Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes Page 113

by Vella Day

  He cocked a brow. “And not touch you?”

  “That’s the plan. Otherwise, I won’t be able to concentrate on Jay.”

  “I’ll try.”

  He unhooked her bra and tossed it onto the bed. Of course, he wasn’t content to move on to her jeans right away. Heavens, no. He had to pinch her nipples some more and drag his sharp teeth along her collarbone.

  “Love your smell,” he huffed.

  Some of the lake water had sprayed up on her when a gust of wind swept by. “It’s called Eau de Lake.”

  Jay laughed. “Enough stalling. I’m helping.”

  This time she didn’t stop them. Between the two of them, she was naked in less than thirty seconds. “It’s my turn to take care of you two,” she said. “First Jay then you, Mr.-I-can’t-sit-by-and-watch.”

  Riley held up his hands and dropped down on the bed. “Go for it.”

  All she needed to do was take off Jay’s jeans and then she’d perform her magic. Keeping her back to Riley, she stepped closer to Jay. When she went to undo the button on his jeans the back of her hands bumped into his cock, which was peeking out. “Did you go commando?”

  “Thought it would save you some time.”

  Her men were full of surprises. She shook her head, undid the button, and then lowered the zipper. In one slow tug, she slid his jeans to his hips, enough to give her full access to his glorious cock. “I like it.”

  Jay grabbed his hard shaft and waved it. “I’m glad.” He then stepped back and discarded his jeans. “Much better.”

  She’d purposefully not taken them off to prevent him from moving about, but seeing him in all his magnificence made her happy he’d taken charge and stripped.

  Without waiting any longer, she bent over, grabbed his huge shaft, and dragged her mouth down his length. God he was huge. He hissed then clutched a handful of hair and tugged, igniting her from head to toe. From behind, Riley rubbed her ass and moaned. If she didn’t have a mouthful of cock, she would have told him to behave.

  From the way Riley was squeezing her ass cheeks and slipping a hand between her legs, he was on the verge of impaling her. Needing to push Jay a little harder before enjoying what Riley had to offer, she pumped her hand up and down and swirled her tongue as she drew him deeper into her mouth.

  All of a sudden, he stepped out of her grasp and bones cracked, fur spun, and arms and legs turned into a furry wolf. “Holy shit.”

  In wolf form, Jay backed up, probably so as not to scare her. As quickly as he’d shifted, he spun and returned to human form. “I’m sorry.”

  Riley grabbed her by the waist. “Shows over. You turned him on so much he shifted. We can’t have a repeat performance or you’ll be left high and dry.”

  She faced Jay, pleasure and a trickle of dismay colliding. “You really shifted because I excited you?”

  Jay came to her and lifted her hands. “Yes. So when we tell you to slow down, that we might shift, you need to believe us.”

  He hadn’t said anything until now—or at least not that she remembered. “Okay.”

  “Our turn,” Riley said. He lifted her onto the bed and both men climbed next to her truly looking like two big bad wolves.

  “I’m in charge of this rodeo from now on,” Jay said with authority.

  She smiled. “I was waiting for you to take over.”

  Jay glanced at Riley and shook his head. “I think we need to teach you limits, young lady.”

  Limits? All she’d done was suggest she start first. “Oh, yeah?” She loved when Jay teased her.

  He flipped her over, and then lifted her up onto her elbows and knees, her butt facing him. He quickly slipped his cock between her legs. On instinct, she squeezed her thighs tight to grab his dick, and Jay tapped her butt. “None of that or I won’t last long enough to impale you. Go ahead and try to make Riley shift.”

  Jay was going to come from behind? Thrilled with this new turn of events, she wiggled her butt.

  Riley placed his cock at her mouth. She blinked, not remembering him taking off his clothes, but she was glad he had.

  “Do your best—until I tell you to stop,” Riley said.

  She smiled and then engulfed him. Out of the corner of her eye, Riley leaned to the side, picked something up, and tossed it to Jay. A second later, the scent of oranges filled the air.

