Once Upon A Kiss: Seventeen Romantic Faerie Tales

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Once Upon A Kiss: Seventeen Romantic Faerie Tales Page 12

by Alethea Kontis

  Being able to create light out of nothing or open a padlock with my mind didn’t make much sense, either. I’d learned a long time ago that it was much more important to rely on my feelings than on things that made sense.

  I was suddenly highly aware of my hands against his chest. In the darkness of the cabin, I hadn’t been able to tell just how muscular he was, but through the thin fabric of his shirt, I could feel every hard ridge of him. I wanted to move my hands across him and down to his abs, just to know what he felt like.

  Which was exactly why I kept my hands as completely still as I possibly could.

  “Are you feeling better?” he asked.

  “Mmm-hmm,” I managed.

  “Because your heartbeat isn’t slowing down,” he said.

  I buried my head deeper in the crook of his neck, not wanting him to see my face.

  He was right. My heart was pounding just as hard as it had been when I was running full force, but this time it was because of him.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  “Red?” he asked.

  I shook my head, too embarrassed to even look up. Of course he could hear my heart beating. He could hear witches entering a forest five miles away, and I was practically sitting on his lap.

  I forced a deep breath and begged my body to cooperate.

  His shoulders shook with a laugh, and I wanted to curl up and disappear.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, finally managing to look up and face him. “I can’t seem to control it. I feel…”

  He raised an eyebrow, the smirk on his lips returning, as if he knew exactly what I felt.

  “You’re a different kind of witch than the ones I usually come across,” he said, the smirk disappearing.

  His eyes searched mine, the yellow of them deepening to an almost amber glow.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “I can hear your heart beating, but it’s more than that,” he said. “Now that I’m this close to you, I can feel your heart. You’re not at all like the others. You would give anything to help your sister. Even your own life. Wouldn’t you?”

  I nodded. I couldn’t look away from him. I could hardly breathe. He was so close to me, our faces nearly touching.

  “Why would a woman like you choose to be a part of the Order?” he asked.

  His question surprised me, and I pulled away slightly.

  “Choose?” I asked, shaking my head. “I never chose this. Is that what you think?”

  He frowned. “I can feel the power of the demon inside you,” he said. “How else would that happen, if not by choice? Isn’t that how it works?”

  At first, I thought he might be toying with me. Joking about the most horrific night of my life. But I could see the truth in his eyes.

  He has no idea.

  “My mother was a member of the Order of Shadows long before I was born,” I said. “She raised both me and my sister as a part of the coven. She taught us little things when we were young, like how to light a candle or open a door. Simple spells that were fun. But she never told us the part about the demon.”

  I broke the connection with his gaze and looked away, resting my head on his shoulder again.

  “The Order likes to keep that dirty little secret until the night of initiation,” I said. “I’m sure if most of us knew what their plan was for us during the initiation, none of us would choose to go through with it. It was the worst night of my life, but once it’s done, there is no way it can ever be undone.”

  “That isn’t true,” he said.

  I looked up. “Of course it is,” I said. “Do you really think I’d lie to you now, after all this?”

  “I don’t mean that your story isn’t true,” he said. “I mean that there is a way to undo what’s been done to you. There is a way to become free of the Order and the ruby coven you belong to.”

  I shook my head. “No. If there was a way, I would know about it,” I said, realizing the ridiculousness of my words as I spoke them. There was so much about this world I didn’t know.

  “Why do you think the ruby priestess and your prima are so desperate for your sister’s powers to grow stronger?” he asked.

  “There’s talk of a war,” I said. “A girl from the east destroying the Order and killing witches.”

  He brought his hand to my face, the warmth of it seeping into my skin and bone.

  “Not killing them, Red. Liberating them.”

  I pulled back, but he held tightly to me, his hand still firmly on my cheek. I felt as if I’d just had the breath knocked out of me.

  Liberating witches?

  The Prima and the council of our ruby gate had told all of us that all the witches were being slaughtered. They’d said that if the girl and her demon friends brought the war to the ruby gates, we would have to fight for our lives against them.

  I wasn’t sure whether I should scream or cry or fall to my knees in gratitude.

  A tear slid down my cheek, and Connery ran his thumb across its path, sweeping it away.

  “Your heart is too good for this life,” he said softly. “I promise you that if we manage to escape these woods, I will get to Rend and have him create this potion for your sister.”

  He spoke the words so sincerely that I felt the truth of them in the deepest part of myself.

  As I stared into his strange eyes, I knew with sudden and absolute clarity that my sister had sent me to that cabin to find him. She must have always known there would be no potion or elixir inside that dusty place that could save her. She was sending me to rescue this man.

  So that he could rescue us.

  When I looked into his eyes, I was looking straight into my destiny.

  Connery leaned forward, his hand on my back pulling me toward him. I closed my eyes and trusted my heart. My fate.

  Our lips met and a fire somewhere deep inside me ignited. Until this moment, I’d had no idea how much I needed him.

  I slid my arms around his body and pulled myself onto his lap, our kiss deepening to something primal, unleashing a passion I’d never realized I was capable of. I had never felt so alive or so real.

