Once Upon A Kiss: Seventeen Romantic Faerie Tales

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Once Upon A Kiss: Seventeen Romantic Faerie Tales Page 41

by Alethea Kontis

  "He was furious with me. We fought—by the Gods of all ancients we fought hard and he convinced my father I was bad at magic because of the destruction I caused. That's why I wasn't allowed to use magic, and why Stolgard abruptly announced the rulers shouldn't be tainted with the side effects of it. But he knew I was powerful, and Stolgard doesn't like competition. He attacked me that day, two years ago, when I was trying to get to you. We fought and I managed to get away—only he split me in half. I remember seeing myself on the floor, and then seeing you, staring at me with hatred. Anger. It broke my heart.

  I couldn't talk. My voice was gone. I was dragged into the dungeon and shackled. The only reason I escaped was because I knew magic that didn't need to be spoken…so I was able to destroy my shackles and sneak out the day before my execution."

  Now she knew why nothing more had been said about Fenrir, the Dark Magician. Because a boy of sixteen's magic had defeated that of an aged old man.

  "Once I was away from his influence, away from the city, I could speak again and used magic—my magic—to find food, and shelter and a new life. The boy you know as me, is me but he isn't. My opposite. I live in this body, and I live in that body. Which is my true self? Even I don't know anymore. I aged because I too cast a large spell to protect the people who protected me."

  "Ah…Rose, where have you been," Mama Zybo said as she moved into the kitchen. "I got some warm mead just set in the pot if you're hungry."

  She shook her head and walked on into the dining hall to the main doors.

  "I was supposed to die by an axe to my neck on the chopping block. And when I died, the spell would have stopped my flow of life to the golem. Richard the prince would have died as well, and Stolgard would have been there to comfort a grieving King. But I lived, and so the golem has lived. I watched you every day, Rose, pining over who you thought was me. I've watched you grow. Shared your pain. Don't believe me? I can tell you what happened in the kitchen yesterday—when you stole that apple? You bit into it and found a half of a meliena bug. After that you were inconsolable and swearing never to steal again."

  She was shocked he knew that. No one else had been in the kitchens.

  "I have to unweave the spell, Rose. But I had to put him to sleep to quiet the cacophony that's invaded my head for two years. If I destroy him, I will take back the part of my soul that's been missing. But I can't do it. It has to be done by someone I care about. And cares about me. You have to wake the golem, Rose. You have to put the poison on your lips, and kiss him as he sleeps."

  * * *

  She stood over him. The boy she'd believed was Richard. As she stood in his room she watched his face. Looked closely and saw the cracks. So small. Infinitesimal blemishes that belied his reality. What kind of abhorrent magic had that old man woven in order to create this? Taking from the real Richard for years to put such a thing in place. Had he known his pupil would learn the truth about magic eventually?

  Or had Stolgard had it in his mind all along to destroy Richard in order to eventually make himself king?

  She had the poison in her hand. The spell written in the book. All she had to do was rub the poison on her lips, repeat the spell and kiss him.

  But knowing what she knew—the thought of kissing an animated doll was—

  Rose shivered.

  "You can put away the poison and spell, Rose," Stolgard said from the shadows. He stepped forward, appearing on the other side of the bed. "There's no more need. We have the dreaded Fenrir."

  They had Thomas? How— She took a step back. "I don't believe you."

  "You were very careless. Did you not think I wouldn't follow you? You who would stop at nothing to find the fiend who did this to the man she loved? Once I knew where he was, it didn't take long for me to find the spells around the him. Palon and his troops invaded just after you left. He's being brought here as we speak so the last of the performance can be arranged." He gave a deep sigh. "You are a very good girl, Rose. And your name will go down as the one that finally brought the blasphemer to justice."

  She narrowed her eyes at him. Rose had never liked him. Never. "Everything Thomas—no, Richard—said was true."

  "I'm quite sure what he told was the truth to him. But then," he held out his hands in surrender. "Truth is a commodity."

  The door opened and Palon came in. Two of his guards half dragged a shackled young man inside the room. His head was covered in a rough hewn sack, but Rose already recognized the bandaging around his chest, visible by his torn shirt.

