Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes Page 20

by Vella Day

  Drake grinned. “It’s my mother’s recipe.”

  She hadn’t thought about them having parents, which of course, was stupid. “Is your mom a werewolf, too?”

  “My mom is human, and my dad is the werewolf, but there are a lot of women who have a werewolf father. Don’t worry, the women look human and have no werewolf traits.”

  “So, when the moon is full, do you automatically shift or anything?”

  “No. Just so you know, the moon does not rule our actions, though I have to say a lot of strange shit goes on when it’s full.”

  She didn’t want to know too much about them for fear she’d get more attached.

  Once they finished, Kurt jumped up and so did she. “I’ll clean up since Drake cooked,” she said. After all, it was her house and she knew where things went.

  She brought the dishes in, and Kurt stacked them in the sink. Using her scrubber, he cleaned each dish before placing it in the dishwasher. After the tenth dish, her curiosity bested her.

  “Why do you scrub the dishes before you put them in the dishwasher?” A rinse, she understood.

  He raised a brow. “I don’t want the water to get nasty when it sanitizes the dishes.”

  At a loss how to respond, so she let it go. After all the dishes were stacked in the dishwasher, he meticulously cleaned the pans. Maybe she was a slob, because when she washed them, she only ran the soapy sponge around the surface and called it a day. Kurt scrubbed every crevice, as if the pot was going to be used in a surgical procedure.

  “It’s probably clean enough.”

  He tossed her a less-than-friendly glare and continued to clean the pot. Perhaps he used cleaning as a way to exorcise his demons. She went back into the living room.

  “He’s obsessive,” Drake said, as if he knew what had gone on in the kitchen.

  “Ah, yeah. He always like that?”

  “Yup, but be happy. His attention to detail might save your life sometime.”

  She hoped her life didn’t need saving any more, but she got his point.

  Drake waved a box. “You up for some dominoes?”

  “I haven’t played since I was a kid.”

  “Let’s sit at the table and I’ll show you how a master plays.”

  While he was full of himself, his carefree ways would take her mind off her problems.

  * * *

  By the time the three of them finished playing, Chelsea couldn’t keep her eyes open. Kurt spent five minutes per play analyzing each move, and it was now close to midnight. At times, she wanted to strangle him, but Drake mocked him enough to make it fun. In the end, Kurt won, and he actually smiled at his success.

  She stood. “Time for bed.”

  She thought about asking Kurt to shift, to know for sure he was a werewolf, but decided perhaps he’d feel self-conscious changing in front of a human.

  “Night, Chelsea,” the men said in unison.

  After she did her nightly window check, she washed and crawled into bed. She had no sooner closed her eyes before she entered an erotic dream. In it, she was tied up and gagged while both of the men circled her. Drake sucked on her tits while Kurt wielded a flogger. His stern countenance drove fear into her, yet at the same time, her pussy throbbed with need. Making love with Kurt would be intense, whereas being with Drake would be deliciously wonderful.

  With each strike of the flogger, her ass grew hotter and her pussy wetter. Then he drove his cock into her ass and she climaxed violently—happier than she’d ever been in her life. She screamed, and Drake was so overcome, he stumbled backward and knocked over the nightstand.

  The crash totally ruined the dream and she roused. The bedspread was suddenly ripped off her and someone tugged on her arm.

  “Get up!”

  Chapter Four

  Chelsea’s brain fogged. She assumed Drake had told her to get up because he’d hit the table, tumbled on his ass, and the legs had splintered into pieces.

  Fingers gripped her arm tighter. Her eyes flew open. A huge hulk of a man had her in his grasp.

  “Put me down!” Her pulse raced, and her urge to fight kicked in.

  Before she could land a punch, he set her down and got in her face. “It’s me. Kurt. They’re here. Come with me.”

  Here? The bedroom door stood ajar, and she nearly crumpled when she spotted three wolves tumbling, snarling, and attacking each other.

  “Grab your shoes.” Kurt rushed to her window, unlocked and opened it, and then punched out the screen.

