Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2

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Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2 Page 6

by Layna Snow

  Sure, good holiday destination, right! I didn’t get lost. I came here on purpose, for a purpose. She typed, turning the screen to show him.

  “Yeah, and what purpose could that possibly be? Did you hear that I was down here and decide to find me?”

  Yeah, right. If she’d known he was in hell, she’d have brought extra protection—and not the latex kind! She’d have brought more bullets, and she’d have been a little wearier. I came here to make a deal with the Devil. Do you think you could take me to him?

  Adrian raised an eyebrow and chuckled a little. “You’re not serious, are you?”

  Yes, I’m completely serious. Why would that be funny? She didn’t need his mockery. She knew it was a farfetched idea, but she still needed to try.

  Anything to help Annie.

  “No. So, what’s your last name?” he asked, switching the subject. He didn’t need this information, but Sophie realized that she wouldn’t get anywhere with him. She’d have to ask Thane later, when she could get him alone.

  He seemed more reasonable.

  Torres. Adrian nodded, with a smile.

  “Awesome. I knew you were a Latina. A little Mexican mamacita, huh? I knew there was a fiery-passion in you. We’re going to let that come out more, yeah?” His stereotypical thinking was way off base. She was more like the Virgin Mary than a sexy salsa dancer. What you are doesn’t define your personality.

  Are you a Human or a Demon? It was important to know. She couldn’t trust a Demon, and these men seemed more demonic, more sinful—just more—than a human should be.

  But Adrian just laughed and shook his head as if she was amusing.

  She wanted to hit him. Maybe she would.

  “Neither. I am, we are, Angels. Fallen, actually.” He said, turning to show her two twin scars.

  Just like Mel’s.



  Thanatos watched the shock bloom on the girl’s face. He also saw recognition.

  So, Sophia knew what Fallen Angels were. She was not shocked by the idea of Heaven. Although, she was in Hell at the moment, Heaven was not such a far stretch.

  What was her reasoning for entering Hell in the first place? What did Adrian object to?

  That was something that didn’t matter at the moment.

  Curiosity was not welcome.

  Thane turned, deciding to ignore this woman who sat on the couch. She was beautiful, with a roundish face that spoke of youth, satiny lips that would probably match her nipples, dark cascade of hair. Her face was truly lovely, but her body was what consumed his mind. He could still see her shapely legs spread out as Adrian tongued her, her head thrown back on a gasp and her upper body covered by the big shirt that didn’t do a thing to hide her large breasts.

  She was not a thin girl that was considered culturally attractive. She had curves. She would be soft, pliant, where he was hard and strong.

  His lust was focused on her. Far stronger than he had felt lately.

  That was not a good thing.

  Lust was one of the things that he had no experience feeling before he Fell. It was a foreign sensation that was not welcome. He used it to his advantage, often, but he would have preferred not to feel it at all. It was a waste of time, and was proof of his failure.

  Simply put, Angels were not meant to feel. Emotions led to sin, which was selfish and harmful. Wrath left you vulnerable to attack. Greed allowed you to be manipulated. Sloth took away all your usefulness. Envy ripped apart families, and tore the soul. Pride allowed for greater downfall. Gluttony stole away from those who need it and allowed for Sloth to enter. Lust kept you focused on one thing until that was all that mattered.

  His sin, their sin really, was Lust.

  Thane thought himself impervious to it, but one woman, one drug, pulled him into a world that he didn’t belong in.

  Lust, like all the other sins, had an upside. To fulfill Lust, you got great pleasure before a satisfaction so profound that you didn’t feel anything else. It was a drug so addictive, that it was difficult to ignore.

  That same pull was what he was fighting now. He needed to focus on cleanliness, not on how much he wanted to sink into the girl’s wet heat and lose himself.

  Thanatos took a breath and walked to the small cleaning station beside the sword racks. He listened as Adrian spoke to the girl, but didn’t hear her reply.


  The idea was not unfortunate. He spoke very little, preferring to act. He didn’t waste his breath with pleading, explaining, threatening, or apologising. He didn’t bother to lecture or preach. He also didn’t joke or comfort. There was no need to talk and therefore he felt nothing towards her revelation.

  “Lust, baby. I was built for pleasure.” Adrian said behind him, obviously to a question that she had expressed.

  Thane didn’t turn around, just took all his weapons off and laid them carefully along the surface of the bar. He took out a clean cloth and his soap spray to clean the swords.

  “He’s down for Lust, too.” There was a pause before Adrian chuckled. “Not together. Well, at least not with each other. We sexed up a lovely blonde and The Heavenly Father was not too pleased with us!”

  Sexed up? They did no such thing.

  They didn’t seduce her, or even pleasure her all that much. They were Angels who had never felt anything before, especially not the ecstasy which they were experiencing. They didn’t last very long. It was not worth the punishment that they soon received.

  Ignoring that terrible moment in his life, Thane focused on the task at hand.

  After removing all the blood off the swords, he took another clean cloth and put some oil on it. It was a blend that he combined himself, but it sealed the metal on the sword and stopped them from rusting.

