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The Trouble With Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle (The Forbidden Love Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Kat T. Masen

  Ava spelled it out in black and white. Basically, I need to live my life as normal, be the old Will she was accustomed to because the simplest of reminders is what will trigger Amelia.

  “Back to next weekend,” Ava reminds me, “still a no?”

  “I can’t sorry, but I know you’ll show my dad a good time. You’re the daughter he never had. You’re the only one who encourages his behavior.”

  Ava laughs, leaning in for a hug. “I’ll take it all as a compliment. But if you change your mind about next weekend, you have my number.”

  I force another smile though barely able to concentrate. Everything surrounding me is out of my comfort zone. Traveling abroad is not unusual for me, and over the years, I’ve learned about different cultures and adjusted my habits when visiting a foreign country.

  This time it all feels different.

  I have traveled to Asia numerous times, so it isn’t out of the ordinary. Yet I have been in Hong Kong for less than a day and already missed the States. I even flew in a day earlier than expected hoping to achieve what I needed to then make a quick departure.

  The chairman, Mr. Lau, and his board of directors are all accommodating though the language barrier makes it challenging at times. Our conversations are slower paced, and I am aware at all times of making sure my behavior is culturally acceptable.

  It hasn’t stopped my patience wearing thin, especially since I know everyone is on the way to the Hamptons as we speak.

  And someone will be there without a fiancé in tow.

  As the minutes passed, the discussion grows more serious. My confidence begins to soar, certain our company has this locked in. Lau and his posse are almost in agreeance. That is until we start to talk numbers.

  I inform Lau of our bid, knowing it is higher than the other tech giants fighting for this new online platform.

  “With all due respect, Mr. Lau, Rockford Technology can make this platform become more than just another social media site. Our plans to grow this far exceed anything we’ve ever done before,” I tell him confidently. “I will give you time to consider my offer. But you and I both know no other company can offer you what we’re offering.”

  I rise from my chair, rude of me, I know, but my head is elsewhere, and nothing else in the world matters right now.

  Not even this two-billion-dollar takeover.

  “Romano,” Lau calls, prompting me to focus my attention back onto him. “The deal is yours.”

  I nod, rejoicing in the inside but keeping my expression to a bare minimum. When it came to business, you never fist-pumped openly. Feelings are suppressed, and despite the high price tag attached to this takeover, this is a monumental step for our future growth.

  “On one condition…” Lau continues while tapping his fingers against the wood grain table. “We want Lexed also.”

  “Lexed?” I question, raising my brow at his absurd proposition. “Why?”

  Mr. Lau leans back into his chair, jutting his chin with a hard smile. “We only do business with the best. You get Edwards on board, and it’s all yours.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “I’m not understanding why? He helped in establishing your company. Invested in the European division. Surely, he would see the value in this takeover?”

  What the hell am I supposed to say to this old fucker? Lex won’t talk to me after I fucked his daughter and betrayed him. I highly doubt he will agree to this, and frankly, I don’t need him or his capital. We can fund this on our own.

  “I need time,” is all I say.

  “I’ll give you time, Romano, but first thing Monday morning, I want an answer.”

  My hands clench into fists, frustrated it has come to this, but with a polite nod, I exit the room and get the hell out of here.

  Outside the building, the driver is waiting. I demand he take me straight to the airport, and during the car ride, I organize my jet back to the States.

  It’s a fifteen-hour flight back home, giving me ample time to think about my next move both personally and professionally. But then on a whim, I stop overthinking and text Ava, who sends a text back with the address and a thousand unnecessary emojis.

  I should have slept on the flight but managed only three hours. Adrenaline surged throughout me, forcing me to pace the aisle of the plane while trying to clear my head. This takeover will change everything. Our plans to launch this platform in the States will be like no other launch ever. The platform is designed to become a viral trend, and everyone knows that trends are the most significant organic money stream. Let the people do the work, not us.

  But Lexed…fuck, that is not in the cards. I somehow need to convince the chairman to allow us to acquire the company without Lexed. As if I can ever work with Lex again, the guy loathes me.