  Holy shit. Wolves meant Mendez. They’d found her. Events were moving too fast for everything to register. Kurt rushed back, and closed and locked her door. Finally, she understood his logic. Wolves couldn’t open doors. She shoved her feet into her shoes and dashed to the window. In one quick move, he lifted her, flipped her over, and shoved her feet first through the window. After a small drop, she landed on the ground. Her heart fluttered so fast, she almost hyperventilated, and the paralyzing fear she thought she’d overcome returned with a vengeance.

  She jerked around to make sure Mendez wasn’t standing there waiting for her. Her pits dampened, and she had to swallow to catch her breath. Kurt exited the window, took her hand, and held a finger to her lips.

  Got it. No talking. This time, she had no desire to go against his wishes. He tugged hard to make sure she followed. Images of Drake battling those wolves made her stomach churn. The two-to-one ratio spiked fear straight to her heart. If he died defending her, she’d break.

  When they reached the front of the house, Kurt helped her into his car. She slid down in the seat, hoping Mendez wouldn’t spot her.

  Kurt started the engine and peeled out. It wasn’t until he was on the main road that she sat up. “You left Drake.”

  “He’ll be fine.”

  That was a lie. “He’s fighting two wolves.”

  “Drake’s good.”

  “Maybe they’re good, too. Was one of them Mendez?”


  That didn’t settle well. Even if Drake kicked their butts, Mendez wouldn’t be caught. “Where are we going?”

  “Someplace we should have gone in the first place.” His terse tone implied that he blamed her for the attack.

  She settled back in her seat, but her stomach wouldn’t stop churning. “Maybe you should drop me off at an all-night diner or something and go back and help Drake.”

  He glanced over at her. While it was pitch-black outside, there was enough light from the dash to see his knuckles turn white. He pulled out his phone and pressed a button.

  “Call Dirk Tilton.”

  The phone said it would and a dial tone sounded. He placed it close to his ear, so she couldn’t hear the man’s response.

  “Mendez’s men found us. Drake needs help. Yes.” He disconnected the call a few seconds later.

  She waited for him to tell her what was going on, but he didn’t offer any explanation. What was wrong with the man? He seemed to want her kept out of the loop. She was a big girl and could handle whatever occurred. Okay, maybe not yet. Right now, she had to work hard not to get sick in his car.

  Since he seemed to need time to think, she’d let him battle his demons alone. He drove quickly, as if he worried Mendez might be following them. Was that the ploy? Distract Kurt and Drake and take her out? In this case, it hadn’t worked out very well for him. So there, Mendez.

  She glanced into the side mirror but didn’t spot any cars following them.

  “Don’t worry,” Kurt said. “He’s not coming after us.”

  How did he do that? Kurt’s eyes never left the road. He couldn’t have seen her check out who might be behind them. “It makes sense he’d try.”

  “I agree.”

  The man did not believe in lying to her, which was a good thing.

  He stayed on I-75 going south for close to an hour before turning off on some road that didn’t even have a gas station on the corner. The lack of lights almost comforted her. She’d be able to see if anyone fo
llowed. She rolled the window down partway and smelled salt air. They must be heading toward the Gulf.

  His cell rang and her body tensed. She prayed it wasn’t Dirk telling him that when he reached her house, he’d found Drake’s throat ripped out.

  “Yes, we are.” Kurt glanced over at her. “She’s okay. A little scared, is all.”

  Scared? Okay, she might have whimpered when he first burst into her bedroom, but she’d been a trouper.

  He hung up. “Drake is fine. One of Couch’s men is dead. The other managed to escape.”

  The man acted like he’d be charged for each word of information he doled out. “What does that mean?” Animals didn’t get into a fight and come away unscathed. She’d heard the fierce growls.

  “You’ll be safe for now.” Kurt turned down a narrow alley and parked. “Let’s get settled in. Drake will be here shortly.”

  Thank God.

  There weren’t any street or porch lights to indicate what the place looked like. “Where are we?”

  “Orangeburg. Follow me.”

