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Luke Page 16

by R. C. Ryan

  Frank and Grace hurried to either side of Nadine and gently got her to her feet. She never even awoke.

  When Frank motioned toward the stairs, Grace shook her head. “She might wake during the night and, in her condition, get disoriented and take a fall. I think, Frankie, we’ll put her in that small guest room beside the mudroom, in case she wakes and needs some night air.”

  “Good idea, Gracie Girl.”

  The two of them walked Nadine into the small room. While Frank held her by the arm, Grace turned down the bed linens, and together they eased her into the bed. After removing the fringed boots, Grace drew the covers over her.

  Nadine hadn’t once moved.

  When they turned out the light and closed the door, Grace turned to her husband. “Those poor girls.”

  He nodded and said not a thing.

  No words were needed. They had both seen more than enough to let them know something of what Ingrid and Lily had been going through.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The card game lasted another hour, with Lily winning nearly every hand.

  At first, Reed was giving Lily every opportunity to win. He would refrain from asking for something she’d already asked for, so she would have the upper hand. But after several losses, he realized the little girl didn’t need his help. She was smart enough to win on her own.

  When she won for the fifth straight time, he narrowed his eyes on her. “I think you’ve figured out the meaning of cutthroat, haven’t you?”

  She glanced across the table at Luke before her smile bloomed. “Luke told me.”

  “He may have told you what it means, but I don’t think you needed his help to win at this game. You’re killing me. It’s a good thing we’re not playing for money. You’d be the richest one in the room.”

  After watching the game, Matt and Nessa called their good nights and went upstairs to their suite of rooms. Colin did the same.

  Yancy, Mick, and the Great One, discussing the finer points of gourmet cooking and exotic food, kept breaking into smiles at the teasing and laughter that erupted from the card players across the room.

  Burke, sprawled by the fire, nursing a longneck, said to Mick, “That’s music to my ears.”

  The old cowboy nodded. “I was just thinking the same. I haven’t seen my girls this relaxed in a long time. Probably not since their pa died.”

  The Great One studied him. “You’ve been with them a long time?”

  “Since before they were born.”

  “I’d say that makes them your girls.”

  “They’ll always feel like mine,” Mick said with feeling. “They’re the only family I’ve ever had.”

  The Great One stifled a yawn. “Since Frank and Gracie went up to bed, I believe I’ll do the same.”

  Yancy nodded. “My day starts early. I’ll say good night, too.”

  Gradually Mick and Burke drifted off, as well, leaving the four to finish their card challenge.

  Reed tallied the wins and losses. “Want to play one more?”

  “Even three more wouldn’t get you even,” Luke said with a laugh. “I think we should call it a night.”

  Lily was too weary to disagree. But as she started up the stairs, she turned to call, “Thanks, Reed. I really enjoyed beating you.”

  “You realize you owe me a rematch.”

  “I can’t wait.” The little girl scampered up the stairs, trailed more slowly by her big sister.

  Luke waited before shoving back his chair. He turned to his brother, keeping his voice low enough that he wouldn’t be overheard. “Thanks. I know you’d have rather been doing anything tonight than playing Fish. But it meant a lot to Lily.”

  “I didn’t mind. Really. I know it kept her mind off other things.” Reed paused before adding, “Is her mother always like that?”

  Luke nodded.

  “Poor kid.” Reed placed the cards in a box before setting it on a shelf and heading up the stairs. “’Night, Luke.”


  A short time later, as Luke passed Lily’s room on the way to his own, he could hear the two sisters talking quietly. Ingrid’s voice was low, soothing.

  Lily was lucky to have a big sister like that. But, he wondered, while Ingrid was busy easing her little sister’s fears, who could she count on to soothe hers?

  Ingrid heard Lily’s prayers and tucked her into bed.

  Lily caught her sister’s hand. “Wasn’t that fun tonight?”

  “Yes, it was.”

  “For a while I even forgot Nadine was here.”

