Shattered Legacy : A Dark Bully Romance (Gravestone Elite Book 1)

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Shattered Legacy : A Dark Bully Romance (Gravestone Elite Book 1) Page 16

by Caitlyn Dare

  "I didn't… I didn't want that," she cries.

  "Then maybe you should have looked like you were enjoying it less." I step closer, the length of my body pressing hers into the wall.

  "Admit it. You liked it," I taunt, my heavy breaths racing over her face. "You were so fucking wet for him."

  "No. Stop," she demands, her tiny hands lifting and slamming down on my chest in an attempt to make me back up, but she's no match for my strength.

  "Did he make you feel better than I did? Did you come harder for him?"

  "Fuck you, Bexley." I catch her wrist before her palm connects with my cheek.

  Collecting up the other one, I pin them above her head and hold them in one of my hands.

  I trail my knuckles down the exposed skin of her inner arm and she shudders.

  "Tell me. Was he better?" My eyes burn into her, daring her to tell me the truth no matter how much it hurts both of us.

  "You really want to know?"

  No. "I'm fucking asking, aren't I?"

  Her lips press into a thin line, and I prepare for the barbed words that are about to fall from her lips that I already know are going to rip me in two.

  But a beat before her lips part to respond, her entire body relaxes slightly. No one else would probably notice, but I do. I notice every-fucking-thing about her.

  "I imagined it was you." My heart damn near stops at her confession.


  "In my head, it was you touching me. When I fell, it was for you."

  My lips are on hers before I've even registered that I've moved. My tongue plunges into her mouth, twisting with hers as I hike her leg up around my waist.

  I kiss her, grinding my cock against her core until I swear I'm going to combust with my need for her.

  "I need you. I need you so fucking bad," I pant into her mouth.

  "This doesn't change anything, Bex. This… it—"

  "Like fuck it doesn't."

  "I'm still his. I can't be yours."

  I hear her words, but I refuse to actually listen to them. I can't. It's too fucking painful.

  "Right now you can be."

  I lift her from the floor and her legs automatically wrap around my waist as I carry her to the bed.

  Lowering her back to her feet, I wrap my hands around the bottom of her tank and pull the fabric up her body, revealing her bare breasts beneath.

  "Fuck, you're beautiful." Stooping down, I suck one of her nipples into my mouth, tracing the marks that still linger on her chest from the last time I was here.

  "Bexley," she cries out, and my chest swells. Not once did she cry his name last night.

  "Again. Say it again," I demand as I switch to the other side.

  "Bexley." Her fingers thread into my hair and she scratches at my scalp.

  It feels so fucking good.

  Wrapping my hands around the back of her thighs, I flip her back onto the bed and quickly rid her of her leggings and panties until she's laid out beneath me in nothing but her Electi crest.

  I want to demand she takes it off—or better, rip it from her like I did last time—but part of me needs the reminder that this isn't how our future looks.

  She's his, no matter what I take from her.

  Reaching out, I take it between my fingers and her eyes widen in horror.

  "N-no. Not again," she begs.

  My nostrils flare with anger that she wants that piece of him.

  Releasing the pendant, my fingers wrap around her throat. "I'm taking what's his, Mia. I don't give a shit about the consequences.”

  She swallows nervously, but after two seconds she nods. "I… I don't want to give it to him."

  My heart swells to the point I fear it might just explode in my chest. "You shouldn't be giving it to me. I'm not a good person either."

  "I know, but you're a saint compared to him."

  Silence falls over her room as we stare at each other. The magnitude of this moment weighs down on both of us, but like fuck is it going to stop me.

  Releasing her, I reach behind my head. I pull my shirt off in one move and drop it over the side of the bed before I lower my hands to my waistband and quickly shed my jeans and boxers.

  Her eyes zero in on my hard cock, and she props herself up on her elbows so she can get a proper look at me.

  The bruises from last weekend are still there, but they're beginning to fade now.

  She watches, fascinated as I wrap my hand around my length and begin to stroke it slowly.

