Shattered Legacy : A Dark Bully Romance (Gravestone Elite Book 1)

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Shattered Legacy : A Dark Bully Romance (Gravestone Elite Book 1) Page 3

by Caitlyn Dare

  If only Mom could see me now.

  The thought makes me smile.

  Bexley notices, frowning. “What?”

  “Just thinking… my mom would really hate the idea of me being out here alone.”

  “I’ve got to admit, you’re making me a little nervous, so close to the water’s edge.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re swaying,” he points out.

  I want to argue, but he’s right. My body sways gently side to side as my feet swirl in the tepid water.

  The noise from the party cuts through the silence again, and this time, a group of figures emerge along the water’s edge.

  “Crap,” I murmur, not wanting to be discovered.

  “It’s okay,” Bexley says, twisting slightly to shield me. “I don’t think they can see us.”

  He’s right. We’re sheltered by some cypress trees, but it doesn’t stop my heart lurching into my throat.

  “Is that Kingsley?”

  I don’t miss the disapproval in Bexley’s voice, and for some strange reason, it warms my insides knowing he isn’t one of Cade’s adoring fans.

  “P-please, man, it was a joke, I was joking.” A guy I don’t recognize holds up his hands as Cade and his crew advance on him.

  “Tsk, tsk, Males, you really should know better than to lie.”

  “I’m not, I didn’t—"

  Cade shoves the guy hard and he stumbles, losing his footing. Landing with a thud, he stares up at Cade. “Please, man. I’ll apologize, I’ll—"

  “You should have thought about that before you bitched out me and my guys at my own fucking party.” Cade leans down and fists the guy’s Henley. “Kiss my shoes.”

  “What an asshole,” Bexley breathes. My hand shoots out and clamps over his mouth. Cade can’t know I’m down here. If he does… I don’t want to think about what might happen.

  “Shh,” I whisper, meeting Bexley’s confused stare.

  “W-what, man? Come on, Cade, don’t be—"

  “Kiss my fucking shoes.” Cade shoves the guy back and he slips, steadying himself in the muddy sand.

  “He said kiss them, asshole,” Ashton Moore barks.

  “Come on, guys. I’m not gonna kiss his shoes.”

  “Fine. Guys,” Cade says, and his crew swarm like bees over the defenseless guy.

  “Shit, maybe we should do something,” Bexley mumbles against my palm, his stubble tickling my skin.

  “No, we can’t,” I say, hating that it has to be this way. But it’s either the guy or me. And I’m not ready to be the object of Cade Kingsley’s perversities just yet.

  “Help, somebody help!” The guy’s cries of desperation evaporate on the balmy air as they strip his clothes from his body, leaving him completely naked.

  “This is bull—" Bexley tries to move away from me just as Cade kicks the guy into the water.

  “Oh God,” I whimper as their dark laughter drifts over to us.

  “Swim, fishy, swim,” Ashton calls.

  “I think we’ll take these.” Cade bundles the clothes into his arms. “Just for safekeeping. Next time you run your mouth off about me, you won’t come out of things so… intact.”

  A shiver runs down my spine at the threat in his words. Bexley lets out a muted grunt of disapproval beside me, but I still have my hand plastered against his mouth. As Cade and his crew slip back into the shadows, I finally pry my fingers away.

  “What the fuck was that?”

  “Cade’s a jerk,” I say.

  Understatement of the century.

  “I’m going to help him. Stay here.” Bexley ducks out of the shadows and moves along the water’s edge to offer a helping hand to the butt-naked guy as he clambers out of the water.

  “What the fuck?” he growls at Bexley.

  “Relax, man, I only came over here to try and help.”

  “Help? I don’t need your help. I don’t need anyone’s help.” He cups his junk and shoulders past Bexley, slipping into the tree line.

  “That went well,” I say as Bexley returns.

  “I was only trying to help.”

  “He’s embarrassed.”

  “If you ask me, the asshole deserved it.” I bristle, and Bexley’s eyes shutter. “I did not mean… fuck, that came out wrong. Obviously, I don’t think he deserved it.”

