By The Assassin's Side (Daggers 0f Desire Book 3)

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By The Assassin's Side (Daggers 0f Desire Book 3) Page 9

by Katherine Hastings

  “Don’t worry, Viv. I won’t let them catch you. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. What’s done is done. All that matters now is moving forward... and finding that treasure.”

  “Thank you, Simon.”

  “For what?”

  Her eyes locked with his. “For... everything.”

  The sincerity in her words stunned him. A softness gentled her expression, like the shield once again had flickered and faded.

  “I know you don’t agree with what I just did, but you helped me regardless. You got me out safe, saved me from certain death, and stopped yourself from properly tongue lashing me for my bad decision just now. So... thank you.”

  “Your decision was reckless, but your safety is paramount. It’s you who sits in the crosshairs because of one rash decision. If I seemed angry, it was only because I don’t want to see you in harm’s way. Well, any more than you already are.” He cracked a smile even as worry plagued his heart.

  Simon clucked to his horse, urging the gelding to start walking. Her mare followed suit and strolled up beside them. Side by side they headed back toward the inn.

  “Once we get back to the inn, we can grab our things and ride to the Dark Shark. Sully should have her waiting down by the docks. Once on board, we’ll put that map together and figure out where the treasure is and where we’re going. I don’t dare have us dawdle around here any longer than needed. Did you recognize anything on the map?”

  She shook her head. “Only that it appears to be a perfect match. I didn’t have time to examine it.”

  “Once we’re safe, I’m sure we can figure out the treasure’s exact location. With any luck, before long, we’ll be rolling in piles of gold. And you’ll have that freedom you covet.” The thought caused him to grin wide.

  “I have so much to gain from finding this treasure, Simon. And so much to lose if we don’t. It’s not just me who benefits from the fortune. I can help so many with it.”

  Simon furrowed his brow. “What do you mean?”

  “You heard a little about my story. I was sold to a bawd as a child, my virginity auctioned off at fifteen, and my body was not my own until the old bitch died and I took over. I have power now, but still no freedom. I am tied to this life, the life of a prostitute, unless I can find this treasure. Even though I don’t need to take culls anymore, I still have to watch broken and lost women with nowhere else to go, sell themselves to survive. It’s heartbreaking.”

  Simon listened as they made their way through the trees. After watching his own mother suffer such a life, a wave of understanding laced with sadness flowed over him. The things Vivian must have endured... his stomach twisted at the thought of unwanted hands touching her... hurting her.

  “It may seem strange that someone like me, someone who endured what I endured, continues running a whore house, but I do it in a way that gives girls the most power possible. I don’t force my girls to take any cull... ever. They are free to leave at will, free to say no, free to do whatever they please. As much as I would like that they never need to sell themselves again, I realize this is an impossibility for so many of them. They need to eat, a place to sleep, and without selling sex they can have neither. They have no other skills to offer. Some women love the life, it suits them. Others only do it because they have no choice... women like me. I treat them all fairly and hope that each one of them will find their way out of this life. Until that happens, though, at least I can give them a safe place to practice. Most bawds can’t say the same. Like what happened to me, they are bought and sold, forced to do whatever is required of them. They are little more than slaves. With this money... this treasure, I can open my house up for girls who can come and learn new skills and learn a new place in the world. If they want to stay with me while they find their way, they can do so without needing to find themselves beneath a single sweaty man. I can make a difference, Simon. I can help them. Free them. Help them become all that they can be. At the same time, I can free myself. That is why this treasure is so important to me. If I can save even one girl from suffering as I did, then it’s worth every peril I’ve put myself in. I couldn’t risk not having the map... no matter what the cost.”

  “Vivian, I had no idea.” Her words ripped into his soul. Beneath her cold exterior lay a huge heart, the heart of a woman who wanted to help others. Her drive, her need, to find this treasure made so much more sense to him now, going so far beyond a desperate need for money. Suddenly his own selfish desires for the treasure seemed so insignificant. “My mother, she was one of those women you spoke of. I grew up around those women. I know the heartache you feel. They are making the best of a situation and doing what is necessary to survive. If my mother had been presented any other choice, or a place to learn new skills and start a new life, I know she would have taken it.”

