Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes Page 64

by Vella Day

  The little vixen pumped her hand up and down his cock as she drew the top half into her mouth. That swirling tongue of hers made the hair on the back of his hands sprout. She’d pay for turning him on this much. He didn’t want to come first.

  Using three fingers, he slipped them into her warm pussy and finger fucked her fast. With each thrust, her moans increased. Yes! He was getting to her. Brandon was learning just what pushed her over the edge. With his fingers curled, he pressed on her sweet spot.

  Her lips came off his cock, and she sucked in a big breath. “Oh, yes!”

  Now for the final push. Keeping his fingers moving fast, he drew her clit into his mouth and sucked hard. Her scream was his reward. She pressed her face against his thigh and dug her nails into his ass. Every muscle in her body tensed as she pressed her hips closer to his fingers.

  A few seconds later, she went limp. One climax down, a few more to go. Brandon flipped around and held her close. “Can you handle more?” She’d better say yes.

  “Hmm. Maybe I should go to sleep. I’ve had a hard day.”

  For a moment, he almost believed her, but even she couldn’t keep a straight face. “For that blatant lie, you will pay.”

  “Oh, yeah? What are you going to do?”

  The options were vast. “We could play Florida cowgirl.”

  She cocked a brow. “What’s that?”

  He rolled onto his back and lifted his dick straight up. “You ride me hard, and then I flip you over and take you the rest of the way home.”

  She cracked up. “You made that up.”

  “Kind of.” He turned around, rolled over, and pulled open the side drawer to fish out a condom. “You want to do the honors? Or are you in the mood to ride me bareback?”

  “It’s safe right now, but you seem like the potent type. I better cover those little cubs for a while longer.” She grabbed the package from his hands.

  “Smart thinking. You have worlds to conquer first, right?”

  As much as Mackenzie seemed to want to be with them, if she found her cousin alive, Brandon wasn’t so sure she would stay in Florida with them. She loved her mom, and he bet she’d want to be near her. The thought that Mackenzie might leave, regardless of the reason, sickened him.

  “Hey!” Mackenzie straddled him. “I need my stallion ready.”

  His body had returned to normal, but once he focused his attention to her intriguing eyes, his lust reignited. “Just waiting for you to saddle up. I think you need to open the condom first.”

  “I was just about to do that.” She tore open the foil, studied the rubber, and then flipped it over. “It doesn’t look big enough.”

  “It only fits if you pull it down fast.” He didn’t think he could remain calm if she took her time.

  Mackenzie bit her bottom lip and rolled the rubber down a half-inch then let go. It rolled right back up. “Damn.”

  With renewed concentration, she shoved it down using her palms. The full contact had him biting the inside of his mouth. Her touch lit him on fire. Once it was on, she sat back and smiled.

  He reached up and cupped her tits. “Let me have a taste.”

  “How about I get on the horse first?”

  Guess he’d been wrong. She seemed to know exactly what she was doing. “Okay, but the ride might end before you want it if you aren’t quick.”

  She grinned. “I’ll take my chances.”

  Mackenzie lifted up, opened her legs wide, and hovered over the tip of his cock. Brandon grasped her hips and tugged her down, but she resisted. “I want you, darlin’, real bad.”

  “I want to take it slow. Real slow.” She leaned over, her nipples an inch above his face.

  Brandon nabbed one with his lips and sucked hard. She moaned. He ran a hand down to her ass and loved the way her cheek filled his palm. He let go of that breast and gave the other one equal time. When he swirled his tongue around the tip, she lowered her hips. Unable to control himself, he lifted up and impaled her. Her eyes shot wide.

  Mackenzie sat up. “Bad man.”

  “I’ll show you bad.” He clamped down hard on her hips, preventing her from moving. Withdrawing slowly, he waited a beat before driving into her again. She fell forward, changing the angle of his cock against her pillowed walls. Dear God in heaven. Her hair fell in his face, and he inhaled her sweet scent. “You drive me so crazy.”

  “Good. Now you know what I go through every time we make love.”

