Shattered Legacy : A Dark Bully Romance (Gravestone Elite Book 1)

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Shattered Legacy : A Dark Bully Romance (Gravestone Elite Book 1) Page 24

by Caitlyn Dare



  Nervous energy zips around my stomach as I watch the Electi and their fathers enter the room. Bexley immediately catches my eye, his widening with surprise.

  I know what he’s thinking. It’s probably the same thing I’m thinking.

  Why am I seated at their table?

  The men.

  When I’d arrived with Sasha earlier, I followed her to what was clearly the female’s table, only to be steered away by a server and directed to the other table.

  I knew immediately this was all part of Cade’s game… but to what end, I still don’t know.

  Sasha and Channing have been warning me to be on my guard tonight, but it’s not easy when I’m about to be thrown into the lion’s den with Cade, the Electi, and Quinctus.

  They all take their seats. Bexley and Alex at the end of the table, with the Electi in the middle and their fathers at the head of the table. Channing looks awkward as he glances between his uncle and Alex. Cade waits for everyone else to be seated before sitting down.

  “You look stunning,” he drawls, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

  There’s no denying the black bodycon layered in sequins is beautiful, but it does little to soothe the knot in my stomach. I don’t want to be here.

  Phillip Cargill stands and clinks his glass, ushering the room into silence. “Friends, family, our future,” his eyes rake over each and every one of us, “tonight we welcome two of our heirs into the fold. Initium Easton and initium Rexford, you have demonstrated the strength, integrity, grit, and determination to take up your rightful place as Electi. To the initiates,” his eyes find mine, flickering with something I can’t quite decipher, “and to Miss Thompson. Welcome.”

  Everyone lifts their glasses into the air and toasts them. Alex looks like a fish out of water and Bexley looks positively pissed. But he doesn’t object to Phillip’s speech, lifting his own glass in appreciation before taking a large gulp of champagne.

  Cade snorts beside me, and I throw him a strange look. What I really want is to ask him what he’s up to, but the doors burst open and servers flood the room, serving the first course of the evening.

  It smells delicious, but I know I won’t be able to eat much. I’m too restless. Too concerned about what comes after the formalities. There’s another party at Cade’s house. Something smaller, he said. Something intimate. I don’t know what that means, but I know it won’t be anything good.

  His fingers linger on the back of my neck as he absentmindedly strokes my bare shoulder while talking to his friends and their fathers.

  I gulp my wine, unsure how I’m going to survive the evening. Everyone is acting like this is normal. The wives chat happily to one another while the men sit at their own table, lording over the town. But it occurs to me this is normal for them.

  “Cade,” I eventually ask, curiosity getting the better of me.

  He gives me his full attention, a smirk playing on his lips. “Yeah?”

  “Why am I the only female at the table?”

  “Would you have preferred to have sat with the wives?” His brow arches.

  “Just answer the question.”

  “Because I wanted you here, okay?” He leans in, whispering the words. “So do us both a favor and sit pretty and behave like a good little prosapia.”

  Surprisingly, dinner passes without drama. Quinctus are a strange bunch. Phillip Cargill is clearly the leader in the absence of Cade’s father. He commands the room with gentle authority. The man I learn is Bexley’s grandfather, Marcus, doesn’t engage in the monotonous conversation about town growth and sustainability. Harrison Rexford and Bradley Davenport drink like it’s going out of fashion, acting far too handsy with the female servers. But overall, for something as mysterious as Quinctus, they really are quite a boring bunch of men.

  There’s more laughter and gossip from the wives’ table. I glean snippets of their conversations remarking on their husbands’ latest business transactions and plans for next month’s harvest ball.

  Throughout the whole ordeal, I realize something. Cade isn’t only playing a game with Bexley and Alex, he’s also playing a game with Quinctus. Tension ripples between him and Phillip every time the other speaks, as if they’re vying for power. But Cade is only Electi. Which means he’s either trying to impress them and fulfil his father’s shoes sooner rather than later, or he’s coveting their power for himself.