  “Do you resent her, your mother, for what she was?”

  Simon shook his head. “God, no. She was a saint. I respected her for what she did to make sure I was fed and cared for. It wasn’t easy. Her bawd wasn’t as kind as you, but she wasn’t as bad as some. She let my mother keep me, which is more than some can say. Smiling... that’s how I remember her. Even living the life she lived, whenever I was with her she was always smiling. She did her best to give me a normal childhood. When she died, I was only seventeen. She caught a fever, and we didn’t have the money for proper treatment.”

  “I’m sorry, Simon. That’s awful. What happened to you then?”

  “I knew she had been pregnant before her days of prostitution, but until the last moments before she passed, I never knew my father’s identity. She revealed it before she passed. He was married when they met, and the affair left her pregnant so her family tossed her out from her home. He was unwilling to leave his wife, and unable to claim me or care for her, so she ended up in prostitution to survive. The man, Jacob, lived just outside London. The day after she died, enraged, I went to find him. I wanted to kill him for abandoning her, for forcing her into that life, the life that ultimately killed her. I found a man living alone in a small run-down house at the edge of town. He was penniless, childless, and widowed. My hands flew around his neck, ready to choke the life from him, when I saw deep in his eyes how much he wanted death, craved it. I hated him so much I refused to give him that which he desired. I refused to grant him peace and instead tossed him to the floor.”

  “Simon, how awful. I can’t even imagine.”

  “It was. A broken man, he sobbed on the floor at my feet. Not for mercy, but for forgiveness. I took pity on him. Both of us were alone in the world, and he offered me a place to stay. My anger toward him ran deep, but slowly we leaned on one another, and eventually he told me of his past life as a Liberta assassin. After he retired from the Liberta, he lived with his wife until she passed away, several years before. His own wife never produced an heir, and it meant I could have access to the organization if I wished. He died several months later, the same fever that took my mother. Poetic justice. Alone, I had nowhere to go. I left and joined up and became a Liberta assassin myself. I haven’t looked back since.”

  “Your life has been hard as well. You understand then why I must find that treasure. I must ease the suffering of others, if I can. Even if it’s just a few.”

  “We will find that treasure, Vivian. I swear it. There is nothing that will stop us from helping you achieve your dream. Your dream is now my dream and together we will realize it. You have my word.”

  He reached over and touched her hand. She returned the gesture with a squeeze. Together they rode back to the inn, side by side in silence, hands held tight. Their vision now one.


  “THIS WAY. HURRY,” SIMON whispered.

  Vivian grabbed his outstretched hand, following his lead and keeping low. Their cloaks concealed their faces, but they still crept behind the merchant stalls lining the emptied streets of Liverpool. Only a few lanterns burned, creating warm pools of light they skated around as if the glow was made of ho
t lava. Sliding between shadows, they worked their way to the docks. The smell of the salt water filled her nostrils... the ocean. They were almost there. Now they needed to pray the Dark Shark would be waiting.

  An abrupt stop from Simon sent her colliding into his back. A finger to his lips warned her to stay quiet. She pressed closer to him, his astute eyes scanning the surrounding darkness. Metal clanged in rhythm with the guard’s steps as they patrolled by, unaware of the two lurking in the shadows. Her breath held fast, she waited for them to pass.

  A nod from Simon invited her forward. Tightening his grip, he pulled her from the shadows, bursting through the light that illuminated the street separating them from the docks. When darkness wrapped them in its safety on the other side, she took a deep breath and blew out her relief.

  “There. That’s the Dark Shark. Thank God, they’re here.”

  She squinted and followed his gaze. Only darkness speckled by several faintly glowing lights bobbed on the horizon.

  “Where?” she whispered.

  “Out there. That’s my ship.”