  “Kiss me, darlin’. I need your lips.”

  Once more, she leaned over. His inner wolf took over and he captured her mouth, dragging his tongue along the seam of her lips. All thoughts of anything besides claiming her left his mind. The moment Mackenzie opened up, he plunged his tongue in deep. Her pussy clamped down on his cock, holding him captive as they tasted and probed. He couldn’t get enough of her.

  She grabbed his shoulders and tried to move her hips, but he couldn’t give her any more control. He was about to burst. He pulled out and went in again. She broke the kiss and let out a feral scream, calling his name.

  Brandon lifted her off him, flipped her over, and mounted her from behind. “Ready for some real loving?”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Mac was overwhelmed. The two climaxes had shattered her resolve to stay strong. Being with Brandon tonight made her realize just how much both men had become part of her life, and how much she wanted to please them, but it also gave her the strength to do what she’d come here for—to find Cheryl.

  “Get on your elbows. My cock will go in deeper that way.”

  That sounded wonderful, and she dropped down. Brandon was like a drug. She couldn’t get enough of him.

  His palms slid across her sensitive tips, and the first pinch sent her reeling. Her pussy was already throbbing from the recent orgasms. She wouldn’t last long. But she had to—until she brought him to his knees.

  “Ride me hard, cowboy.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Brandon slowly eased his cock down her slick walls.

  That didn’t match her definition of hard driven. To urge him on, she milked his cock. When she heard his intake of breath, she smiled then pressed her hips back. Tonight was all about forgetting. For the next few minutes, she wanted Brandon to be the center of her world. She’d worry later about Sam and Cheryl.

  “Don’t do that or this trail ride will be over too soon.”

  “Wimp!” Mac wasn’t sure if she’d ever be able to control speaking out.

  He leaned over her back and dragged his hands from her breasts to her hips. His talons pressed against her skin as he pulled out and took her hard. “Better hold on cause I’m not stoppin’.”

  True to his word, Brandon took her farther up the ecstasy trail than she’d ever been before. He pumped hard and fast, grunting and groaning. When his fangs slipped into her shoulder, her orgasm claimed her so hard, stars lit up behind her lids. His cock burst and heat seared her inside.

  She expected to feel some pain from his bite, but all she experienced was total bliss. Her elbows gave way, and she dropped face first onto the bed. “I’m never going to move again,” she mumbled into the sheets.

  Brandon withdrew and ducked into the bathroom. He nudged her, rolled her over, and cleaned her up. “Go to sleep, sweet one. Tomorrow’s another day.”

  * * *

  Sam couldn’t stop driving. Once he left Florida, he kept going. He wanted to reach North Carolina where the mountains would help him breathe; help him think. The wolf inside him needed its freedom, and his man half needed to force out the demons. He’d come close to losing Mackenzie, and that thought continued to terrify him. Had Paul Statler walked out of Carl Daniels’s home and caught her, the Colter would have killed her for sure.

  Sam understood her desire to find her cousin, but his woman took too many risks. After Donny had been killed, Sam spent months roaming the area looking for clues, but he’d been careful not to get caught. In the end, he’d had to give up, and the failure still left a gaping h
ole in his heart. What made it worse was his total focus in life had driven a wedge between him and his parents. The same thing would happen to Mackenzie if she weren’t careful. Having an obsession wasn’t healthy. Too bad he’d been unable to change.

  He’d wanted to. Wanted to start living life again, but every time he tried, he came to the same conclusion. If he hadn’t been careless, Donny would be alive today.

  The sun peeked above the horizon. He was close now. Close to finding the woods and the hills in which to roam, in which to find his escape. Too bad winter still claimed these regions, making the ability to go unnoticed more difficult.

  As soon as he crossed the border into North Carolina, the beast within him calmed like it always did when he was here. Sam couldn’t afford to roam near any local park entrance. Not only didn’t he want to scare any hikers, hunters might think the season didn’t matter if they spotted a wolf. While an ordinary bullet wouldn’t harm him, it would slow him down.