  “Since I’m so much bigger than Riley, I had to buy some lube,” Jay said with pride. “I’ll never fit otherwise.”

  “Fuck you,” Riley said. “Bigger my ass.”

  These two were fun to be with. The moment she palmed Riley’s balls, however, all joking ceased.

  Riley clasped her shoulder. “Easy there, babe.”

  She let up on the pressure just as Jay slathered a good amount of lube on her back hole. Using his thumb, he massaged her tight muscled ring, and pleasure filled her. His even cadence soon made her forget what he was doing and allowed her to concentrate on the joy of satisfying Riley. As she alternated between sucking and stroking, Riley’s groans turned into grunts and then what sounded like growls or maybe even howls. The power to excite her men gave her such an erotic high.

  Jay leaned over her back, and when he reached under her with one arm and cupped her breast, excitement raced through her. Sucking on Riley’s dick while enjoying Jay’s touch had her close to coming already, but she wanted them to explode in unison—like some grand finale.

  He slid his index finger into her hole and wiggled it around, causing her pussy to contract with need. Wanting more, she pressed her hips back.

  “You like that, do you?” Jay asked.

  She nodded as she continued to stroke Riley’s big cock. Jay slipped in a second finger, and this time hit one erotic nerve after the other. Electric bursts spread across her ass in quick succession, and she pumped her fist harder until Riley moved out of her grasp.

  “Damn, woman, you’re too fucking good,” Riley said.

  She looked up at him. “You’re easy.”

  He chuckled. “In a moment, I’ll show you easy.”

  Just then Jay replaced his fingers with his covered cock. She must have been in a sensual haze because she hadn’t even heard the condom foil tear. With slow, deliberate pressure, he popped past her tight rosebud, and the bite of pain forced her to clamp down on him, but she immediately let go, realizing it would only make it harder for him to fully enter her.

  Riley stretched out across the width of the bed and placed his face under hers. When he cupped her head and pulled her lower to kiss her, Jay was able to slide right in. Fire consumed her.

  Their passionate kiss, coupled with the erotic sensation of Jay’s cock, nearly tumbled her over that slippery climactic edge. As much as she wanted to get lost in Riley’s kiss, Jay was forging his way deep into her ass, causing her vision to blur, and her pulse to soar.

  Jay dug his fingers into her ass cheeks as his breathing came out faster and faster. She swore he hit every nerve ending on the way in, making her pussy yearn for another cock.

  “Hold on,” Jay said.

  He slid his hands to her hips and tugged her backward. A second later, his legs shot out to the side and she was sitting on him, her back against his chest. Sarah gripped the spread. “Holy hell.”

  Riley sat up, rose to his knees, and moved toward her. “Breathe.”

  Sarah hadn’t even realized she was holding her breath. Jay’s cock had reached the end and then some. When Riley rubbed her nipples, the achy pulses finally turn to explosive lust and she exhaled.

  “You are so perfect,” he said, his eyes hooded with desire. “Lean her back some more, Jay, and let me have a taste of her.”

  When Jay did as Riley suggested, he slid to his stomach in front of her. The moment he spread her legs wide and licked her, she dropped her head onto Jay’s shoulder and nearly howled. Riley held still, but the incredible pressure and delicious bolts skating across her body were driving her wild with need.

  Jay reached in front and pinched a nipple, c
ausing streaks of electricity to shoot straight down to her clit. Between his plucking and twisting, his big cock in her ass, and Riley’s licking, Sarah lost it. Her climax came so hard she nearly clawed Riley’s head.

  He stopped, rose to his knees, and loomed over her. “I want to fuck you so bad.”

  “Yes.” It was all she could say.

  “Definitely yes!” Jay groaned. “Geezus man, hurry up and get in her. She clamped down so hard on me when she came, I’m hanging by a thread here.”

  With one knee between her legs, Riley planted the other foot on the outside and guided his cock straight into her wet slit. Heat seared her and she had to inhale to catch her breath.

  “There’s no room,” she gasped. It wasn’t a complaint, but merely a statement of truth.

