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TogetherinCyn Page 3

by Jennifer Kacey

  Chris snagged his card and sandwiched it between his palms. I flipped Jared’s card over, examining the other side, but saw nothing written on it. “Not library cards. Membership cards.” Chris handed his card back and my sharp intake of breath echoed in the empty space. The warmth from his hands made other lines appear.

  Master Chris Kennedy.

  The word Master had appeared before his name, along with another line underneath The Library.

  Members Only BDSM Club.

  I lifted my chin to stare at the two men I apparently didn’t know at all. “So all these nights you leave late and tell me you’re going to The Library, this is where you go?” They nodded. “And you aren’t going there to visit? It’s your house? It’s what you bought with the rest of your inheritance money?” My mouth went dry as I stared at them, desperately trying to catch up. A tremor laced with a healthy amount of fear skated up my body as I waited for their answer.

  “Yes,” Jared confirmed as he handed me another card. This one in decadent red with letters embossed in black.

  I traced the name.

  Cyn Andrews.

  My heart dropped to the tops of my thighs, where it began a steady beat of holy shit.

  Jared tilted up my chin with his warm knuckles. “And tomorrow night, you’re coming with us.”

  Chapter Two

  After I twisted the lock and exhaled…loudly…my forehead landed on the wood of my front door with a resounding thunk. It’s not every day you have to admit what a complete and utter coward you are.

  After the brothers dropped their bombshell, I’d frozen, tossed their cards at them, stammered something about being tired and fled the building as if it were on fire. My head still spun with possibilities. Plus my body refused to believe I’d called a halt to the orgasm of the century less than an hour ago.

  My pussy was wet, swollen and the hunger threatened to consume me. Massive doses of embarrassment weren’t enough to drown the need for my best friends, apparently.

  I knocked my head one more time before setting my things on the entry table. My keys clattered into a shallow orange glass bowl and I set my purse on top of my journal. Light splashed through my front windows as the guys arrived home one right after the other. My pulse quickened when I braced myself against the door and listened to them come closer. Blood furiously pumped straight to my core when they strode onto their front porch. Five feet and one flimsy door were all that separated them from me.

  “At least she got home safely.”

  “Should we check on her?”

  There was a brief pause and I froze. I had no clue which answer I wanted to hear but Chris finally said, “No. Let her get some sleep. We’ll talk to her later today and set the ground rules.” I could feel him staring through the door. Somehow he knew I stood there listening. At least only the kitchen light was on and not the one in the living room. They couldn’t see me and if my heart would calm down, maybe they couldn’t hear it either.

  “I don’t feel right letting her leave like that. She’s scared. Pissed.”

  “We’re not asking her to water our plants or some shit, J. She’ll be fine. She’s a hell of a lot tougher than we thought.”

  After a few tense moments, the brothers went inside and I was safe. At least for now.

  Ground rules? How about number one—keep your grubby mitts off my diary.

  I yanked the journal out from under my purse and released a frustrated breath. My stomach knotted. At least they hadn’t mentioned the missing pages. Maybe all my luck hadn’t run out yet.

  My quiet space provided welcome relief as I tried to shake the lingering panic. There wasn’t anything expensive—simple metal tables, an armoire to hold the TV and my DVD collection, and the most comfortable brown leather couch. It wasn’t fancy but it was homey and all mine. I’d worked full-time, putting myself through college along with a few scholarships. The diploma hanging above the gas fireplace made it all worth it. I’d studied nonstop and graduated at the top of my class so I would have a leg up. Then the bottom dropped out of the economy. So here I stood, a part-time waitress and an office manager of a local gym. Because I couldn’t leave.

  No. Because I couldn’t leave them.

  Chris and Jared had made a life here, apparently much more than I knew about, and they were offering me something I ached for. And what did I do when it was right in front of me? I ran.

  All I could hope was that everything would be clearer in the morning. Right.

