Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes

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Pack Wars Complete Box Set: Paranormal Menage Werewolf Military Heroes Page 117

by Vella Day

  This time, Jay smiled. Riley was good and hooked. Now all he had to do was convince Sarah they belonged together.

  * * *

  Riley thought he’d be nervous when they arrived at Sarah’s apartment, but he wasn’t. He loved her and was pretty sure he could entice her to return to Florida with them—not just for the job, but to make a life with them.

  “Remember,” Jay said as they approached her apartment door. “Don’t pressure her. We don’t want to smother her. We might know she belongs in our life, but she’ll need convincing.”

  Riley smiled. “Don’t worry about me. I can be the king of persuasion.”

  Jay punched him in the shoulder then rang the bell. Footsteps sounded and when she opened the door, her eyes widened and her jaw slackened, but Riley couldn’t tell if she was happy to see them or just shocked.

  He handed her the bouquet of flowers they’d picked up at the airport. “These are for you.”

  “Thank you. Ah, come in.”

  Disappointment stabbed his gut at her stunned reception, but he told himself he needed to be patient. “We missed you,” he blurted.

  “Way to go, Romeo,” Jay telepathed.

  “Fuck off. You said to tell her how I felt.”

  “Let her take a breath first. She has to think about why we’re here.”

  This was the reason he’d never had been in a serious relationship. Riley sucked at the emotional shit.

  She spun and faced him. “I missed you, too. While I put these beautiful flowers in water, why don’t you make yourselves comfortable in the living room.” Sarah averted her gaze and hugged the flowers to her chest. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  Riley glanced at Jay. “She’s acting nervous. I wonder why.”

  Jay look to the ceiling then slightly shook his head. “I’d love a beer if you have one.”

  “Me, too,” Riley added. Having something in his hands would help keep him from ripping off her clothes.

  Sarah returned a moment later with two beers and sat across from them. “I’m glad you came, but what’s the occasion? You don’t have a job up this way, do you?”

  Jay had lectured Riley about pushing her too fast, but with her scent in his brain, Riley was having a hard time controlling himself. He set the opened bottle on the table in front of him, stood, and walked over to her, never taking his gaze from her face. “No, we came because we can’t live without you.” Jay groaned, but Riley didn’t care.

  “Riley, I don’t—”

  “Shh. Let me say my peace and then you can kick me, or rather us, out if you want.” He was about to slice open his chest and expose his heart. If she rejected him, then so be it, but he needed to tell her everything. “I know I was a jerk at times, but it was because I was afraid you’d walk out on me. You are my mate—the woman I need in my life. I don’t want you to say anything other than to nod to let me know that you’ll give me—again I mean, us—a chance. We belong together, Sarah.”

  Her eyes watered and she bit down on her bottom lip.

  Please say yes.

  Sarah nodded and he nearly burst out of his skin. Without thinking, he pulled her to her feet, dipped his shoulder, and lifted her up in a fireman’s hold.

  “Riley, what are you doing?” Sarah was laughing so hard she nearly slipped off his shoulder.

  “Put her down, you oaf,” Jay commanded.

  Riley wasn’t going to listen to anyone. “Where’s the bedroom? We have a lot of lovemaking to make up for.”

  “It’s right behind you.”

  Almost as fast as he could run, Riley reached her bedroom and pushed open the door. The sheets were tangled and her clothes were piled high on a chair, but he’d never seen a more welcome sight. With care, he placed her on the bed. If the back of his hands hadn’t sprouted so much hair, he would have taken off her clothes in a flash, but he needed a moment to settle down.

  “Jay,” he said, “how about helping her with her shoes?”

  Sarah smiled. “How about all three of us undress ourselves. It will make things go faster.”

  She was so amazing. “I wanted to tell you one more thing before we begin—before I lose my courage,” Riley said, his heart beating so fast it was sure to punch out of his chest.

  “What’s that?”

  “I love you.”

  * * *

  Sarah was speechless but elated. While she’d dreamed of her men flying up to Washington to be with her, she never thought they would. And then there was Riley’s pronouncement that he loved her. Wow. Tears burned her eyes.

