For all Intents and Purposes (MidKnight Blue Book 6)

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For all Intents and Purposes (MidKnight Blue Book 6) Page 9

by Sherryl Hancock

  “Well, that wasn’t exactly fair to you, was it?” she said softly.

  “I’ll live,” Donovan said, his tone low. “That’s what they make that ‘cold’ faucet option on the shower for.” His smile was engaging, and Jeanie couldn’t believe this man was real. She kissed him again, and this time pushed him to his back and slid her body over his. She could feel him against her, and it was obvious he was in dire need of that cold shower. As her body moved over his, she heard him groan softly. He had his head pushed back deep against the pillows, his eyes closed. She pressed her lips to his chest then, kissing him gently, feeling him respond immediately.

  “Jay…” he groaned. “Babe…” His hands moved to her body, holding her firmly against him.

  “Ha, so you are human,” she said softly, moving to kiss his neck.

  “Way too human right now,” Donovan said, his voice colored with desire.

  Jeanie didn’t say anything. She kissed him, her mouth all but devouring his. She was surprised to realize she wanted him again already. The feel of her skin against his as well as the knowledge of how much he wanted her at that moment was a heady combination.

  “Make love to me, Donovan,” she said, her lips still against his. “I want you.”

  Without another word he moved to do as she asked. Just before moving his body into hers, he looked down at her, watching her eyes intently. “Are you sure about this, Jay?”

  “I’m sure that I want you more than I’ve ever wanted any man in my life, Donovan. Make love to me.” She sounded so sure, and Donovan didn’t argue with her; he was way past the point of being able to, anyway. He made love to her then. He was gentle with her, careful to cause her as little pain as possible and quick to make her forget the pain after it was inflicted. He took them both to heights she couldn’t have even imagined, and she found herself clutching him as she cried out when they reached that plateau together.

  They lay together afterward, she on her back, he on his side. His head rested against her torso, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Her arms were around him too, caressing his shoulders and back. She couldn’t believe that she had done what they had just done, but there was no turning back now. She was no longer a virgin.

  “You okay?” Donovan said, his face still against her skin.

  “I’m more than okay. I… I can’t even begin to describe how I feel right now,” she said honestly.

  He looked up at her then, his eyes worried. “Are you sorry?” he asked, concern coloring his voice.

  Jeanie looked thoughtful for a moment, then shook her head. “No, I guess I should tell you though that I don’t usually go this far on the first date.”

  Donovan grinned. “I kinda guessed that, yeah.”

  “I can’t even believe I did this with you…” she said, her thoughts swirling about in her head.

  “Thanks…” Donovan said chidingly.

  She laughed. “You know what I mean.”

  “No, I don’t. Explain it to me,” he said seriously.

  “Well, I just… I really don’t know you that well. Hell, some of the guys I’ve dated haven’t gotten me as far as you got me in the first ten minutes in here,” she said, indicating the bed. “Half the time I wouldn’t let them touch bare skin for at least six months.”

  “Yikes,” Donovan said, indicating sympathy for the other men she’d dated.

  “Yeah, tell me about it. And here I go out with you one time, and have dinner with you once and I hand over my virginity just like that.”

  “You’re awfully calm about it.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll freak out about it in a few hours.”

  “Well, that puts me right at ease,” he said, looking chagrined.

  “Donovan, I asked you to make love to me, not the other way around. Don’t feel guilty about it. I’m not sorry I did it with you—I’m just surprised, that’s all. You were perfect, fantastic, better than I dreamed of in all these years of anticipation,” she said convincingly.

  “Alright then.” He moved to lie on his back and pulled her with him so that he held her at his side. One arm was wrapped around her shoulders, his free hand caressing her cheek. “Thank you for letting me be your first. I have to tell you, I’m a little stunned myself. If someone had told me last night where we’d be tonight at this time, I would have put the person in jail for lunacy.”

  Jeanie laughed. “You and me both, Sergeant.”