  I kicked off my shoes, hoping a shower would make me feel better. The stench of bar smoke clinging to my clothes and hair couldn’t be helping my mood.

  I trudged up to the second floor, hearing the all-too-familiar squeak on the third step from the bottom. The guest bed and bath sat directly at the top and my master was all the way at the end.

  I stepped into my bedroom and finally relaxed. The walls were painted a deep red that made the space feel decadent. It was my favorite place in the house. I wanted nothing more than to collapse onto my queen-size bed. Unfortunately, my purple boyfriend still had to be dealt with.

  After switching on the chrome lamp atop my nightstand, I opened the top drawer. My rabbit lay inside with two notes tucked underneath. The first one read…

  Cyn, I will not be responsible for my actions the next time I hear this. Use at your own risk. J

  Thankfully the bed was close or I would have hit the floor when my legs gave out. My hands shook and my stomach flip-flopped as I sank onto the brown, cream and red comforter. Would he actually do something if I chose to “jill” tonight? I had no intention of finding out.

  The other note tucked behind the first had creases and worn edges from how many times I’d read it over the years.

  It was a hastily scrawled note Chris had left under the windshield wiper of my car the day he and Jared left for boot camp. They must have been planning it for weeks and I’d been devastated when I realized they’d kept so much from me.

  He’d told me they had to leave and he was sorry. Hoped I could forgive him someday.

  Him, not them.

  That had always struck me as odd and no matter how many times I’d asked since, he’d never given me a straight answer. He normally clammed up or stalked off. Jared was clueless about Chris’ reasons for leaving so suddenly and said all he’d needed to hear was that there would be beer and women.

  They were there for me anytime I needed them. Solid, trustworthy, honorable men. I loved them even then. We remained close when they were stationed away and they crashed at the townhouse next door. They never stayed at their parents’ house when they were on leave.

  Three years ago, when the guys finished their tours and came home, their parents unexpectedly gave them their inheritance and CJ’s Bar was born. It was one of the only decent things I’d ever seen their parents do but then they’d moved to New York before the guys landed on US soil.

  For the longest time the three of us had been a family. Who knew all I had to do was bare my soul and all but one of my deepest, darkest secrets?

  Embarrassment stained my cheeks when I set my diary next to me on the bed, remembering the innermost thoughts they’d read. Scenes, fantasies, thoughts, memories. Almost everything.

  It slipped from the bed to the floor. The landing jarred the book and my Library card fell out. The bright cream color of the high-pile rug sharply contrasted the red of the card. As I retrieve both the card and my journal, I couldn’t help but compare them to my current situation. My life before this day, innocent, bright and shiny and utterly dull. Then I felt the brothers surrounding me, the heavy thrusts of their fingers inside. Their taste still lingered on my tongue. Instantly the world had color and purpose. They’d always been my splash of color. I couldn’t help but think of that scene in The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy sees the world in the shades of the rainbow for the first time.

  Life could never be the same again, could it?

  I tossed my diary, the letters and my rabbit on the bed but I took the
card with me into the bathroom. I laid it on the counter, turned on the water and slowly peeled my clothes off and flung them into the hamper in the corner. My mind played the “what if” game while the shower washed away the smell of the bar. Usually, this was the time I relaxed after a long day but lately the coldest shower couldn’t squelch the desire pumping through my veins.

  By the time I stood in the doorway wearing nothing but a towel, all I could think about was what would happen if the guys heard me. I closed my eyes to listen past the blood racing through me. I clutched my Library card as I strained to hear anything from next door.

  It was quiet. Utterly and absolutely quiet. Could the walls truly be that thin? Surely I would have heard something if they were still awake.

  I flipped the light off in the bathroom and had to convince myself not to tiptoe over to the bed. Hastily, I grabbed the journal, J’s note and my card and placed them all on the nightstand. I made sure I was alone then let the towel drop next to the bed. I dumped some of the pillows off, pushed the comforter aside and crawled on.