  “Nice,” he whispered quietly, appreciating the smoothness of the blade. It had no dings in it, no cracks or deformities. It was a good sword and would serve him well for a long time.

  He murmured a few other things as he took care of the handles next.

  Adrian laughed, the sound slightly sarcastic. “Yeah, he talks to his weapons. You’d talk to my weapon too if you held it!” He told the girl.

  Thane ignored his friend’s crass words and focused on what he was doing. The blades deserved his speech. They took care of him, protected him. They, although not alive, deserved respect.

  “Only Death here would clean his knives before he cleaned himself.” Adrian was saying.

  Yes, he did. If one didn’t have good weaponry, that was reliable and functional, then fighting was ineffectual. If a sword broke, or a gun misfired, then you would be left defenseless.

  Thanatos understood that. Adrian didn’t.

  “So, you don’t have a boyfriend, do you? ‘Cause, I’d hate for you to feel guilty for the next couple of days. And, I’m really a jealous man. I won’t be having you think of another dude while I’m in you.”

  Adrian, as tactless as he was, did have a point. However, Thane doubted that she was in a relationship. No man worthy of the name would ever let his woman go into Hell alone. If she did have a significant other, he didn’t deserve her.

  “First of all, I know you’re lying. Just because you didn’t say it doesn’t mean that you don’t show the signs of bluffing. And second of all, I don’t get jealous of Thane. He is like… my hand. No, that sounds wrong. I mean he is an extension of myself. We come as a pair, usually. If you stay here—and you will—you get both of us. Not every time, not all the time, but we will both have you if you agree.”

  There was a pause, and Thanatos was tempted to turn around to see what was happening, but he forced himself to put the swords on their racks, and their cleaned sheaths up beside them.

  He would not feel anything.

  He would not allow himself to feel. Not curiosity, not lust, not sympathy, protectiveness, or anticipation. He pushed those emotions away, willing himself back to that cold place he was in before.

  As usual, it didn’t happen, and it mad
e him hate, just a little more.

  It was a hate that he didn’t want to feel either!

  “Oh, I can see that you like that idea. You’re pulse just jumped, and you pupils are expanding. Nice! That’s not the only thing expanding. Want to feel?”

  It was not the only thing that expanded.

  Thane could feel something growing as well. He could picture Sophia spread out on the St. Andrews cross, her arms held above her head, and her lush legs tied open so that he could see the juices flowing from her body.

  He couldn’t just stand there and think these thoughts.

  They weren’t conducive to good mental health. He needed to get rid of the Lustful images in his mind. To do that, he needed to get away from the object of his lust.

  Thanatos didn’t waste any more time. He strode into the bathroom, quickly removing his bloody clothes and leaving them on the floor. He’d take care of them later. He’d need to put them with the rest of the ruined clothes to wash. There was a reason that he didn’t wear a shirt when he battled. They just got destroyed.

  He turned on the shower, leaving it on the hottest setting and stepping into the warm spray. The burning water had enough pressure to beat into his muscles, massaging the overworked tendons and relieving some of the tension.

  Not only was it able to relax him somewhat, it also rinsed the blood away. It, however, didn’t help his libido. The warm water felt like fingers, stroking down his skin. It reminded him of wet kisses, traveling along his body and exciting him further.

  The muscles that were so relaxed a moment ago, now coiled with new stiffness, inciting him to do something, anything.

  The image of Sophia pushed back into his mind, doubling in strength. Before, he had been able to forget, but this increase in physical sensation was enough to drive him further under her spell. He wanted her in the shower with him, her body slick with water and soap. Her hands stroking along his muscles, her mouth traveling down, along his body with the water until she got to the rigid length of him that needed her attention.

  Thane shook his head and tried to block out the image.

  It didn’t work well.

  He realized that it wasn’t going to be that easy. It would be in his best interest to release some of the pressure that was building. Maybe then he could resist her better, or at least not let the thought of her tied to his bed overwhelm him.

  There were two options. He could enter the shower with her, when she took the time to wash up. There were pros for that idea: he would get to touch her, it would be real, and it would be more satisfying. However, there were also cons: she might not be ready or she could possibly be afraid. He didn’t want to scare her.

  He wasn’t even sure that she was submissive. He hoped that she was. Anything less wouldn’t be as sufficient or arousing.

  Since the cons for interfering with her shower were more of a concern, Thanatos decided to opt for the second option.

  He grunted, closing his eyes and fisting his hard cock with his hand. His fingers were rough, not like Sophia’s would feel like, but he ignored that. He imagined her, kneeling in front of him, her eyes bright with need. She would not be able to reach his dick from her knees, but if she were to place herself on the first step for the bench, she would be at just the correct height.

  He would fist his hand in her hair—the strands dark, wet and thick—and use his hold to guide her to the tip of his cock. She’d lick it, and then he’d press into her mouth and feel the awaiting heat.

  Thane’s breath came faster, his fist moving up and down his shaft, in time with the imagined movements. He would make her suck hard, take him all the way to the back of her throat. She would relinquish all control, letting him thrust in and out.

  He knew that he’d be too thick, her teeth would graze him. But that bite of pain would be just enough to push him close to the edge.