  "Close the door and bring him here."

  Palon grabbed the bound man by the elbow and dragged him closer. Fen stumbled behind, the clink of the chains on his ankles the only sound in the room. Once the door was closed, Stolgard nodded and Palon pulled the sack from his head.

  Thomas blinked at the sudden light. He was gagged with a leather strap that buckled behind his neck. Stolgard wasn't taking any chances—he didn't want his prey to utter a single spell.

  "Fenrir," Stolgard said in a very wizened and disappointed voice. "Two years you've eluded me, and kept my plans on hold. You should have stayed out of the kingdom and in your little hidden home. Now you, and the entire village of Townsend, will pay for your treachery."

  The prisoner made a strangled noise and tried to charge at Stolgard, but the chains prevented him.

  Stolgard smiled before he looked at Palon. "We have to set the stage. I want him positioned as if he'd just stabbed Richard and Rose tried to stop him. Maybe…" He moved around the bed to stand beside Rose. "Here."

  Palon dragged Thomas to where Stolgard wanted him. Rose applauded the prisoner's fight, but there was nothing he could do about it now. Stolgard would stop her the moment she tried to apply the poison and say the spell. And she did not want to even think about what Stolgard would turn her into.

  Stolgard took her arm and pulled her to the left of Thomas. "And you my dear…" He pulled her back to the sleeping Richard again and moved her in close. "I think it would be more poetic for your death to be next to the man you've always coveted."

  "Sir," Palon spoke up. "What about the prince. Shouldn't we get him to safety?"

  "Oh no Palon. Richard stays right here. This is where you will find his body, along with theirs."

  "His body?"

  Rose realized the Captain of the Guard was as innocent as she was. "Master Stolgard—we were sent to capture the rogue Fenrir. We have him. We should alert the king—"

  "Oh no," Stolgard held up a hand. "No. Not yet. We have to set the stage."

  Rose looked down at the fake Richard. When he slept, she could almost see Thomas's face in his. Or she could see his face in Thomas's. He said Richard and he were one—that a piece of his soul resided inside this animate create. One fed from the other. If the doll died, he would be free and the spell would be broken.

  If the doll died…

  "Stolgard," Palon reached for his sword. "I'm not sure what it is you think you're doing—but if you have plans to harm the prince—"

  "The prince is already dead, Stolgard. I am merely making sure the blame falls squarely on Fenrir's shoulders." He smiled at the silenced prisoner. "It's over, Fenrir. Both of you will die…I will become the one ruler over the five Kingdoms. All of them will eventually bow to us," he smiled behind his beard. "Release his shackles. And then Palon, kill him."

  Palon hesitated. "Kill…Fenrir?" he frowned as one of the guards stepped forward and unlocked the chains on Fenrir's ankles and wrists. Palon still held his prisoner's elbow, his dagger at the ready.

  "Yes. For killing the prince."

  "But I don't—" he looked back at his guards. "He deserves a trial. That's the law of —"

  "It is a stupid law and one I plan on finally repealing. Now, kill Fenrir. I order you."

  Palon looked at Rose. "What about her?"

  "I will take care of the girl. You kill him." Stolgard's ire blossomed. "Do it now Palon or I will have you hanged for treason."

  Fenrir struggled
to pull free, but Palon lifted his dagger.

  "No!" Rose screamed. He meant to stab Thomas in the back!

  "Silence!" Stolgard shouted.

  In one stroke Palon sliced the leather gag. "You will not deny any man justice, Stolgard!"

  Rose gasped. What just happened? Thomas moved forward, charging Stolgard. Palon turned and clashed swords with the two guards behind him. Stolgard pulled his own dagger and turned toward Rose.

  "No!" Thomas called out as he reached Stolgard and grabbed at the man's shoulder. He yanked him around and the two of them faced one another. She saw Stolgard's eyes widen, and Thomas smiled. "You lose, old man. Even in the end…you still lose."

  Lose? Rose stepped forward just as Thomas closed his eyes and fell backward. She screamed out when she saw the dagger buried in his chest. "Thomas!"

  "No!" Stolgard roared.

