The Path To Us: A Single Parent Romance

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The Path To Us: A Single Parent Romance Page 19

by Jennifer Van Wyk

  “I did. Came out of nowhere, huh?”

  “Yeah. We really weren’t expecting it. He was here one minute and gone the next.”


  “Pretty much.”

  His eyes land on a picture on my desk and zero in there. I know what he’s looking at. Considering that I’m not on social media, it’s not that he’d see pictures of Zoey anywhere.


  He stands, lifts the picture frame, and stares down at it.

  “Yes, Tyson?”

  “Is this…”

  “Go on.”

  “You have a daughter.”

  “I do.”

  “She’s beautiful,” he says quietly, not taking his eyes away from the photo inside.

  “Thank you.”

  He looks at it a little longer before setting the frame back down and looking at me, eyes trailing down to my hand.

  “No, I’m not married.”

  He blows out a breath. “Honestly wasn’t sure I could handle hearing any other news. Who’s the dad?”

  “You don’t know?”

  “Obviously not. Didn’t even know you had a kid.”


  “Chris what?”

  “Chris is the father.”

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  I stand up and move to the other shelf in my office that he hasn’t seen yet and pull a frame from the shelf that has several pictures in it. All of which are of Zoey, Chris, and me. I hand him the frame and he takes it from me. “Chris is your daughter’s dad?”


  “Holy shit.”

  “Yeah. That’s kind of how we all reacted when we found out I was pregnant.”

  “I’ll bet. Wow. Guess I spoke too soon about not being able to handle hearing more news, huh? Is this why you and Beau aren’t together?”

  I freeze, not moving a muscle. “What do you mean?”

  “I saw Beau yesterday morning, actually. Kind of a fluke thing. We were both in the drive-through at the same time. He and I talked and made plans to meet up sometime. I assumed you two were together by now but he said you weren’t. He didn’t mention you had a kid, though.”

  I remind myself that a lot has happened between Beau and me in the last eighteen hours. Yesterday morning we weren’t together.

  This morning is a different answer to that question.

  I wonder if Beau would have told Tyson that we were together if he’d have seen him today.

  I wonder why he didn’t mention Zoey.

  I wonder how he reacted to seeing Tyson after all these years.

  “You two are planning to meet up?”

  “Yeah. I…” He rubs the back of his neck and looks down. “I had some apologies to make. Long overdue apologies, as you know.”

  “Did you tell him you were sorry for sleeping with Lizzy?”

  “Of course I did. He actually said it was okay and that it didn’t bother him.”

  I nod, knowing that’s the truth of it. Yeah, it bothered him a lot when it happened but a dozen years later and he no longer cares. Heck, I’m not sure he cared a dozen days later. He saw Lizzy for who she really was. Then again, I would say the same about what he saw from Tyson, too.

  “And you’re getting together sometime?”

  “We exchanged numbers. I told him I wanted you to come, too. He never told you?”

  “No, he didn’t.” Though, last night when he was over we didn’t do a whole lot of talking. Seems we need to.

  “Huh. I figured he’d let you know. So you’re a mama, huh?”

  Grateful for the change in topic, I smile. “Yup. She’s five and full of spit and vinegar.”

  “I’ll bet. Like her mama, huh?”

  “Quite a bit, actually. She’s got a lot of Chris in her, too. She can be really shy at times. Likes her solitude like Chris did.”

  “I was surprised to hear he was the vice principal at the school for that very reason.”

  “Yeah, he definitely stepped outside his box on that one. But he was great. The kids loved him. Most of them attended his funeral even.”

  “No shit?”

  I nod, taking the frame from his hands and looking down at it. Chris’s smiling face is staring right at me. My heart clenches and I feel the too familiar sting of tears hit the back of my eyes. “It’s crazy how short life is. I guess we never know what our future holds, huh?”

  I set down the frame and turn around, almost bumping into Tyson.

  “I’m sorry, Addy.”