  He picked up her suitcase and his duffle, and she did as he suggested. If she didn’t, she feared she might trip. He unlocked the door. As soon as they stepped inside, the door behind them locked and the lights came on.

  “Wow.” If this was a safe house, she wanted to stay hidden. “Who owns this place?”

  “We do.”

  The living room had two-story floor-to-ceiling windows that might overlook the Gulf, but she couldn’t tell. “Is the Gulf out there?”

  He nodded. “I’ll show you to your room.”

  Not answering questions tonight, I can see.

  The place was huge. A stone fireplace was at one end of the living room and was surrounded with soft pastel furniture. Not the brown leather furniture and white walls she’d expected two men to own. This place looked professionally decorated. If it hadn’t been the middle of the night, she would have asked for a tour.

  For now, she settled on following him. Given the large size, she hoped they’d be sleeping close by. He pushed open a door and motioned for her to enter. As soon as she did, the light came on. It wasn’t a harsh overhead, but a soft sconce light. A king-size bed covered the center of the room and off to the sides sat a two-seater sofa, two chairs, and a coffee table. Had there been a kitchen, it would have made a great efficiency apartment.

  He set down the luggage. “I’ll be next door if you need anything.”

  “Thanks.” She faced him, about to say more, but after seeing his slightly bloodshot eyes, she figured conversation could wait until tomorrow.

  He stepped out and closed the door.

  She rushed after him. “Can I leave it open? I feel safer that way.”

  He smiled and her insides melted. Except when she’d met him at the party, this might have been the first time he’d shown her any pleasant emotion.

  “Sure. Just be careful when Drake comes. He might consider it an open invitation.”

  She hadn’t expected contractions to race down her pussy. Well, if he did need some comfort, she might be willing to give him some. After all, both men had risked their lives to save hers—again.

  The clock next to the bed read 4:32 a.m. She knew she wouldn’t get any sleep until Drake arrived, but since she was already in her pajamas, she turned off the lights and slipped into bed. A minute later, she jumped up and turned the lights back on. If Drake came in, she didn’t want to be wearing crappy flannel. Sure, he’d seen her in these light sweats before, but he wouldn’t think it odd if she wore a tank instead of her baggy long-sleeved tee.

  It took her a minute to search through her case, but eventually she found the perfect top. She glanced into the bathroom mirror. He’d never be able to resist her.

  What are you doing? You’ve never seduced a guy in your life.

  Her near-death experience made her realize life was too short to deny her urges. At thirty years old, with no prospects of ever finding the perfect man, she suddenly met these two. Although Drake seemed interested, Kurt acted restrained. She might have set her sights on just one of them, only there was a deep passion burning inside Kurt she wanted to explore.

  Happy with her totally out-of-character decision, she returned to bed, leaving the top half of her body uncovered. Only one sconce remained lit on the far side of the room. With the light on, Drake might spot her in bed. She wasn’t sure how she’d entice him in. If all else failed, she’d go into his room to make sure he wasn’t too seriously wounded.

  She must have dozed for a little while but awoke when a door opened. Not wanting to leave anything to chance, she got out of bed and headed into the living room.

  When Drake came in looking unscathed, relief washed over her and she rushed to him. He just had time to set down his case when she basically threw herself at him and plastered her face against his strong chest. “I was so worried about you.”

  “Aw, darlin’, that’s the sweetest thing anyone has said to me.” He leaned her back. “I wouldn’t get too close. I’ve got blood on me.”

  She gasped without meaning to. “Are you injured?”

  “It’s not my blood.” He tilted her chin and leaned close. “Want to take a shower with me and help me wash it off?”

  Oh, my God. Oh, my God. This was what she wanted, but now that the opportunity had presented itself, she wasn’t sure she could go through with it. “Could I just watch?”

  He laughed. “You just made fighting for my life worth it. Come on.” He held out his hand and guided her into a world she couldn’t wait to explore.

