Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes Page 40

by Vella Day

  When she bounced, she grinned. As a little girl, she loved pillow fights. She picked one up and swung it. Breaking the rules was going to be fun. “Come and get me.”

  He stalked toward her, grabbed the second pillow, and pounded it. “You are so going down, Sanchez.”

  Challenges brought out the best in her. She swung and he ducked. The bed bounced and she lost her balance. She landed on her knees, but this gave her a new vantage point. One swing and she connected with his legs. Clay didn’t budge.

  “All right. Time to pay.” He dropped on top of her and tore the pillow from her fingers. After placing it under her head, he straddled her.

  Her gaze lowered to his erection, and her inner walls contracted. The need for him scared her.

  “Wait here,” he said.

  Was he kidding? Her body was ready to explode and he walked out? Okay, he ran out. Feet pounded on the hallway floor. A door opened and shut.

  He returned within a minute waving a velvet rope. “I can’t have you touching my cock. I’m so ready I’m about to shift out of my skin if I don’t have you, but I want to take my time.”

  While she’d had her hands tied during her ordeal, nothing about this adventure reminded her of those horrible people. She held out her wrists.

  He grinned. “You better watch out, sugar, or I might insist we hole up here for a few months getting to know each other real well.”

  His blue eyes shimmered a dark shade of yellow and every cell in her body lit up. Faster than she could count to ten, he had her wrists secured and tied to the headboard. Elena tugged to test the give. While the velvet didn’t hurt, it also didn’t stretch.

  Clay’s fangs protruded and her belly coiled tight. Seeing his animal side emerge excited her. Her juices flowed.

  “Close your eyes, sugar.”

  Not having a blindfold made following his request easier. His thumbs spread her legs wide, and he licked her so fast and so hard, she clenched her hands to keep the climax at bay. Several of her girlfriends had told her they’d never climaxed. To her, that meant the men they’d slept with weren’t virile and as experienced as Clay or Dirk.

  A deep growl rumbled upward, and she lifted her lids to watch him squirm. Bones cracked and he placed his head on her belly. His breaths came out fast as if he struggled to keep control. He then returned to normal.

  Maybe this was why he had all those rules and seemed eager for her to follow them. Her wonderings were cut short when his hand slid up her belly and pinched her nipple. She squeaked out a groan and tugged on her restraints. The restriction helped release her building tension, but she yearned to touch him. The feel of his pliable skin seemed to give her strength.

  “Elena, Elena. I could drink in your sweet honey for hours, but you make me weak.”

  The sentiment thrilled her, but she didn’t fully believe him. Using his elbows, he inched his way upward. When his lips reached her breasts, he licked one of the tender tips then the next.

  “You are perfect.”

  That was what Dirk had said. To her, she was more fat than fit. She swallowed her self-deprecation and bathed in his words. Thoughts of love edged their way into her heart. Abandoning her breasts, he licked his way up to her throat then to her mouth, demanding entrance. She opened up and dueled with him. When his thumbs skimmed across her nipples, they puckered and pebbled. She closed her eyes to go deeper into herself. His seduction caused her stomach to tremble, her tits to yearn for his mouth, and her arms to ache with the need to hold him.

  He broke the kiss and pressed the head of his penis against her opening. The scent of her sex perfumed the air. She lifted her hips and spread her legs wide. Their union would complete her. Tomorrow didn’t exist. Only today.

  “Please, Clay. Take me.”

  Whether her speaking upset him or not, she couldn’t tell, but his cock slid in partway and halted. At the quick ache from his penis stretching her walls, her heart thudded against her chest.

  His head dropped to her neck, and from the way his sharp teeth nearly punctured her skin, she sensed his animalistic side had taken over. A few seconds later, the edge of his teeth blunted and the trail of nips turned to kisses. His lips did wonderful things to her skin and helped release the tension along her spine.

  His fingers tightened. “I’m really going to try to go slow, but I make no promises.” Clay’s words came out metered.