  I shrug. “It’s okay. I mean, it isn’t, and I hate it for Zoey, but we can’t change what happened. All we can do is move forward.”

  “That’s not all I’m sorry about.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, looking up at him.

  He places his hands on my shoulders and I feel a twinge of discomfort but I beat it back because it’s Tyson.

  “I got caught up in being eighteen and knowing I was heading off to a school that scouted me and one day I just knew I was going into the majors. I was a jackass most of the time.”

  “What? No, Tyson. You were never a jackass. At least not to me. Aside from sleeping with Lizzy, that is,” I add with a laugh, stepping back. His hands fall from my shoulders and I try not to visibly breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Nice.” He laughs, too, but it dies quickly. He takes a step back in my direction but this time lifts a hand to my cheek, running a finger down it before letting his hand drop to his side once again. “She was never the one I wanted.”

  I know she wasn’t. He never hid the fact that he wanted me then.

  Shaking my head, I cross my arms, hoping he understands that I’m not okay with all the touching. He and I might have been very close friends once upon a time, and even shared a few kisses. But twelve years change a person and he no longer has the right to touch me the way I can see in his chocolate brown eyes he wants to touch me. “Why’d you ruin your friendship with Beau over her, then? You know, saying it was because you were eighteen isn’t really a good excuse. There are plenty of people who manage to get clear into their golden years without sleeping with someone else’s girlfriend.”

  Tyson huffs, either irritated at me for bringing it up or at himself. Hopefully himself because it’s not my fault he made a dumb choice. “You’re right. It isn’t an excuse. Stupid way of thinking, I suppose. I knew he had you.”

  I hear Mary happily greet someone after the door chimes and wish I had the excuse that I needed to go out and help whoever just came into the shop.

  “But he didn’t. Not in the way you’re thinking, anyway.” He raises a dark eyebrow and I roll my eyes. “Okay, fine. Yes, I had a wee bit of a crush on him then but that doesn’t mean that you can have sex with his girlfriend.”

  “I always wanted you.”

  “Tyson…” I start but he doesn’t let me say anything else. He bends down and brushes his lips against mine. It’s a quick touch and over before it started but it still happened.

  As quickly as the kiss happened, I just as quickly step away, lifting a hand to my lips. “Tyson.”

  “Addy. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. But ever since I got back to town, I’ve been dying to see you and then…”

  “Then, what?” I hear Beau’s booming voice in the doorway to the office.

  “Beau,” I whisper, hoping he saw my side of it. That I wasn’t asking for that kiss and I stepped away.

  Tyson looks a little worried but still greets his once best friend. “Hey, man.”

  “You sure didn’t waste any time, huh?” Beau asks, stance wide and arms crossed across his broad chest.

  “It wasn’t like that.”

  “Oh, really? Then what was it like?”

  “Just came to see Addy.”

  Beau looks at me then back to Tyson, jaw so hard I’m afraid he’s going to crack a tooth.

  The air between us is heavy with tension.

  This isn’t how today was supposed to go. We had a great start
to our day then we were going to the pool and tonight Beau and I had plans.

  Tyson looks between us when Beau moves closer to me, wrapping an arm around my waist.

  From Beau’s hand, to my face, back to Beau’s hand…

  Understanding dawns and he takes a step back.

  “Thought you said you weren’t together.”

  “We weren’t. Now we are.”

  Tyson’s eyes harden. “It was a day ago.”

  “So?” Beau challenges.


  Is that why…

  “Is that why?” I ask Beau, stepping away from him.

  “Why, what?”

  “Why you… holy shit. It wasn’t about me at all! It was about making sure you staked your claim before Tyson could.”

  “What? No! Addy, no. That’s not it at all. You have to believe me.” He turns and gives Tyson his back, stepping between us so his focus is only on me. “Look at me, honey. Really look at me. You are it for me. What we shared last night? That was real. That wasn’t me trying to anything. Honestly? Tyson didn’t even cross my mind after we parted. After I saw this ass,” he says, motioning behind him and Tyson shouts, “hey!” but it doesn’t stop Beau from continuing. “I went to the bank, squared shit up with Grant. Had a talk with him. Came to you. Period. That was it. Believe me when I tell you that Tyson has nothing to do with us.”