  After her room, they walked past one closed door, which she suspected might belong to Kurt. The door to the next room stood open. The light illuminated a room meant for a man. The king-size bed was covered in a plaid comforter, and the furniture was made from pine. Like her room, there was a sitting area with the typical leather sofa, chairs, and large screen television. She had to say, she was impressed.

  “Do you come here often?” she asked, noting how he moved around the room with familiarity.

  “Often enough. Kurt and I own this place. It’s nice to have a retreat when things get stressful.”

  He put down his suitcase and checked her out. When his gaze reached her tits, his eyes pooled with lust. She desperately wanted to check his cock to see if he was hard, but she’d find out in a few seconds.

  “Ah, darlin’? You’re staring.”

  Heat raced up her body. “Didn’t you say you needed to take a shower?”

  He grinned and pulled off his shirt. Her breath caught. Dried blood was caked down his side, and she hoped he was telling the truth about it not being his blood. A quick once-over confirmed he had no cuts or bruising. She wasn’t sure how that was possible.

  “Like what you see?”

  His question jarred her back to reality.

  “Huh? Oh, yes. You have a nice body, but I bet all the girls tell you that.”

  He moved closer. “I don’t care what all the girls say. I only care what you say.”

  That might have been a line, but she didn’t care. No man had treated her so well. “Go. Get naked. I want to watch.” A giggle actually bubbled up. Christ. She acted like a teenager with a front row seat at a Justin Bieber concert.

  Drake didn’t even flinch. He undid his laces and tugged off his boots. His jeans disappeared in a flash. She hadn’t expected him not to be wearing any underwear, nor did she expect to see a cock that big. “Uh, oh.”

  “I can be gentle if you’re interested.”

  Could this get more uncomfortable? He knew what she wanted and didn’t seem in the least surprised. How had he figured out they were meant to be together before she did?

  “Shower.” At least she would watch his ass instead of his cock.

  He grinned. “You don’t know what you’re missing.”

  She might have to find out as soon once he rinsed that nasty Colter blood off. He stepped into the bathroom and turned on the water in the huge walk-in shower. He then strutt
ed over to her as gloriously naked as could be. Her mouth dried.

  “You sure I can’t change your mind?”

  Before she had a chance to answer, he thumbed one nipple through the thin material, and the traitorous tip hardened. Her gaze never left his face as he lifted the bottom of her tank and discarded it.

  “You are so gorgeous.”

  She swallowed. The room was beginning to steam, but that wasn’t what radiated heat through her. He tugged down her pajama bottoms until they cleared her ass. He lowered his gaze and whistled.

  “Holy fuck. You’re naked.”

  She guessed he was talking about her waxed pussy and not that he’d just exposed her. “You like?”

  He dropped to his knees and pulled her pants around her ankles. She willed him to lick her. Just once. His tongue darted out, and he slowly dragged it across her opening. Intense sparks of need rippled through her. Her knees bent, and she yearned for more. As if her hands had a will of their own, she palmed his head.

  He sat back on his heels. “Step out of these.”

  As he took off her pajama bottoms, her heart raced. Yes, she’d had sex before, but never with someone so virile and hot and animalistic.

  He stood and picked her up. “You’re coming with me.”

  With little effort, he carried her into the steaming shower. Hot water pummeled her belly before he set her down.

  “Since I can’t stand my own smell, I need to rinse first. Then I plan on cleaning every inch of your sweet body.”

  His words made her gush. The type of man she’d hung around in the past had never wanted to shower with her and certainly never took charge. If Drake’s power consumed her, she couldn’t begin to fathom what Kurt would be like.

  Who was she kidding? Was she seriously considering a go at both men?

  Ever since Liz had told her how wonderful it was to be tied up, licked, and fucked by two men, Chelsea knew that was what she wanted. The fact only one of the men she’d set her sights on was here didn’t matter. With time, she hoped Kurt would come around.

  Drake dunked his head and let the water sluice over his body. He was magnificent—not an ounce of fat anywhere. He was lean, muscular, and all man—or maybe she should say all wolf. As she watched him pick up the bar of soap and drag it across his chest, her pussy dampened.


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