  She nodded and took deep breaths to control her urge to buck upward. Desperate, she wiggled her hips side to side.

  “You’re asking for it, sugar.”

  Good. If she was going to go to hell, she wanted to be on fire as she fell into oblivion. Clay lowered his hands and grabbed her hips. He thrust into her with one push. Her lids popped open and electric bolts blasted her. Her inner walls convulsed and fluttered around his huge erection.

  “I love your pussy.”

  After that declaration, Clay seemed to lose control. He pistoned into her. With each thrust, heat built as if giving total control to another freed her. Even the blood in her veins caught fire. Despite that he’d told her not to move, the words no longer registered. She wrapped her legs around his waist and lifted her hips, engaging in the carnal bliss with him.

  He grunted. Her moans turned louder as her climax threatened to unleash. She bit her lip to keep the final orgasm at bay, but his hooded eyes had darkened, and if she watched him explode, she would, too. She closed her eyes and stars burst behind her lids.

  She was the weak one. “I can’t last.” She breathed, panting.

  “Come for me.”

  Tears of joy balanced on her lids at the monumental plea. Her insides involuntarily clamped down on his length, and she let out a howl. His head lowered and as his hot semen blasted her, the tsunami-like waves of carnal desire swamped her. Contractions rolled up and down her body as her orgasm took hold. Her nipples tightened and her mouth turned dry. She sucked in a life-sustaining breath.

  His cry of pleasure died, and the pulsing in his penis slowed, but he held her tightly, as if he never wanted to let her go. The sense of safety she experienced in his arms brought her tremendous relief.

  Clay rolled over onto his back and brought her with him, his member still embedded within her.

  He patted her back. “That was amazing, sugar. So intense.”

  No compliment could have brought her more joy. “Thank you.”

  He kissed her forehead.

  “Do you think you can undo me now?”

  His jaw dropped. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry. I got carried away.”

  With a few tugs, the bindings released and she finally touched his skin. “I’m sorry I became skittish over the whole submissive stuff.”

  “No worries. We have years to desensitize you.”

  She laughed. “Dirk used the same phrase.”

  He cocked open an eye. “That’s because it’s true. Neither of us have much experience with virgins.”

  “You did okay.”

  “I’ll be better next time. Promise.”

  “Technically, I’m not a virgin.”

  He gnawed on her shoulder. “Technically.”

  His cell rang and he groaned. “That’s Dirk.”

  The ring had a different sound. Her pulse raced. “You think he caught Hood?”

  Clay lifted her off him and hopped off the bed. “Let’s find out.” He picked up the phone and slid his finger across the bottom of the screen. “Yo. Empty? Who? Is Ramirez talking? Tomorrow morning. Bye.”

  She learned very little out of that conversation. “So?”

  “When the team arrived at the club, the manager had no problem allowing them full access to the back rooms where you were held.”

  Now the word empty made sense. “No one was there?”

  “No, but on their way out, they ran into Raymond Ramirez. He’s one of Hood’s right hand men.”

  “Did he say anything?”

  Clay sat on the bed and leaned back on his elbows. “Shifters know that being arrested cou
ld destroy their whole organization. Even though technically we’re shifters, too, Ramirez didn’t want to accidently let out the truth.”

  That seemed to be code for not wanting to be tortured. “What did he do?”

  “What most shifters are taught to do. He swallowed a pill that killed him within minutes.”

  She sank back onto the bed. “We’re no closer than we were before Dirk and his team found him.”

  He shook his head. “I’m afraid not.”

  The pieces began to fall into place. “Am I correct in thinking you wanted to bring me here in case Dirk stirred up the hornet’s nest, so to speak, and one of them escaped back to Hood?” She closed her eyes for a moment and inhaled. “You thought Hood might believe I’m the cause of his problems because after you guys bought me, all hell broke loose.”


  “Now what?”

  “We keep looking for Mr. John Hood.”