  I end up falling asleep from exhaustion, but it’s short-lived. By the time I wake up, we are just about to land.

  There is no time to waste. My driver, Jeffrey, is on standby, ready to take me to the Hamptons. I quickly dress in a pair of jeans, polo, and sneakers before we land—not wanting to arrive in my business attire.

  It’s an almost two-hour drive to East Hampton. When the houses become grand, and the roads quiet down, Jeffrey drives the car to a large property which appears to be overlooking the ocean.

  It’s enormous, but nothing surprises me anymore. I’ve grown accustomed to visiting places just like this, and the irony is that despite my very wealthy back account, I don’t even have a place to call home.

  My penthouse in Manhattan is being leased, as is my penthouse in London. Several years ago, I purchased a few condos in the Upper East Side and Tribeca to grow my investment portfolio, but lost count of how many.

  The Four Seasons isn’t exactly home. My realtor had lined up a few viewings, but I canceled, unsure of what I’m even looking for.

  With my overnight bag flung over my shoulder, I walk in through the grand entrance to see Ava strolling toward me, wearing one of those kaftan dress type things young chicks wear on top of a bright blue bikini.

  Ava claps her hands with a wide grin. “You made it.”

  “I did.” I smile in return, allowing her arms to wrap around me for a hug. Ava lets go and motions for me to follow her. “Wait, is your mom around?”

  “My mom? Yeah, I think she’s in the kitchen.”

  “With or without your dad?”

  “Please, my dad in the kitchen? Without.”

  I follow Ava through the house and down the long corridor until we arrive at the kitchen. Charlie is standing with Adriana, slicing a watermelon. They both turn around, and before I can even think of how to apologize to the woman who is just as much of a mother as my own, Charlie wipes her hands on her apron before extending her arms out with a forgiving smile. “Come here, you.”

  I move toward where she stands and welcome her embrace. Even though I tower over her, her arms wrap around me so lovingly, as if she is still my protector despite being old enough to protect myself.

  Our relationship changed after mine and Amelia’s affair was revealed, and a part of me didn’t know whether it was Lex’s influence or Charlie’s decision to keep her distance. In the end, what did it matter? I fucked up and need to mend the bridges I burned.

  We both pull away, but she continues to stare with sparkling eyes and unshed tears. God, I’d forgotten just how much Amelia looks like her. Everything but the emerald green eyes.

  “Let me get a proper look at you,” she says, cupping my chin. “A very handsome man indeed.”

  “You have to say that. You’re my auntie,” I muse.

  Charlie chuckles softly. “Hmm, maybe. But I would never lie to the one and only Will Romano. How have you been?”

  Her question, while polite, has more weight than anyone else’s. Charlie is someone I’ve always trusted. She’s never let me down, and always encouraged me even when I felt like a disappointment to my own parents. And so, in this moment where vulnerability is at play because somewhere inside this
house is the woman I still love, I let my guard down to the one person I can trust.

  “How long do you have?”

  Charlie caresses my cheek with her hand. “For you, Will. As long as you need.”



  Ava was not exaggerating when she said this estate would fit everyone.

  The house is huge.

  As I walked through the double front doors, my mouth fell open as I took in all the surroundings. The white porcelain tiles are perfectly polished without a single footprint on the expensive floor. As for the styling, it is just like out of a magazine. Everything is purposely placed and matched to the theme of the room.

  Beside me, Andy lets out a long-winded whistle.

  “This place is next level.”

  “I know, right? No wonder Ava wanted to spend the weekend here. It makes our place back home look so small.”

  Andy chuckles, shaking his head to disagree. “Your place back home is probably the same size as this. You just think its small because you’ve lived there your entire life.”

  “Maybe.” I shrug my shoulders until we are standing outside on the large patio overlooking the pool. I turn to point toward my left. “But we don’t have a helipad? Now that is next level.”

  “Who the hell owns a helipad?”

  “Someone I probably should have married instead of an actor who is supposedly on set with all these beautiful young men.” The familiar voice instantly brings a smile to my face.