  "Bex?" she breathes.

  With my eyes locked on hers, I crawl on my knees between her legs and rub the tip of my cock against her pussy. She's so slick already, and the temptation to thrust straight into her is almost too much to deny.

  Falling over her, I plant one hand on the mattress beside her head and lower my lips to hers.

  "Let's get one thing clear," I growl. "I don't give a fuck about what's hanging around your neck. You don't belong to anyone other than me. You got that?"

  She swallows nervously but nods.

  "He can torture me, hurt me, drug me. Whatever he fucking wants. But I'm not giving you up, little mouse. You. Are. Mine."

  I thrust forward on my final word, and she cries out in agony.

  Slamming my lips down on hers, I swallow down her pain, wishing I could take it away and make it my own.

  I kiss her like I'll die without it as I force my body to remain still.

  Long minutes pass by as we devour each other before she pulls back and looks at me in horror.


  "I'm clean. I haven’t been with anyone in…" A really fucking long time. "Are you on—"

  She nods. "Yeah."

  I roll my hips, and her eyes shutter and her teeth grind. "It'll fade, I promise."

  She reaches up and wraps her hand around the back of my neck, forcing me to close the space between us. "I don't care if it doesn't. Fuck me, Bexley. Make me remember it. Make me remember you."

  "Jesus, fuck."

  I claim her lips once again and give her what she's asked for.

  Fuck Kingsley.

  Fuck the Electi and Quinctus and all their stupid rules and traditions. Nothing is more important than this right now.

  "Oh God," she cries when I slip my hand between us and pinch her clit, making her pussy contract around me.

  "Fuck, you're so fucking tight, little mouse."

  "Bexley," she whispers as I do it again, thrusting deep inside her and circling my hips.

  Her body is covered in a sheen of sweat, her breasts marred in fresh bite marks, and her hair is a matted mess around her shoulders.

  I sit up and drag her with me until we're chest to chest and her legs are wrapped around my waist. Sinking deeper into her, my eyes roll back in my head in pleasure.

  In this moment, she's the only thing that exists. Exactly how it should be.

  "You're mine, Mia. Nothing he does will change that."

  "But he's—"

  "No," I snap. "Just… no. This is us. Me and you." I thrust my hips and she cries out, slamming her lips down on mine as I bring us both to the edge.

  "Come for me, little mouse. Show me you’re mine." I pinch her clit and circle my hips, and she explodes around me.

  "Oh my God, Bexley."

  She squeezes me so fucking tight that I have no choice but to follow her over the edge, my cock jerking and spurting jets of hot cum inside her.


  Fucking mine.

  Still inside her, we fall to the bed in a tangle of limbs, our bodies spent and our chests heaving.

  Contentment fills me as I hold her tighter, but after two minutes of blissful silence with her, she opens her mouth and ruins everything.

  "What the fuck did we just do?"



  Bexley flinches at my words, and I immediately regret them. But this isn’t a stolen kiss and a few concealable love bites.

  This is so much more.

came out wrong,” I add quickly, turning into his warm body. I want to lean in and run my nose across his chest, but he’s still rigid, anger rolling off him in thick waves.

  “Bexley,” I say, testing the waters and laying my hand on his stomach. He doesn’t reply, and I peer up at him through my lashes. “Look at me, please.”

  Finally, he gives me his eyes and I see the hurt there. “You think this was a mistake?”

  “No, I would never… I’m just confused. Being with you was…” It was everything. I swallow the words.

  “Yeah.” He concedes. “Things just got a whole lot more complicated.”

  Bexley turns onto his side too, so we’re nose to nose. I really need to go clean up, but I don’t want this moment to be over. Not yet. He leans in, tracing the shape of my lips with his finger, chasing the trail with his mouth. We sink into the kiss, slow and tender. His tongue slips past my lips and curls around my own, stirring my body to life once more.

  “Okay,” I breathe, pressing my hands firmly to his chest. “Stop. I can’t think straight when you do that.” It comes out teasingly.

  “I could spend all night kissing you and it still wouldn’t be enough.”

