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TogetherinCyn Page 6

by Jennifer Kacey

  Chapter Four

  I’d never been a person with a weak stomach but as I stopped my car at the ornate wrought iron fence of The Library at a quarter to seven, my nerves got the best of me. The plug stretching my rear probably had something to do with it and I shifted in my seat to alleviate a tiny bit of the arousing pressure.

  My hand shook as I pushed the call button next to an empty guard shack and took what was supposed to be a calming breath. Sounded more like a hyena with pneumonia but I was trying. I squeezed my eyes shut and when I opened them did a double take at the scenery filling my windshield.

  I hadn’t expected a tree-lined drive ending in a beautiful multistory stone masterpiece. The scents of jasmine and honeysuckle tickled my nose.

  A huge guy appeared next to my door and my honest-to-God squeak broke the silence. “Greeter” didn’t describe him correctly. Immovable mountain, maybe. Behemoth—that one crossed my mind.

  “Can I help you, miss?”

  “Umm…” Maybe my IQ was on par with the single digits tonight. I concentrated, threatening my brain with a lobotomy if it didn’t cooperate. “I’m Cyn Andrews. Chris and Jared Kennedy asked me to come tonight…sort of. Actually, they told me to be here at seven o’clock sharp.” I clamped my teeth together before any more inane gibberish spewed out. I handed him my card.

  A sexy smirk transformed him. He glanced at both sides of my card and handed it back. I tried to take it from him but he didn’t let go. He could have physically stopped my car with his bare hands if he’d wanted to, despite the designer suit he wore. I gaped at him, frozen in place.

  “First time?”

  “Wanna-be” should have been written on my forehead in Magic Marker. “That obvious?” I fought the urge to race home and held my breath until he inclined his head and let go of my card.

  He returned to the small building he must have come from and I couldn’t help but stare after him. He reminded me of Jared with his lighter hair and my panties were wet thinking about why I’d come here tonight. He entered a code on a keypad and the beautiful scrolled ironwork parted in the middle and swung inward.

  “Follow the path to the right of the club. The entrance into the parking garage will be at the end on your left. Good luck, Ms. Andrews. You’re going to need it.”

  I stared at him for a few heartbeats, hoping he would say more. He nodded at the gate but remained silent.

  I put my window up, eased my car forward to follow his instructions and had to wonder about the clientele here when the security guy wore a suit like that. A very expensive one if my subscription to Marie Claire was anywhere close to current.

  I descended into the garage and was startled at how bright and open the space appeared. My fingers itched to put my sunglasses on but I fought the urge to hide. Discreet security cameras were tucked into unobtrusive corners. I felt safer seeing them—not to mention He-Man out front.

  The guys’ trucks were off to one side from the other vehicles scattered throughout the garage and a space big enough for my car sat unoccupied right between them.

  A giddy giggle escaped and I slapped a hand over my mouth before it got out of control. I hoped my car wasn’t going to be the only thing sandwiched by the brothers’ chassis tonight.

  Before I could convince myself that sitting in my locked car was a good idea, I grabbed my purse and stepped out. The sound of the door closing echoed inside the cavernous space and a little shiver raced up my spine. An intimidating black door stood a few feet away with the word “Private” painted on it in big red block letters. I palmed my card, flipping it over and over as I approached what felt like a black hole. It was sucking me in and I didn’t know if I actually wanted to go inside.

  I was still a few feet away from the heavy metal door as it swung open. My heart skidded to a halt and I dropped my card. He-Man’s counterpart stood there in an equally well-cut suit. Since I’d expected to see Chris or Jared, my nerves kicked in strong as a shot of tequila. His eyes matched the gray pinstripe of the material and his teeth flashed white, matching his dress shirt. I saw his red tie and couldn’t help thinking of Little Red Riding Hood. So much better to eat you with, my dear…

  He wore a smirk as if the word were named after him and he motioned me closer, keeping his hand outstretched. “Ms. Andrews, I presume. Card.”

  I bent to pick up the card. Thankfully it was still clean when I handed it over. “Jared told me to be here at seven.”

