Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes Page 92

by Vella Day

  “I think she likes it, Ford.”

  Bailey wasn’t so sure, but she wasn’t ready to dismiss it. Tyson reached in again and grabbed her tits while Ford pressed another finger into her pussy, swirling it around, hitting her G-spot. They weren’t playing fair.

  Perhaps it was when Ford leaned over her back and dropped delicate kisses across her shoulders that she realized how much he cared. Knowing they both wanted her, she relaxed her body and let the loving begin.

  Ford must have sensed the change and eased back in. Soon, his thrusting increased, as did the roughness of his cheeks across her back while Tyson’s fingers performed an erotic dance on her breasts. The double assault made her lose focus once more. All she could concentrate on was getting enough air and letting the sensations take over.

  Ford’s thrusts increased, as did his moans and groans. Even the once-burning sensation disappeared. Joy spread up her spine as her inner walls contracted and pulsed. She yearned for a cock in her pussy, but Ford’s finger would have to do for now.

  He moved his hands to her hips and drove in once more, spiraling her out of control. Her third climax took hold and her vision dimmed. They might have said something, but the blood pounding in her ears blocked it out. As Ford’s cock erupted, his dick expanded, widening her back channel. Whoa.

  As soon as she tensed, he pulled out, and dragged her down to the bed. How long she remained there in his arms, she didn’t know, but it was total bliss. Tyson hugged her from the front while Ford cuddled against her back.

  When she finally opened her eyes, a hint of sun was peeking through the window shades. It took her a moment to realize she’d not moved all night. When was the last time she’d slept so soundly? Maybe never.

  Tyson opened his eyes and smiled. “You okay?”

  “Wonderful.” That wasn’t a lie.

  He popped out of bed. “I need some coffee.”

  “Me, too.” She listened for Ford. “When did Ford get up?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe he’s in the kitchen.”

  “Do you mind if I take a shower first?”

  “Go ahead. I’ll make breakfast.”

  Tyson dressed and Bailey stepped into the bathroom. Once in the stall, the hot water soothed her muscles, and she never wanted to get out. Ford claimed he was going to Canada, but after last night, she hoped she’d persuaded him to stay put—at least until The Pack was ready to mobilize.

  She quickly dried, changed, and headed into the kitchen. With each step, she prayed Ford would be at the stove scrambling some eggs or at the counter drinking his coffee.

  Damn. The kitchen was empty save for Tyson. “Where’s Ford?”


  Her muscles froze. “Gone to the store kind of gone, or gone to Canada.” As in I may not see him for months?

  “Canada. He left a note.”

  Legs a bit shaky, she slid onto the seat and picked up the neatly printed note.

  Dear Bailey,

  Last night was amazing. No, it was more than amazing, which is why I need to head back to Canada. I can’t in all good conscience leave those other girls there. I’m not sure how I’ll get them out, but I want to learn more about the operation so that The Pack can be successful.

  I know you’re thinking that I should be here with you, but you know as well as I that being with both of us will cause you a lot of distress. You love your family unconditionally, and it would mess things up if the three of us stayed together. I wouldn’t be surprised if you decided to move on—once we take down Statler. You have your whole life ahead of you. Should you choose to be part of the Summerville family, I’d advise against letting your parents know about our other talent. Whatever you do, I’ll always support you and always be there for you.

  Your mate, Ford

  Tears welled in her eyes. “Did you read this?”

  “Yes. Ford wants what’s best for you.”

  “This is bullshit.” Or was it? Right now, she wasn’t sure what was best for her. Both men meant so much to her, but as he’d said she was young. This mating thing must not be that big of a deal if Ford could walk away. If only she could talk with her mom and explain everything. Would her mother claim it was merely a white knight syndrome? If Bailey had met them in a bar, would she have taken the time to get to know them?

  Tyson brought over two cups of coffee. “Want to talk about it?”

  She shrugged. Drawing inward was her way of dealing with tragedy. “He might be back soon.”