  His hazel eyes are wide and earnest. He’s begging me to believe him.

  I look over his shoulder at Tyson who winces. “Kind of sounds like he’s telling you the truth. Of course, if you don’t want to believe him, that’s fine, too. Then maybe we can…”

  “Shut up, Tyson!” Beau growls.

  “I love you, Addy. There’s nothing underhanded. No lies. This is me telling you that I am in love with you.”

  “I believe you.”

  He blows out a breath just as I hear my daughter’s voice shout, “Mommy! I got a kitty and he lives at Pop’s house and I named her Cheese!”

  “Cheese?” I hear Tyson mutter.

  “Don’t ask,” comes Beau’s reply. “Her dog is Macaroni. And the other dog is Nugget.”

  “The girl likes food. I approve.”

  “Hey, baby! What’s this about a kitten? And Nugget? You saw Nugget and Pop?”

  “Uh huh! And we had wemonade and cookies and there’s six more kittens!”

  “Three, baby. Remember? There were four kittens total.”

  Zoey rolls her eyes. “Unca Beau.” Her tone is scolding which makes Tyson snort.

  “Zoey, this is my friend from high school. His name’s Tyson. He used to play baseball now he just sits around watching TV all day,” Beau says, giant grin on his face.

  “Do you watch Tom and Jerry? It’s my favorite.”

  “It’s my favorite, too!” Tyson says, getting low and sticking out his hand to shake Zoey’s. Beau and I share a look over their heads. “It’s nice to meet you, Zoey. You look like your mama.”

  “We hear dat a wot. Unca Beau, you gotta show Mommy my new kitten!”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Beau takes out his phone and opens it to the photos, showing me the pictures he took of Zoey with an adorable fluffy kitten and in the background is a smiling Richard Noosma. “That’s another part of the story. Seems like it’s been a day.”

  “Isn’t that the truth.”

  “So I take it neither of you are single,” Tyson remarks with a smirk.

  He pockets his phone. “Correct,” Beau says gruffly.

  I giggle and pick up Zoey, holding her on my hip. She’s too big to hold like this, but until she won’t allow it or I’m not strong enough, I’m going to keep holding her.

  “Bummer for me but I’m happy for you two. I always thought you two belonged together. Happy to see it finally happened.”

  Since Zoey doesn’t know that we’re together, I hope she’s not picking up on anything.

  “Oh, and thanks for throwing me under the bus yesterday, man,” Tyson says to Beau.

  “What do you mean?” Beau asks, chuckling.

  “Like you don’t know.” He turns to me. “I got stuck talking to someone I didn’t really feel like talking to.”

  “Lizzy,” Beau says quietly.

  “Ahh. Lucky you.”

  “Right. Not so much. Anyway, Beau, you have my number. Let’s get together soon, yeah? Sounds like we have a lot to catch up on.”

  Beau drapes his arm over my shoulder and leans over to kiss me on the temple. “Sure thing.”

  “Said it before but I’m saying it again, I’m happy for you both. Can’t think of two people who belong together more. Treat her right,” he says, shaking Beau’s hand.

  “Count on it.”

  I set down Zoey and give Tyson a completely platonic quick side hug goodbye.

  “Nice to meet you, Zoey.”

  He starts to walk away just as Lindley walks in, looking down at the iPad in her hands that we use for orders.

  They bump into each other and Tyson catches her before she stumbles.

  “Whoa. You okay?”

  “So… sorry, I didn’t see you there,” Lindley says, startled when she looks up at Tyson.

  They stare at each other for several seconds before I clear my throat.

  “Lindley, this is Tyson, a friend from high school. Tyson, this is Lindley, my manager.”

  “Hi,” Lindley says, still staring wide-eyed.

  “Hey there. Nice to meet you.”