  He warmed it without even a glimpse of what it said on the front. It hadn’t occurred to me that mine might change too. I didn’t want to mess up and have it deactivated before I stepped inside.

  “I was informed of your arrival time. Would have been nice if you’d actually arrived on schedule.”

  Immediately, I checked my cell and saw it was already five after. “Well, I was here at seven.”

  As he stared at me, I understood what a bug under a microscope felt like. It took a lot of effort to keep my feet firmly planted where they were. I wanted to lower my head but I refused to cower. I was thankful he couldn’t see my stomach tied in knots or that I had started to sweat as soon as he opened the door. The plug in my rear kept me in a constant state of arousal and my pussy spasmed.

  After what felt like a year, he held my card up to the light. He glanced at each side then over to me. His mouth kicked up into a full grin and I could easily see about ninety-nine percent of straight women dropping their panties for that killer smile.

  “So you’re the infamous Cyn. I’m Nick. You already met Jackson.”

  I expected him to offer his hand but he pushed the door open a little farther and motioned me inside. “Cyn, yes. Infamous, not that I know of.”

  He handed me my card as I passed.

  As he secured and locked the door again, I glanced at the card. Clear as day, at the bottom of the card, it read, “A Dungeon for Higher Education”.

  I glimpsed something on the other side and peeked at it before it faded. “If lost, return property to Master C or Master J”. I wondered if that was meant for me or the card.

  My head swam with nerves and I looked up to find Nick looming over me.

  “You’re not what I expected.”

  I had the sudden urge to apologize. “What did you expect, Mother Teresa? Little Bo Peep?

  “Something like that.” He said nothing else for more than a minute.

  “What?” I finally asked, taking a hesitant step away.

  He advanced until I backed into the wall. Time expanded, my eyes closed and I lowered my head. Moisture rushed out of my sex, mortifying me.

  “Finally. I was beginning to think they had no business bringing you here. You might make it through the night after all.”

  Huh? I glanced at him, caught the ghost of a smile before he ushered me along another well-lit hallway. The tiny pop my flip-flops made on the beautiful hardwood floors sounded like mini explosions. I tried to focus on the walls, which were finished in a two-tone brown with crown molding in a crisp white at the top. Nerves made my stomach jittery and I got so distracted by my inner panic I jumped when Nick spoke.

  “Chris and Jared had to deal with a mix-up with one of the utility companies and they’re trying to put the final details together for your night tonight. They volunteered me to get you upstairs to Jenna. Jeans and a t-shirt definitely won’t fit your scene.” His enthusiasm was…overwhelming and I gritted my teeth to keep from snapping at him.

  He never touched me but hovered close enough I could feel his warmth as we rounded a corner. One more short hall and we dead-ended at an elevator.

  He pushed the button for us then crossed his arms, making his biceps bulge, and stared at me again. I mirrored his pose and kicked an eyebrow up in his direction.

  The elevator dinged and the doors separated. He nodded for me to enter the tiny box first. I didn’t budge and his chuckle filled the small space. The laugh struck me as completely genuine and it threw me off balance when I finally stepped inside. “You’ve got sa
ss, I’ll give you that. The Kennedys have their work cut out for them.”

  It sounded as if he was giving me a compliment—in a knife-in-the-back kind of way. “It’s not every day a girl has to be allowed access into a private sex club, in which she has no clue what she’s walking into. Any girl with half a brain would have a bit of ‘oh, hell no’ in her pocket.”

  The door remained open. His stare started to unnerve me again but I held my ground.

  “I can see why they want you. If you’re this feisty in bed, I can absolutely see why they haven’t brought you here before.” He got out a card like Chris’ and Jared’s and swiped it through a reader mounted in an access panel. He entered a code and selected the fourth floor.

  “And what the hell’s that supposed to mean?” My temper flared more than I intended.

  “You’ll see.”

  Lucky for him…or me…the doors opened and a female squealed.

  “And this is Jenna,” Nick sighed as I was pulled out of the elevators and turned this way and that.

