Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2

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Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2 Page 26

by Layna Snow

  “No. She doesn’t need us! She needs light and sunshine and all things happy. I’m sure she needs her family and friends, but she must want us. Right?” Please make her want them! If she didn’t, he’d be left with nothing!

  “Right.” And if Thane believed it, then he would do, too. But there was a little voice in the back of his mind saying otherwise. He had been rude to her. He had hurt her in order to protect himself.

  Afraid of love?

  But, caring didn’t mean that L word! And it didn’t mean that he had to stay with her forever! They could work with this until they reached a natural end and then all move on happier than they had been.

  What if this is the natural end?

  It couldn’t be! He wouldn’t let it.

  “Then we have to go to her! We can’t just sit here if she wants us and we want her! I saw how you looked at her! Thane, we need to fucking try! We will make her like us, make her accept us!” Was he pleading? Oh, he didn’t fucking care! He didn’t try to uphold a manly image, everyone knew that he was the height of masculinity no matter what!

  “Can’t make her.” Sure they could, but it seemed like Mr. Holy was relenting. Wait…that didn’t take too long! Usually he had to argue and nag for days!

  “So you’re in? We go to her and try to live above ground?” Because, although it would be difficult, he would do it to be with Phie. She was the sexiest thing he had ever seen! And being with her was amazing. Besides, above ground there were Sex clubs, dungeons, and he could take her there and show her off! She would learn that what they gave her was only the tip of the iceberg. And he had more than just the tip to give her!

  “Yeah. Coming to get you” Thanatos growled, his bodyweight shifting slightly.

  “You’ve gotta be shitting me!” He was planning on going the whole time? Well then, this was a waste! Except… “I’m still pissed at you for letting her go in the first place! I’m glad you finally see it my way and let me up! We have a shit-ton to do to get ready! And we need a way to find her.” Maybe he could hack into some things or…well it didn’t matter! They could think of it later!

  Thane slowly moved off of Sin and then held out his hand as if to help him to stand. Fuck that! He wasn’t going to let the asswipe help him up! He’d rather wallow on the ground for the next 10 years!

  Sin pushed himself up, mindful of all the aches and pains he felt. As he turned to look at his friend, he was happy to note that Thane looked just as bad. His nose was broken and his eyes were blackened. He had blood running down his temple, his arm and his wrist.

  It satisfied the anger, just a little. They’d have to work this out later.

  Maybe only Sin would get to fuck Sophie, and Thane could just touch. That’d be a good punishment!

  “Where were you anyways? You were gone for a long ass time! You couldn’t have been on Earth! It would have been weeks!” Did he follow her back home? Did he know where she lived? Maybe he was back to get Sin and take him back! Maybe she wanted them there!

  “Heaven.” Oh, well… that sucked! Why would he be in…?

  “They tried to get you back? Fuck man! Congratulations!” Even if it hurt like hell. Of course Thane would agree to go back. It was his only wish to go and be an Angel again. To fight for right and not feel anything!

  But the loss was strong anyways.

  Would he be enough for Sophie without Thane? Would he be able to do the right thing when he needed to?

  And Adrian had to admit that he’d miss the big man.

  “Said no.”

  He did what?! “Why the fuck would you do that? It was everything you always wanted! I know that I made you Fall, man. And I wish I could take it back, so why would you choose to stay a Fallen?” It made no sense!

  “You. Sophia.”

  You… Thane didn’t forget him, didn’t ignore him. He actually cared and hadn’t wanted to leave him! Oh, how sweet!

  “Well then, let’s go get our girl! Oh, and I’d say sorry about your bed, but I’m not! You’ll get the rest of what’s coming to you later! For now, we have to pack up the important things. I got my weapons and tech. Just get your shit, and put on a shirt man! We don’t want to scare everyone!”

  Adrian turned to his stuff before looking back at Thane “Oh, we also need to find where she is. Do you have any idea how to do that? I mean we could try to track flights and shit but I want to get there soon. She’s been alone a long time. I don’t want her to take a liking to being alone!”