  “Me too.” Ingrid smoothed a hand over Lily’s hair. “’Night, honey.”


  “If you need anything at all, let me know.”

  The little girl’s eyes were closing. “I will.”

  Ingrid waited a moment at the door, watching as Lily slid ever so gently into sleep.

  If only she could do the same.

  She made her way to her own room and stepped inside, closing the door behind her. When she turned, she caught sight of Luke standing across the room, his back to her, staring into the darkness.

  “Luke.” Her hand went to her throat before she let out a quick breath. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you to be here.”

  “I just wanted to make sure you were all right.”

  “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  He shrugged and stepped closer. “I thought having Nadine here might upset you.”

  “I’m not happy about it. But she’s a fact of my life. I’ve had plenty of time to get used to it. But I’m sure it was quite a jolt for your family. I wish they hadn’t been forced to see her like that.”

  She pushed past Luke and walked to the window, lifting her head to the night sky. “They were all acting so polite. So nice.”

  “They weren’t acting. They are nice.”

  “I know that.” She turned to face him. “But that just makes it even more awkward. After spending time with your family and seeing how kind they are, I can’t help comparing them with what I’ve grown up with.” She crossed her arms over her chest and studied the toe of her boot. “I felt ashamed tonight. And Lily did, too. I could see it on her face. That’s not something I’m proud of. But the truth is, we don’t belong here, Luke.”

  He put his hands on her shoulders and rubbed gently. “You’ve seen the way Gram Gracie reacted to having two more girls around. The rest of my family feels the same way. They all love having you and Lily here.”

  She struggled to ignore the little thrill that raced down her spine at his touch. “And I love them for that. But—”

  “Shh.” He lowered his face and brushed his mouth over hers.

  It was the softest of kisses, but it had her hands gripping his wrists. “You know I don’t—”

  “Yeah. Sorry to break one of your hard-and-fast rules.” His grin was quick. “But there’s always been this devil inside me that just has to see how many rules can be broken.”

  Before she could respond, he dragged her close and covered her mouth with his in a kiss that had her forgetting everything but the hot sizzle of need.

  His kiss was easy. Practiced. Hers was quivering. Awkward. The difference between them made her all the more wary. But she had to admit that she liked the taste of him. A purely male taste that had all her senses heightened. And more than anything, she loved the way it felt being touched and kissed by him.

  Luke’s hands tightened at her shoulders before gliding down her back and drawing her firmly against him.

  Her arms found their way around his waist. Her breasts were flattened against his chest. A chest that rose and fell with every ragged breath. She was aware of his arousal, and she wondered at the way her poor heart soared at the knowledge.

  “Now, isn’t this nicer than playing Fish?”

  He ran nibbling kisses down her jaw, then lower, to the little hollow between her neck and shoulder, sending the most delicious tingles along her spine.

  “Is this
where your mind was during the game?”

  Without a thought to what she was doing, she angled her head, allowing him easier access.

  He nibbled her earlobe, her throat, and all the while his hands, those clever, work-worn hands, were kneading her back, her sides, until they encountered the swell of her breasts. His thumbs began a gentle exploration that had her breath shuddering, before coming out in a long, deep sigh.

  She pushed a little away. “Wait. Luke—”

  “You want me to stop?”

  “No.” The word came out so quickly, it caught her by surprise. She quickly recovered. “I mean yes. I need…I need time to think.”

  She looked up into his eyes and saw the smile. “What’s so funny?”

  He shook his head. “Just giving you time to think. So?” He dipped his face to brush his mouth over hers.

  At once the rush of sexual tension was back, stronger than ever.

  She wanted, so badly, to just go with her feelings. But it was so contrary to every rule she’d set for herself.

  What was happening to her? She hated this weakness in herself. She had probably inherited it from Nadine. This yearning to just let herself give in and enjoy the luxury of being held in a man’s arms. Of being loved. But Luke wasn’t just any man. He was so good at this, he made her believe that she was special. Cherished. Like some rare and beautiful treasure that he’d just discovered.