  “I know what you mean. But Cade and his guys are… a lot.”

  “Yeah, what’s with that?” He sits back down beside me.

  “You know how every school has one group of guys who run the place? The popular kids with all the social power?”

  A strange expression washes over Bexley as he nods, and I wonder what secrets he’s keeping. “Yeah, I know.”

  “Well, Cade and his crew are like that but on steroids. Gravestone U is their territory. Has been for the last three years, since Cade was a freshman.”

  “You seem to know a lot about them.”

  My shoulders lift in a small shrug. “Everyone does.”

  But Bexley isn’t from Gravestone. He doesn’t understand what it’s like.

  I envy him.

  “Are you going to head back to the party?” he asks me.

  “Not until I have to. But you should go, I’m sure you have friends waiting on you.”

  “Nah, Alex will deal.”

  “Alex Shaw, right?” I’ve seen the two of them together, at classes this week and before that, at high school.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “No reason.” I shrug again before uncapping the vodka and taking a large swallow. Everything is beginning to relax as the liquor seeps into my bloodstream, but I like the sensation. It’s better than the gnawing pit of hopelessness I’ve felt ever since the Eligere.

  That night, the night I stood beside the other prosapia and heard my name called, was a total mess.

  My father was almost as dumbfounded as me. Brook looked ready to claw my eyes out. Phillip Cargill was utterly confused and slightly irritated, and I was in denial.

  I still am.

  Brook petitioned her stepfather, of course. My father demanded answers. And Cade seemed completely indifferent as chaos unfolded around us.

  The only saving grace of that night is the fact that they couldn’t decide how to proceed, so I have been afforded some time before being thrust into the Electi’s world.

  That time came to an end three days ago when my father got the call from Phillip Cargill that the decision was being upheld.

  I am to one day become Cade’s wife.

  The vodka in my stomach sloshes from side to side as I let out a heavy sigh.

  “Here, I’d better drink some of that before you pass out.” Bexley snags the bottle from my fingers, a bolt of electricity shooting through me. We both stare at his hand, and slowly he pulls away, letting the back of his knuckles brush my arm. A shiver runs through me, but this time it isn’t one full of trepidation. It feels… nice.

  He uncaps the vodka and takes a long pull. I watch his throat bob as he swallows. Bexley might not be born and raised in Gravestone, but he fits right in, from his chiseled good looks and rich boy style. The Fendi polo shirt that molds to his thick biceps and broad shoulders. His eyes are a rich blue, and his dirty blond hair is styled in that casual way, as if he just rolled out of bed.

  Bexley Danforth is gorgeous, and he’s staring at me with hunger in his eyes.

  “What?” I croak, a little light-headed. Only, I don’t know if it’s from all the vodka or how his intense gaze pierces me.

  “I’m still trying to figure out what a girl like you is doing out here all alone.”

  “I… I like my own company.”

  “Yeah, I know that feeling,” he mutters, running a hand down his face. “But we’re freshmen now. Gotta make the most of college, right?”

  “I guess. Where’s home?” I ask.

  “I hail from a place called Sterling Bay, but it hasn’t been home in a while.”

  “Sterling Bay? I think I’ve heard my father ta
lk about it. Is it nice?”

  “It’s not like Gravestone, that’s for sure.”

  “Yeah, nowhere is.”

  Silence settles over us. Bexley seems lost to his own thoughts as he stares out at the lake. The party rages on behind us, but I have no desire to go back there. Brook will be all over Cade, begging him to fix things. Knowing him, he’ll probably take her to his room and fuck her, just because he can.

  God, I have so many regrets. Regrets about high school, about always being the wallflower. I’m pretty, sure, but I’m not one of those girls who turns heads wherever she goes. I didn’t spend senior year embracing life and chasing after what I wanted.

  And now look at me.

  I’m Cade’s Kingsley’s virginal wife-to-be. And I can’t tell a soul the truth.

  Not that I have anyone to tell.