  Sin looked around the room, he wouldn’t miss it. Sure, they made it theirs but it wasn’t a home. He could make another place elsewhere. Maybe with Sophie involved too. Not that she’d get to design their playroom!

  “I know how.” Thane stated, and by the look on his face, Sin was sure that he wouldn’t like whatever it was.

  But for Phie, he’d do it!


  Sin didn’t want to be here! He didn’t want to ask them for help! But here they were at the ‘unknown’ location of the Hunters’ compound.

  At least it was supposed to be unknown, but he’d been there before.

  The outside looked the same as always, just a large mansion in the middle of nowhere. There were no neighbours. No other distinguishing features. It was just a house for a reclusive rich person who just happened to also be a Fallen Warrior Angel.

  The inside was another matter entirely. It was redone to look very authentic. The floor was polished and the walls were partially covered in wood. Which looked super posh and dumb to Sin, but then again, he never cared about wall decorations before.

  I wonder if Phie would like it. Surely she would. Didn’t chicks always like expensive stuff? Maybe they could buy her a nice house, since they had saved up all the money that Axel had given them throughout the years. They could live very nicely. If she wants to.

  Of course, they had houses all over the world, which they rented out to make money.

  They had to look like real people after all.

  They even paid taxes. They had to keep an identity in order to do many things. And now Sin was glad they had. It was obvious that Phie didn’t want to stay in Hell forever.

  “Adrian, Thanatos. To what do we owe the pleasure?” came a cultured voice from the doorway. They had been waiting in a room that seemed like a secretary’s office. They were told to sit, but he wasn’t going to.

  Sin had no plans to get comfortable. As soon as Axel told them where Phie was, they’d leave.

  It wasn’t like they had another other choice besides coming here. Thane had said, in so few words, that when he came back to Earth, the phone he’d been about to use had been broken. That meant that they had to walk to a diner nearby and then call one of the numbers that they had for the Hunters to come get them. These people owed them. They’d damn well help!

  “We need some information. If you can go get Axel, we’ll be gone in no time. No need to worry your pretty little head about it, mate.” These people kind of pissed Sin off. They acted like they were superior just because they took on causes that helped mankind.

  “I’m sorry, but that’s not possible. Axel went into the field and I don’t think he’d be back for a while. It has been months now, and it’s only now starting to get going. Do you want to talk to Gage? He was left in charge.” The man in front of them made kakis look casual, with a thin sweater on top. As if he needed it in this kind of warmth.

  This dude was a douche. Gage…well, he was something far worse.

  Sin would rather avoid Gage if he could. That man had a stick up his ass. And if it had been another dude’s stick, Sin would have been fine with it—you know, to each their own and all that—but it wasn’t.

  He was worse than Thane. At least Thane knew how to have a good time!

  “Actually, we’d rather not. We just need to see some tech people and we’ll be gone. We’d have found what we needed and have been out of here by now but your secretary here wouldn’t let us go in and I don’t know what she is, but she certainly is powerful

  “Excuse me! I’m the Grounds Manager, thank you very much! And if you hadn’t commented on my boobs I might have been nicer!” The shrill voice came from behind them, full of affront. She did have a splendid rack, though. Not as nice as Phie’s, but nice all the same.

  “Adrian, you can’t just harass our management. You should also be careful not to insult Sirens in general. Not really good for your health.” Julian, a Lion-Shifter said, coming into the room next. “If you want to come with me, we can avoid Gage.”

  “Too late. Sin, Thane. What do you want?” The gruff, commanding voice said, as a tall, muscular man came to stand behind Julian. Both men were above average height, but Gage took the cake. It probably didn’t help that he looked like a fighter while the golden Lion-Shifter looked like a model.

  Gage had dark, shaggy hair. His face looked like a Greek God of War, all square and chiselled, and his body was no different. He held himself apart from everyone, but looked like he was on the edge of melting down.