  “How can you tell? I see nothing but darkness and a speckle of light.”

  White teeth flashed bright against the darkness. “I would know my ship anywhere. She calls to me; beckons me to return home. Come, I’ll find a skiff and let’s get the hell out of here. The authorities or Captain Cyrus and his men could stumble upon us any minute.”

  Grasping her hand, he pulled her forward onto the beach. Sand slid beneath her feet while she struggled to stay with him. Waves pulsed in rhythm, crashing on the shore though darkness still concealed them from her sight. Finally, the open water emerged through the ebony abyss. The white caps of the waves curled over and spread onto the shore. Water stretched out toward them and then retreated into the blackness of the ocean.

  “There, a skiff. It must be our lucky day,” Simon said, pointing to the dark outline of the small boat beached on the shore. Releasing her hand he sprinted to the boat, grabbing it by the bow and dragging it into the churning water. “Come on!”

  Her feet touched the cold water for only an instant before she hopped over the edge. The waves fought to keep them on shore, but Simon surged against them and pulled the skiff out past the break. When the water reached his chest, he climbed over the edge, nearly toppling the boat in the process. She touched her chest where the maps were rolled tight and wedged side by side between her breasts. They were still there.

  They slid across the water toward the distant light bobbing in a sea of darkness. As they grew closer, the clouds parted, and the moonlight cast a glow around the ship, her outline cloaked in fog like a ghost ship that would disappear the moment the moon slid behind a cloud again.

  “The Dark Shark.” He smiled. The sight of his beloved ship drove his arms to pull faster. They arrived silently at her side. Simon reached for the rope dangling from the massive ship’s railing. A noise above them drew their eyes. Metal swords glinted in the moonlight and the sounds of pistols cocking broke through the drum of the waves. Men lined the railings and glowered above them, each ready to unleash hell at any moment.

  “You make your Captain proud!” Simon shouted up. “If I’d have boarded this ship without your notice, we would have had some serious problems.”

  “It’s the Captain!” a voice shouted.

  One by one the weapons disappeared and voices called down warm greetings.

  “Toss down the net!” Simon called up.

  A net appeared over the side and dangled just above their skiff.

  “Ladies first,” he said, smiling while he waved her forward.

  “You just want to see the view,” Vivian said, standing up and reaching for the ropes.

  “Can you blame me?” he teased back.

  “Not in the slightest.” With a smirk she started her ascent. He held the bottom of the net to keep it from swaying while she climbed up the side. When she reached the top, he scaled up behind her.

  “Welcome back, Captain!” Sully said, greeting him with a hug. “And you as well Miss Vivian.”

  “I’m just glad you were here as instructed. You saved me a lot of riding.”

  “You would doubt us?” A willowy young man parted the crowd.

  Simon’s face lit up at the sight of him. “Edgar, I see you kept everyone in line?” He tousled his shaggy hair. Edgar chuckled and batted his hand away.

  “Of course, Captain,” he answered. “Sully and I had things under control.”

  “Edgar, this is Vivian. Vivian, my Boatswain, Edgar. He can see to anything you need while we are at sail.”

  She dipped her head. “Pleasure to meet you, Edgar.” Though she had been on this ship just a couple of days ago, her sequestered nature had kept her from meeting his crew. This boy looked far younger than the others, but the obvious affection Simon held for him told her how he had elevated to Boatswain so quickly. Loyalty was more important than experience in his position.

  A man who looked anything but a pirate squeezed his way through the crowd of men gathered on the deck. He looked like he would be more at home teaching a lecture than wielding a sword on a pirate’s ship. “I was beginning to worry I had sailed us to the wrong destination, Captain!” he said, landing at Simon’s side.

  Simon shook his hand and smiled. “As always, George, you have us right where we’re supposed to be. My gratitude for your punctuality and precision.”