  Already, he could feel his balls draw up tight to his body. Heat and pressure swelling in their depth.

  Tingles ran down his spine, angling and building at the base of his spine. He would feel her throat work, every time he touched the back of her throat, and she’d hollow her cheeks to press against him. She, too, would be aroused by the action. She would want to touch herself, but her hands would be bound behind her back.

  Thanatos couldn’t hold back a moan, his body tightening with the imminent release. He didn’t stop it. He had no reason to make this last longer. And so he let go, feeling pleasure radiate up his body, his cock jerking as he ejaculated.

  Pleasure buckled his body, muscles clenching as he let go. Orgasm crashed around him like a bomb, only to settle with the satisfaction that could bring him to his knees.

  Everything went dark for a moment, his brain fuzzy with the force of his release. He pressed his palm to the wall, needing the hard surface to hold him up while he caught his breath.

  In and out, his lungs took in air, his breath sawing in and out but never enough. He felt weak, but no less hungry for her.

  The exercise didn’t serve its purpose. He didn’t want her less, instead he wanted her more.

  Thane wanted to know what it would actually feel like to be buried in her mouth. Or in her pussy.

  Adrian was right.

  They would keep her.

  At least they would keep her for a short amount of time. She didn’t belong in Hell, and she would not want to stay here long.

  Thane washed himself quickly and left the shower. He put a towel around his waist—for Sophia’s modesty—and left the bathroom.

  There was a makeshift door, created from a piece of wood that they had crafted. It was rarely used, however he was glad for it now. He knew that Sophie would not be pleased if they could watch her shower.

  The woman was waiting outside the bedroom when he exited. She looked nervous.

  Had she heard him groan?

  It didn’t matter. It was done now and he couldn’t change anything.

  He did notice that she refused to look at him as she moved past him and shut the bathroom door.

  Another thought struck him then. Sophia didn’t have any clothes with her.

  That meant that she would come out nude. Even though he liked that thought, of seeing Sophia naked and dripping wet, he knew that it would make her uncomfortable.

  He’d find her something to wear.

  Thane didn’t have any shirts. They were difficult to buy, since he was so large, and he didn’t need them in Hell. Thanatos was also sure that Adrian’s shirts, the few that he had—black with a band name—would not fit. She had a large chest, and Adrian was slight in frame.

  He didn’t think that she’d be comfortable in something that tight.

  He did have something that would help.

  Her bag.

  Thane had picked it up before he came back to their home. He had figured that she might need it.

  Now he knew that she would.

  Thanatos walked into the living room, and then to the door.

  He knew that Adrian would not be happy with his decision—but part of BDSM was to make the other person feel safe. That was what he intended to do. He needed Sophia’s trust if she was going to give herself to him the way that he approved of.

  “Thane, don’t you dare.” The other man warned, knowing exactly what Thane was going to do. He had a scowl on his face, but his eyes were alive with emotion.

  Adrian was the opposite of him. He liked emotions. He enjoyed the sensations that Earth, and Hell, gave to him. He didn’t mind feeling pain, sadness, anger. He also enjoyed fighting, even if it was only an argument.

  This time, there would be no argument. Adrian should know better than to try a verbal sparring with him. Thane didn’t bother with words. He would not rise to the bait, so to speak.

  “Come on, man. You don’t recognize in her what I do. First of all, she’s submissive. She will want this. And if she gets her stuff, she will be able to leave. I checked. There are weapons in that bag.” When Thane remained quiet, Adrian rolled his eyes. “E
ven if I remove them, she will still think they are in the bag. Then she will think she can leave and protect herself. Do you really want her out there all alone?”

  Thanatos felt a tightness in his chest at the idea.

  Sophia was brave. She had not broken down yet, or cried. She was, however, still a soft Human. She didn’t heal quickly, she didn’t have years of battle practice. She didn’t know her way around Hell.

  That meant that she would be vulnerable.

  What did she want in Hell anyways?

  As if hearing the question, Adrian shook his head. “You really don’t want to know. But, I’ll tell you. She’s planning on making a deal with the Devil.”

  The idea caused something akin to panic to unfurl inside of him.

  The Devil was a tricky being, who enjoyed to cause pain. He didn’t do things to help others.

  He would demand a high price for whatever favor she requested. He would also try to do his best to fulfill his side of the deal, while not giving her what she wanted. He was said to be the original Fallen. If so, his sins must have varied.

  Thane looked back to the backpack that Sophia had left behind in the tunnels.

  She must not have noticed that he had carried it in. The chair was blocking it from the view of anyone sitting on the couch.

  This gave him a choice. He could follow Adrian’s lead and keep the knowledge from her. This would ensure that stayed with them. It would protect her.

  Or, he could tell the girl about her belongings and then try to convince her to stay.

  The first possibility had only one drawback. She might be cross with them when she found out that they had kept it from her.

  Which was quite a bit better than the downside of the second option.

  Her death.

  Picking up the bag, he stalked into the bedroom. He could hear the shower running behind the wooden door.

  The material would not keep him out if he wanted to enter.

  Instead he shoved the sack under his bed before moving to Adrian’s dresser.


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