  The room shifted and seemed to move. Rose could feel the taint of magic all around them. Thomas had said that Stolgard could not kill him—it would unravel the spell. Richard convulsed. She opened the book in her hands and the looked at the spell Fenrir had told her to memorize. "By the Goddess, reunite what has been sundered!"

  Stolgard cried out again as she wiped the poison over her lips and bent to kiss Richard.

  * * *

  Fenrir was blamed for Richard's temporary malaise and his body (or somebody's body) burned for his crimes, even though no one seemed to know what those crimes were.

  Palon took over the security of the castle when Stolgard vanished. The Guild launched a full investigation, but when it was clear the old magician was truly gone, his study was packed up and his rooms given to Rose and her family.

  The king pardoned the city of Townsend when Richard argued they were probably under one of Fenrir's many horrible spells. Though they were required to pay taxes now.

  Richard was older now, taller and becoming a man. No one noticed the change except Rose.

  Six months passed since that night before Rose had the courage to finally ask Richard, "Is…is it you?"

  They were in their hiding place again, a pile of stolen food on the floor between them. He'd just taken a large bite of biscuit. The cracks in his face were gone, and his smile was infectious. "Is it me what?" he said through the food.

  "You. The you I talked to at the village?"

  He lowered his biscuit and chewed, but kept his gaze on her. "You can't tell?"


  Richard laughed. "Good! Then I'm doing a better job than I thought."

  Finally, after all that time, she knew the spell had worked. "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "Because I had a lot happening. Killing me before I was ready sort of messed up the plan." He swallowed his biscuit. "Not everything returned to where it should be. But enough did that I was able to reunite my soul."

  "I'm glad." She took a bite of pastry. "So…you have dark hair again. And green eyes now."

  "So I do. And I have magic still." He smiled and held out his hand. "By the patron saint of locks." A blue light flashed just above his hands. Abruptly a set of keys hung in mid air and then fell into his hands. "I hear from the new magic teacher you're doing pretty well, yourself."

  "That's only because you figured out Stolgard's deception."

  Richard nodded. "We still have the Guild to contend with. I don't know if they were in on Stolgard's plan or not. They might believe the real Richard died as Fenrir. So I'm keeping an eye on them."

  "What if they think you're Stolgard?"

  The prince laughed out loud. "Then won't they be surprised when I beat them at their own game, and take back the power of magic for all magicians." He looked at the keys just as someone yelled in the courtyard.

  "The gate keys have been stolen!"

  The two of them giggled.

  He hefted the keys in his hand, took her hand and tucked the keys into her palm. "I give you the keys to my kingdom, Rose. Will you marry me?"

  Rose pulled his hand and him close until they were nose to nose. "Yes, Fenrir the Dark Magician. I will marry you."

  * * *

  Author’s Note:

  In case it's not clear, and it might not be, my inspiration was Sleeping Beauty. But I always wanted to reverse the roles. I like strong heroines who can save the guy. But you know, I want the guy to fight too. No DID (dudes in distress). I'm also a fan of the twist ending, and though I'm not sure this has quite the twist I wanted, in the end, as long as the reader enjoys, then that's all that's important.

  The Toad Prince - Nikki Jefford

  Chapter 1

  Sweat beaded Isabel’s hairline as she skirted the sitting room, doing her best to avoid collision with one of her five stepsisters or, worse, her stepfather. Her inability to hold still constantly thwarted her desire to blend in.

  “I’d sooner marry a toad than Prince Atsu,” Isabel’s stepsister Darcey proclaimed. Her snippy voice carried from the far corner of the sitting room.

  “Prince Atsu IS a toad,” Lady Ivers said from her seat on a brocade chair with Darcey and Hazel, her two daughters by blood, stationed like sentries on either side of her. “Can’t you tell him to return to the swamplands?” Lady Ivers demanded of her husband.

  Lord Ivers’s eyes turned to slits in his dry, weathered face. His cheeks were purple from frostbite picked up on a winter campaign long ago. They looked like permanent bruises beneath the surface of his skin. “And why would I do that?” he asked in a low, jeering voice. “Our family is the closest thing to royalty in Far North. Let him pay his respects.”