  George looked to Vivian. “You must be Vivian. A pleasure to meet you. I am George, the ship navigator.” He bowed. The formal introduction confirmed her suspicions he was an educated man, or at least schooled in etiquette. When he returned to standing he pushed his glasses back to their proper position on his hooked nose.

  “The pleasure is mine, George.”

  Simon clapped his hands. “Well, though I would love to catch up, Vivian and I have important matters to attend to. Vivian, will you join me in my chambers so we can... attend to business?” His eyes fell to her breasts. The snickers from his men cracked around them. Simon did nothing to correct them, but Vivian knew the real reason he stared at her breasts... the treasure maps lodged between them. The business they needed to attend was to sit down and study these maps.

  “Of course, Captain,” she responded.

  “I’ll have food and wine sent in,” Edgar said.

  “Gratitude, Edgar,” Simon responded. “When Miss Vivian and I are finished with our business, I will join you all for dice and drinking.”

  Sully grinned wide. “I’ll get the good rum.”

  Simon patted him on the back. “You’re a good man. I’ll be down in no time.”

  “Captain, do I need to map a course anywhere?” George asked.

  “I’ll know very soon our next destination, stand at the ready.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  Simon turned toward his cabin, Vivian stepping in behind him. He grabbed a lantern dangling from the arm of a crewman and together they made their way across the deck to the red door of his quarters. Propping it open, he stepped aside and ushered her in. Her heart raced when the door closed behind them. Finally, they could examine the map and soon be on their way to the treasure.

  The warm light of the lantern filled the familiar room. Nostalgia came flooding in waves when she thought of the countless nights she had spent in here with Viktor. It felt like a lifetime ago, yet the memories were still fresh.

  “There’s a table over there. Let’s look at these maps and try to figure out where our treasure hides.”

  She pulled the worn rolls from her dress and walked them over to the table. Simon set the lantern on the table beside them. Her heart pounded in her chest as they each unrolled a side, the sketched lines coming into view inch by inch until finally, with the two pieces reunited, a map appeared.

  “They are a perfect match,” Simon breathed. “I can’t believe it.”

  Breath refused to fill her lungs. The red X, now visible, captured her eye. “It’s real, Simon. The treasure is real.”

nbsp; Together they studied it, more awe than problem solving holding them in silence.

  “Do you know where this is?” she asked.

  “I could be mistaken, but if this is what I think it is, then this is England.”

  “Here?” she gasped. “The treasure is here!”

  “I think that is Exmouth, and this is the River Exe in Devon. It has to be.”

  Her eyes followed his finger as he traced the lines of the map to the X marking the center.

  “See this? Where the river makes a small circle? I’ve seen this on a map before. Viv, this is the River Exe. I’m certain of it.”

  Eyes filled with a childlike excitement and disbelief shot up to meet hers.

  “If that’s Exmouth and the River Exe... then we are only...”

  He grinned. “Less than a week’s sail away.”

  Tears of joy threatened to explode from her eyes. Unable to contain her excitement she flung herself against him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He returned the embrace and lifted her from the ground, twirling her in joyous circles.

  “I can’t believe it, Simon! We’re going to find it. Everything is going to change!”

  He slowed the spin and set her feet back on the ground. Looking up, she saw nothing but joy radiating from his face. Her own excitement had torn loose, the cool exterior she always portrayed cracking open and flooding the room with more light than the lantern. They stood in a locked embrace, competing for who could widen their lips into the largest smile.

  His eyes drifted to the smile on her face and a flash of lust eclipsed his joy. Those smoldering eyes could tell no lies. Her smile dissipated to softly parted lips, her gaze moving to his full mouth. With her breath quickening, she leaned in just a little closer. The distance between their lips lessened as he slowly leaned down. Rising to her tip toes, she closed her eyes in anticipation.

  Kiss me, her body begged. This time she wouldn’t let fear stop her. This time she would allow herself to taste the sweetness of those lips she’d been desperate to sample. She held her breath and waited for the explosion when his lips finally captured her own. His breath ghosted her lips as they hovered just out of reach. Kiss me. Please.


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