  They fell asleep together for a while, and Donovan woke with a start, suddenly worried about whatever curfew her “overprotective” parents imposed on her.

  “Jay,” he said, touching her cheek.

  She stirred, then opened her eyes. “Hmmm…” She looked up at him sleepily.

  “God, you even look good when you just wake up… unreal.” He smiled. “I woke you because I thought you had to be home by a certain time.”

  Jeanie glanced at the clock on his nightstand. “Usually they expect me home by two, but they’re out of town so I have some leeway.”

  “Well, I want you to stay as long as you can, but I don’t want to get you into any trouble with your parents either,” he said, sounding like the older man again.

  “I can stay a couple more hours…” She kissed his shoulder. “The question is, can you make love to me again in that amount of time?”

  “I’ll do my best…” he said, moving to kiss her.

  She ended up leaving three hours later. At home, she lay in her own bed, already missing the warmth of his body next to hers. It was going to be a long day…


  Christian waited patiently outside Harrod’s, garnering a number of admiring glances from women on the street. He leaned indolently on the hood of his black Jaguar, a cigarette in his mouth. He was wearing his customary black chinos and black leather ankle boots, but instead of his usual black shirt he wore a sapphire blue one, making his light blue eyes stand out more. When Geneva stepped out of the store, she caught her breath at the sight of him. Even after six months of seeing him, Christian’s incredible good looks still made her feel weak, not something she was normally given to. Predictably, Christian made no move to help her with her packages, only standing when she walked over to him. He reluctantly opened the trunk of the car for her when she gestured to him with her full hands.

  Once in the car she gave a frustrated sigh, leaning back in the seat and glancing over at him. She caught his wry grin and knew she had once again fallen for his bait. Christian consistently irritated her, and she had long since come to find out that he did so on purpose.

  “Where to now?” he asked, not looking over at her.

  “Home,” she said, her voice controlled. “We have a party tonight, remember.”

  Christian’s brow furrowed as he looked over at her. “No, I don’t remember. A party where?”

  “At the home of Lord and Lady Glenenshire,” she said, expecting him to be impressed. She didn’t see him tense.

  “I have plans,” he said, his tone short.

  “Cancel them.”

  Christian’s light blue eyes narrowed at her, and she could see a fight brewing. “I told you about this last week, Blue. Don’t give me that look.”

  “Last week, you say?” Christian replied disbelievingly. “I don’t think so.”

  “Blue…” Geneva began soothingly. “I know I told you we had a party, and I absolutely must have you there with me—Lady Glenenshire is the worst at matchmaking. She’s so in love with her husband she thinks everyone should be so happy.” She made a face, indicating her opinion about being “in love.”

  Christian gave a short, disgusted laugh, which Geneva assumed had to do with what she had said. He was actually thinking about Lady Glenenshire’s husband and how “in love” he must be with his wife. He wondered how Lady Glenenshire would feel about her dear husband’s illegitimate son—would she “love” him too? Christian’s lips twisted into an evil grin as a thought occurred to him. Maybe going to this party wouldn’t b
e such a bad idea.

  “Fine, I’ll go,” he said evenly.

  Geneva looked over at him, surprised. He didn’t usually change his mind that easily. Since he seemed to be in a good mood, she decided to broach another subject with him.

  “Blue… I’ve been thinking…”

  “And?” Christian said when she didn’t continue.

  “Well, I think you should give up your flat,” she said, rushing on when she saw the look on his face as he started to shake his head. “You’re at my house most of the time anyway. It would make things so much simpler, don’t you think?”

  Again he gave a derisive laugh. “No, I think it’d make it easier for you, but it ain’t gonna happen.” His voice brooked no argument, but Geneva wasn’t one to take a warning.

  “Why not?” she snapped, angry at his tone.

  “Because I need my own place to go, and I’m not givin’ it up.”

  “Good Lord, Blue. We’ve been together for six months—you’d think you would trust me by now. I’m not trying to clip your proverbial wings, I just want to simplify our lives a little. Cut down on all this running around, and all that.”