  Sin didn’t like him from the start!

  “We just need information. I’ve told everyone here! All we need is the whereabouts of one woman, and then we’ll leave!” He said, through gritted teeth. He was almost at the end of his rope! Did he need to tell the whole world before he got any results?

  “We needed the help you promised in your contract. You didn’t answer our summons, and as a result, we now have a corpse.” Gage glared at them both.

  A corpse? Someone died? Shit!

  “Well, he’s not exactly a corpse. He’s a Vampire.” Julian corrected. Which made things all the better. Sin wished he’d have been in on that! Sounded like a fun time.

  “It’s the same thing.” Gage growled. “He died and he’s still useless! He refuses to train or eat. He’ll be dead soon, no matter what.”

  Well, that sucked for them, but Sin had more important things to worry about. “Okie, so we didn’t get your message. Our phone was broken.” And to prove it, Sin pulled out the busted piece of plastic. It was probably a good thing too. Who would have known what would happen if someone got their Human hands on it, and all the information it had. They should probably be more careful in the future.

  You careful? Okay, so that was laughable.

  “We will make it up to you. We just need this information and-”

  “No,” Gage interrupted. “We had a deal, you broke it. We do not need to do anything for you now. Just being here is against the rules. You needed to clear this with us ahead of time.”

  Well, fuck. Sin looked to Thane who appeared annoyed and… thoughtful? Just what was going on in that old brain of his?

  “So, you’re just not going to help us then?” He asked, looking towards the door.

  The Berserker was in the way, but Sin would go around him. Like fuck if the man could stop him now.

  Sin was pissed and would not stay in this shit house, with this assholes for any longer!

  He moved to walk around the men, but stopped when Thane put a hand on his shoulder.

  “Wait.” The man growled. But Sin didn’t want to wait. Didn’t want to listen to his friend.

  I’m pissed at you too, Death!

  “I didn’t say that we wouldn’t help you. We just don’t have to help you. Your contact was ripped up when you didn’t answer for 8 months. You’d need a new contract first.” Gage announced.

  Of all the stupid things! This was just annoying the Hell out of Sin.

  “Alright, then we need a new contract. Where do we sign?” Could they be any more pretentious? If all they needed was for Sin to sign again, then why go through all this crap. It was all for nothing!

  “We aren’t offering you the same contract. You didn’t follow that one. We need something more from you.”

  Was this some game? Why couldn’t the man just say what he meant? He knew Gage had no tact but Sin thought that he at least had some communication skill. Why would Axel leave this ass-colander in charge?

  It had been way too long since Phie left.

  They needed to get to her soon! It would have been over a month her time, although it was only about day in Hell, and then a day or so on Earth. She was probably getting on with her life now.

  “Just say what you want! We need this ASAP!” No more bullshit!

  “Alright, since you asked so nicely.” The sarcasm in the Berserker’s voice was clear. “We want you to sign on as part of the Hunters. Axel or I will be your commanders and you’ll have to come in regularly for meetings. You will be given missions and you will complete them however we want you to complete them. You follow our orders, our rules, our decisions.”

  And just sell his soul to these people? Nah, that wasn’t going to happen. He was done being commanded by people! First those uppity Archangels and now these people. Nopeity nope! It wasn’t going to happen.

  “I have something for you, too. Not a contract but my foot up your a-”

  “Adrian.” Thane ordered, calling his attention to the other big guy who liked to be in charge. Why did the massive men think they were the leaders?

  “No, we can find Sophie another way. We don’t need this!” Thane didn’t listen to him the first time that they signed on with the Hunters, and now they were in this mess. Thane had been wrong about letting Phie go as well!

  Like Hell Sin would follow his lead now!

  A small shuffle behind Gage told him that they weren’t alone, but he didn’t detect a threat so he ignored it. He was busy!

  But then a soft voice broke through his anger. “Sophia Torres?”

