Amish Haven (Amish Witness Protection Book 3)

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Amish Haven (Amish Witness Protection Book 3) Page 1

by Dana R. Lynn

  A Refuge for His Family

  An Amish Witness Protection story

  When criminal lawyer Tyler Everson witnesses his boss’s murder, he becomes the killer’s next target—along with his estranged wife, Annabelle, and their daughter. Now they must enter witness protection in Amish country. But reuniting with his family isn’t easy when Annabelle doesn’t trust him. Will going into hiding keep them safe...and bring the family back together for good?

  A car squealed into the parking lot. Tyler took one look, and his blood ran cold.

  The speeding car headed straight for Annie and Bethany, showing no hint of slowing down.

  As its window rolled down, Tyler was running before the first shot blasted through the silence. Putting himself directly in front of his wife and daughter, he pushed them behind another vehicle. He covered them as well as he could with his body. Bethany’s whimpered sobs broke his heart, but he made himself block them out.

  More shots rang out around them. How many came from the marshals protecting them and how many from the people who wanted him dead, he had no idea.

  * * *


  Amish Hideout by Maggie K. Black—January 2019

  Amish Safe House by Debby Giusti—February 2019

  Amish Haven by Dana R. Lynn—March 2019

  Dana R. Lynn grew up in Illinois. She met her husband at a wedding and told her parents she’d met the man she was going to marry. Nineteen months later, they were married. Today, they live in rural northwestern Pennsylvania with enough animals to start a petting zoo. In addition to writing, she works as a teacher for the deaf and hard of hearing and works in several ministries in her church.

  Books by Dana R. Lynn

  Love Inspired Suspense

  Amish Witness Protection

  Amish Haven

  Amish Country Justice

  Plain Target

  Plain Retribution

  Amish Christmas Abduction

  Amish Country Ambush

  Amish Christmas Emergency

  Presumed Guilty

  Interrupted Lullaby

  Visit the Author Profile page at

  Amish Haven

  Dana R. Lynn

  And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

  —1 Corinthians 13:13

  To my family. Thank you for giving me the love and support I need to follow my dreams.
























  “You don’t need to be concerned. I have it covered.”

  Tyler Everson heard his boss’s voice as he walked past his office. He frowned. What was Gene doing here? Gene Landis, one of the most sought-after lawyers in the city of Chicago, had supposedly left three hours earlier to attend one of his wife’s benefit dinners. He shrugged. It was none of his business. Tyler knew as well as anyone that law was a demanding career. Those who wanted to succeed had to be willing to make sacrifices.

  He should know that. He’d lost his wife and child because of his job. Annabelle. He missed his wife still. And his sweet little Bethany. She’d be five by now. Did they ever miss him? A familiar ache spread through his chest. Unbidden, the memory of Annabelle leaving him came to mind. Her accusations of how he had become withdrawn and was no longer the man she had married echoed in the recesses of his mind. She was right, but not for the reasons she had thought. Tyler had wanted to run after her, to plead with her to stay. But he hadn’t. Because due to his job, there was the possibility that she and Bethany could be put in danger. Tyler could never prove it, but he believed that her life had been threatened once before. There had been an accident that had left her with severe injuries. He had never believed it was an accident. Tyler had received threats after he had sent a man to prison for life. Threats that culminated in a runaway truck smashing into their home and injuring his wife. He still had nightmares about it. Annabelle had been horribly injured. Her legs had suffered extensive damage. Every time he had looked at the scars on them, he knew he had been to blame for not taking the threats seriously until it was too late.

  She had been in the hospital while the police had investigated the incident. The police had looked into the threats, as well, but had been unable to find evidence against the man he suspected. In fact, they had concluded that the threats and the accident were unconnected. Annabelle had accepted their findings.

  Tyler believed differently. Six months later, the man who had threatened him died of a heart attack. He still couldn’t get over his fear.

  What if someone else came after him? He had made a lot of enemies on the job. Tyler knew that he couldn’t allow his family to be in danger. And so, even though they lived only an hour away, he stayed away.

  He shook his head, trying to clear the dark memories. They were better off without him. He couldn’t change what had happened. Most days he worked so hard that he could barely think by the time he reached his apartment. And that was the way he preferred it. Otherwise, the memories of the family he’d lost would hound him.