  While she’d had both cocks before, this position seemed to be more intense with Jay’s cock even deeper inside of her. He lifted her hips and withdrew just as Riley drove in, causing waves of ecstasy to sweep over her and take her to new heights. Clasping Riley’s shoulders to keep balanced, she bit the inside of her mouth to stop from coming again. The friction of Riley’s dick stretching her wide and Jay’s cock exploring her backside was almost too much ecstasy to handle.

  Riley leaned over and as he withdrew, he kissed the tender side of her neck right below her ear. Jay took up the temporary space inside her and ignited her once more. For the next few seconds, one seesawed in while the other withdrew. Her pussy creamed as lust and passion exploded.

  “Kiss me,” she demanded of Riley. She figured as long as she was already on sensory overload, she might as well have it all.

  The moment their lips touched and his tongue swept in her mouth, stars burst on the back of her lids. Her moan must have been the signal the men had been waiting for since they both thrust in at the same time, filling her to the max. Waves of joy and bliss slammed into her, forcing her to contract her inner walls. Riley’s hold on her shoulders increased along with the flicking of his tongue, and as he pounded into her, their breaths mingled.

  Jay’s nails extended and dug into her skin as his heat soaked her back channel. On Riley’s next thrust, she fell off that cliff and came so hard she swore her heart nearly stopped.

  Riley broke the kiss, lifted his head, and roared, his hot seed spilling into her. Together the three became one—frozen in time—held together by something way more powerful than anything she’d ever experienced.

  Slowly, Riley eased out of her and disappeared. A moment later, he returned with a warm towel to clean her. Her limbs were rubbery and her pulse racing.

  Riley kissed her quick and then Jay withdrew. Both men took care to make sure she was comfortable before climbing into bed next to her. No words of praise were needed as they surely had transcended to some outer dimension together.

  If only she could make time stand still, she’d be a happy woman.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The next four days took a toll on Sarah’s energy. Dealing with Dr. Elkhart and being away from her men until the evening had been difficult and trying. The only blessing having the women at the clinic was that Nancy was recovering and the other women were regaining their strength.

  Close to five, Dr. Elkhart’s cell rang and Sarah’s pulse shot up. It was probably the front desk needing assistance.

  “Show him in,” Dr. Elkhart said.

  Him? Her stomach cramped. She prayed it wasn’t Statler, as she doubted she could remain calm around him, especially if he poked and prodded the women. A few seconds later, the door opened and a short man with tanned skin, wearing an impeccably tailored suit walked in, his eyes scanning the women along with the room. Right behind him was the taller man who’d claimed to be his assistant. Oh, crap. The buyers weren’t supposed to arrive for another few days.

  Every one of Sarah’s muscles tensed as she shot her gaze to Dr. Elkhart who seemed unfazed by their appearance. “Gentlemen, how may I help you?”

  “I’ve come to see the women for myself,” the short man announced.

  Hopefully, he was here to check on their progress and not to take them away. While the women were healthier, the best of the ten were no longer at the clinic. According to Connolly, all five had been transported to Florida where the General’s wife was making sure they had the right care before returning them to their families.

  “Be my guest.” Elkhart waved a hand.

  Sarah debated excusing herself and texting Riley and Jay to let them know what might happen, but a second later, a commotion sounded from somewhere in the building. Elkhart tapped his phone. As he shouted for someone to answer him, Ford and Tyson Summerville burst into the room.

  Taught to keep her wits about her, Sarah moved out of the way. Ford glanced over at her. “You need to leave.”

  She wanted to ask why, but she trusted him. He and Tyson would make sure the women remained safe. Not wanting to be anywhere near a fight, she grabbed her purse and headed through the door to the adjoining room. As soon as she stepped into the hallway, her pulse pounded, and her legs felt like lead. It had to be the adrenaline coursing through her system that propelled her forward.

  For the Summerville brothers’ sake, she hoped there wouldn’t be a fight. With three men against two, the odds were stacked against them. On the plus side, they were highly trained military men who’d been enhanced. From what she recalled, Dr. Elkhart had never received the injections, though he could have dosed himself once the General’s men had located the first clinic.