  “I like the running around,” Christian said, his tone taking on an edge. She was pushing him, and he didn’t like being pushed.

  “Christian…” Geneva began, slipping. She’d finally discovered his real first name, having found it on a bill in his apartment.

  His raised voice cut her off. “Don’t call me that.” The muscles in his jaw tensed as he clenched his teeth. “That’s not my name.”

  “It’s your given name,” Geneva replied, immediately sorry she’d said it.

  His eyes blazed in anger. “It’s my father’s name, not mine.”

  “I’m sorry, Blue,” she said, softening her tone and placing her hand on his leg. “I just want you at the house. I want to wake up with you there.” Her voice softened more as she all but whispered, “I love you…”

  Christian looked down at her hand, his lips twisting in a sardonic grin as he shook his head. She had just said the wrong thing. “Geneva,” he said, his tone ice cold. “We have a business arrangement. I escort you to parties, and you pay me.” He looked her straight in the eye, his light blue eyes as cold as his voice. “And sometimes I fuck you. But that’s all there is—you got that?”

  Geneva was too stunned to reply. She had far overestimated her hold on him.

  The past six months had been incredible to her. Christian had been a superior pupil. She’d taught him a number of things in the bedroom, drawing from her extensive and varied experiences. Christian had been willing to learn, not exactly the overeager youth she was used to, but moldable. He took everything she taught him and fit it to his own style of lovemaking, which tended toward the more aggressive and dominating, which suited Geneva perfectly. She was tired of the young men that basically lay down at her feet and begged her to do anything to them. Christian Collins never begged. He took what he wanted, giving back exquisite pleasure in the process. He was not the tender type. After sex, he would either get up and leave or move away to the other side of the bed. He didn’t “hold” or “cuddle”; he didn’t have to. After sex he didn’t care to be near any woman—he never had. Geneva was no exception. He also wasn’t one to give compliments or use endearing names. Christian was indeed totally different from any man Geneva had ever encountered, and it made her all the more determined to change him and bring him under her control.

  No more was said about Christian’s flat. He dropped her off in silence and drove away. She called him once inside her house and told him to pick her up at seven o’clock. Geneva wondered idly if he’d even show up. He did appear, and again her breath caught in her throat at the sight of him. He wore a navy blue polished-silk Armani suit with a jacket that cut in at the waist, making his fantastic body and slim waist contrast his obvious build. Under the suit he wore a crisp white banded-collar shirt. His jet black hair shone in the lights of her foyer, his light eyes seeming to glow in his ever-tanned face. Geneva wanted him the moment she set eyes on him, but she knew he wouldn’t make love to her then. She knew he was still angry about her comments earlier.

  Christian was very satisfied with Geneva’s reaction to his appearance. He had made a point of looking especially good that evening. He had an objective this night.

  Christian Jeremy Sinclair, the current Lord of Glenenshire, stood greeting his guests. His friends called him Jeremy; only his parents and his wife ever called him Christian. Christian Collins walked in the front doors of his father’s home, looking for all intents and purposes like the lord of the manor himself. His confidence shone in his light blue eyes, even as they lowered at the sight of his father. It was a fight for Christian to control his desire to strike the man as he shook hands with him. Jeremy had no idea who he was shaking hands with. He had long since forgotten the beautiful little Spanish maid he’d seduced and impregnated then fired. The only thought that occurred to the lord was that this young man had a rather firm handshake, even if he wouldn’t make direct eye contact. Even that thought was fleeting as he saw Geneva. The Lord of Glenenshire had a long-standing lust for beautiful women, which he managed through great pains to keep hidden from his wife.

  Christian recognized the look of desire in his father’s eyes, exact mirrors of his own, and saw the beginnings of an opportunity.

  After a moment-too-long embrace and a whispered greeting, Jeremy released Geneva, looking down at her again. Christian stood to the side, watching, waiting patiently. When Geneva joined him, his look was knowing even as he grinned.