  I wanted the moment to last forever, but Connery pulled away. When I started to question him, he placed a finger over my lips and turned his head to one side, listening.

  “They’re closer than I realized,” he said.

  He placed both hands on my face and looked straight into my eyes. “Listen to me, Red. You need to run straight through the woods behind me until you come to the road,” he said, fear flashing in his eyes. “Don’t stop for a second, no matter what you hear or see. Flag down a car or find a place where you can call a friend you trust to come pick you up. Did you leave a car of your own somewhere near the entry to the forest?”

  I shook my head. “No, but I don’t understand,” I said, clutching to him. “I thought we were going together.”

  “We can’t,” he said. “You can’t run fast enough to get away from them. They’ll find you, and I can’t let that happen. I’ve been searching for you longer than you could possibly imagine. I won’t let anything happen to you now.”

  “Searching for me?” I asked. “What do you mean?”

  His eyes locked on mine again. “There’s no time to explain that now,” he said. “But someday, I will tell you everything.”

  “What will you do?” I asked, tears clouding my vision.

  “I’m going to distract them,” he said. “Lead them away from you. Just get home, and if they question you, tell them you were home with your sister all night. Don’t let them know you know about me. Promise me.”

  “I promise,” I said. “But I don’t want to let you go. They’ll kill you, Connery.”

  He smiled and kissed me one last time.

  “They’ve got to catch me first,” he said.

  We stood, and he pointed in the direction we’d been traveling.

  “It’s a straight path through there,” he said. “You should hit the road in less than an hour if
you keep running.”

  He grabbed my hand and placed it over his heart.

  “I promise, Red, as soon as I can, I’ll find you again,” he said.

  “Charlotte,” I said, wiping a tear from my cheek.

  His eyes clouded in confusion.

  “My name is Charlotte,” I said. I pulled his hand to mine and kissed his warm, rough skin.

  He smiled and pulled me close to kiss my forehead. “I’ll find you, Charlotte. I promise.”

  With that, he turned and ran into the woods, his body a blur as his form shifted from man to wolf.

  I stood in the darkness, watching him as long as I could, unable to believe my eyes.

  I’d heard rumors of magical creatures. People who could shift into animals. But I’d never believed it until now.

  A howl broke the night’s silence, and I jumped. He was risking his life to save mine, and I wasn’t going to take that for granted. I sent up a silent wish that the witches searching the woods wouldn’t find him.

  And then I ran.

  Chapter 4

  Rayla tossed and turned in her small bed, her forehead wet from feverish dreams. I stayed by her side, once again praying for news from Connery.

  It had been three weeks since we’d parted in those woods, and I’d heard nothing. It tore me apart to know that the witches of my own coven might have hurt him or locked him away again. I couldn’t ask anyone about it, because I had no idea who I could trust.

  If anyone found out that I was the one who released him from that cage, they might kill me, too. Or worse. I couldn’t risk it.

  But I was dying to know if he was okay.

  I never dreamed that such a strong connection could be made with someone after only a few hours together, but he was a part of me now. A part of my journey. I wasn’t sure I could survive if he never came back for me.

  When I got home that night, exhausted and scared, Rayla was still awake, waiting for me.

  “You found him, didn’t you?” she’d asked, her eyes bright with mischief.

  “I did,” I said. “You could have told me you were sending me there to meet a werewolf.”

  She shrugged and leaned back against her pillow. “If I’d told you that, you might not have gone,” she said. “He’s not with you?”

  “He ran away to save my life,” I said, fighting back tears. I would not cry in front of my sister. She needed me strong.

  “He’ll be back,” she said.

  She’d pulled the covers up around her body and fallen asleep.

  There had been no bad dreams or visions for a week after that, but they’d started up again. And they were getting worse.

  She moaned again and tossed some of her covers aside, so I went to her and checked her forehead. She was burning up, fresh welts appearing on her arms. I pulled her covers tighter around her small body and went to get a cold washcloth to put on her skin.

  Before I made it to the bathroom, someone rang the doorbell.

  I glanced at my watch. It was after midnight. Members of the coven often stopped by to check on us and to ask about Charlotte’s visions, but never this late at night. If someone was here that late, something must be wrong. I ran down the stairs and threw open the door, but there was no sign of anyone outside.


  I stepped further onto the porch to look around, but I didn’t see anything unusual. Whoever rang the doorbell was gone.

  I went back inside, an uneasiness creeping into my gut. I locked the door and went around back to make sure that door was locked, too.

  Slowly, weighed down by doubt and confusion, I made my way back up the stairs to Rayla’s side. To my surprise, she was sitting straight up in bed, staring at something clutched in her hand.

  “You’re awake?” I asked, not understanding. “What’s that?”

  “Connery left this for us,” she said, holding out a small bottle of dark liquid.

  “Connery? He was here?” I took the bottle and studied it. A snake was etched into the glass, along with the word VENOM.

  “Rend,” I whispered. He had made it to Rend. “Where is he?”