  Only then did she notice his clenched hands and his total stillness, as if he was waiting for her to respond. Expectation of rejection was written all over his face.

  She smiled, eased off the bed, and moved closer to him. She placed her hands on his chest, in part because he seemed to need her assurance more. “I love you, too.” She glanced over at Jay and smiled. “I knew how Jay felt, but I wanted you both, and I thought you didn’t want me after our assignment finished.”

  Riley stroked her cheek and butterflies beat against her stomach. “Well, I’ll be damned,” Riley said then grinned. “We wanted you all right, but we didn’t want to rush you.”

  Now she felt silly that they hadn’t talked more. “I was afraid to say anything because I wasn’t sure about your intentions or what I wanted, but these last few days have given me clarity.”

  “I’m glad,” Riley said.

  Jay stepped next to them. “I know of a way to show you how much I love you, and that we want to be with you.” He cupped her rear.

  As much as she wanted to remind Jay that sex and love weren’t the same thing, her pussy was pulsing so hard that if she didn’t make love with them right now, she’d never be able to have a conversation with them about their potential future.

  She twisted toward Jay. “Show me.”

  While she wanted to slowly undress them, her need was too high. She slipped out of her shoes, top, and jeans in seconds. Before she could reach behind her to undo her bra, her men were naked before her. Whoa. Both chests were furry and Riley’s incisors were poking out.

  “You’re not going to shift on me, are you?” While their wolf form was beautiful, she wanted their human half in bed.

  Riley glanced away and his teeth retracted, as did some of his hair. “Sorry. I can’t seem to control myself around you. I want you too much.”

  Sarah dragged a finger down Jay’s chest. “How about you boys hop on the bed where I can show you how much I want you?”

  Jay grabbed his hard, thick cock. “Boy? I’ll show you boy.”

  Fighting a smile, Sarah pointed at the bed. They grunted then obeyed.

  “You’re not totally naked yet,” Jay said.

  “Don’t worry about me.” Sarah climbed on the bed and motioned they scoot next to each other. She had a plan. “That’s it. A little more.”

  Once they were in position, she slipped a knee between each of their legs. From this vantage point, she’d never seen anything finer.

  Riley lifted his dick. “Staring at it won’t get you any.”

  She shook her head. “Get your mind out of the gutter and relax. We have all night.”

  He bared his teeth. “You might last, but I won’t.”

  Before they took over, Sarah flicked Riley’s hand away and grabbed his cock. When she squeezed tight, his eyes shimmered a pretty greenish-gold hue. Wanting to ratchet up both his desire and Jay’s, she lifted Jay’s dick in her other hand, leaned over, and swiped her tongue from his balls to the tip. They both groaned and grabbed her. Riley clasped his hand over hers and pumped his fist up and down, and if his eyes hadn’t closed and his breaths hadn’t increased, she might have scolded him for taking charge. He was such an Alpha man.

  Jay reached up and unhooked her bra, but with her hands full, she couldn’t stop him. “That’s not fair.”

  “Yes, it is,” he grunted. “If I don’t taste those tits soon, I’m going to expire.”

  He was exaggerating, but she loved him even more for it. To give him better access, she let go of his cock and slipped one arm out of the strap. A second later, he dragged her toward him and when he captured a nipple, lust sped through her and dampened her panties. Oh, what these men did to her.

  Since Jay had drawn her near, putting her out of range of his cock, all she could do was continue to play with Riley while she supported herself on her elbow.

  The men slipped out of her grasp. “We’re about to burst,” Riley said as he hopped off the bed. A second later he returned with a tube of lube.

  She smiled. “I see you came prepared.”

  “You got that right.” He grinned.

  Now that she’d lost control of the seduction, she might as well enjoy the experience. Jay scooted to the middle of the bed and dragged her fully on top of him. “Care to give him a test drive?” Jay asked as he grabbed his cock that was wedged between them.