  It was me and my rabbit. My heart beat against my ribs. It wasn’t going to take much to send me into the stratosphere. I listened one more time, heard nothing and reminded myself for the twentieth time I didn’t owe Chris or Jared anything. So I took a shallow breath and slowly twisted the dial to the lowest setting.

  The sound filled the space and my adrenaline spiked hard. I thought about getting under the comforter but I’d already tucked my tail one time tonight. Plus, it smacked of needing permission, which I did not have to have, I reminded my inner good girl. With a little bit of effort, I shoved all the self-examination into a file marked “sort out tomorrow—when hell freezes over”, and everything else fell away. Everything but what my body needed so desperately. Release.

  I brushed the vibrator across the tight peak of my sensitive nipple and tried to concentrate on not making a sound. I kept it there, though it was almost sensory overload, until my nipple ached and stood hard, straining for more. I moved to the other nipple, my spine bowing off the bed. My free hand fisted the comforter and I gritted my teeth to keep from making any more noise.

  I trailed the vibrator along my stomach and over the thin strip of hair above my clit—which was all I had left after the spa. The ribbed device slid over my bare mound as I spread my legs. A moan rumbled free but I bit my bottom lip to keep any more from slipping out.

  Fire licked up my torso as the rabbit came into contact with my clit. I scooted off the pillows, brought my legs up then angled the vibrator right at my heated entrance. I pushed it inside as I pulled one side of my pussy open. Damn, I’d never been more turned-on. Memories flashed inside my head of how delicious Chris had looked as he poised to take my ass. How Jared had heated my insides when he nibbled and sucked on the flesh of my neck.

  My foot pointed and flexed in time with the rabbit as I pushed it inside and slowly drew it free. I fucked the vibrating dildo along my wet channel, imagining my foot pushing against the shoulder of a certain neighbor—or two—and I fucked myself quicker. My sex tightened at the thought of being with Jared and Chris. An orgasm hovered within a few strokes and my pussy sucked the rabbit in on every thrust. The ears on my vibrator jolted my clit as I thrust it in harder. Air sawed in and out of my lungs. My pelvis gyrated in time with my hand. I pictured two men staring straight at me.

  Knowing I wasn’t going to last, I caressed my breasts, remembering Jared loving them earlier. My mouth opened in a soundless scream as my body jackknifed on the bed and pure pleasure exploded through my pussy. A wave of exquisite heat detonated in my clit and crashed along my limbs as I came so hard I almost broke the trusty rabbit. My channel rhythmically clenched the hard toy and I couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed it wasn’t attached to one of my sexy neighbors.

  After a flash of intense pleasure, I relaxed and continued the shallow thrusts. I licked two fingertips on my free hand, catching a hint of myself before placing them over my nipple. Giving it a slight pinch sent a bolt of lust straight to my sex. Maybe two would be a good number for tonight.

  After the night I’d had, I deserved it. I inhaled, ready to go again…and froze.

  Two kinds of mens’ cologne registered in my post-orgasmic bliss. A blush worked its way up to my cheeks. I opened my eyes and focused on the ceiling. Please don’t let them be standing there. Please let them be standing there.

  Still squeezing my nipple, my pussy still clinging greedily to the vibrator, I focused on the end of my bed.

  Jared and Chris stood in black leather pants and nothing else. Chris crossed his thick arms and the faint outline of his erection strained against the leather. Jared gripped the footboard of my bed and the wood creaked as if it were about to snap. When I froze, the guys looked up sharply.

  I inhaled to say…something, but before I could utter a sound, Chris ordered, “Lick. It. Clean.”

  My pussy squeezed the rabbit and I’m sure they heard the vibration change from where they stood.

  I turned off the vibration and the silence deafened me until Chris spoke again.

  “Naughty girls who don’t follow directions deal with the consequences. Naughty girls have to clean up the mess they make.” Their gazes returned to my pussy as I pulled the vibrator from my still-clenching channel. My sigh said it all.