  She ought to know better. As Nadine was fond of saying, if a man wasn’t with the one he loved, he could always love the one he was with.

  The thought was like being splashed with ice water.

  She put a hand to Luke’s shoulder. “I think I need some time. I can’t think when you’re holding me, kissing me.”

  “That’s good.” He let his fingers play through the short, silky strands of her hair, watching the way they settled around her face. “Sometimes you can overthink things. Maybe you should just go with your feelings.”

  “Like Nadine?”

  The words had the effect of a slap across the face. The minute she said them, she felt him withdrawing.

  She did the same, taking a step back. “I’m sorry, Luke. I warned you. I’m no good at this. You’d better go.”

  “I could stay. We could talk, if you’d like. Or”—he gave her one of those rogue smiles that did such strange things to her heart—“I could prove to you that you’re a hell of a lot better at this than you think.”

  “It’s late. Your family is nearby, and I wouldn’t want them to overhear us.”

  “Is that what this is about?”

  “No.” She gave a quick shake of her head. “This is about me. I want you to leave now.”

  “Okay.” He framed her face with his hands and stared down into her eyes. “Take all the time you need. I want you to feel safe with me, Ingrid. And comfortable. I want you to trust me, and trust yourself.”

  “Maybe that’s the problem. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to trust myself. At least where men are concerned.”

  “I’m not just any man.”

  “I know that.” Her tone softened. “Thank you for understanding, Luke.”

  He smiled. “You’re welcome.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “But just so you understand, this isn’t over. I want you. And whether you’re ready to admit it or not, you want me. Whenever you come to terms with that, we’ll take this to the next step.”

  She pushed free, breaking contact. “You’re so sure of yourself.”

  “I’m sure of what I’m feeling.” He winked. “And I’m even more certain of what you’re feeling, even if you’re not.”

  “This doesn’t change a thing, Luke. First thing in the morning, Mick and Lily and I are heading home.”

  His easy smile turned into a frown. “What about the gunman?”

  She shook her head. “I’ll just have to be more cautious. I’ll carry a rifle with me everywhere, but I’ll also carry on as I did before. I have a ranch to run or I’ll lose it. I can’t afford to let some mystery man dictate my life. And I can’t just stay here, feeling pampered, and pretend I don’t have any obligations.”

  He gave her a long, considering look before slowly nodding his head. “Okay. If that’s your decision, I won’t try to talk you out of it. But just so you know, I’ll be going with you.”

  “This isn’t your fight. And don’t say you owe me for saving your life. You’ve already more than repaid me for that.”

  “Then let’s just say I’m doing this for my own selfish reasons.”

  “Which are?”

  “Ask my family. They’ll tell you I just can’t resist a good down-and-dirty fight.” He added with a smile, “Or a pretty woman in trouble.”

  He opened the door and walked out without a backward glance.

  Ingrid closed the door and leaned against it, crossing her arms over her chest, deep in thought.

  On the one hand she was grateful that Luke was willing to stand beside her in her fight. There was no one she would rather have watching her back.

  But now that she’d met his family and learned their history, she found herself caring as much about them as she did her own family.

  What right did she have to allow him to risk his life for her?

  Allow? The word had her suddenly smiling as she began undressing. That wasn’t a word that could be used in the same breath with Luke. He didn’t ask permission for anything. He lived life on his own terms.

  How she envied him that freedom.

  She lay in bed, eyes pressed firmly closed, her mind working overtime. Though she tried to concentrate on the things she needed to do when she returned to her ranch, the image of Luke holding her, kissing her, kept intruding on her thoughts.

  She found herself wishing with all her heart that she could just let go of all the hard-and-fast rules she’d set for herself and simply indulge in the pleasure he offered.

  She fell asleep dreaming of things that, if she were awake, would have had her blushing.

