Freak of Nature

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Freak of Nature Page 10

by Julia Crane

  After only a few minutes, she saw the first member of Harrington's team, Terry, cross perpendicular to her position about forty meters away. Not wanting to squander her chance to take out the entire team at once, Kaitlyn waited until she had all three members identified and tracked, then in rapid succession, she shot each one in the chest. Engagement time: three seconds. She heard a few slang words mumbled as they made their way off the playing grounds.

  She repeated the same tactic with Lucas's team, again waiting until the three remaining members were in sight. Right before she fired, a brief thought flashed through her mind: I wonder if Lucas will be upset that I shot him?

  Lucas looked up and grinned shaking his head.

  Kaitlyn returned the private smile, before she moved onto the next target.

  Once everyone was back at the start point, Harrington wrapped up the game. "While I enjoyed that immensely, it's time I get back to the lab. I don't think I'm alone in not wanting to be shot by Kaitlyn anymore?"

  Several of the guards looked over at Kaitlyn, nodding in agreement as they murmured their admiration.

  Harrington surprised Kaitlyn by draping his arm around her shoulder. “I couldn’t be more proud. You are simply incredible.”

  She wasn’t sure why they were so impressed. She was programmed to be this way.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Where are we going?” Kaitlyn whispered as they crept past another cluster of brick buildings obscured by darkness.

  Quess smiled mysteriously. “You’ll see…”

  Kaitlyn had never been to this side of the compound and couldn’t help but wonder what Quess was up to. The young girl had pulled her from her room after dinner and acted like they were stealth bombers sneaking through the compound as they ducked behind walls as employees passed, unaware.

  Tomorrow was the big day. Kaitlyn’s ‘unveiling,’ as Harrington liked to call it. As much as she enjoyed spending time with Quess, she was really hoping to see Lucas alone.

  Now, outside in the cold, dark evening, they flitted beneath the orange circles of lamplight, Quess encouraging Kaitlyn to move faster.

  “Why are we in such a hurry?” Kaitlyn said with a chuckle.

  Quess skidded to a stop, gazing up at a large brick building with no visible windows and ignored the question.

  “This way.” Quess grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door.

  Kaitlyn did a scan of the outside of the building: All clear. The door screeched against the concrete, and then they were inside.

  Inside, it appeared to be a large, dimly lit warehouse. Aisles and aisles of metal shelving were filled with food and other supplies, but a thermal scan proved they were alone.

  What in the world is Quess up to now?

  They zigzagged through the aisles toward the back of the building where a Jeep was parked at the open loading dock, parked halfway into the building. Lucas jumped out of the vehicle and swung the back door open.

  Just the sight of him caused a flush to spread across her face as her body temperature climbed several degrees.

  “Get in. We don’t have much time.”

  Without hesitation, Kaitlyn climbed into the back of the Jeep. Lucas covered her body with a soft blanket. Kate lifted the blanket and peered out.

  “What about Quess?”

  Quess looked down into the back of the jeep. “I’m just an accomplice this time. Stay safe, Kaitlyn.”

  Kate nodded and pulled the blanket back over her head.

  “Be still. We just have to make it through the guard gate. If we get caught let me take the blame, don’t harm the guard.” The back door clicked into place and moments later, the engine came to life and they rolled slowly down the road. Kaitlyn’s senses were on high alert, listening for any sign of danger.

  Seven minutes later, the Jeep stopped. She could hear the window roll down. “Hey, Matt. Long day?”

  “The usual. We’ve been doing random checks of vehicles. Lucky you, you’ve been flagged. Step out for a minute, will you Lucas?”

  “Since when?” Lucas asked.

  “Started this morning. Hop out, will you?

  “”Look, it’s been a long day, man. I just want to get home,” Lucas said smoothly.

  Kaitlyn’s breathing remained steady, and her mind raced to figure out the best course of action.

  “Out of the car, Lucas.”

  The door opened, and there was a thump as Lucas dropped to the ground. “Ridiculous,” he muttered under his breath.

