Sisters Like Us

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Sisters Like Us Page 25

by Susan Mallery

  “Did you just...”

  “Yes.” His green eyes were bright with amusement.

  “On purpose? You didn’t slip?”

  “I didn’t slip.”

  “I’m surprised and wary.”

  He tilted his head back and laughed. The sound made her happy, so she smiled at him, then rested her head on his shoulder as they swayed together for the rest of the dance.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  KIT LASTED UNTIL nearly two in the morning. Finally, he stood and stretched, then glanced at Becca and Ashton, who were stretched out together on the sectional.

  “I’m exhausted,” he admitted, then hesitated, as if actually seeing them. His expression sharpened. “And you two are going to stay up all night.”

  Becca could see him working out the situation and had a bad feeling that he knew exactly what she was hoping would happen. Okay, not hoping exactly. Or wishing. The thought of taking things that far terrified her, but she also knew that if she did it, then she and Jordan could be friends again and she would fit in.

  Even as she thought all that, she heard a voice in her head laughing, asking “Really?” in a super sarcastic tone.

  Ashton scrambled to his feet and faced his uncle.

  “Nothing’s going to happen,” he told Kit. “You have my word.”

  Becca felt herself blushing. She couldn’t believe what he’d said. Nothing was going to happen? What was up with that? Why did everything she read or saw in the movies talk about how guys were only after one thing? What was wrong with her? Why didn’t he want to do that with her? Was she too ugly? Did he know she was a virgin and think she was stupid or figure it would be so bad as to not be worth it?

  Her eyes burned with tears as Ashton offered his uncle his hand. The two men shook, then Kit called out, “Good night,” before heading for the bedroom he shared with Stacey.

  Ashton turned back to face her. “You’re probably wondering why I said that.”

  “I don’t have to wonder.” She stood and shoved her feet into her shoes. “I need to get home. It’s really late and I don’t want to stay over.” Not with someone who didn’t want her. Didn’t want to do that. He’d... He’d...

  The world went blurry and she realized she was crying, which only made things worse. Now he would know she was completely desperate and awful and she just wanted to die and—

  Ashton pulled her close and held her tight. “You’re a lot of things, Becca, but easy isn’t one of them.”

  “Let me go.”

  “Not until we talk. Please look at me.”

  She sniffed and raised her head. He groaned before wiping away her tears, then kissing her.

  “I don’t want you to leave and I figured Kit was about five seconds from taking you home.” He gave her a lopsided smile. “He’s a very responsible adult.”

  “So you were lying?” Did she sound too hopeful?

  “Sorry, no. I wouldn’t do that. The thing is...” He brushed her hair back and kissed her. “The thing is, we’re not ready. We’re still getting to know each other. I like that we’re taking it slow. Don’t you?”

  “Yes, but guys are supposed to want that, no matter what. Why don’t you want me?”

  His hazel-gray eyes darkened with emotion. “Is that what you think?”

  She nodded without speaking. It was all too humiliating.

  “Becca, I know what it’s like to make a mistake. I know what it’s like to have regrets. I don’t want that for you. I like you a lot. I want us to keep seeing each other. You’re the best girlfriend I’ve ever had. This is amazing, so I don’t want to screw it up. Please believe me.”

  Girlfriend? He said she was his girlfriend?

  All the tension left her body and she sagged against him. “So we’re like a couple?”

  “Is that what you got from what I said?”

  “It’s the most important part.”

  He chuckled. “Okay, we’re a couple, if you want us to be.”

  “I do want that.”

  “Me, too.” He kissed her. “I want you. You have no idea, and yes, that is all guys think about. But you’re worth more than that. When we do make love, I want it to be special and amazing and because we’re both ready. Agreed?”


  He released her and dropped to the sofa, then pulled her down next to him. She snuggled close and breathed in the scent of him. Her anxiety was gone, as was her fear. No matter what, Ashton would take care of her. Always.

  * * *

  Harper let herself enjoy the wine-and-champagne-induced buzz. Tomorrow she would be responsible and run around like a crazy person, but for tonight it was so nice to relax in her car and let someone else take charge.

  She and Lucas had stayed through the cake cutting. They’d danced several more times, although he hadn’t kissed her again, which was fine with her. One brief almost-kiss was plenty. Later she would fantasize that he’d wanted her desperately but was too overwhelmed to act, or whatever, but for this night, the conversation, the laughter and the dancing had been wonderful.

  He pulled into her driveway and turned off the engine. “Here you are. Safe and sound.”

  “Thanks for driving,” she said as she got out of her SUV. “I really enjoyed that second glass of wine.”

  “And the third?”

  She grinned. “That was good, too.”

  He walked her to her front door. Lucas used her keys to let them in. She walked into the silent, dark house. Becca was at Stacey’s, her mother was gone, so there was only going to be her in the house tonight.

  “Only one plate at the table,” she murmured, petting Jazz and Thor as they came to greet them. That was what it would be when Becca left for college. Just her rattling around in this big house.

  “What are you talking about?” Lucas asked as he flipped on the hall lights. Thor walked over to him and gave his hand a quick lick before he and Jazz retreated back to the living room.