  Instinctively, I dug in my heels but she continued her perusal. Red laces on a black corset caught my eye as I managed a weak, “Hello?”

  The sprite of a woman gave me a quick squeeze and then held me at arm’s length. I had hoped for a hag. You know, stringy hair, missing teeth. Someone you didn’t have to measure yourself against. No such luck. She was stacked and the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen in my entire life. She beamed at me for some reason and it made me a bit suspicious.

  “I can’t wait to make you into the biggest wet dream either of those boys has ever seen.”

  Well, okay then.

  Nick chuckled behind me. “Good luck.”

  No clue if he was wishing her luck or me but I had to convince my middle finger not to show itself to him as he stepped back inside the elevator. I beseeched him for help but he never took his eyes from the woman beside me. Not that I could blame him. She was beautiful and if I were brave enough to try some girl-on-girl action, she’d be the kind of person I’d pick.

  “And you’re Jenna?” I questioned as she turned us both around and wound her arm through mine before ushering me down another hallway.

  “Yup, that’s me. Consider me your fairy BDSM godmother,” she responded with a toothpaste-commercial-worthy smile. Her jet-black hair hugged her face, with each strand molded to fit her cheekbones. The corset she wore accentuated her large chest and narrow waist and perfectly matched her skintight leather pants. She stood at least four inches taller than me and her shoes accounted for all of it. Badass black stiletto goth boots laced up her calves with sparkly red laces that matched her corset.

  “Where exactly are we?” A few closed doors cut into the light-brown walls but I couldn’t tell a thing about them. They could contain virgins ready to be taken, or a mop.

  “Sorry Nick couldn’t take you on the tour. I told him to bring you straight up here because I couldn’t wait to meet you. The guys said I’m supposed to get you ready and you aren’t supposed to leave my area until they came to see you.” She said it with a knowing smile and a wink that confused me. I couldn’t get a word in edgewise. “We’re on the fourth floor out of five and these doors are offices. The elevator is a bit sluggish but it adds character, I think. Most of the other employees are out and about most of the time so it’s supply storage, but mine, Nick’s and Jackson’s work spaces are up here too.”

  I tried not to like her but she was so welcoming and I hadn’t expected that. I decided to let my guard down a bit and see what happened.

  “Hey, how many employees are there and what do you do up here all night?” I asked, completely stunned at how big the place was. I had been expecting a two-story, somewhat residential structure but what they’d done to the space gave it a feeling of warmth. Plus, they had said it was twelve thousand square feet.

  “A dozen if you count the part-time bartenders. You came in on the bottom level, which houses the garage, obviously, and private Library playrooms. The second floor houses most of the open areas for the club. The top floor, which only J and C have access to, is their private residence.”

  She stopped at a door, extracted her arm from mine and swiped a red card through another reader. It turned green after she pressed her thumb to some type of pad. She pushed the door wide and my mouth fell open. It reminded me of Ivana Trump’s closet—on steroids. My entire second floor would fit in half the space.

  The walls were a pure-white color with deep-red accents like my private space and I couldn’t help but fall a little bit in love.

  My palms itched to caress the racks and racks of shoes, which sat from floor to ceiling and filled one wall completely. Another wall held several rows of clothing. My insides flared to life when I pictured Jared sitting on the stool at the dressing table in the corner—legs spread wide to make room for me on my knees. Then I thought of Chris laid out on the masseuse table set up between two open doors along the far wall.

  My daydream swiftly changed to me bound to the table while Jenna touched me. I glimpsed myself in the floor-length mirror mounted next to the dressing table and remembered Chris taking me the night before. My ass clenched on the plug and I bit my lip to keep from crying out. The last thing I wanted was to embarrass myself in front of Jenna in the first five minutes.

  “It’s fantastic, isn’t it?” Jenna asked, completely unaware of my dilemma as I paced away. “I’ve been working on the clothes for several years. Oh, you’ve got to see this.” She walked over and pushed on a side panel. A door swung open and she slid out trays made from mahogany wood and lined with black velvet.