  Rayla pointed to the open window near her bedside. I ran to it, pushing back the long curtains and staring out into the night.

  “He said to give you this, and to tell you that everything would be okay now.”

  I turned to my sister and she handed me a small piece of paper. I unfolded it and read his message to me.

  * * *

  Dearest Red,

  * * *

  There isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t think of you. I long to hold you again, but I’m afraid that if I see you tonight, I’ll never be able to let you go. It’s still too dangerous, but I promise you that when the time is right, I will come for you and your sister and take you to a new place. A place where there is hope, and where demons and witches live together in peace.

  Use this potion sparingly. A single drop every night before she sleeps will keep her from harm. Don’t let anyone know you have it and guard it with your life.

  I live for the day when we can truly be together, but until then, know that I am forever…

  * * *



  * * *

  I closed the note and stepped over to the window, hoping for just one more moment. One more glimpse of him.

  There was no sign of him in the shadows, but somewhere in the distance, over the sound of the chaos of the city, I heard the single, clear cry of a wolf.

  * * *

  Author’s Note

  I’ve never written a werewolf before, but as I was working on the follow-up to my Sacrifice Me series, a werewolf suddenly appeared on the page. I was instantly in love with him. When we started talking about an anthology of short stories based on fairy tales, I just knew I wanted to write about Connery.

  The story of Little Red Riding Hood has always been a favorite of mine, so I started thinking about Connery and his history. Sometimes characters appear that even the author didn’t expect, and when that happens, I always know that they are important. It’s as if Connery existed long before I put a name to him, so it was fun to get the chance to explore his story a little deeper.

  A lot of my books are tied together in the same world, and my current project, Beyond The Darkness, is Book 9 in my Shadow Demons Saga. This Saga exists in the same magical world as my Sacrifice Me series, so it made sense to weave elements of both series into this story. In this new book, I’m finally introducing some of the witches from the ruby gates. That’s when it all clicked for me. A ruby witch and a werewolf. Little Red Riding Hood!

  I hope you enjoyed this story. If you’re interested in reading more about the magic and the war against the Order of Shadows, you can pick up the first three books in my Shadow Demons Saga for free at any retailer. You can also find out more about me online at sarracannon.com.

  Thanks for reading!

  Princess Charming - Yasmine Galenorn

  14.October. Harvest 200 OUAT*

  *Once Upon a Time

  The Noble’s Cottage, Kingdom of Prince Charming

  Dear Arabelle:

  Once again, my harridan of a stepmother decided that she doesn’t want to hire any help. Just a little while longer, Cinderella, and I’ll find a maid. Meanwhile, could you mop the floor, Cinderella? Could you rub my feet, Cinderella? Could you do all the freaking chores around here, Cinderella?

  I swear, the StepBitch is so freaking cheap that she goes commando rather than shell out to buy underwear. And trust me, you do not to be walking in back of her when she drops something. I ran out of brain bleach a year ago when Father first brought her and her relentless spawn home. I know he was hard up and she’s the best he could get but damn, wouldn’t it be cheaper and easier if he just made friends with his own hand?

  Anyway, you have to be tired of hearing me vent, so I’ll make it short. You know I’m supposed to feed the chickens every day? Well, those damned birds have started talking to m
e and now they appear to think we’re BFFs. They follow me around like I’m their mother. Now, granted, this sounds weird but I figure—you talk to your teapot, don’t you? I figured you would understand.

  Anyway, the chickens have been complaining about how hungry they are. They told me that I’m not giving them enough food and that’s why egg production is down. It made me feel horrible. They’re not exactly starving, but it’s only a matter of time. I tried to get the StepBitch to let me buy them more food, but she refused. So I’ve had to resort to swiping spare change and sneaking out to buy it myself. But if I don’t do that, I know she’ll decide that they’re too old or just plain lazy, and she’ll take the axe to their feathery heads. Sigh. You know how much I like birds. I can’t let that happen.

  But this latest kick she’s on—at least it’s not too bad. Prince Charming is opening up his castle for three weeks of balls. The StepBitch has demanded that I design ball gowns for her spawn. I can do it, though I hate sewing. I thought about turning them into human voodoo dolls by leaving a few strategic pins in the material, but that would just get me in trouble. So it’s off to the sewing room for me. If I refuse, she’ll beat me. If I give her what she wants, at least I’ll be inside instead of being stuck out in the garden during the rainy season. Maybe I’ll get lucky and my three idiot stepsisters will land themselves husbands and head off for other pastures where they can make somebody else miserable.

  I swear, Arabelle, if Mother’s ghost doesn’t give up the secret to where she hid her jewels soon, I’m out of here. I have mad skills. I can cook and clean, though I don’t like it. And I can read. Maybe I could find a job as a governess. But it just seems stupid to leave now, without at least trying to find out where Mother’s fortune is. She’s just being cranky. I think she’s pissed at Father for marrying again.

  Hope all is well with you. How’s old Beastly? Have you had any luck convincing him to shave his back? Honestly, how you can live with a shifter beats me. I love the forest animals, but I sure don’t want to climb into bed with them. *snerk*


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