  He couldn’t regret his decision, though. He knew that he’d done what he could to protect them.

  No, it was better this way. How many people got the opportunity to be up for partner at a prestigious firm such as Landis Law at the age of twenty-nine?

  Tyler continued to the parking garage, his mind full of the case he was preparing to prosecute. It would be a tricky one. Would the witness’s testimony hold up? He had his doubts about the woman. She’d waffled on a couple of details. Part of him dreaded putting her on the stand. And not only because of her weak testimony. In his gut, he wondered if she was being honest. Having someone swear under oath was a serious thing—at least it was to him. His reputation depended on his providing credible witnesses.

  Arriving at his car, he unlocked it and placed his briefcase on the passenger seat. Then he remembered the brief. He unlatched the black briefcase and searched through it. His heart sank. The brief he’d printed out to review that night before tomorrow’s court case was still on his desk.

  With a sigh, he shut the car door and jogged back to the elevator. It would only take five minutes to go and retrieve it, but he hated inefficiency. His schedule was too jam-packed for him to be wasting time.

  Tyler returned to his office. There it was. He picked up the brief he’d printed out and flipped through it to make sure all the pages were present. If he had to come back for something else, he would not be pleased.

  Finally, positive that he had everything, Tyler switched off his light and headed out again. Gene’s light was on. That man worked even harder than Tyler did. He could hear the murmur of Gene’s voice. He was probably on the phone.

  I’ll just stop in and remind him that I’m going directly to the courthouse tomorrow morning.

g to the open doorway, he popped his head in.


  Stunned, Tyler watched as his boss fell back in his chair, red blossoming like some obscene flower across the once pristine shirt he wore. Gene was still, his eyes staring vacantly. Was he dead? Tyler jerked his gaze to the man standing across from Gene. His back was to the doorway. But Tyler knew exactly who it was. He recognized the dragon tattoo rising up from the collar of his dark jacket. Wilson Barco. The most wanted man in town. The man suspected of running a crime syndicate that was involved in everything from money laundering and drug trafficking to murder.

  He hadn’t seen Tyler yet. That was the only thing that was keeping Tyler alive.

  He had to get out of here. Backing away from the door slowly, Tyler moved as quietly as he could. It wasn’t quiet enough. Spinning around, the killer snapped the gun up and aimed.

  Tyler ran. The bullet meant for him smashed into the wall where he’d been standing. A watercolor painting crashed to the floor, glass skittering across the surface.

  Tyler didn’t give it a second glance. His only hope was to make it to his car. He kept his head low as he ducked around a corner. Another bullet, but this time it made a solid thunk as it was embedded into the wall. He bolted past the elevator. No way was he risking waiting for it to open. Even if he made it, he’d be a sitting duck once it arrived at the bottom. The stairs. No other choice.

  Another gunshot. A hot pain shot up his arm. He’d been shot. Despite the pain, he kept running. A little pain was better than being dead. Which was what he’d be if he slowed down.

  Darting through the empty lobby, he grabbed his lanyard with a shaking hand and swiped his badge in front of the security panel, unlocking the door to the stairwell. It beeped, and the light turned green. He yanked open the door and jumped through the entrance, pulling it shut as the killer burst into the lobby.

  He hit the stairs as the next bullet pinged against the metal door. He didn’t slow down. Even though the door automatically locked when it shut, he wasn’t taking any chances. He had no idea how Barco had made it into the building after hours. For all he knew, he could have already figured out a way to bypass the security system.

  His feet made loud clanging noises as he rushed down the stairs to the basement. It couldn’t be helped. He had just hit the second landing when he heard another set of shoes racing down the stairs behind him. He didn’t have as much time as he’d hoped.

  Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he whipped open the door to the parking garage and ran to where his four-door sedan was parked. It was still unlocked. Tyler hopped in and started the car, just as Barco burst out of the doorway.

  Without fastening his seat belt, Tyler shifted into Drive and yanked on the gearshift harder than he had in years. The car jerked forward. Spinning the wheel, he drove toward the exit. His rear passenger window shattered. A second bullet hit the side of the car.

  “God, help me!”