  His words wrap around me like a warm blanket, and I know I’m getting too comfortable. This is a dream, a fantasy. It can never be more. But for tonight, I’m willing to pretend with him. Pretend that I’m just a girl falling for a boy.

  “You are so fucking beautiful, little mouse.” He pushes the hair from my face and leans in to kiss me again. When he pulls back, he’s full-on gazing at me.

  “What?” I ask, my cheeks pinking under his intense regard.

  “You were a virgin.”

  I nod.

  “Explain that to me.”

  My brows furrow. “I’ve never found anyone worth giving myself to.”

  “So it isn’t some prosapia bullshit?”

  “Historically, Electi expected their prosapia to be untouched, yes. But I didn’t hold onto my virginity for the likes of Cade and his friends, if that’s what you mean,” I snap.

  “Mia,” Bexley plucks my chin between his fingers, forcing me to look at him, “that isn’t what I meant. Part of me knows this is real. It knows that you fucking belong to Cade, knows that he rules Gravestone U and what he says is law. But part of me is having a real fucking hard time accepting it.”

  “I hate this too,” I admit, pain lancing my chest as my eyes flutter closed.

  “Mia, look at me,” Bexley demands, but I can’t do it. I can’t look at him. “Give me your eyes, mouse.” His arm slides down my waist and around my thigh, squeezing my ass.

  My eyes fly open and he smirks. “There she is.”

  Silence settles between us, and Bexley closes his eyes.

  I whisper, “I wish this didn’t have to end.”

  I wake cocooned in Bexley’s arms. His body curls around mine so close there isn’t a part of me not brushed up against a part of him.

  “Hmm.” A sigh of contentment slips past my lips.

  After our conversation last night, Bexley had dragged me into the shower and acquainted himself with every inch of my body.

  I blush just thinking about all the ways he’d made me squirm and scream.

  It was risky, letting him spend the night, but I didn’t tell him to go, and he hadn’t asked if he should. We’d just fallen into bed together in a tangle of limbs and frantic kisses… and he’d dirtied me up all over again.

  “Keep doing that and you might not like how it ends.” Bexley kisses the nape of my neck, grinding his hardness right against my butt. “What time is it?”

  “Early still.”

  “Guess we fell asleep, huh?”

  “Like you ever planned to leave.” A faint smile traced my lips.

  “True.” His gravelly laughter makes my tummy clench in the most delicious way as he pulls me even closer.

  “What happened to you, Bexley?” I whisper. I know he’s the Easton heir… but I don’t know the whole story. In fact, I don’t know much about him at all.

  “When my mom found out she was pregnant, she fled Gravestone. She must have known life wouldn’t be easy for her, hiding an Easton heir here.”

  “She wasn’t your father’s prosapia?”


  “Wow, I had no idea.” For as long as I can remember, there has been no Easton heir. I heard my father say once that their line would eventually die out.

  “My uncle told me that until my father died, Easton had always been the dominant line, but when my dad died, Gregory Kingsley assumed leadership over Q.”

  No wonder Cade is pissed that Bexley exists.

  “It just all sounds so fucking unbelievable. I’m just a guy, Mia. I had friends, a life… football…”

  I turn in his arms and gaze up at him. “What happened?”

  “My parents started arguing, always at each other’s throats. They tried to keep it quiet, but I heard them. I even asked my mom about it once, but she told me not to worry. It was the summer before senior year and things got really bad. My dad came home drunk, got aggressive. Not with my mom or me or anything, but he was just so angry, you know?”

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, leaning in to kiss his jaw.

  Bexley tucks my body against his and continues. “I started drinking, partying hard on the weekends. Some guys I knew liked to dabble with pills and coke. I guess escaping reality became easier than trying to figure out what the fuck was going on with my parents. Mom was always crying behind her glasses, Dad was never home, and I had the pressure of the team on my shoulders.”

  “You played football?” I ask, because I remember hearing a few whispers back in high school.

  “Yeah, I was one of the best quarterbacks in the state.” Bexley stiffens.