  “Pop the hood,” the guard barked, all business.

  Kaitlyn heard the thump as the hood opened, and a moment later, Lucas muttered, “Satisfied?”

  Kaitlyn tensed, expecting the guard to demand that Lucas open the back door. She had been warned not to harm the guard, so her computer kicked into gear, searching for an alternative.

  “Not yet.” The hood slammed shut. “Open the back, and then I’ll do a quick sweep underneath.”

  Kaitlyn listened as their foot steps echoing on the concrete. The door swung open. Stillness settled over her. Through the blanket, she saw a flashlight swoop over her.

  “How long are they going to do this nonsense?” Lucas asked, distracting the guard.

  “Who knows. They said it would be random.” The door slammed shut.

  “Can I go now?” Lucas asked.

  “Yeah, man. See you tomorrow. Just following orders.”

  “I hear you. It’s just annoying. I’ve been here twelve hours and ready to call it a night.” Lucas shut his door and started the engine.

  “Take it easy,” the guard yelled as the Jeep rolled forward.

  Close call. Kaitlyn let out the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. She was jostled when they rolled over a speed bump. Lucas had put himself at risk for her. What did this mean? Was she really escaping? Her body revved up at the prospect.

  They drove for a short while before Kaitlyn felt the vehicle’s gears shift and begin to slow. They came to a stop, and the back door swung open.

  Kaitlyn launched herself at Lucas, her arms wrapping around his neck. “I can’t believe you got me off the compound.”

  His face seemed paler than usual. “We got lucky. Of all the days to do a stupid vehicle check. If it had been anyone other than me, he would have gone over the Jeep with a fine-toothed comb.” He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

  “What now? Where are we going to go?”

  Lucas’s face fell, and his shoulders slumped. “It’s not like that, Kate. We’re not leaving forever. They’d hunt us down, and I’d go to prison, and then they would probably shut down your system.”

  “Oh.” Kaitlyn stepped away from him, suddenly sad. This wasn’t an escape; she would be going back to the compound. She would be sold as a top secret super soldier. She focused on the fact that she was alone with Lucas, and that would have to be enough for now. And he thought she was worth losing his job over. That alone spoke volumes.

  “Why did you do this? You could lose your job or worse.”

  “I wanted to spend some time alone with you. Tomorrow, you might be leaving for good.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Reluctantly, he pulled away. “You’re worth the risk.”

  “Won’t they realize we’re off the property?”

  “We’ll only have a couple of hours. If anyone checks the tapes, they’ll see you leave with Quess, and they’ll expect you’ve been with her the whole time. I also put a glitch in your GPS to make it appear as if you haven’t left.”

  Kaitlyn thought about this information. She could knock Lucas out and take off, leaving the compound for good. But as soon as he put the GPS back online they would be able to find her. Lucas would lose his job, and potentially worse.

  She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his warm lips once more. “Thank you. Where are we going?”

  “We can’t go too far away, I’m afraid.”

  “I don’t care, as long as I’m with you.”

  Lucas grabbed her
hand and led her over to the passenger side. She slid into the front seat. Once Lucas was in the driver side, he placed his hand on Kaitlyn’s lap. His warm hand against her cool skin sent shivers through her. Being around him made her feel like a woman, not a thing. Her body responded to his touch in ways that sent her mind spinning. She never wanted to leave his side.

  They drove five miles, then Lucas flicked on his blinker and turned down a narrow, unpaved side road. The area was remote—not a house in sight. The Jeep was surrounded on all sides by towering trees. It seemed like all she saw was trees.

  “I come here sometimes,” he said, “to think.”

  Kaitlyn tilted her head to the side. “You have a place you go to think?” she asked, bewildered.

  Lucas squeezed her hand. “It’s relaxing. You’ll see.”

  He continued driving. The road got narrower and steeper. The sun had set long ago, and the sky was pitch dark this deep in the woods. Finally, Lucas pulled the Jeep to a halt at the top of what appeared to be a ledge. He left the lights on and hurried around to open her door, but Kaitlyn had already climbed out.