  “What?” Geneva asked.

  “He’s got one for you, don’t he?” Christian said, not bothering to sound jealous, because he wasn’t.

  “Jeremy?” Geneva whispered as she steered him farther into the formal living room.

  “Don’t play dumb with me, Eve,” Christian said coolly. “He’s got a hard-on for you, and you want me around to make him jealous, right?”

  Geneva looked back at him, her eyes wide. Even after all the time they’d spent in bed together, she could never adjust to his direct manner. If he thought something, he said it. After a long moment’s hesitation, she nodded resolutely, thinking he’d be angry. She was astounded to see him smile brilliantly, with a glint in his eyes she didn’t understand.

  “I think,” he said, taking her arm and pulling her closer to him, bringing her face up to his, “tonight would be a good night to take him up on the offer.”

  “Blue!” Geneva said, ever surprised at him. “We are in his home, and his wife is here… or have you forgotten what I told you about her?” she asked in a harsh whisper.

  “I haven’t forgotten,” Christian replied evenly.

  “But why?” She saw the irritation spark in his eyes immediately. “Fine,” she said, not wanting to argue with him. “I’ll have a go at him… He is a very handsome man…” She let her voice trail off, hoping to catch some jealousy in his eyes, but she saw nothing at all.

  A look crossed Christian’s face that she didn’t understand, but before she could question him, the Lady of Glenenshire entered the room.

  “Geneva, whatever are you doing in here?” the lady of the house said chidingly.

  “Sarah!” Geneva said, her voice the epitome of culture as she crossed to the auburn-haired woman, hugging her. Then she turned to Christian. “Sarah, this is my friend, Blue.”

  “Blue?” Sarah’s eyes went to Christian and widened in surprise at the handsome man standing before her.

  Christian smiled, allowing it to touch his eyes, making them twinkle and making both women want to sigh. He gallantly took her hand and gently raised it to his lips, watching her eyes. “It’s a nickname,” he said smoothly.

  “And I can see why…” Sarah said, her voice coming out a little on the breathless side. She looked to Geneva then. “So this is the dashing man you’ve been about with, causing an absolute uproar.”

  Geneva smiled and nodded, reaching over to take Chri
stian’s hand, suddenly feeling it necessary to hold on to him. She’d seen the look in Sarah Sinclair’s eyes; the woman wanted him. She couldn’t believe it! Sarah Sinclair was legendary for her devotion to her husband. Everyone knew that Jeremy was in love with his wife, but it was also known that he had strayed on occasion. But Sarah had always been considered a saint amongst the married set. Geneva realized Christian was causing more of a stir than she had actually wanted this time. As Sarah led them from the room, Geneva pulled him back, looking searchingly up at him. “What are you doing, Blue?”

  Christian looked back at her, his eyes giving nothing away. “Just do what you were told to, and you’ll get what you want,” he said, his tone cool.

  “What does that mean?” she asked, her voice taking on an edge.

  “It means,” Christian said, lowering his voice as he stepped closer to her, reaching up to stroke her breast seductively. “If you do this, I’ll reconsider giving up the flat.”

  Geneva gasped at the feel of his hand as well as his words. She nodded blindly, not able to think past the sensations he was causing.

  When they joined the rest of the dinner party, Geneva looked a little flushed, but she was smiling widely. She chatted happily with the guests, her eyes straying over to Christian, who was inexplicably deep in conversation with Sarah Sinclair. After dinner, many of the men retired to the drawing room with the customary cigars and brandy. Some women joined them, others continuing their gossip session in the sitting room. Geneva accompanied the men, making a point of getting close to Jeremy. His eyes had been on her a great deal that evening, and Geneva hadn’t been able to deny the thought that it would be a welcome change to have a man that really wanted her. Christian always left her with the feeling that she had imposed upon him, and she hated it. She missed having a man panting at her feet.


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