  “He might.”

  They sipped their coffees in silence. When she finished, she stepped into the living room to peer out over the wooded backyard. Her home in Richmond was on a busy street, and she rarely spotted wildlife.

  As if to show off how amazing this area was, a baby deer stepped from the woods. “Tyson, look. It’s a fawn.” The pretty upturned face took her breath away. Tyson stepped behind her, and she looked up at him. “Do you think I could take its picture?”

  “Sure, honey, but don’t leave the yard.”

  She bristled, but she understood his concern. Bailey darted into the bedroom, grabbed her coat and camera, and carefully opened the door to the backyard, not wanting to scare off the beautiful creature. The air was sweet with only a slight chill to it. She slid her foot forward so as not to disturb the animal, but the deer pranced off to the side. Bailey followed.

  As soon as the deer stopped and nibbled on some flowers, she raised the lens to her face. Damn. She forgot to turn the camera on. On the second try, with the light meter set properly, she snapped the photo. The deer glanced up and froze.

  Bailey edged closer and the deer scampered toward the deserted street. She followed again. So focused on her shot that when she looked up, two men materialized not five feet away from her. Oh, fuck.

  * * *

  Standing at the kitchen sink, Ty glanced out the back window and smiled. Bailey seemed to be in her element when she had a camera in her hand. He’d hesitated about letting her go outside, but with the news of Ford’s defection, she needed something to distract her.

  He trotted back to the table and grabbed the rest of the dishes. As he set them in the sink, he checked on her again. When he couldn’t see her, his hands stilled. Where was she?

  Voices sounded at the side of the house. Had his neighbors come over to check her out? As Ty stepped through the living room to the back door, he wiped his wet hands down his legs. He opened the door and exited.

  The scream that cut through the air sliced his heart in half, and Ty took off toward the side. As he rounded the corner, screeching tires tore down his street. While he didn’t get a good look at the driver, Dram was in the backseat with someone wiggling next to him, causing his heart to slam against his ribs.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  Bailey’s camera lay sprawled on the lawn. He picked it up then raced back inside, his mind sorting through the options. The only choice was to go after her. Poor Bailey. What would this do to her? She’d barely survived the first capture. He shuttered at how she’d respond to the second assault.

  With his wallet and keys in hand, he sprinted into the garage, not bothering to look for his jacket. With one hand he pressed the button to lift the electric door and with the other he started the engine. He knew these streets well. They did not. The only thing that prevented Ty from shifting was his belief that Dram and Tony wouldn’t harm Bailey. They needed to take her to Statler alive, and that thought burned a hole in his gut.

  Ty tore around the corner and spotted their car about a mile ahead. He pressed on the accelerator and was gaining fast when a large semi pulled in front of him, forcing him to slam on the breaks. “Motherfucker. Move!”

  The truck slowed instead of getting out of his way. Needing to move around the behemoth, he edged into the on-coming lane. It was clear. As he sped up, the truck accelerated. What the hell was he doing? As Ty tried to pass him, but his car shook. He didn’t care. Pedal to the floor, his car was gaining on him, but he slowed when an oncoming
truck barreled toward him. Shit.

  Ty braked then pulled behind the truck. This was stupid. What was this driver’s plan? Only then did the light bulb go off. Dram and Tony must have paid the guy to keep him from following. Their plan wouldn’t work. There were only so many roads to Canada, and he’d catch up to them eventually.

  As he continued to tailgate the idiot in front of him, reason intruded. Bailey didn’t have a passport. Unless, they had a fake one made, they’d have to drive to Canada instead of fly. Even then, they’d have to hide her in their trunk and hope the customs didn’t check. Ty estimated the trip to Toronto would take about thirteen hours if they didn’t stop. With two of them driving, they’d make better time than he would.

  The sign for the airport exit appeared. Decision made. Ty took the turn and parked. He’d beat the men at their own game. As soon as he entered the terminal, he called Ford to tell him what happened. Answer damn it.