  “You know, Son, it really is time you took a prosapia for yourself.” Phillip Cargill gives Brandon a pointed look.

  “He has time, Phil,” Bradley suggests. “Let the boy sow his wild oats first.” His haughty laughter sets my teeth on edge.

  “How are you finding everything, Mia?” Harrison Rexford finally pulls me into the conversation.

  “The food? It was lovely, thank you.”

  “You know, it’s quite curious that your name was pulled from the calix.”

  Heat blooms in my cheeks. “I… I certainly didn’t expect it.”

  “No, I’m sure you didn’t.” Something goes through the air, but then the servers are back, cleaning away our dessert plates.

  Phillip Cargill stands and clears his throat, ushering the room into silence. “And now the moment we have all been waiting for. Your Transitus.” He dips his hand inside his jacket and pulls out a small wooden box.

  “Initium Easton, initium Rexford, please join me at the altar.”

  They follow him to the small wooden altar at the head of the room. An open fire flickers behind them.

  Phillip flips the lid and pulls out a small iron symbol, attaching it to a long poker and moving over to the fire. “Please kneel and unbutton your shirts,” he says.

  Alex and Bexley glance at one another but then take a knee, unbuttoning their shirts.

  “You have successfully completed the tasks set before you. There is just one final test. Initium Easton, please repeat after me. Sanguis. Imperium. Electi. Aeternum.”

  Phillip moves to Bexley and lowers the brand, shimmering with heat. He presses it into his skin, right above his heart. The smell of charred flesh fills the room, turning my stomach, but Bexley doesn’t falter as he repeats the words back to Phillip.

  He’s one of them now.

  An Electi.

  Cade’s brethren.

  A little part of my heart dies with every Latin word that rolls off his tongue.

  I don’t want this for him. But he’s imprisoned just like me.

  And as I watch him accept Phillip’s hand and let him pull him to his feet, I silently wish that together, we’ll find a way to set each other free.

  Sasha is quiet on the ride back to the Electi house.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  “Not here,” she mouths. I wonder what has her so upset.

  “At least Cade went ahead in the other car,” I say, and Channing snorts.

  “If you think that’s a good thing, you’re sorely mistaken.”

  “Will you just put me out of my misery and tell me what happens tonight?”

  “No can do, Mia.” He gives me a strained smile. “Not even we’ve been graced with his majesty’s plans.”

  “You really don’t know?” Fear creeps up my spine.

  “Nope. He wouldn’t tell us.”

  “Even Ashton?”

  “Of course Moore knows. Where do you think he’s been all night…”

  My stomach sinks, and we ride the rest of the way in thick silence.

  By the time the car pulls up outside Cade’s house, I can barely breathe. I scramble out and inhale a ragged breath.

  “I’d ask if you want something to take the edge off, but that fucker stole my stash.” She glowers in Channing’s direction. He’s already walking off, probably to catch up with the rest of the Electi.

  “He did?” I ask.

  “Yeah, after what happened last night, he thought I needed a little break.”

  “Or maybe he’s pissed you were kissing that guy.”

��That’s not it, Mia.” She lets out a soft sigh. “If I disappear tonight, I’m sorry, but I really don’t feel like partying.”

  “It’s okay.” It isn’t. But I’m not about to beg her to stay.

  “Ladies,” Brandon yells from the door, “let’s go.”

  Sasha grumbles something beneath her breath and takes off toward him, leaving me alone.

  I could run now. Run and never look back. But Bexley is in there somewhere. So I inhale a deep breath, smooth my hair off my face, and head inside.

  The first thing that hits me is how quiet the house is. Cade appears out of nowhere. Gone are his suit jacket and tie. He’s rolled back the sleeves of his shirt and unbuttoned the collar. He looks good, but I know he’s the devil in a handsome god’s clothing.