  “Things always change.” Harper waved at him. “Ignore me. I’m fine. Really.” She took the keys and tossed them on the entryway table, then dropped her small clutch next to them.

  She was going to get into her pj’s, wash her face and sleep very, very late tomorrow, she told herself. She turned back to Lucas.

  “Thank you again for keeping me company tonight. I had a good time.”

  He studied her intently. She wasn’t sure what he was thinking—probably that she looked old in the harsh overhead light. Or maybe he was wishing football season would start. With guys, you just never knew.

  What she didn’t expect was for him to take a step toward her, hold her upper arms in his large hands and kiss her. Really kiss her. With lips and tongue and an intensity that made her toes curl in her incredibly painful sandals.

  She was so shocked she almost didn’t notice the heat that kiss generated. Then tingles exploded along with longing and need and swelling and—

  She drew back and stared at him. “What on earth are you doing?”

  “I would have thought that was obvious.”

  “Yes, you were kissing me, but why?”

  “You have to ask?”

  “Apparently.” She did a fast rewind of their evening. “Is this about my marriage ending and everything I told you? Is this a mercy kiss, because honestly, I just can’t take that.”

  He glared at her. “Next time you ask me why I date women in their early twenties, remember this moment. It perfectly illustrates why.”

  He was so close and so good-looking, she thought hazily. The lingering effects of his kiss were making it hard to concentrate on anything but the way her breasts ached. She hadn’t had sex in so long, she was pretty sure she was practically a virgin—wouldn’t it be nice to have a penis again? Even if it was just for the night?

  “I really have to start dat
ing,” she muttered. She looked at Lucas. “Men like younger women, right? I mean look at you. So what? A guy in his sixties.” She shuddered. “I should probably go visit my mother more. Imagine how sexy I’ll look to the men around there. It’s just so depressing to think about, though.”

  She started to step out of her shoes. Before she could finish the job, Lucas put his hand on her arm.

  “No,” he said firmly. “You’re not having sex with a man in his sixties—you’re having sex with me.” He shrugged. “If you want to.”

  She nearly fell over. “You can’t be serious. No. There is no way. My God, I’ve had a child. Do you know what that does to a woman’s body? Plus, those girls you date are perfect and I’m not. No, thanks. I don’t need that kind of judgment in my—”

  He drew her close and kissed her again. Against her will, okay not really, she melted into him. Her body just kind of found his and leaned in. His arms came around her, his tongue invaded her mouth and she let herself feel. That was it—just feelings, of his lips and his hands. After a couple of seconds, she realized there was more. Much more.

  She jumped back and dropped her gaze. “Holy crap, you have an erection.”

  His expression was pained. “You really haven’t been dating since the divorce, have you?”

  “OMG, you want to have sex with me.”

  Yes, there were complications, yes, this could be a huge mistake, but honestly, who cared? She grabbed his hand and started for her bedroom, only to come to a stop and spin toward him.

  “I don’t have condoms.”

  “I do.”

  “I haven’t washed the sheets in three days.”

  “Shocking but I’ll recover.”

  She bit her lower lip. “I’m not sure I remember how.”

  One corner of his mouth turned up. “I’m happy to reacquaint you with everything you need to know.”

  * * *

  They had sex. Twice!

  Harper lay awake at five in the morning, reliving what had happened and trying not to sigh like a schoolgirl.

  They’d gone into her bedroom and they’d done it. Twice! Lucas had been a skillful, slow-handed lover, who had made her body sing with pleasure, then he’d filled her until she’d had no choice but to come again.

  They’d gotten up for snacks and in her kitchen, he’d told her to sit on her countertop and she had. Right there, her bare ass exactly where she rolled out her cookie dough, he’d gone down on her until she’d screamed loud enough to wake, well, anyone. Then they’d gone back to bed and he’d made love to her until she’d thought she would cry from the wonder of it.

  Now she lay in the dark, grinning like a fool. Happy, content and not the least bit concerned about what would happen in the morning. She knew. They would get up, make small talk, and then he would leave. Before he walked out, she would tell him while she’d enjoyed the action, she had no illusions about her place in his life. She appreciated their night and expected nothing more.

  She was going to be mature, sophisticated and unaffected. She would cherish the experience even as she returned to her regularly scheduled life with no Lucas-based illusions and she had to admit, she was damned proud of herself for her attitude.

  * * *

  Stacey watched her sister carefully write out place cards for a bridal shower. Once she’d finished with the names, she applied a spray of tiny oblong glass beads to look like a flower, then dusted the whole thing with glitter.

  Stacey understood the concept of the shower even if she’d never attended one in her life. She’d been living out of state when Harper had had hers. The friends, the party, all made sense, but the place cards.

  “You’re judging,” her sister said as she smiled without looking up from her work. “I don’t get it, either, but hey, they pay me and that’s what counts.”

  Stacey sat across from her at the kitchen table. “Can I do anything to help?”

  Harper passed her a blank card. “See if you can put the flower on that. If you can, then sure. Use tweezers,” she added. “Otherwise the glue gets on your fingers, then gets on the card and I’ll have to start over. That eats into my slim profit margin.”