  “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

  “I want to, it’s just hard… I had this friend, Remi. She was my best friend growing up. I guess I always thought we’d end up together.

  “But her mom and dad split up, and Remi withdrew. The kids at school were cruel, especially the girls. Sterling Bay is a lot like Gravestone. Everyone cares more about what car you drive or how big your trust fund is than the kind of person you are. We grew apart, and then she met someone else. Ace Jagger.” He hisses the words as if they pain him. My brows furrow. There’s something familiar about that name.


  “He wasn’t like the rest of us. He and his brothers came from the rough side of town. But he caught Remi’s eye, and I just didn’t get it. She’d never once returned my interests and yet she was falling over herself for a jumped-up asshole like Jagger. It was the final straw. I started losing control until I… I messed up. Really fucking messed up.”

  “We all make mistakes, Bexley,” I offer when I see the regret shining in his eyes.

  “Yeah, well that mistake cost me my entire future.” He rubs at the scar along his shoulder.

  “I remember, you came to Gravestone High still wearing a bandage.”

  He nods. “It was the worst few weeks of my life. My parents practically disowned me, shipping me off to live with an uncle I’d never met in some strange-as-fuck town…” he inhales a sharp breath. “If only I knew then what I know now.”

  “Would you have run?”

  “You can’t ask me that.” His eyes shutter.

  “Why not?”

  “Because… fuck, Mia. I hate this. I hate Cade and all the Quinctus, Electi bullshit. But I met you…” He cups my face and lets his thumb brush my lips. “And I’m not sure I can ever be sorry for that.”


  He kisses me, slow and sure, his tongue tangling with mine. Liquid lust floods my veins as I rub the length of my body against his.

  “Mia, we should stop. I need to go before campus becomes too busy.”

  “We have time,” I purr, hitching my leg around his waist, feeling the hard outline of his erection.

  “Jesus, little mouse,” he drops hi
s lips to my collarbone, “maybe I underestimated you.”

  “I want you.” I stare into his eyes, hoping that he can see how much I need him. “I want to pretend for a little longer.”

  He inhales a ragged breath, his hooded gaze dropping to my lips. And then he’s on me, hard, brushing kisses that turn my knees weak and send shivers down my spine.

  Bexley rolls me on top of him with a smirk. “You want to play, mouse? Let’s play.”

  God, his words do things to me. Dark, dirty things. I whimper as his hands slide under my t-shirt and finds my breasts. He plucks my nipples, squeezing and kneading my skin in a way that has me writhing above him.

  “Fuck yeah,” he groans, lifting his hips to make his cock bump my clit.

  “I need you inside me,” I moan, lost to the sensations he’s stirring within me.

  Taking my hand, he grasps his length between our bodies and says, “Up you go.”

  I rise on my knees slightly and let him hook my panties to the side so he can slide himself through my wet folds.

  “Fuuuuck,” he hisses as I slowly sink down on it. It stings at first, but pain quickly gives way to pleasure and he feels so good I think I might die.

  “You feel incredible.” He cups the back of my neck and pulls me down to kiss him. Our teeth smash together as our tongues fight for dominance as he begins thrusting inside me. I rock back and forth, finding a steady pace. But it isn’t enough. I need more… I want Bexley to imprint himself on my soul.

  “Fuck, Mia, I need you to move.” He grabs my hips and begins moving me in the way he likes. He looks so good, sprawled out beneath me, all tan skin and muscle.

  He pushes my t-shirt up my body to lick and suck my breasts, painting my skin with his teeth and tongue.

  “You’re mine, Mia.” He fists my hair at the nape of my neck and pulls my face to his. “Whatever happens from here on out, you’re mine.”

  I want to believe him, I do. But I can’t see a way for that to become reality. Not with Cade at every turn.

  All worries melt away as pleasure rises inside me as Bexley fucks me fast and hard. His fingers grip me a little too tight and he kisses me a little too rough, but I know it’s because he feels it too. Time is running out for us. All we have is this moment…


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