  “Eric!” I grin, throwing my arms around him. “You came.”

  “Hey!” He pulls back, slightly annoyed I’ve embraced him as he flattens out the yellow silk shirt he wears. Eric never appears to age, though he is quite open with his love for Botox. It’s no surprise that his hair is perfectly styled, with Dolce & Gabbana glasses perched on top of his head. “This is Chanel, darling. Be careful.”

  “Oh, look who is here.” Mom is walking through with Dad following her. I greet them hello, with my usual kiss and hug. “If it isn’t Mr. Kennedy and his million-dollar shirt. You know what’s going to happen later? Rocky will probably throw you in the pool once he’s gotten some alcohol into him.”

  Eric gasps, pressing his hand to his throat. “He can’t do that. My Gucci loafers can’t handle the trauma.”

  “What’s up party people!” Rocky struts through the door, wearing a T-shirt which say’s, “Real men don’t wear pink, they eat it.” With his sunglasses on, and a drink in his hand, I suspect he is already toasted with the possibility of throwing someone in the pool very soon.

  “That shirt is something.” Mom winces.

  “I love it.” Eric claps his hand with excitement. “I once had a friend, let’s just call him John. He hated eating pussy, said it was like eating a kumquat.”

  Mom folds her arms while shaking her head, disgusted by his analogy. Dad, on the other hand, appears amused by Eric.

  “For starters, your friend John was actually named John,” Mom points out. “And secondly, I am deeply offended that a man would say such a thing.”

  Eric shrugs his shoulder. “Don’t shoot the messenger. I happen to like the taste of kumquats.”

  I shake my head, willing this conversation to run its course. While Eric’s humor amuses me, all this pussy talk in front of my father is extremely awkward.

  “Can we stop saying kumquats? So, when is everyone else getting here?”

  The moment I say it, the rest of my family arrive. My uncles, Julian, and Noah, walked in first while Aunt Adriana and Kate followed behind them. I notice they have no bags accompanying them, then remember Ava mentioning that they chose to stay at my parent’s estate which is a few minutes away. It was all last minute apparently but comes as no surprise. All our parents enjoy expensive liquor. Their idea of fun is drinking around a fire and telling stories of the past. Eric is a bit of an in-betweener, depending on his mood.

  As for Uncle Rocky, he prefers the loud music, endless shots, and bikini-cladded girls. Disturbing, yet equally entertaining at the same time.

  Luna, Jessa, and Nash walk behind their parents. It’s been a while since I last saw them since all three had left for college. If I recall correctly, Luna and Jessa are attending California State while Nash goes to Berkeley.

  Greetings and hugs are exchanged until my Uncle Noah pulls me aside.

  “I can’t believe you’re studying law. When was the last time I saw you?”

  “A while, but that’s not my fault.” I gently punch his chest. “Every time I visit, you’re traveling for work. You’re just like Dad.”

  Kate interrupts, squeezing me tight before Uncle Noah places his hand around her hip.

  “Are you calling my husband a workaholic?”

  I let out a snort. “You guys are just as bad as each other. You’re both workaholics. I challenge you both to turn your phones off this weekend, you know, try to function without email.”

  Uncle Noah and Kate turn to look at each other, amused by my calling out their addiction to work.

  “That would be no problem if Sienna wasn’t with your grandmother and Alexandra. Lord knows that girl is something else.”

  I hide my smile, remembering the stories Addison told of Alexa and Sienna’s adventures of a Friday night. Perhaps there is a truth to what Dad said in the restaurant; the babies of the family were babied. Sienna is Uncle Noah and Kate’s only shared biological child. For the longest of time, Kate was adamant she didn’t want kids given they had shared custody of Jessa and Nash. To add to that, the two of them have demanding careers. Kate did not hide the fact Sienna was a surprise baby. The surprise was from a drunk night in Vegas with too many shots and a poor attempt at inserting a diaphragm.

