advisor. He was so nice, so attent
ive. He loved to read what I wrote. Praised my work, paid attention to me as a person.” She hesitated and then continued. “No, as a woman. He made me feel sexy and desirable. The first time he made love to me was in a hotel room in Atlanta. We were there at a symposium. He was gentle and sweet and he took his time. We continued to see each other throughout that entire year.

  “My family came out to see me, my mom and dad and Jane Marie. It was a pretty big deal. The first and only time they ever visited me, actually. Anyway, I’d invited Charles over to dinner at my apartment to meet them all. He came and was his charming self. My mother and dad went out for a walk and I thought I would too. Janie and Charles said they would stay back and have coffee. It was a lovely early spring day but at the last minute, I decided that I’d skip the walk and go back home. When I let myself back into the apartment, I saw that Jane Marie and Charles were on the couch.”

  Her eyes blurred, lost in the memory. “They were having sex. Her perfect pleated skirt up around her waist and his slacks on the floor. I just stood there for a moment, not understanding at all, you know? My mind just wasn’t registering what the hell was happening. Anyway, I stood there until I felt sick and then I quietly and slowly backed out of the room like I was never there.

  “I confronted him later about it and he told me that he’d never imagined that a girl like me would have a stunning sister like that and what did I expect? I never said anything to anyone else about it. It was a good lesson for me about things. And you know? I was a fool to ever pretend that any Chase brother would think I was worth more than a few amusing dates and maybe a quick fuck.” She hugged her arms around herself.

  “My God, Maggie. What a bitch your sister is! What a calculating bastard your professor was.” He moved toward her but she backed up.

  “I have to go. Please don’t say anything, I’ve never told that story to another soul.” She spun on her heel and stalked back inside to the table. Still refusing to look in Shane’s direction, she grabbed her coat and purse, pleaded sick and pretty much dashed out the door.

  Kyle started to follow her out but Shane came up behind him, grabbing his arm. “What is going on?”

  Shaking Shane off Kyle glared at him. “It’s none of your business, Shane.” But it was too late, as Maggie sped out of the parking lot.

  * * *

  Shane showed up after school on the next Wednesday. “Hey, Maggie, you have time for dinner?” he asked smiling.

  Maggie looked at him, dumbstruck. Fine, if he wanted a casual thing she’d give it a try but there was no way she’d be some last-minute drop-in date. “Hi, Shane. No, I’m sorry, I have plans. Perhaps another time,” she said casually.

  “Oh. How about tomorrow night then?”

  “Fine. Pick me up at seven.” Keeping a smile on her face, she walked past him to her car.

  She didn’t have plans of course so she stopped by the bank and asked Dee to have dinner with her.

  “Honey, what do you think you’re doing?” Dee asked as they munched on pizza at Maggie’s house.

  “What do you mean?”

  Dee made a disapproving sound and frowned. “Margaret Wright, being dishonest is not who you are. Don’t lie to me and don’t lie to yourself. I know you and Liv think I’m some silly virgin but I know enough to see you’re in over your head with Shane Chase.”

  “What do you mean!” Maggie challenged. The truth stung.

  “Oh, don’t be stupid! Honey, you are more than good enough for him. He’s the one who isn’t good enough for you. You know what I mean. You are not the kind of woman who can do a casual affair. It’s not part of your makeup. I’m not talking down about women who can do it. But I’ve known you your whole life—you’re not one of them. Your heart and head are too connected. You’re only going to end up hurt because Shane Chase cannot give you what you want and deserve. Listen, it’s still early, I can tell you like him but it’s not that deep yet. But this is a dead-end street. Shane Chase is a dead-end man. You cannot save him.”

  The eyes she turned to Dee made Dee’s heart ache. “I’m fine, Dee. I can handle it, I promise.”

  Dee sighed and squeezed her hand. “You know where to find me when you need me.”

  * * *

  Shane knocked on her door precisely at seven and looked delicious as usual. He looked up and back down her body, with a slow sexy smile. “You look gorgeous, Maggie.” He bent down and stole a quick kiss. “Ready?”


  They went to The Sands, just a normal small-town diner. She felt so comfortable with him. He was attentive and charming but neither mentioned the incident with Kendra.

  “Hey!” She slapped at his hand as he attempted to steal a fry off her plate. “Get your own fries, buster.”

  “You won’t share them? Not even with the sheriff?”

  “Hell no!” she said, eating the last fry with relish.