  Ty paced while the call went to voicemail. He had to assume Ford was already on a plane to Toronto, where he’d rent a car and drive to the lab.

  Ty speculated Dram and Tony would cross the border near Buffalo, but then thought they could head west and cross over there. His best bet would be to hook up with his brother before he made the long drive to Falling Pines. With the two of them alternating, they’d make good time.

  Ty rushed up to the counter and asked about the next flight to Canada.

  “The next available flight is at 3:55 pm, sir. Shall I book it for you?”

  He explained the need to hurry, and the attendant searched other flights. In the end, this was the best one, putting him in Toronto about the same time as Dram and Tony.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  When Bailey returned to consciousness, she was groggy and disoriented. Her head hurt and her limbs were stiff. She cracked open her eyes, but the light filtering in the backseat of the car made them hurt so she shut them again. Memories floated back. First was the bag over her head and then the prick to her arm that had rendered her unconscious for who knows how long.

  While she was capable of sitting up, she wasn’t certain she wanted Brad and Tom to know she was awake, so she remained still, leaning against the door, waiting for one of them to say something.

  They didn’t. They were probably doing that ESP shit so she wouldn’t hear their plans. Her muscles cramped and she shifted in the seat.

  “Dram, our princess is rousing.”

  Princess? Assholes. Bailey didn’t see any reason not to sit up and stretch. She’d pretend to be complacent until she could figure out a way to escape—and she would escape. She wasn’t going back to that lab.

  The only thing preventing her from screaming and trying to attract attention from another motorist was that they were on a two-lane highway with no one in sight. Her thoughts shot to Tyson. He had to be out of his mind with worry when she didn’t return. She’d screamed when she saw Brad and Tom coming at her, but everything Ford had told her about fighting them fled from her brain. She’d run, but only had made it about three feet before one of them nabbed her with the hood.

  She prayed that with Tyson’s good hearing, he’d realized she was in danger. Wanting to picture something positive, she imagined him charging out of the house to save her. She slumped. He hadn’t come in time. Bailey twisted around to look behind her but didn’t spot his car.

  “They’re not coming,” Brad said. “We made sure of that.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. They? Didn’t he know that Ford was on his way to Canada already? She could only hope they didn’t realize it. As for Tyson, unless they slit his throat, he’d be on his way. Of that, she had no doubt.

  Their confidence irked her. What could they have done to make sure Tyson couldn’t follow? His car had been in the garage when they’d arrived, so they couldn’t have tampered with it.

  “What did you do?” She lifted her head in defiance.

  “Set up a roadblock to prevent him from following us. By the time he gets by them, we’ll be long gone,” Tom said.

  Smug bastard. Play along. She opened her mouth and pinched her brows. If she didn’t pretend they’d foiled Tyson, she’d have laughed in their faces. “They’ll find me eventually.” Why did I just say that?

  “Only after we turn you over to Statler.”

  That meant they’d keep her alive until then. It was a glimmer of hope that she clung to.

  Tom glanced in the rearview mirror. If he expected her to beg, he’d be waiting a long time. Her stomach grumbled and she placed a hand on her belly. She’d need her strength, and the topic of how smart they were sickened her. “I’m hungry.”

  “Here.” Tom tossed a bag from the front seat back to her. “It’s cold, but it’s food. Take it or leave it.”

  She opened the McDonald’s bag. It was a hamburger, but she managed to get it down. “Do you have any water?”

  Tom reached next to him and handed her a half empty water bottle that appeared to be his. She took a sip, not wanting them to think she detested him. Pissing them off wouldn’t be smart.

  As the roadside sped by, she tried to formulate a plan. From the signs, they were heading north, most likely back to Falling Pines as they implied. Bailey couldn’t end up there. Thank God, Ford was already headed to Canada. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her—if he could help it.

  The problem was that he might not be on the lookout for her. Damn. Or would he? Surely, Tyson would let him know what happened.