  At that point, I left the room before anything else was revealed about Uncle Noah and his sexual appetite. Kate’s words, not mine. I recall hearing Mom warning Kate she didn’t want any more details given he is Mom’s cousin. Aunt Adriana, on the other hand, lapped up all the information until Mom ended up joining me in the den.

  “Why are we all standing around here? Let’s get some sunshine and relax on the patio,” Nikki shouts over the noise.

  Ava is already outside with her friends Gigi and Kylie. The three of them are wearing bikinis, and more notably, Andy is beside me staring directly at Gigi. Nash pulls up beside me, and I tug on my cousin’s arm while admiring how much he looked like a young Uncle Noah.

  “Who is the blonde?” Nash asks in a complete trance.

  “Gigi,” I tell him, “Ava’s bestie.”

  “She’s something,” Nash murmurs, taking a sip of his beer even though he is technically underage. I wasn’t going to say something, though I suspected Mom might. I highly doubt Uncle Noah nor Kate would scold him either.

  “Hand’s off, buddy,” Andy chuckles, jokingly. “I’ve been working on her for months.”

  I turn to face Andy, crossing my arms beneath my chest. “What does that even mean? Working on her?”

  “Flirtatious banter via socials.”

  “Right,” I drag, rolling my eyes. “I’m going to leave you two players alone while I go discuss something more interesting.”

  I walk past the pool where Uncle Rocky is standing with Dad, Uncle Noah, and Julian. He is cupping his hands like melons, talking animatedly while the men watched on in amusement. I hear the words “bazookas” fly out of his mouth before laughter follows.

  Eric is laying on a lounge chair, dressed in gold swimming trunks while trying to sunbathe.

  “Honey, pass me the tanning lotion.” He motions toward the chair a few over from him. “My chest looks like it belongs to a little Irish boy.”

  I let out a loose laugh. “It’s not that white.”

  “Well, it is. My spray tanner, Gerald, had a nervous breakdown after his boyfriend left him for a figure skater. Can you even compete with that? Turns out, you can’t. Gerald checked himself into rehab, and meanwhile, everyone on Melrose is walking around looking like Frosty the Snowman.”

bsp; I sit beside Eric on the empty lounge chair as Jessa and Luna join us.

  “How did it happen that the only guys here are our brothers?” Luna complains.

  “And look at them?” Jessa nods in their direction. “Like a bunch of lost puppies drooling over Gigi and Kylie.”

  I laugh softly. “I think just Gigi. It won’t end well for anyone.”

  “Where’s your man?” Jessa asks, taking a mimosa Luna hands her.

  “You mean, Austin?”

  Jessa looks at Luna until they’re both staring at me with curiosity. Beside me, Eric snickers. “Who else would it be?”

  “Sorry, I’m just tired and hungry.” The corners of my mouth move up while I try to downplay my paranoia. “He’s back in LA for the weekend, so just me.”

  “Just you, eh?” Eric mumbles with a playful smirk. “Now, isn’t that going to be fun?”

  I’m contemplating throwing him into the pool. Ruining his perfectly styled hair and washing all his tanning oil off. But I refrain, remembering Mom’s advice, “With Eric, you need more patience than with a two-year-old in a candy store.”

  “We are going to have fun, we don’t need men, anyway,” Luna says with a nod.

  Jessa and Luna join their brothers in the pool with the intent of embarrassing them in front of Gigi. I choose to sit it out for a while and enjoy Mom’s homemade mimosa. I don’t know what’s inside it, but it tastes so good.

  “So, just you this weekend?” Eric asks again.

  My hands involuntarily begin to play with the ends of my hair. “Yes, we established that.”

  “It’s rather interesting, don’t you think?”

  “How so?”

  “De Ja Vu. It’s the Lex, Charlie, and Julian love triangle all over again.”

  In front of us, Andy dunks Jessa in the pool which causes her to scream. I turn my attention back onto Eric.

  “How do you even know about that?”

  “Um, hello! I was there from the beginning. When your mother lied through her teeth that nothing was going on, but her office reeked of sex.”


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