  Stacey pulled the tray of glass beads close and studied the sample card before picking up a bead with the tweezers and putting a dot of glue on the back. She carefully put it in place before reaching for a second bead.

  Although she was happy to help her sister, she would rather be home. But that wasn’t an option today. Kit and Ashton were painting the baby’s room. Even though the paint was supposed to be low fume and very safe, Kit had insisted she leave, so she’d driven Becca home and had asked Harper if she could stay for a few hours. Stacey supposed she could have gone into the lab, but it was a Sunday morning and going into work would seem sad. One of the things she liked about her marriage was spending time with Kit. She liked how they were as a couple and worried the baby would change that more than she wanted.

  Harper glanced over her shoulder, then looked at her sister. “Tell Kit thanks for talking to Ashton about the sex thing,” she said quietly. “I got a text from Becca about three-thirty saying she knew I would worry, but that Ashton was bunking on the sofa and she was in his room, by herself.” Harper smiled. “Apparently Kit was fairly stern and Ashton gave his word that nothing would happen.”

  “Oh,” Stacey said, trying not to sound surprised. Kit hadn’t mentioned that to her at all. “You know he’s good with kids.”

  “He is. All that training will be very helpful when he’s a stay-at-home dad. Kit’s a great guy.” Her smile returned, along with some color in her cheeks. “It was difficult having her, ah, gone last night, but probably good practice. College isn’t that far away.”

  Because Harper would miss her daughter. Stacey got the concept and wondered if she would ever bond with Joule enough to miss her when she was gone.

  “Does Becca have any idea—”

  There was a single knock at the back door. Harper jumped and turned, her expression almost guilty, which didn’t make any sense. Then the door opened and Bunny stepped into the kitchen.

  “Good morning,” her mother said, sounding more determined than cheerful.

  Harper blinked a couple of times, as if confused by the visit. Or had she been expecting someone else? Stacey didn’t always read the social cues correctly.

  “Mom?” Harper rose and hugged her. “What are you doing here? Did I know you were coming by?”

  “Can’t a mother visit her daughters when she wants to?” She turned to Stacey. “Aren’t you going to say something?”

  “Hi, Mom.” She got up and hugged her, then straightened.

  Bunny carried a large tote to the counter and began unloading containers of food and baked goods.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked Stacey, eyeing her belly. “I see you’re showing. Not that you wouldn’t be, as far along as you are. I assume you’re seeing your doctor regularly. And eating right. There’s a baby to think of.”

  Harper lightly touched Stacey’s arm. “Mom, stop. Stacey knows what she’s doing. She’s eating what she should, doing prenatal yoga and following all the rules. You don’t have to worry.”

  “We’re talking about my second granddaughter. It’s my right to worry.”

  Stacey looked from her mother to the food and back. As her sister seemed surprised to see Bunny, as well, this wasn’t a planned visit. Which meant there was a reason.

  “How did you know I was here?” she asked, then shook her head as she figured out what had happened. “Never mind. Kit called you.”

  “He did,” her mother confirmed. “He said it was time for us to be a family again. He said a few things, and well, I realized he was right.”

  Harper leaned close and murmured, “You know, because a man said it, it must be true.”

  “Harper Wray,” her mother snapped.
br />   “Sorry, Mom.”

  “You don’t sound sorry.”

  Harper grinned. “I can’t help that. I’m just so happy to see you.”

  Bunny studied her for a second, as if assessing the truth of that statement. “You girls have always been a handful. Mark my words, Stacey. You’re going to find out what that means sooner rather than later.”

  Harper moved to the island and started sorting through the food. “You brought enough for an army.”

  “I thought we could have lunch together. Becca’s home, isn’t she?”

  “She is, and I know she’ll be happy to see you.”

  “Uh-huh.” Bunny put her hands on her hips. “What is going on with you, Harper? You’re smiling.”

  “I’m a happy person.”

  “No, something happened.” Bunny’s eyes narrowed. “You’re keeping secrets.”

  “What about you, Mom? What secrets are you keeping?”

  Stacey was stunned when Bunny flushed and turned away. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Hooking up with the cute guys at the retirement home?”

  “I am your mother, young lady. You’ll do well to remember that.”

  Harper’s grin was unabashedly cheeky. “Oh, Mom, good for you.”

  Stacey couldn’t tell if they were kidding or not. Was their mother dating? Or was Harper just teasing? She returned to the table and continued gluing glass beads onto place cards.

  Bunny began emptying food containers into bowls and pots. She nodded at Stacey. “Wash your hands and set the table. Harper, where are your Memorial Day decorations? It’s next week.”

  “I didn’t put any out.”

  Bunny’s eyes widened. “You can’t be serious. Memorial Day is an important event to celebrate. What could be more important than that?”

  “Working for a living.” Harper sighed. “Mom, I love you, but no. I am focused on my work. Becca is fed and clothed and loved. As for the rest of it, I just don’t have time.”

  Bunny muttered something under her breath, then turned to Stacey. “Despite the fact that you hurt my feelings and I’m not over it, I’m prepared to be the bigger person.” She paused as if waiting for applause.


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