  There’s Annabel, but she isn’t exactly a locked box. She enjoys gossip too much, so I’ve learned to keep my secrets from her, which kind of sucks considering she’s my best friend.

  “Sometimes I wish I could just leave this place,” I blurt out.

  “Where would you go?”

  “Anywhere far, far away from here.” Somewhere where I could meet a guy and fall in love. He’d treat me right and buy me flowers and chocolate and make love to me under the stars.

  God, I hate this.

  Tears prick the corners of my eyes, but I swallow them down. I never asked for this. I never asked to be a prosapia in that stupid ceremony.

  “Hey, you okay?” Bexley touches my arms again and I feel it, I feel the connection flowing between us.

  He’s nice.


  He won’t hurt me.

  My eyes lift to his and he smiles. God, he’s beautiful, and the way he looks at me with such concern, such softness, it’s as if I’m the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen.

  It ignites a fire in my belly.

  This… this is what it’s supposed to feel like. Desire pulses through me as I get lost in his blue eyes.

  “Make it all go away,” I whisper as I lean in, erasing the distance between us.

  One of his hands goes to my cheek, guiding my face to his until our lips are touching.

  Heat explodes inside me as he kisses me, tentative at first but then harder, slipping his tongue past my lips and curling it around my own.

  It feels amazing, like any first kiss should.

  “Fuck, you taste good,” he rasps against my lips before diving back in. Bexley lowers me to the ground and hovers over me, stroking his thumb along my jaw.

  “Is this okay?” he asks, and I nod.

  I want this.

  I want to give him this so Cade can never take it from me.

  Silent tears trickle down my cheeks, but I don’t stop kissing him, instead pulling him closer. My body is a tight ball of nerves as I consider what this means.

  Cade will expect me to be a virgin.

  Fuck him.

  Fuck Quinctus.

  Fuck them all.

  I refuse to just bow to their stupid, stupid rules and traditions.

  “I want you,” I whisper against Bexley’s mouth, rubbing my body against his, desperate to feel him.

  He eases back to stare at me. “We should slow down. You’ve been drinking, and I don’t want to take advantage.”

  “You’re not,” I almost cry. “I want this, Bexley. Please, I want you.”



  Mia’s words are exactly what I need to hear, and I claim her mouth once again as she claws at me through my shirt.

  Her addictive taste fills my mouth as I kiss her with everything I have. I haven’t been with anyone since moving here. I didn't realize quite how desperate I was until she leaned toward me with her lids lowered, her eyes locked on my lips.

  The length of her body presses tightly up against mine, and there's no mistaking what she does to me. My cock is trying to fight its way out of my pants to get to her.

  "Fuck, Mia," I groan into her mouth as her hand slips under the hem of my shirt, her delicate touch making my abs contract.

  It's been so long.

  Too fucking long.

  Ripping my lips from hers, I kiss down her neck, nibbling at her soft, warm skin. She damn near purrs beneath me, giving me all the encouragement I need.


  My name falling from her lips as nothing more than a whimper makes my cock weep for her, for the escape she can provide me with.

  Climbing over her, I part Mia’s knees and settle between her legs. My hands land on her soft skin and I skim my palms up her thighs, taking her skirt with me.

  Dragging my lips from her skin, I sit up and take her in. "You're so beautiful," I breathe, and even in the darkness, I see her cheeks flush.

  Her lips part to argue, I can see it in her eyes, but I press my finger to her lips. "That wasn't a line, Mia. It was the truth."

  "But I—"

  Dropping over her, I take her lips once again in a bruising kiss as I wrap her bare legs around my waist, ensuring my solid length rubs against her lace-covered pussy.

  Her hands disappear under my shirt again, my skin erupting in goose bumps as she runs her nails over me.

  "Bexley, I need… I need you."

  Pushing up, I place my hand in the dirt beside her head and stare down into her heated hazel eyes. They're sparkling with excitement, her cheeks still pink and her parted lips swollen from my kiss.

  “Bexley, please,” she begs, grinding herself against me.

  “Fuck,” I growl, finding her lips again, and my hand slips up her body until I squeeze her breast through the fabric of her dress and bra.