  They knew her name? How the hell had she gotten onto the Hunters’ radar? What did this mean? Had they been tracking her? Maybe they bugged the cave! He had no idea how, but he wasn’t going to ignore that possibility.

  “What do you know about Phie!” he demanded, jerking closer to the group.

  He had been trying to hold his tongue, because he knew that was the only way to get what he wanted. But if they knew about Sophie then all bets were off!

  Both Gage and Julian stood in his way, blocking the person who had just come into the room.

  He couldn’t see the girl who spoke but that didn’t mean that he wouldn’t kick their ass!

  Sin pushed up into Gage’s face, uncaring that Gage was taller, had more muscle. Or about the fact that if Gage turned into his monster form they’d all be fucked. Nothing gave you the advantage like anger

  “Tell. Me. What. You. Know!” He growled.

  Thane’s hands grabbed him, pulling Sin away from the other man, but the scant metres didn’t matter.

  Sin would get the answers he needed.

  “Eden will tell you, if you get control of yourself.” The big bear-of-a-man glared back.

  Adrian took a few deep breaths, but it didn’t help the rage and impatience that churned inside of him. But it must have fooled the others.


  Gage looked over his shoulder before nodding, and walked into the room farther. Both Sin and Thane moved so that they could keep everyone in eyeshot.

  They didn’t want anyone at their backs. These people might have once been allies, but apparently they weren’t anymore.

  The person who came into sight was a cute little sprite of a woman. She was short, and delicate looking. Her skin was like rich dark chocolate, her face perfectly sculpted. Her eyes were large and the color of black coffee. Her lips were lush, her cheekbones soft. He couldn’t tell about her body because she wore a shapeless dress.

  In a way she reminded him of Sophie. Not in looks, no, they were completely opposite there. But her demeanour spoke of shyness. She looked like she was used to, and liked to be, overlooked.

  In another time and another place he would have been all over that girl, but he felt nothing besides the appreciation of beauty. “Well aren’t you a hot little number.” He smiled at her.

  “Her name is Eden.” The blond man said defensively. So this was the tech girl that he had heard so much about. He could dig that. There was
a little genius trapped in that tiny body. He’d love to pick her brain sometime.

  And yeah, so he noticed that she shied away a little as she blushed. The action causing a pretty red to float into her cheeks, making her skin colour warmer.

  Then Julian sidled up closer, as if to protect her.

  “No harm meant. Jeeze! It’s not like I’m going to molest the girl! I don’t even have time! Just tell good ol’ Sin what you know about Sophie.” He cooed, making his eyes as big as possible. Maybe a puppy-dog face would calm her down.

  Well, it calmed Julian down! At least he assumed so by his smothered laughter. So, maybe he couldn’t pull off innocent well. It wasn’t exactly his forte.

  “I.. well.. I came across her name. Umm… you see people are looking for some girls. No.. I should start from the beginning. Well… we are after a group. Oh shoot! Is that alright for me to tell them?” she asked Gage, her terror evident on her face.

  To Eden’s relief—and Sin’s relief— the big ape nodded. “They are going to join anyways.” Oh! He shouldn’t be so sure of himself!

  “Well, there is a group we’ve been after… and I noticed they were…umm… searching for two women. I think it has to do with….a potential member. And…well they were looking for them… and I covered their trails. One was… well….she was a girl named Emily. But the other was…well I’m sorry but she was your Sophia. “

  Okay, he could handle that. Soph was in trouble. They could protect her. That wasn’t that difficult. And if they knew of her trail, they probably knew where she was now. No biggy.

  He just had to convince the panic bubbling in his chest.

  “Okay, so who are these people?” Surely they’d give him that information.

  “Well….” The girl started, but thankfully Julian held a hand up to her, stopping her painfully awkward speech.

  “They are the Alliance for Humanity. They claim to be for Human rights and protecting Humans from the Hidden. Under that though, they are just a business to cause chaos and make money. We think the main guy is a Werewolf. We also suspect that they are trying to raise the Devil and take over the world.”


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