  When Sam found the perfect spot, he parked, and began his hike in as a human. The cold mountain air crystalized in his lungs, but he pushed aside the discomfort. He was here to think.

  Less than an hour later, he believed he was deep enough into the foothills to chance shifting. As soon as his paws touched the cold earth, Sam took off, trying to force all bad thoughts from his brain. He loved the rocky hillsides and the tangle of trees. The air filled his lungs, but the images of Mackenzie took up residence in his mind and wouldn’t leave.

  Love and rage collided. The wolf in him had loved her from the start. Their mating was in his genes, and while the human part of him could keep his heart from embracing all of her, he could do so for only so long.

  Mackenzie was careless, driven, devoted. Those traits made him want her, but those traits also drove him mad. Didn’t she understand that the Colters could cut her life short?

  Stupid woman!

  Nose to the ground, Sam ran. He ran for his brother, and he ran for the pain Donny’s death had caused his family. Sam had retreated after the tragedy. While he did well in school, he’d pulled away from his friends. No matter how many times his parents told him it hadn’t been his fault that his brother snuck out, he couldn’t accept it. He’d been put in charge. And he’d failed them all.

  Years later, he’d wondered if maybe fate had taken his brother’s life. If Donny hadn’t been killed, Sam might not have devoted his life to hunting the Colter bastards. Without The Pack, his life would not have had much meaning. While he’d ended the lives of many Colters, it would never be enough to forgive himself.

  Just as he was coming to accept he might have a woman in his life, and a possible family, what had Mackenzie done? She’d jeopardized it. Next time he got his hands on her, it would be to redden her naked ass.

  His lungs burned as he raced up the path, all the while keeping his senses alert for others. The higher he climbed, the more desperate he became. He didn’t have to think too hard to know what life would be like without her. It would be lonely and pointless. His mother’s words came floating back to him as he neared the ridge—you can’t keep everyone safe.

  But he sure could try. Sam slowed, wanting to give his tormented mind a rest, but it wouldn’t stop questioning. What if he had caught Donny sneaking out of the house that night? Sure, his brother might have lived that day, but what about the next day or the one after that? Something had drawn Donny to that area of town. Had he seen something bad and thought he could help? Damn, if only Sam could reel back to that one day and live it again, he might find answers.

  Reaching the top of the crest, Sam looked out over the vast forest and distant hills. Few sounds reached his ears other than the soaring birds and the wind whistling through the trees. The breeze, laden with moisture, ruffled his fur, but it also helped calm his soul. The world was so big, and he was such a small part of it. Good people died, often for no reason, and the world went on. His logical side embraced that philosophy, but his heart never would.

  Mackenzie was safe for now thanks to his Pack members, but what would happen the next time? The thought was too troubling to endure. While the wolf in him seemed calmer, he wouldn’t be putting anything to rest today. All he could do was keep Mackenzie safe the best way he knew how.

  Sam turned and trotted down the path. Broad daylight was embracing these hills, and with it, people. As he neared more level ground, he went in search of a place to hide. He’d spend the day sleeping, and then decide what to do about the woman he was falling deeply in love with.

  Cheryl had been gone for a few weeks now. Other than the women found in the warehouse where Elena had been held captive, no other purchased woman had been discovered. Would Mackenzie ever give up? Would she return home to her mother, to her aunt, to her job? That terrible thought made his will weaken. Tomorrow he’d return home and search harder than he ever had before. They would find Cheryl, and Mackenzie would get her peace.

  If they failed, Sam questioned whether he was man enough to soothe Mackenzie’s inner demons. It would kill him to see her hope ebb as each day passed. Knowing her, she’d grow desperate, turn careless, and never stop searching. God help him if she died, too.

  Sam had to stop thinking like this, or he, too, would take too many chances. He spotted a small rock overhang that created a cave like covering, which was perfect for a nap. He’d sleep a bit then head on back to Florida.

  * * *

  Jay hadn’t expected to be summoned into his boss’s office. All he could think was that Statler wanted to get an update on Mackenzie. Jay hoped to hell she hadn’t gotten into some kind of trouble since Medlock’s party. He’d been meaning to call her, but with the way her two men shot daggers at him, Jay hadn’t wanted to bother her.