  As Sarah moved toward the reception area, the women’s screams echoed down the hall and she froze. Sarah debated returning to help, but then decided against it, recognizing she wouldn’t stand a chance against a shifter.

  Needing to escape, she burst through the door to the waiting room and spotted two men rushing toward the clinic. That didn’t look good. They had to be Statler’s men.

  Trying to remain cool, she pulled open the door, acting as if she was one of Elkhart’s regular nurses. They zoomed in and headed for the back door. Not wanting to see if the receptionist would supply them with the code, Sarah walked out. Her car might only be halfway across the parking lot, but right now it seemed as if it was a million miles away.

  Throat dry and heart beating too fast, she strode with purpose toward the driver’s side. Needing her key, she dipped her hand into her purse, taking her eyes off her destination for a moment. From behind, someone grabbed her and placed a cloth over her face. Chemicals invaded her brain and muscles.

  She struggled to get free, but the man’s grip remained firm. Sarah was trained to react under all circumstances, but drugs were hard to counteract. Had her muscles done as she commanded, she would have stomped on his instep, dropped to the ground, and then rolled to her feet.

  Before she could come up with an alternate plan, her legs buckled and her world turned black.

  * * *

  Statler was livid. His buyer had demanded they meet at the clinic to discuss the purchase. While Connolly had reported the women were improving daily, Statler needed those four days he’d been promised in order for them to be in tip top condition. Fucking Charles. What was he trying to pull?

  Statler had arrived a few minutes early wanting to determine if the buyer was up to something nefarious. Statler parked at the edge of the lot in in full view of the main entrance and waited. To his delight, Charles drove in with only his assistant in tow.

  Feeling rather confident, Statler was about to slip out of his car when he spotted his other nemeses—Tyson and Ford Summerville, the two werewolves who’d destroyed his clinic and forced him to find another location—enter the clinic.

  Fucking General Armand. How the hell had he found him? Again?

  Statler couldn’t stay around there any longer. This had to be a trap—one that wasn’t going to work. He was smarter than them all. As he jammed his car into reverse, Sarah rushed out of Elkhart’s clinic looking wide-eyed and nervous. Why was she leaving before her shift was up? Something must have happened inside
. Perhaps the Summerville brothers had scared her.

  As she moved closer to her car, a plan quickly formed.

  Because he had no idea what to expect from today’s meeting, he’d prepared a little knock out solution in case he needed to get by Elkhart’s receptionist. A small smile lifted his lips at his forward thinking.

  For a split second, he’d been tempted to enter the clinic and battle it out with Ford and Tyson, but given all three of them were enhanced, he doubted he’d end up the victor. For now, it would be best to retreat—with Sarah in tow.

  * * *

  “Where is she?” Riley paced the too tiny motel room. “Sarah should have been home an hour ago. I’m going after her.”

  Jay held up his hand. “Let me call Connolly. He should be at the clinic somewhere.” Before he had the chance to dial the number, his cell rang. “It’s Ford,” he announced. “What’s up?” Jay stood and walked over to the window where he pulled back the curtains. “They’re dead? What did you do with the bodies? Where’s Sarah?” Jay turned around and it looked as if someone had punched him in the stomach. “We’ll be right there.” He disconnected. “Someone kidnapped Sarah.”

  Riley saw red. “What happened?”

  “Ford and Tyson spotted the two buyers entering the clinic. They went in and when the two men mistreated the women, a fight broke out. The buyers died.”

  “And Dr. Elkhart?”

  “He escaped. Ford didn’t go into many details, except to say that when they went outside, they found Sarah’s purse and keys on the ground near her car.”

  “Was it Statler?” Riley’s voice cracked and his body started to shift. He clenched his hands and pictured Sarah to help him stay in human form.

  “They don’t know but I plan to find out.”

  Riley stepped over to him and grabbed his arm. “It could be dangerous if you go.”

  “Fuck it. If Sarah is missing, I don’t care what happens to me. Besides, if Statler knows the General is here, he’ll not be surprised to see me.”


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