  I clap and announce, “Okay, then! You two met. Now, I need to get back to work so we can take this one to the pool for a few hours.”

  Even though I would rather stick a needle in my eye than go to the pool today. Maybe we can pray for a thunderstorm that will change our plans and we can stay home instead.

  “Nice to meet you, Lindley.”

  “You, too, Tyson.”

  Neither seem to want to part but Beau doesn’t have a problem helping them do so. He pushes Tyson along and out the door, calling for Zoey to follow him and letting me know that they’ll pick up some sandwiches for lunch and see us at my place.

  As soon as everyone is gone, Lindley turns to me. “Do you know who that is?”

  “Uh, yeah. I introduced you, remember?”

  “No, I mean. That’s Tyson Davis!”

  “I know.”

  “THE Tyson Davis, Addy! How could you not tell me you knew him?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. It was a long time ago. I never really think much of it, I guess. You mean, because he was in the major leagues?”

  “Yes! Oh my gosh. I just met Tyson Davis and didn’t think to get an autograph or picture. My son is gonna kill me.”

  “Just to say… the way Tyson was looking at you just now? I don’t think that’s the last time you’ll see him,” I singsong.

  “Shut. Up. You are such a liar! He wasn’t looking at me.”

  “Whatever you say.”

  I drop the subject but the dreamy look in her eyes tells me she won’t be forgetting that meeting anytime soon.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “This is crazy,” I whisper into Addy’s ear as we sit on the edge of the shallow end of the pool, watching Zoey splash around with the other kids. She hasn’t asked us to go into the deeper part with her yet to help her learn to swim because she’s been too busy playing. Which is fine. As busy as it is here, I don’t see how either Addy or I could give her any sort of lessons. Addy decided it would be better to have her take official lessons so we gave Zoey limits on where she’s allowed to go without us and so far, she’s been doing a great job at listening to our instructions.

  But that’s about the only good part about our time here at the public pool. I’ve never been stared at so much in my life and it makes me glad that I made that call to my parents this morning because I know we’re the talk of the town.

  “We expected it,” Addy says quietly, fingertips skimming over the water.

p; I dip a hand into the water, cup my fingers together, and bring it up to my shoulder, letting it run down my arm. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  “Because you don’t want people to know we’re together?”

  I nudge her with my shoulder. “Get outta here with that crap. You know that’s not true at all.”

  She glances up at me under her lashes and smiles. “I know. I just wanted to see what you’d say.”

  “I thought I was the one who teased you?”

  “Mutual teasing. Anyway, I get why you don’t like it. I don’t either. But maybe we just have to deal with it until it dies down.”

  “Which is only until the next round of gossip hits town.”


  I let my thumb graze her backside as I lean back on my hands, scooting a little closer to her. “They’re probably thinking why the hell is that bombshell of a woman with that big oaf.”

  She dips her face. “Whatever. That’s about the opposite. Have you seen them checking you out? I’m about ten seconds away from making you put your shirt back on.”


  “Yes,” she says without hesitation.

  “That’s so damn hot, Addy. Do you realize how many years I’ve wanted you to be jealous over me?”


  “Hey, I’m not saying it’s okay but that’s the truth of it because just the thought of another man looking at you makes me crazy.”


  “Fuck yeah.”

  She turns her head to look at me and I wish her sunglasses weren’t covering her eyes. “You’re right. That’s hot.”

  I grin and she returns it and we go back to watching Zoey, letting the people stare and gossip all they want. Whatever they’re thinking, whatever they’re saying, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is the two of us and what we know.

  Zoey comes trudging through the water that’s waist-high with a big smile.

  “Having fun, Squirt?”

  “Uh huh! So fun!”

  When we got here, I asked Addy if they’d ever been here and she said a few times, but since Chris had the pool at his place, they didn’t come often. Zoey squealed and skip-walked when we reminded her there was no running because she was so excited to get into the water.

  “Ready to go jump on the big board?”

  She shakes her head with wide eyes. “No way. Dats too big for me.”


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