  Shit. She hadn’t been thinking. Her first step was to get out of the car, and secondly to wave someone down.

  “I need to pee. When you get to an exit, could you pull off?”

  Tom glanced in the rearview mirror but said nothing. No doubt they were communicating, discussing what to do about her request. What she wouldn’t give to be able to listen in on that conversation.

  They were on an empty stretch of road with no rest stop signs in sight. He pulled over on the berm. “You can pee in the woods,” Tom said.

  She did have to go, but she wanted a restroom, preferably in a convenience store where there would be people. “Isn’t there some other place?”

  “So you can get help? No. It’s here or nowhere.”

  If nothing else she could stretch her legs. “Fine. Thank you.”

  She nabbed a paper napkin from the food bag and got out. She’d gone in the woods plenty of times. After all, that was where these two had found her.

  As she picked her way to the side of the road, footsteps sounded behind her. She twisted around. “You’re following me?”

  Brad nodded. “Don’t trust you.”

  Well, damn. A wire fence ran the length of the road that she guessed was to keep the animals from crossing into traffic. “Can’t exactly go anywhere.”

  Making sure he couldn’t see her, she hid behind a tree and did her business. When she emerged, she scanned the horizon, trying to figure out a way to flag someone down. She remembered the fake story of her demise—how a truck hit her crossing the road—but given no one was nearby, she decided to wait until they’d entered Canada. Maybe then, she could get someone’s attention.

  Slowly, she picked her way back. “So we’re going to Falling Pines?”

  Even though he’d said they were meeting with Statler, he didn’t confirm her statement. She stopped and faced him, thinking a cop might see her and slow down. In the back of her mind, she hoped Tyson might be somewhere behind them. Neither answered. “Why won’t you tell me?”

  “Get in the car.” Brad grabbed her arm in a too tight grip and half dragged her to the vehicle. She would have complained if she thought it would do any good.

  He shoved her in the back seat then slid into the passenger side. Well, that was a bust. The fresh air had helped relieved the stuffiness in her head and the stiffness in her limbs. She debated egging them on to get them to tell her something, but decided she might slip and reveal the fact that Ford wouldn’t let them get to Statler.

  Her goal now was to figure ou
t how to alert the men once she was in the lab. If they sedated her, all would be lost.

  * * *

  It took all of Ford’s willpower not to jump in the car and drive to Falling Pines right then. When he saw Ty’s message, he was so mad, his claws had extended. The lady at the rental car place had kind of freaked out.

  It was all Bailey’s fault. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. After last night, when she trusted him enough to take her the way he wanted, his love for her blossomed, but that only reinforced his need to leave. She’d have a happier life with just Ty. Even then, she might decide that her life was just beginning and being tied down was not what she desired. He understood the effect of captivity on a person. The rescued person often attached herself to the rescuer.

  His mind shot to Lily—a woman he once saved from sure death. Ford didn’t know her real name, as she was an Afghani woman who didn’t speak English, but that day she’d worn a faded pink shirt with a white lily in the corner. Ford had been on patrol when he heard the screams. A young boy ran down the street, crying. Ford was tempted to console the child, but the screams continued. Risking exposure of not only himself but his men, he dashed across the street, snuck down a small alleyway and darted into the chaos. Three men were attacking a woman who looked no more than sixteen.

  Not wanting to chance the sound of gunfire drawing others, he easily removed the men from her. He was tempted to snap their necks, but he figured their unconscious bodies would give the woman time to get out. She was so thankful that she clung to him.

  Ford had been at a loss. He didn’t want to leave her there, but he couldn’t take her back with him. Eventually, he convinced her to go, before the men awoke. Her haunted eyes bore into him. She tugged on his sleeve and motioned he come inside her house. She rushed over to a dresser. With nimble fingers she located a smooth rock in the shape of a heart and placed it in his hand, her smile full of woe. What significance it meant to her, he didn’t know, but he pocketed the item that seemed so special to her and left.


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