  The thought of being impaled with his big dick sent spasms traveling up and down her body. “I can’t wait.”

  This time, she’d go slow, stopping and starting just enough to make him almost lose it. As she slid back on her knees to grab his dick, Riley slipped behind her and twirled her nipples. Bolts of electricity charged through her, forcing her to lean her head against his shoulder.

  “I love when you play with them,” she panted.

  “I bet I’m enjoying this more, but trust me, I have big plans for you.”

  She bet he did. “What are you waiting for?”

  Jay reached up, cupped her shoulders, and drew her toward him. “Kiss me.”

  Just as their lips met, Riley slapped her ass, shocking her to the core, even though it didn’t really hurt. She broke the kiss. “What was that for?” she demanded.

  “For lots of things, the first of which was leaving a note and not saying goodbye in person, and secondly for sucking on Jay’s dick first.”

  Sarah had to laugh at his antics then glanced over her shoulder. “We’ll discuss my departure at a later time, seeing as I’m a little busy here.” She nipped at Jay’s mouth again, loving the way he smelled. “As for the second offense, I feared you’d shift on me if I sucked on you first.”

  He rubbed her rear. “I see your point. Okay, you can continue kissing Jay while I prepare you.”

  She turned her face back toward Jay, smiled, and shook her head. “Thank you for letting me proceed.”

  Jay mouthed, ignore him. Happy he was on her side, she pressed her lips to his and let all of her pent up frustration fly away. This was where she needed to be—kissing Jay and loving Riley. These two men gave her hope and showed her what she’d been missing all these years.

  Jay ran his tongue along the seam of her lips, and the moment she let him in, fire consumed her. She was on her elbows and moved a little to cup his face. Their breaths mingled and their scents combined. He darted one way and she the other. So sensual and sure, it was if their kisses had been choreographed.

  When Riley dragged his tongue across her back hole, she jerked at the odd sensation. At first she wasn’t sure what to make of it, but when he wove his tongue into her hole, warmth seeped deep into her. Just as she was about to ask for more, he replaced his tongue with a lubed finger. The moment he slipped it past her tight rosebud and wiggled it around, tiny shocks raced down her darkened channel. Her pussy then responded with a cramping need.

  “I want a cock,” she announced without the slightest bit of embarrassment.

  “I can help with that,” they said in unison.

  She chuckled. Sarah kept forgetting that her men could communicate telepathically. “I’m creaming so hard, I need Jay now.”

  She thought Riley might get upset, but instead he nipped her ass then unscrewed the top to the lube, filling the air with a citrusy aroma.

  “Hurry up and get on Jay,” Riley said as he dragged a finger-full of lube across her back hole.

  Rising to her knees, she grabbed Jay’s dick and placed it at her entrance. She had intended to slide down slowly and deliberately—enough to make Jay beg—but he planted his hands on her hips, held her still, and drove up into her, fully seating himself.

  Oh. My. God. Her eyes widened and then watered. “He’s grown.”

  Jay winked. “You do that to him.”

  Sarah was trying to recover from the slight pain of being stretched when Riley threaded two fingers into her butt, causing ribbons of pleasure to bounce down her tight passageway. Sparks flew as lust swamped her. Holding her hips still, Jay withdrew and drove straight back in, sending her too close to the climactic edge.

  “Lean a little forward,” he said, his eyes swirling with gold flecks.

  She thought he wanted her to do that to give Riley better access, but when she obliged, Jay lifted his head and nabbed a nipple between his teeth and pulled it taut. Stars swam in front of her eyes, and she closed her lids to help stay focused. Pulses of need speared her as Jay taunted her with his licks, twists, and pulls.

  As he eased his cock out and then edged back in, her climax continued to build. The divine friction was heating her up and she wanted to drop down on him, but he held her still. Riley’s hands replaced Jay’s as he pressed his lubed cock against her anus. He pushed but wasn’t able to enter.

  “Relax and let me love you.” Riley’s voice came out dreamy as he rubbed her rear. She finally let go, and his big cock slid in, taking up all of the space.