  “One minute. I have to grab something from the back.”

  He returned with the blanket in his arms. Anticipation coursed through Kaitlyn’s body.

  “I’m sorry I can’t take you out on a proper date, but time is limited and the compound is away from civilization. It takes ages to anywhere. I was going to pack a picnic, but I remembered you don’t need to eat. So I thought we could just look at the stars, and get to know each other better.”

  “Ages? It can’t really be that far for civilization?”

  Lucas laughed. “Slight exaggeration on my part.”

  Kaitlyn glanced up at the sky and saw white sparkles in the darkness. Crickets chirped in the distance. She could hear the steady rush of water somewhere close by. Her mind flashed with potential rivers, narrowing down the location.

  Lucas spread the blanket on the ground.

  Hesitantly, Kaitlyn closed the distance between them. Lucas’s hands slid down her arms and pulled her close, her body molding against his as if they were made for each other. Kaitlyn slid her hand under his shirt and spread her fingers across his back. Heat radiated off him, and his breathing increased. She smiled to herself, knowing she had caused the reaction. His lips brushed hers lightly, and an urgency spread through her body. She couldn’t get close enough.

  Breaking free from the kiss, Kaitlyn pulled him down onto the blanket. Lucas kissed her again, their legs tangled together. He broke the kiss, rolling to the side so they were facing each other. His hand gently trailed down her face, her arm, and her thigh. Her body felt like it was on fire.

  Kaitlyn pushed up his shirt and ran her hands over his chest. It was hard and warm. She couldn’t believe this was happening. It was like a dream come true. His lips trailed down her neck, causing her to gasp with pleasure. How could he have such an effect on her? It was mind-boggling. She closed her eyes and let the feeling take over.

  His heart pounded, and it was music to her ears. Kaitlyn pulled away and lifted off her shirt, giving only a passing worry to the teal plastic on her skin. Lucas groaned, his heated eyes racing over her chest. Kate fumbled with the button on his pants, and Lucas grabbed her hand.

  “Kate, are you sure?”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “What do you mean? Of course I’m sure. This is what men and women do. Just like in the movies.”

  Lucas sat up abruptly and yanked his shirt down. “Kate, this isn’t right. I shouldn’t have let it get this far.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I’m taking advantage of you. You don’t even comprehend what’s going on. What a relationship entails. Hell, we don’t even know if you’re a virgin.”

  Kaitlyn reached for her shirt and spread it over her chest. “You don’t want to have sex with me?”

  “Not like this.” He rubbed his hands across his face. “It’s not fair to you. That’s not what I brought you here for.”

  “It’s not?”

  “No, I just wanted to spend time with you.”

  “Oh.” Kaitlyn tried to process that thought, and her processor began to argue the point. “They always have sex in the movies. When I saw the blanket…”

  “I care more about you than a roll in the hay.”

  Kaitlyn looked around. “Hay? I see nothing but grass.”

  “That’s what I mean, Kate. Things are still confusing to you. Come sit by me.”

  Kate scooted over and Lucas put his arm around her, then pulled it away. “Please put your shirt back on. This is hard enough as it is.”

  Kaitlyn tugged her shirt back over her head. “Better?”

  Lucas didn’t reply. Instead, he laid on his back and motioned for her to curl against him. When they were settled, he pointed up at the stars. “Can you pick out Orion?”

  Kaitlyn concentrated on the stars and pointed off to the left. “It’s right there. It looks like an hourglass. Did you know that in the middle-east, Orion is known as Al-Jabbar, ‘the giant’?”

  Lucas shook his head. “I only know it as The Hunter, from Greek mythology.”

  They were silent for a long moment, snuggled against each other on the blanket. Kaitlyn stared up at the vast expanse of star-dotted sky above them, acutely aware of his presence beside her.