  He leaned over and placed his mouth over her ear. “Can we go back to your house, Maggie? I’d really like to be alone with you.”

  His warm breath on her ear and his confession sent shivers down her spine. “I’d like that.” No sooner had the soft words left her lips than he’d yanked her up, thrown money on the table and they hurried out to his truck.

  Once they were inside her house and on the couch he looked down at her with a grin. “I’ve wanted this since you spun around and started getting in my face at The Pumphouse that night. And definitely since I had to leave you on your doorstep after the movies.”

  Leaning up, she nuzzled his neck. He smelled good, his skin was warm. His head fell back against the couch. She really liked the moan he made when she nibbled his earlobe and then down to the hollow of his throat.

  “But you never noticed me before. Back in high school you dated girls with flashy bodies and perfect clothes.” She looked up at him with a grin.

  “I think we established that I was a dumbass. I’m an idiot for not noticing you but your attitude is what turned me on first.” With a low growl, he brought his hands down her back and around to cup her breasts. Her breath caught as his thumbs moved up to flick over her nipples.

  Her head tipped back for a moment as she enjoyed his touch. After a bit she moved so that she was looking into his eyes again. Slowly, he leaned her back onto the couch, settling himself into the cradle of her thighs.

  His lips found the hollow of her throat and she arched, grinding into him.

  “God, I love this,” she sighed.

  And he froze.

  He sat up quickly and reached for his coat. “I have to go. Thanks.” He rushed toward the front door.

  “Wait! You’re leaving?” she asked, incredulous.

  “I have to get to work first thing.” She barely understood his words he said them so fast, not meeting her eyes.

  She wished she could crawl into a hole and disappear.

  “I’ll call you,” he mumbled as he let himself out.

  “Don’t bother, asshole!” she yelled out, but heard the door slam as he scurried out like the rat he was.

  Chapter Four

  The next night, the three of them sat in their usual booth. “And he left scorch marks in my front hallway he ran out of there so fast!”

  Dee and Liv had looked at her, incredulous, as Maggie told them the whole story.

  “I didn’t say I loved him, I said I loved it. I mean goodness, we were making out on my couch. It felt good!” She tossed back yet another beer and motioned to Patrick to bring them a fresh pitcher.

  “I don’t understand. What an ass.” Liv’s face showed her anger and concern for her friend.

  “Me neither but I’m done. What does he think? That he can throw a burger at me and get a cheap silent screw? God, he made me feel so stupid!”

  Dee winced as she squeezed Maggie’s hand in sympathy. Both Liv and Dee froze, looking toward the door, and
Maggie knew that it was Shane. She slowly turned around and saw that he was there with Kendra. Again. This time his arm was around her and she was nuzzling into his neck. He saw her and didn’t even flicker recognition in her direction.

  For a moment her mouth hung open and tears stung the back of her eyes. “Don’t!” Liv whispered urgently. “Don’t you let him make you cry, Maggie! He’s not worth your tears.”

  She turned to face them. “I can’t believe how stupid I’ve been,” she whispered back and wiped at her eyes. “Okay, I could accept that we weren’t serious. But the way he just ran out like that and just now? My God, he makes me feel like nothing.”

  Kyle saw Maggie wipe at her eyes, after she’d stared, hurt and dismayed at Shane. Shane who’d unbelievably looked through her like she didn’t even exist.

  Matt and Marc saw it too. “Shane, what the hell is wrong with you? You’re really going to blow something that could be so good because of Sandra?”

  Expressionless, Shane stared back at him.

  “Whatever, man, I never thought I’d see you act like such an asshole. You don’t deserve her,” Matt spat out as he swept past and toward the front of the bar.

  “What is he talking about?” Kendra asked.

  “Who knows?” Shane knew, but he couldn’t afford to deal with that. He had to make a clean break and it was better for both of them if he did it harshly but quickly, like ripping a bandage off all at once. He could not let himself care for Maggie. If she hated him, that would never be a problem.

  Matt walked over to Maggie’s table and sat down, talking quietly with the three women. Kendra snorted with derision. “Why would a man like Matt waste his time with that woman? She thinks she can put on some new clothes and let her hair down and compete with the real women of Petal?” Her mouth twisted viciously. “Janie might be worth it but not that bookworm.”

  Kyle stared at them both, mouth open. “You are one stone-cold bitch, Kendra.” Disgusted, he threw his cue down on the table. “And you are not the man I’ve always thought you were.” He shook his head at Shane and walked past them to join Matt at the table with Maggie and her friends.


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