  “There you are.” He offers me his hand, and I slide my palm against his. “Are you ready for tonight’s celebrations?” Cade guides me down the long hall leading to the kitchen. But we don’t stop there, leaving the house through the patio doors and walking across the perfectly tended lawns. It’s the same path I took with Sasha all those nights ago, when Cade made Bexley and Alex fight in the pit.

  A shiver runs through me when I spy the small building.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Time to find out,” he replies cryptically. I notice Ashton standing guard and fight a groan of disgust. Of all Cade’s friends, I despise him the most. But something tells me he’s the most dangerous, because he’s not really Electi at all.

  “Ready to play, kitty?” He smirks, and I bristle.

  “Where were you tonight?” My voice is all saccharine sweetness. “Or didn’t you get the invite?”

  “Oh fuck.” Cade explodes with laughter. I notice Ashton isn’t laughing. He looks like he wants to wrap his hands around my throat and squeeze the life right out of me.

  “Fucking bitc—"

  “Watch it, Moore,” Cade growls.

  Silence falls between them and I inch closer to Cade.

  “Come on,” he says, breaking the tension. “Make sure no one else comes down here.”

  Before I have time to ask where ‘down here’ is, Cade guides me into the small stone room.

  A dark archway leads to a black abyss, and fear grips me in a chokehold.

  “W-what is that?” I croak.

  “Relax, babe. I’ll protect you.” Cade places a hand on the small of my back and nudges me forward. Something travels on the musty air, the faint sound of laughter and music. As the darkness swallows me, candlelight flickers off the wall, revealing a staircase that sinks into the ground. The music grows louder as we move deeper.

  We come to another huge stone door, and Cade moves around me to push it open. Inside is nothing like I am expecting. It’s a vast room, the decor modern and sleek. A huge black crushed velvet sectional adorns one wall, and a chrome bar runs the length of the other, complete with glass shelves full of expensive liquor. Brandon is perched on a black leather stool, kissing the face off some scantily-clad girl, his fingers pushed under her skirt as she rides his hand. He sure didn’t waste any time.

  Channing and Tim sit in two wingback chairs, drinking from tumblers as they watch a girl contort her body around a pole. She’s in an itty-bitty bikini, her breasts spilling out as she swings and bends.

  “What is this place?” My voice quivers.

  “It’s our den.”

  “Where’s Sasha?” I ask, hoping she’ll magically appear.

  “She sends her apologies. But don’t worry, I’ll keep you company.” Cade brushes my hair off my shoulder. “So beautiful.” His thumb strokes my cheek, dropping to my bottom lip. He teases the seam of my mouth, slowly forcing it past my lips.

  For a second, I imagine biting down hard, but sense gets the better of me and I gently pull away. “Not in front of your friends.”

  His brow goes up at the suggestion in my voice.

  Just then, Ashton enters the room and makes a beeline for one of the girls serving drinks behind the bar. He grabs her wrists, pins them above her head, and kisses her passionately.

  Sex lingers in the air, the sultry beat thrumming deep inside of me. I don’t feel the overpowering lust I felt before, at the dinner where Cade touched me. But I feel something.

  “Aren’t you going to ask?” Cade studies me.

  “Ask what?” I meet his inquisitive stare with my own.

  “Where your boyfriend is?”

  I falter but quickly slide my stone expression back in place. “I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  “So you aren’t fucking Easton behind my back?”

  My heart plummets into my toes.

  He knows.

  Cade knows.

  “How did you find out?” I don’t even bother denying it.

  “Nothing happens on campus without me knowing about it, Mia. Nothing happens in this town without me knowing about it.”

  There’s something in his dark gaze that I don’t understand. He’s angry about Bexley, yes, but it’s more than that.

  “Where are Bexley and Alex, Cade?” I manage to get the words out despite the huge pit in my stomach.

  “So eager, prosapia.” He spits the word as if it’s something less than human. And I realize that maybe it is.