  Chapter Twenty

  Ingrid could hear the hum of voices as she approached the kitchen. Now that she’d become familiar with Luke’s family, she could make out the low tones of Luke’s brother, Matt, and the more cultured voice of his bride, Vanessa. She heard Yancy and Mick on one side of the room, and Frank and Grace talking with Luke, and Reed joining in. What was most surprising to her was Lily’s voice, high-pitched with excitement. She’d thought her sister was still asleep. She hadn’t even heard Lily leave her room.

  The minute Ingrid stepped into the room, Lily dashed over to catch her hands. “Guess what? Gram Gracie is taking me on one of her safaris.”

  “Now, Lily,” Grace was quick to add, “our agreement was that you’d accompany me only if your sister says it’s all right.”

  Ingrid glanced across the room, where Luke was lounging against the counter, watching and listening with a look of amusement. “I don’t know.” She looked from Luke to his grandparents. “Do you think it’s safe?”

  Frank set aside his mug of coffee. “Darlin’, I’m betting Lily will be safer with my Gracie Girl than in her own bed. The wranglers and I will see to it.”

  “Will you come with us, Ingrid? Please?” Lily danced up and down, still clinging to Ingrid’s hands.

  Ingrid drew her sister close. “I can’t, honey. I’m planning on returning to the ranch today. I was hoping…” She saw the pleading look in Lily’s eyes and gave a sigh of defeat. “But you don’t need to come with me. I can’t think of anything more exciting than spending time with someone who shares your love of both photography and wild horses. As long as you promise to do everything Gram Gracie asks you to, I…I guess I’m fine with it.”

  “Oh boy.” Lily hugged her sister before racing across the room to do the same with Grace. “We’re going on a safari.” She looked up into the older woman’s face. “When do we leave?”

  “In about an hour. As soon as you pack your things, and we take time to enjoy Yancy’s fine breakfast.”

  Lily started
out of the room, then hurried back. “What should I pack?”

  “Everything we bought in town. A pair of jeans and a T-shirt. A jacket, hat, and comfortable walking shoes. I’ll take care of the bedrolls.”

  “Bedrolls. Will we sleep in a tent or outside?”

  “Outside, unless it’s raining. Then we’ll sleep in the back of my truck.” Grace started laughing. “It wouldn’t be a good trip if we didn’t get to sleep out of doors at least once.”

  “Oh boy.” Lily’s voice trilled on the air as she dashed from the room and raced up the stairs.

  Frank was grinning from ear to ear. “Gracie Girl, doesn’t this remind you of someone else?”

  Nessa kissed his cheek before turning to Ingrid. “He’s talking about me. The first time I went to the highlands with Gram Gracie, I was so excited, I thought I was in heaven.”

  “She’s not kidding.” Matt put his arms around his wife and drew her back against him. “I think that’s what sealed the deal on our relationship. Nessa fell in love with those mustangs the minute she laid eyes on them. And the rest, as they say, is history.” He brushed a kiss across his wife’s neck. Such a simple thing, but to those watching, it felt deeply intimate.

  Ingrid happened to glance at Luke at that moment and felt her cheeks color. She could almost feel his arms around her in that same way and knew, by the look in his eyes, he was feeling it, too.

  “Well, then.” She drew in a deep breath. “I guess I won’t worry about Lily. I’ll just let her go and see if she returns from the hills a changed little girl.”

  “From the things she’s said about ‘her’ herd, I can almost guarantee it,” Grace said as Yancy called them to breakfast. “She can’t wait to photograph them, and she confided in me that she really wants to try my zoom lens so she can get up close the way I did”—Grace pointed to a framed photograph hanging in an alcove—“in that picture.”

  “I know what she’ll be asking for when her birthday rolls around.” Ingrid had a sudden thought. “Isn’t Nadine up yet?”

  “Up and gone.” Yancy turned from the oven. “The others had just left to do some barn chores when she helped herself to some coffee and whiskey and said she was headed out.”


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