  Chapter Eleven

  As much as Elena loved spending quality time with Clay in the wonderful house across the street from the pristine Gulf of Mexico, she was still a prisoner. For four days, they took walks along the shore, shopped, cooked, and made love. Memories grew, but if she went out on her own, she feared one of Hood’s men would spot her.

  She pulled the cookies out of the oven and inhaled their rich scent. Clay trotted in from his run.

  “The place smells fantastic. Can I have one?”

  He reached out to pick up a hot chocolate chip cookie when she slapped his hand. “Not yet. They need to cool.”

  He removed the pancake turner from her fingers and placed it on the counter then pulled her close. “When we get back home, I think someone needs her fanny spanked.”

  She laughed and pushed him away. He was sweaty and smelly. He’d been threatening to tie her up and slap her butt, but every time he showed her Kurt and Drake’s playroom, Clay decided she wasn’t ready. “You, mister, need a shower.”

  After he kissed her cheek, he jogged down the hall. Just as she dumped the dishes in the sink, Clay’s cell rang. From the distinctive tone, it was Dirk. She answered it.

  “Hey. I miss you.”

  “Sweetheart, hearing your voice makes me whole.” He sounded in good spirits.

  “What’s up?”

  “Are you ready to come home?”

  She grabbed the counter to steady herself. “More than you can know.” That sounded like she hadn’t enjoyed Clay’s company. “That didn’t come out right. At first, it was great—”

  He chuckled. “I get it. You want your freedom.”


  “We caught Hood’s two right hand men and six of his henchmen.”

  Her body sagged against the island. “That’s wonderful.” Only without Hood in custody, she’d never really be safe. “Any sign of Hood?”

  “Not yet, but we’ll get him.”

  They must have prevented the men from swallowing those poison pills. “Clay’s in the shower. What should I tell him?”

  “To bring you home so we can celebrate in style.”

  Not only was the news fantastic, having both of the men to herself stirred something inside her. “We’ll see you soon.”

  “I hope Clay didn’t wear you out.”

  Heat raced up her face. “Di-irk.”

  “Just stating a fact.”

  “I’ll see you shortly.” Even after she disconnected, her smile didn’t diminish.

  After she washed, dried, and put the pots and pans away faster than she’d ever cleaned before, she stuffed the cookies in a baggie. As she rushed down the hallway to pack her bag, Clay stepped out of his room. All he had on were jeans.

  No one deserved to look that good.

  “Dirk called,” she said as she watched him run a towel over his head.

  His hand stilled. “What did he want?”

  She told him the good news. He dropped the towel and opened his arms. She raced to him. The kiss spoke of a future, and his hands convinced her she never wanted to leave him. Although there’d been some challenges these last few days, she’d seen the real Clay Demmers and loved him.

  “Sugar, as much as I’d like to make love with you for hours, I think Dirk would like to see you.”

  She wanted that, too. “I missed him.”

  “I’m glad.”

  She kissed him then scooted out of his arms. Being ever hopeful, she’d kept her clothes neatly stacked ready to go. In less than five minutes, she was ready. “Let me get the cookies.”

  Dirk had a sweet tooth, and she’d enjoy feeding him one cookie after another.

  Clay returned dressed with his gear a minute later. “Say goodbye to Orangeburg.”

  She glanced around once more, and together they headed back to Gulfside.

  Clay called Dirk on the drive home, put the call on speaker, and asked for more details. In the raid, three other girls had been recovered. They were spending a few days recuperating at the general’s home before returning home.

  “Have Sam and Brandon found out anything about Cheryl?” she asked Dirk.

  “They’re getting close, sweetheart. Don’t worry. They’ll find her.”

  That wasn’t much of an answer, but she appreciated they were devoting every day to the search. Thank goodness Elena had been rescued by two such wonderful men.

  During the last part of the drive, she brought up the subject of her freedom. “Do you think I could get a job and be relatively safe?”

  “I believe with the human trafficking part basically shut down, you’ll be good.”