  A moan vibrates up her throat as she arches her back for me.

  Unable to resist, my hand descends once more, over her smooth stomach until I find the fabric of her skirt around her waist.

  Her entire body trembles when my fingers gently run over her pussy. Her panties are soaked, showing me just how desperate for this she is.

  Slipping the lace to one side, I push one finger inside her. She’s so wet, so fucking tight.

  “Oh God,” Mia whimpers, her back arching once more as I thrust deeper. “Bexley.” She throws her head back in pleasure as I rub at her walls, forcing me to stop kissing her.

  I sit up and run my eyes down her body, focusing on where I’m touching her—not that I can see anything behind the fabric of her skirt, but I know, and it drives me fucking crazy.

  Her moan of pleasure forces me to look back up at her once again, and when I do, I find her wild eyes staring up at me and realization slams into me.

  I can’t do this.

  I glance up briefly when some noise from the party in the distance filters down to me, and it's like someone's thrown a bucket of ice water over me.

  "I-I'm sorry."

  "W-what?" Her voice is no more than a whisper where she's so lost to her desire.

  “Y-you’re drunk. I can’t do this.”

  “I’m not that drunk. Bexley, please,” she begs, but it’s too late.

  I pull my finger from her body and jump up. My chest heaves, my cock straining behind my jeans as I stare at her, the desire covering her face vanishing, quickly replaced by a myriad of emotions that make my chest ache. I didn’t mean to hurt her.

  “I’m sorry,” I choke out.

  “Fuck you, Bexley.” She scrambles to smooth her skirt back down. “Fuck you.”

  Before I even have time to think up a response, Mia jumps up and takes off running into the trees, vanishing into the darkness.

  “FUCK,” I roar, pulling my leg back and kicking the rock beside me.

  Pain ricochets up my leg, my toe burning from the connection. But it’s the least I deserve for taking advantage of her like that.

  She wanted it, a little voice says in my head, but I slam it down.

  It would have been so easy to lose myself in her. To take what she was offering to me and forget how much she drank.

  The old
me would have. Hell, I'd have already been inside her if I was the same person who was exiled from Sterling Bay. I'd probably be riding her bare, with little regard for anything else but my own pleasure.

  But that's not who I am anymore.

  I said goodbye to that guy the moment I stepped out of line with Remi. The first crack of her boyfriend—Ace Jagger’s—knuckles, and I knew everything was about to come crashing down around my feet. I knew before he ruined my future by shattering the one good thing I had in my life: my throwing arm. I was spiraling out of control thanks to my position in the school, my need for power and respect, and my crumbling home life.

  It was all just too much, and I lost the person I used to be. The person Remi used to want to spend time with. The person the other kids at school used to look up to.

  My need for more vodka means I don't hang around any longer than necessary. Instead, I march straight back to the party and snatch the first bottle I find.

  I've got the cap in my hand and the neck halfway to my lips when I hear Alex's familiar voice behind me. "Here you are,” he says. “Where did you—oh," he chuckles.

  "What's so funny?" I snap, not in any kind of mood to be laughed at.

  It was fucking easier when I'd ruined my conscience with drugs.

  "I was going to ask where you went, but the girl that's all over your face kinda gave me my answer."

  "What?" I ask, rubbing at my lips only to find dark lipstick on my thumb. Great. "Oh."

  "So, who was she?" he asks with a knowing glint in his eye. He's almost as aware as I am of my lack of action since turning up at Gravestone High last winter.

  "I… um… I don't know," I lie. "Just some girl I stumbled across down by the lake."

  "Nice.” He grins. “Any good?"

  "I don't kiss and tell."

  "Well, you should. It looks like you had fun."

  "Whatever," I mutter, finally taking a pull from the bottle in my hand.

  The vodka burns, but it's not enough. It's nowhere near enough, and for the millionth time since I arrived in Gravestone, I crave more. Crave anything that will numb the pain of my past and make me forget.

  "I need to get out of here."

  "But we just got here. Have a drink and chill out, man."


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