  “Mia wants to start the party early,” Cade announces.

  Ashton tears away from the girl he has pinned against the wall and stalks toward us. “You sure, kitty? You might not like what you find.” His smirk is wicked, making dread snake through me.

  “Where are they?” I demand, adrenaline pounding through me. Maybe it’s foolish to think I can stand up to them, but I can’t just lie down and take whatever they have planned, either.

  I sense Channing watching me, but I don’t meet his eyes. I can’t. I’m too far in to turn back.

  “Take me to them,” I say.

  “Very well.” Cade nods, and Tim gets up and moves to the closed velvet curtains. I thought they were hanging on the wall, but when he pulls a cord and they open, I realize they were concealing a huge glass window.

  And on the other side is Alex and Bexley.

  “W-what is this?” I demand as bile rushes up my throat.

  Alex pounds mercilessly into a girl as she claws at his back. But it isn’t Alex who has my attention, it’s Bexley…

  Bexley and the girl riding him as if her life depends on it. He thrusts up inside her, over and over, gripping her hips and whispering dirty words at her. I can’t hear them, but I can see the way they form on his lips.

  “N-no,” I cry, clutching my throat as tears spill down my cheeks. “He wouldn’t—"

  “Oh, but he would.” Cade’s warm breath fans my face, and I swallow a fresh wave of bile.

  “This was their final test, Mia. The final task standing between them and the Electi. And as you can see, they both passed with flying colors.” His hand runs up my spine, cupping the back of my neck, forcing me to watch Bexley fuck the girl.

  A girl who isn’t me.

  A girl I hate almost as much as I hate Cade.


  “What did you do to him?” I shriek, feeling despair lash my insides. He wouldn’t do it.

  Bexley wouldn’t have sex with a bitch like Brook, task or no task.

  Ashton snickers. “Your guy was gagging for it, kitty. Couldn’t wait to dip his cock in her dripping pussy. They’ve been at it a while.” He lounges against the glass, smirking at me in that vile way of his. “I jerked off to her riding his face. Looked like she was having the time of her life.”

  “Don’t.” My voice shakes with anger and betrayal as I try to turn away, but Cade forces me closer to the glass, pressing me up against the cool surface.

  “Watch them. Watch him take her… does it look like he’s being forced to do anything?”

  “You gave him something…” I cry. “You drugged him…” Because that’s the only explanation.

  It has to be.

  “I wish I could say we did, kitty,” Ashton chuckl
es. “But sometimes good pussy is too hard to resist. And Brook has the kind of pussy that makes a guy see stars. Or so I’ve heard.”

  “Oh my God,” I breathe. “What is wrong with you?”

  They’re sick, all of them.

  Ashton is watching Bexley fuck his sister as if it’s just another day, and Cade is hard at my ass as he watches his ex-fling fuck a guy he claims to hate more than anything.

  And I stand there, my heart bleeding out on the ground, wondering what nightmare I’ve found myself in.

  “I hate you,” I seethe, my body trembling.

  “No you don’t, babe,” he says. “You hate yourself for believing Easton was different, when all this time he was just another guy waiting for a better piece of ass to come along.”

  Mia and Bexley’s story continues in Tarnished Crown releasing on 1st April 2021.


  Two angsty romance lovers writing dark heroes and the feisty girls who bring them to their knees.


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  Also by Caitlyn Dare

  Rebels at Sterling Prep

  Taunt Her

  Tame Him

  Taint Her

  Trust Him

  Torment Her

  Temper Him

  Gravestone Elite

  Shattered Legacy

  Tarnished Crown

  Fractured Reign

  Taunt Her

  Sneak Peek


  I look around at the only home I’ve ever known and feel conflicted. It’s a shithole, but it’s our shithole—the only place I and my brothers have ever called home. And if I wasn’t convinced that this move would benefit them, it wouldn’t be happening.


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