  “You know it is not his respects he wishes to pay but a request to marry one of the girls,” Lady Ivers snapped.

  A wicked smile appeared over Selena’s lips as she turned to her older sister, Paulina, and said, “I hear the prince calls his personal domain the Pleasure Palace. They say whoever weds Atsu will be made a prisoner to his bedchamber.”

  Their father turned so red in the face it overpowered his purple cheeks.

  Isabel bumped into a table, nearly sending a lit candelabra crashing to the rug below.

  Lady Ivers’s face contorted. “Clumsy, fool! Watch that you don’t set fire to the parlor.”

  The facial expressions on Isabel’s five stepsisters ranged from reproach to sympathy to amusement. They didn’t look away until a figure flitted through the doorway. Berta’s linen skirt fluttered as she entered.

  “My Lord, the prince is coming.” She curtsied and rushed out of the room as quickly as she’d entered.

  Lord Ivers appeared to grow an extra two inches as he straightened. “Darcey, Hazel, Isabel, join us,” he said with a firm bite.

  A whimper rose from the chair behind him. Lord Ivers’s face darkened. “If you are incapable of civility, Lady Ivers, you should retire to your room.”

  Isabel glanced over her shoulder in time to see Lady Ivers clamp her mouth shut. She remained in her seat as though tied down with invisible bindings.

  Darcey stepped forward. “Come along, Hazel. You are the youngest. You have nothing to fear.”

  Hazel bit down on the inside of her cheek and nodded her head slowly. Darcey’s presence appeared to provide more assurance than their mother’s.

  They assembled in the order they’d entered Lord Ivers’s life, like soldiers in skirts.

  Their footman, Stanz, hurried inside, announcing, “Prince Atsu Menyatta, firstborn son of the royal family of Estival.”

  A shock of gold cloth flashed before their eyes as the prince entered dressed in a silk toga and sash held together by a jeweled clasp. His bronzed skin and bright smile looked entirely out of place. The people of Far North didn’t smile much, as though their mouths had been frozen shut.

  “Greetings,” the prince called out boisterously. “It is I, Prince Atsu.”

  As though there’d been any question.

  Hazel dropped into a quick curtsy. She dipped too low and lost her balance, falling to the floor onto her hands and knees. Darcey barely suppressed a snicker.

Dear me,” Selena said, breaking out of formation to give Hazel a hand up. “This is Far North, silly goose. We don’t drop to the floor in the presence of royalty.”

  The prince chuckled. “Nor do the people of Estival, but I do enjoy seeing such enthusiasm on my behalf.” He winked at Selena, who batted her lashes and smiled coyly back. If only Isabel’s devious stepsister wasn’t already engaged, she’d likely handle the toad prince better than anyone.

  “We are all pleased to have such an esteemed guest pay us a visit all the way up here in Far North,” Selena said sweetly.

  Atsu’s eyes sparkled as they honed in on Selena.

  Lord Ivers cleared this throat.

  Selena took a step back, falling into place between Paulina and Isabel.

  “Welcome to Northwood.” Lord Ivers didn’t sound particularly welcoming, despite recognizing the benefit of Atsu’s title and wealth. He stood poised in front of the lineup, looking more the fierce commander than doting father. “My daughters: Paulina, Selena, Isabel, Louise, Darcey, and Hazel.”

  “What beautiful treasures,” Atsu said, eyes alighting. “How is it that the men of Far North have not yet snatched up such fair ladies?”

  Lord Ivers leaned into Atsu and smiled smugly. “Half of them are already engaged. Paulina, Selena, and Darcey will soon be wed.”

  Atsu matched his smile. “So, there are still three not yet attached.”

  Isabel gave a slight tremble. She kept her head down, but it did no good as the prince’s eyes looked over the sisters on display. He spared Hazel but a glance. Isabel supposed falling to the floor did not make for a charming first impression. That left her and Louise.

  The prince’s eyes landed on Louise next, whose lips instantly pinched together. Louise had a tall, lean build like Paulina and golden hair like Isabel’s. Though reserved, she had always been considered a beauty, but the prince showed no spark of interest.


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