  My throat was so dry when I tried to swallow that I had to clear it twice before I could speak. “What directions didn’t I follow? You never said I couldn’t get off, nor would I have agreed to that.”

  “No, but you knew who and what you were tempting, baby.” Jared glanced over at the side table and I followed his gaze. The piece of paper with his note sat on top my diary. Damn. I couldn’t act as if I hadn’t seen it.

  When I looked back at the brothers, men who had been my best friends for most of my life, I fully understood this was going to change everything. Our future would be irrevocably altered starting now.

  They saw clear inside to the hidden parts of me. The muscles twitched in their jaws but neither spoke. They left the decision up to me. I could tell them to go. I could ask them to leave and they would. That assurance alone gave me the strength to shut the door on the past and bring the vibrator to my lips.

  My concentration remained on them as I opened my mouth and ran my tongue up the silicone that tasted of me. The bodywash from the shower and my musky scent mingled together as I sucked in a harsh breath. Their nostrils flared as I licked again and the tense silence finally broke when Chris uncrossed his powerful limbs and commanded, “Come here, Cyn.”

  After setting the vibrator next to J’s note, I stood on shaky legs and walked to the end of the bed. I could smell them again as I drew near. Their scents intoxicated me and I wanted my house to smell like them forever. Never before after an orgasm had I been so ready for round two.

  When I approached them, I felt different. Powerful and desirable. Here were two of the sexiest men who ever walked the earth and the way their muscles corded…they were restraining themselves from taking me.

  My whole life, I’d waited to be claimed so restraint had no place here. If they weren’t going to leave me with any control, they sure as hell weren’t going to keep theirs.

  I stared at Jared and then leisurely switched my attention to Chris. I overlapped my wrists at the small of my back, thrusting my breasts forward. My damp hair danced around the achy tips. Teasing me. Teasing them.

  Chris stepped forward but stopped, and I didn’t know why. Trust was a two-way street and that journey started now. If I had to be the one to take that first step, so be it. Everything I wanted was standing in front of me and I was determined to hold on for all I was worth.

  “Yes, Master C. I’m here…”

  Something primal flashed across his eyes then he closed the void between us. He towered over me, surrounding me. His tongue invaded my mouth and I sighed when he ate at my lips. Jared stepped behind me. One of his large hands trapped my wrists, keeping them in place. The other ska
ted across the flesh of my lower back to my waist as he crowded closer to me. Close enough that I could feel the heat pouring off him.

  “You’ve got another problem to fix, baby,” he said next to my ear.

  When Chris finally released me, I asked, “What problem is that, Sir?”

  Before Jared answered, Chris perused my body, ran his knuckles over my stomach and down to my wet pussy before he stepped away.

  Jared gripped my hair sharply, yanking me to him. He captured my mouth and dove inside while holding my wrists behind me. He snarled above me. He placed my palm over his cock straining beneath his pants. “This is the mess you made. I’ve had the smell and taste of your pussy in my head for hours. I’ll be damned if one more night passes and I don’t know the feel of your hot mouth. I want you on your knees with your tongue on my cock in ten seconds or less.”

  “Make me,” slipped out before I could stop it. Guess I had completely lost my mind.

  A feral smile twisted his features. “My pleasure.”

  I was prepared to be forced to my knees and relished the wicked challenge in his words. I wasn’t prepared for him to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder before I could let out a startled yelp. Chris stripped all but the fitted sheet off the bed and, a few strides away, Jared tossed me on the mattress. Before I could flip over onto my stomach to get away, Chris grabbed my ankles, pulled my legs straight and held them down flat. Keeping my breasts and pussy accessible to both of them.

  Jared stood next to the bed, tugged my shoulders ’til my head hung off the edge and jerked at the laces of his leathers. He pushed them lower on his hips to allow his cock to spring free and his satisfied groan told me how content he was to no longer be confined. It looked as big around as my forearm and the crown was swollen purple with a drop of pre-cum on the tip.


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