  “You think I’ll be safe from Hood?”

  He glanced over at her. “We’ll see. If you don’t go out at night or walk down dark alleys by yourself, you should be okay.”

  * * *

  When they pulled in front of his house, Dirk raced outside and picked her up. He spun her around. “Let’s get you inside. I have plans for you.”

  She leaned close. “You just want me naked.”

  He cocked a brow and glanced over at Clay who was retrieving the suitcases from the back of his SUV. “What have you done with my virgin mate?”

  “He’s been keeping me busy.” Hand in hand, she and Dirk climbed the steps and entered the house. The fresh scent of pine permeated the air. “Someone’s been cleaning.”

  “I wanted the place nice for you.”

  “That’s sweet. Thank you.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  Dirk drew her in his arms and tenderly kissed her. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “You or your cock?” There. She’d said that word out loud. It felt good. She was a new woman now. Free. These last few days with Clay had emboldened her. She glanced to heaven and prayed her grandmother wasn’t looking down at her. If she were, she’d be screaming for the angels to whisk her away before the devil got his hands on her.


  She loved how it came out as a question.

  “Let her rest, Dirk.”

  Dirk ran a knuckle down her cheek. “Has Clay been working you out too hard?”

  “No. He’s being possessive.”

  Dirk cupped her face and kissed her. The moment their tongues touched, his claws half extended and his bones cracked. He lowered his arms and stepped back.

  “Can you tell I need you?”

  “Yes, but can you control your wolf side?”

  “I hope like hell I can. Lore has it when a man meets his mate, once they’ve consummated the relationship, these outbursts diminish.”

  She smiled. “I’ve been gone, so maybe the longing has increased.”

  Dirk swept her off her feet and carried her down the hallway. The refrigerator door banged shut and feet pounded behind them. Dirk led her into his room and placed her on the bed.

  He didn’t turn around. “Get the goods, Clay.”

  Her gaze didn’t leave Dirk’s face. Searching and chasing after the likes of Hood seemed to have taken a toll on him. His unshaven face wasn’t a result of any tr
ansformation from human to wolf. His eyes looked strained and his cheeks thinner. She’d have to cook him a big meal tonight, and hoped with enough tender love, he’d begin to heal.

  She sat up, tossed off her sneakers, and curled her feet under her. “Before Clay comes back, can I suck on your cock?”

  He burst out laughing.

  Clay trotted in with not only a rope, but a box and something else. “What’s so funny?”

  He faced Clay. “You really lost control in that beach house didn’t you?”

  He strode forward, velvet tie in hand. “What makes you think that?” His blue eyes searched Dirk’s face.

  “Our woman is too bold.”

  Clay kicked off his boots, shucked his shirt, and stepped out of his pants. “I say we rectify that.”

  If both men hadn’t had grins on their faces, she might have been scared. “Remember, I’m a vulnerable woman who’s been through a lot.” If she pouted perhaps she’d get to be in charge.

  Clay lifted her shirt and tossed it on the floor while Dirk undid her jeans and tugged them off as if they’d die if they had to wait another minute. In seconds, she was down to her panties and bra.

  Clay crawled on the bed, divinely naked. “This bra has to go.” He straddled her, his knees positioned over her hips. With a quick snap, he undid the hook, but he used his teeth to lower the straps over her shoulders.

  “Hurry, Clay,” Dirk said.

  Clay gave him the finger as Clay licked the skin above the edge of her bra. Ripples of lust pricked her skin.

  Using his teeth, Clay dragged the cups over her tits. Dirk climbed on the bed on the other side after discarding his clothes and threading the other strap over her arm. His mouth caught the nipple in between his teeth and the double sensation stole her breath. She dropped her head back as his textured tongue made love to her tit.

  She lifted her hands to enjoy their thick hair. Clay took her bra off, discarded it, and bound her wrists with the soft velvet preventing her from touching them. Darn. Because he made a figure eight pattern, the constraint was comfortable and afforded her some movement.


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