  Every type of jewelry I could imagine filled them. She closed one of the trays and opened another. I made a startled noise. It held nipple clamps, wrist restraints and other items I didn’t want to know the names for.

  “This is nothing when it comes to bondage. All the crazy special stuff is stored with the stage downstairs. Some of the Doms don’t have a private space downstairs to keep their things in. Some travel here infrequently and don’t want to keep it stocked so we carry extras for them. Chris and Jared have built up their clientele. They’ve worked countless hours for the reputation they have here and in the surrounding states. Some people you wouldn’t believe come here to play.”

  She closed the panel and came closer to me. “Come on, what do you think? I’ve been waiting years to get to show this off to C and J’s woman.”

  “It’s like…Fetishes R’ Us.”

  “Damn, I love that. I could open my own chain of fetish-wear stores one of these days.” Her eyebrows sank low in quiet contemplation and I could see the hamster in her cage working overtime.

  “And where did you get the outfits?” I walked over to the clothes and ran my palm over some made with silky fabric.

  She stepped closer and scrutinized a nurse’s uniform that would make any man stop and pay attention to the safety lesson of the day. “I made it all.”

  “But…” I picked up a skirt made out of plaid material. It was a naughty version of a private-school skirt. White, brown, black and red were all woven together to make a beautiful soft, pleated fabric. It was amazing work. “These are gorgeous. You must truly love it.” I waved at the racks and racks of fabric clinging to hangers.

  “I do.” She appeared wistful but I blinked and it was gone. “Okay. Do you have any preferences for tonight?”

  Panic lit my veins on fire. My heart pumped it steadily throughout my limbs. Was I actually going to try this again? I wanted to be excited and nothing else. But doubt kept creeping in.

  What if they wanted me to have sex with someone else? The thought of giving someone else a blowjob made me want to curl into a ball.

  I’d tried the head-in-the-sand trick. Ripping out the pages in my diary was supposed to fix things.

  Giving them to the police had only made things worse.

  Maybe I was making a mistake…

  With shaky hands, I hung up the skirt. Probably looked like a deer in headlight
s because Jenna patted my arm and gave it a quick squeeze. “It’s okay. Why don’t you shower and wash and dry your hair. It’ll help with the nerves and give you a few minutes to regroup. I’ll go through and pick several things out for you and you can try them on. I can make alterations on the spot if we need to but I’m a pretty good judge of size and my head is already swimming with possibilities. So shoo into the shower.”

  Mutely, I let her move me along until I stood next to the sink counter. Then she started the shower.

  “The shelves inside have numerous kinds of shampoo and conditioner. Help yourself. Disposable razors and a new loofah are under the counter along with a blow-dryer for you. So get to it and we’ll make this a night you’ll never forget.”

  “Thanks,” I said, and meant it.

  “Don’t thank me yet. We’ve got hours to go and you may want to strangle me before everything is perfect and I deem you fit to walk the halls of The Library.” A series of sharp raps ground our conversation to a halt.

  “Hey, Jenna.” Nick’s muffled voice filtered through the door. “The walkie-talkies are all on different channels again. Jackson and I need your help to reset them.”

  “That’s the third or fourth time this week we’ve had issues with those. If it’s not one thing, it’s another lately. Maybe we have bad luck.” She shrugged and said, “I bet Nick’s messing with them so I can’t say no.” She rolled her eyes. “Let me go deal with him so we can get your inner hoochie to come out and play. After I get done with you, neither of those men will be able to keep their body parts to themselves. Not to mention the other Doms they’ll have to beat off with a stick. Ha, I said beat off.” With a wink, she turned and closed the door.

  I couldn’t help but smile.

  Who knew fairy godmothers wore leather, had drawers full of restraints and made fetish wear for a living? Corsets and bondage and floggers, oh my…

  * * * * *

  A little while later, I stepped from the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around me. My dry hair hung straight and loose down my back as instructed. I was a little worried about the plug. It was clear so I hoped Jenna wouldn’t be able to see it, but still…


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