  She was so full she was about to burst. Sarah was tempted to say it was too much, but then Jay pinched her nipples hard, taking her mind away from the slight discomfort in her rear.

  “Sarah, look at me,” Jay said. She opened her eyes and was mesmerized by the depth of his desire. “I love you more than you’ll ever know. You are my life, my love, my reason for living.”

  Those words melted each muscle in her body. She leaned over and kissed him with every ounce of passion she possessed. The change in angle allowed Riley to slip out easily and plow right back in. Together, her men possessed her, worshipped her, and showered her with love.

  Riley finally let go of her hips and dragged his hands to her chest. Free to move, she lifted up and down, back and forth, in perfect unison with the men. Their speed increased with the ease of entry, and her thoughts blurred. With so many sensations, she wasn’t sure she could last.

  Riley planted his chest against her back, and as he massaged her breasts, he ran his lips along her shoulder, distracting her from the amazing pulses beating against her inner walls.

  Jay broke their kiss and nibbled on her other shoulder. They both stopped, and she inhaled, wondering what was happening. On her next exhale, they drove in so far she was sure their cocks would come out the other end. Waves of pleasure and undeniable bliss crashed down on her and she could no longer contain her orgasm. As she screamed, they both sank their fangs into her neck, uniting them once and for all. A huge white light surrounded her as their love washed over her, and the edges of her vision turned black. For a moment, it was as if she were floating above them.

  Her last thought before she collapsed was how much she wanted and needed them forever.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  When Sarah awoke, sunlight was streaming through the window. She jerked up to a sitting position, and while she recognized she was in her apartment, something was very different. The sheets were tangled and the scent of arousal clung to the air. Her dreams last night had been intense, filled with big cocks and lots of sex. Wait a minute—that hadn’t been a dream. Last night, she’d really had a marathon with two of the most amazing men.

  Pots clanked and chatter sounded in the kitchen. Sarah stretched and rose. Grabbing a bathrobe from her closet, along with some slippers, she quickly dressed, and padded out.

  “Good morning,” she said.

  Both men were dressed in different clothes than what they’d had on last night, yet she didn’t remember them having suitcases. They must have waited to bring them in case she booted them out.

>   “We made you breakfast,” Jay said.

  “Aw, that’s so sweet.”

  Riley walked over, brushed his lips against hers lightly, and handed her phone to her. “The General called while you were asleep. He wants you to call him back.”

  She laughed. “At eight in the morning?” They were up to something. When she swiped her phone, a message appeared, and she listened to the recording. Sure enough, General Armand had called and had asked her to return his call as soon as possible. “What’s this about?”

  Riley glanced over at Jay. “Call him and find out.”

  From the glint in their eyes and the way Jay was fighting a smile, the news wouldn’t be bad. She pressed call and turned her back to the men. Sweat quickly beaded on her palms and her stomach was jumpier than a Jack Russell Terrier. “Sarah, thanks for getting back to me.”

  “How can I help you, General?”

  “Been thinking. We could really use someone with your talent down in Florida.” He went on to explain what her duties might entail.

  She turned around and looked at the men, wondering how much they’d twisted the General’s arm. However, since this was her dream come true, she wouldn’t dig too hard. He mentioned a salary that was more than what she was earning.

  “I’m definitely interested, but I need to speak with my boss.”

  “Already have.”

  She chuckled. Of course, he had. “Well then, when do you expect me?”

  “The sooner the better.”

  Her heart was now speeding and her mouth dry. “Sounds great. Thank you.”

  “No, thank you.” He then disconnected.

  “What did he say?” Jay asked in a voice so calm she almost believed he didn’t know.

  “The General offered me a job.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Jay said.

  Both of their faces lit up and they stalked toward her. She held out her hands. “I need coffee first—and a bit of rest.”

  As if she’d turned off all of the lights in the room, their faces dimmed. Riley cupped her cheeks. “Were we too rough last night?”

  She smiled. “No, but it’s been almost a week. Let’s eat and we can discuss what happens next.”


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