  In hindsight, bringing up her name to the head of the Colters had been a tactical error on his part. He’d hope that by mentioning her and her quest to find her cousin, Statler would have leaked Cheryl’s location. Unfortunately, it hadn’t worked out the way he’d hoped. Statler was too closed-mouthed. Jay wished he had more of a clue what Statler knew. John Hood had been in charge of the human trafficking aspect of the Colter organization. With him in jail, Jay had yet to figure out Statler’s new role. Was he planning to take over? So far, Jay hadn’t been aware of any new women kidnapped and sold.

  He knocked on the door and steeled himself for what was to come.


  Jay stood tall. “You wanted to speak with me, sir?” Statler wore a gray suit with a neat red handkerchief in his pocket. The man looked cool and quite in control.

  “Have a seat.”

  Shit. That wasn’t a good sign. Jay didn’t want to project any kind of fear, so he acted as relaxed as possible, crossing his ankle over his knee. He’d seen what Statler did to his subordinates who didn’t do as he asked. To Jay’s knowledge, he’d followed every one of Statler’s orders—or at least most of them.

  “I’ve heard some troubling reports about your little cousin.”

  Fuck. Jay paused for effect, hoping the vein in his forehead wasn’t noticeably throbbing. “Really? I only saw her briefly once this week. What has that troublemaker done now?” His job had been to make sure Kenzie didn’t snoop where she didn’t belong. Clearly, he’d failed in that assignment.

  “You saw her at Medlock’s fund raising party if I’m not mistaken.”

  How the hell did Statler know that if he hadn’t been there? “I did.” Kenzie had used an alias. Shit.

  “Seems Mackenzie—that’s her name, right?”

  “Yes.” His heart was sinking fast.

  “Seems she was snooping around in Medlock’s bedroom. Why do you suppose she was there?” Statler picked up a metal letter opener and ran it across his palm. Jay had seen that action too many times in the past. It didn’t bode well for his cousin.

  “Perhaps she was curious. The house was rather grand and my cousin doesn’t come from wealth.” That much was true.

  His boss leaned back and waved the opener. “I thought
that might be the case, until I recalled her scent.”

  Jay was confused. “Excuse me, sir?”

  “I was visiting a client a few days ago. When I exited my car in the man’s drive, I caught a whiff of jasmine. At first I thought the flower might be blooming, until I realized it was the wrong season.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Your cousin visited me when she first arrived in town to ask about Cheryl’s disappearance. I was rather shocked that Mackenzie connected me to her, but then I remembered I had requested Cheryl to come down to Gulfside for a job interview. I knew nothing about what happened to her, and I told Ms. Wagner that.”

  “I can assure you my cousin believed you, sir, if that’s what’s worrying you.”

  He smiled, but it contained no cheer. “No, I wasn’t concerned. What has me bothered was that she was wearing that same flowery scent in my office.” He raised his brows as if Jay would draw some conclusion.

  Worry slammed into him. “Are you saying that when you visited your client that my cousin was near the house?”

  “Yes, and that’s not all.” Statler detailed the break-in at John Hood’s house and the injury to the men at Carl Hampton’s.

  “I’m not quite seeing the connection. Do you know who attacked the men? Certainly you don’t think a halfling could do this, do you?” All werewolves knew women couldn’t shift.

  “When my men asked both security teams to describe the attackers, they gave the same description. You know as well as I that a wolf’s coloring is unique to him.”

  “Yes, but what do these men have to do with Mackenzie?”

  “At the Medlock affair, Mackenzie was with two men, Sam and Brandon. While they used a different last name, I believe they are Sam and Brandon Crenshaw. Cousins who work for The Pack.” One side of Statler’s lip curled up when he said that name.

  It made sense Statler would leer, given The Pack was the archenemy of the Colters. Until recently, the Colters had been winning the war. Now, the wins were mounting on the side of The Pack. “What can I do, sir?”


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