  He spoke up, his arm squeezing her shoulders. “I love sitting under the stars. It seems to put everything else in perspective. We’re just a tiny blip in the universe.”

  “I can see why you like it here,” Kaitlyn said softly and laid her head against his shoulder. “Thank you for showing me where you come to think. Do you ever think about me here?”

  Lucas nodded, a movement she could feel above her own head. “All the time. I’ve wrestled with my feelings about you for a long time.”

  Over an hour passed of them sitting in peaceful silence. Once in a while, Lucas would point out another constellation, and Kate would report random facts that coincided with that particular grouping of stars. They would laugh at her seemingly endless well of knowledge.

  “We should probably head back. The guards have changed shifts. I should be able to get you back without any trouble.”

  “I wish I could stay here forever,” Kaitlyn said wistfully.

  “We’ll see what happens tomorrow. Hopefully, you won’t have to leave right away. I think I’ve finally convinced Harrington to make a condition of the sale that I’m able to watch over you.”

  “Really?” Kaitlyn bit her bottom lip. If she could still see Lucas, she could handle anything.

  “Really. I know it’s hard for you to believe, but he really doesn’t want to give you up. He’s very invested in this project. Now let’s get you back before we get Quess in trouble.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Kaitlyn sat in the empty, sterile room for two hours, thirteen minutes, and six seconds before she heard familiar footsteps echoing off the tiles down the hall. Usually, the sound caused her heart rate to increase, but today it filled her with dread.

  Shoulders slumped, Lucas stepped into the lab. His face looked strained. His hair was disheveled like he just rolled out of bed. “Kaitlyn. It’s time.”

  “I don’t want to go,” she whispered. “Can’t I stay here?”

  “I’m sorry, Kate.” His eyes were full of regret. “It’s way past that point. I will do everything I can to make sure I can stay a part of the program. That’s the best we have right now.”

  She wanted to argue; to start listing tactical alternatives to their situation. Instead, her voice hardened. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “Kate, you have to believe me. I really wish things could be different.” He held open the door for her, and she brushed past him. Even now, his touch sent an electrical charge down her spine. It’s not fair, Kaitlyn thought, surprised at how much emotion welled up inside of her.

  In the hallway outside, Harrington stood as rigid as a board waiting for them. Kaitlyn had never before
seen him so tense. She wondered if he overheard their conversation, but that was impossible, he was too far away. Humans’ hearing wasn’t that effective.

  “Just be yourself, Kaitlyn, and everything will go fine,” he said soothingly like he was talking to a child.

  Be myself? She wanted to laugh. She didn’t even know what that meant thanks to him. She had no idea who or what she was other than what he had made her.

  Despite a desire to punch him, she nodded like the obedient robot she was. She glanced at the doorway and debated making a run for it. She could probably evade the guards since she knew all of their locations, but the fact was that with a click of a few computer keys they could shut her down. Her life was not in her control. The thought angered her, but her feet moved forward even though she wanted to stay rooted to the ground or bolt in the other direction.

  The walk down the long corridor felt like she was walking to her demise. Every step forward made her want to turn and run as fast as she could, to get as far away as she could. They left the building and crossed the campus. The sun was shining, the smell of fresh cut grass filled the air and a blue jay chirped as staff members went about their business. Life as usual, she thought bitterly. Meanwhile, her life was about to be uprooted once again.

  All Kaitlyn could think about was that she may have been walking away from the IFICS lab for the last time. The thought filled her with an unbearable sadness. Even though the compound was sterile and cold, it had become her home. And the outside, whatever was out there, was scary and unknown. She glanced over at Lucas and her throat tightened.

  Maybe human feelings weren’t all they were cracked up to be. She almost wished there was a ‘turn off emotions’ switch.

  Harrington led them to a building ten minutes’ walk from the lab—yet another section of the massive compound Kaitlyn had never stepped foot in. They had kept her so isolated during her time at the facility. Now it was too late; she would never have the chance to explore the whole compound.

  She briefly wondered if she would have more or less freedom once she was sold. Probably less.


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