  Tyler hadn’t talked to God since his wife had packed up and left, taking their toddler daughter and his joy with him. He’d been so angry at God for not intervening. For not opening his eyes to what was happening. But even if God had shown him, would he have been able to change? He was a workaholic, just like his father had been. Plus, his work was his private mission. God hadn’t helped him then, so he had decided he didn’t need God.

  He needed God now.

  Tyler careened around the parking ramp leading to the exit. Glancing up into the rearview mirror, he sighed. The killer wasn’t there. Yet.

  The street was just ahead of him. All that separated him from the outside world and the parking garage was the long wooden gate arm. Out of habit, he slowed. The gate started to lift as the sticker on his windshield was registered. Another glance in his rearview mirror. His blood froze.

  Barco was running up the ramp.

  What was he doing? He stomped on the gas pedal. The engine roared, and the car shot forward. The boom barrier splintered as his car broke through it. He could hear an alarm sound as he pulled onto the street. The car he cut off braked and skidded, and the driver blared his horn at Tyler.

  “Sorry, buddy,” Tyler muttered.

  Where did he go now? He had to go to the police. And then home.

  Home. He couldn’t go there. Barco had seen him pull out of his parking space. His very prominent parking space with his name on it. In this day of technology, it would be easy for anyone to find his identity and address. He had no doubt that if he went home tonight someone would be waiting for him.

  He couldn’t worry about that now. He had to go to the police. A vision of Gene flashed through his mind. What had he done to deserve being murdered?

  He turned into the police station so fast that he barely missed sideswiping a police cruiser. He threw open his door and raced up the steps, holding on to his injured arm. The clerk at the window gaped at him for three seconds before rushing to assist him.

  * * *

  Two hours later, Tyler was sitting in a conference room at the police station. His arm had been cared for by the paramedics, and he’d been given something to take the edge off the pain. Fortunately, it wasn’t a bad wound.

  Officers had taken pictures of his arm and the side of his car. A team had been dispatched to the law firm. He’d heard something about an ambulance being sent there, as well. He remembered Gene’s blank stare. He feared the ambulance was too late to do Gene any good.

  An officer entered the room. Officer Cale. They’d worked together on cases before. Tyler had always liked the quiet officer. “Tyler, our men have caught Barco. They’re bringing him in now. I hate to tell you this, but your boss—”

  “He’s dead.” Tyler’s voice was flat.

  Cale nodded.

  “Where did they catch Barco? Surely the man wasn’t dumb enough to hang around the crime scene when you caught him.”

  Cale hesitated. Sensing more bad news, Tyler tensed.

  “You were right that he would find out who you were. He was in your apartment.”

  Stunned, Tyler stared at him. Then some of the tension drained out of his shoulders.

  “Good to know they caught him. Though I don’t like that he was in my place.” Tyler took a long drink of the bottled water they had brought him. He hadn’t realized how thirsty he was.

  Cale gave him a funny look.


  “You know it’s not that easy, Tyler.”

  Before he had time to think about Cale’s words, the door opened. A man who looked to be close to his age entered the room. Officer Cale straightened. The new arrival nodded at the officer before his gaze zeroed in on Tyler. His face was hard to read, but Tyler thought he could detect some sympathy in his eyes.

  I’m not going to like this.

  “Mr. Everson. I’m US Marshal Jonathan Mast.”

  Tyler’s gut clenched. It couldn’t be good if the US Marshals were getting involved.

  “You’re in a precarious position right now. Wilson Barco has his fingers in just about every crime venue you can imagine. But he could never be prosecuted because we could never find witnesses to his crimes.”

  Tyler nodded, not liking where this was going. He’d known that Barco had slipped through the cracks before.

  “We believe that Gene Landis was on his payroll.”

  “No way. Not Gene!” He shook his head vehemently. Gene had always been a stickler about doing everything the proper way. And now to find out he’d been living a double life? He couldn’t wrap his mind around it.

  “Yes, Gene.” Mast pulled out a chair and sat across from him. “Sorry, but that’s what the evidence is adding up to. Barco is a man with vast resources. You are the first reliable witness we’ve ever had who could incriminate him. If we were to allow you to remain in your apartment, there’s no doubt in my mind that you would be killed or simply vanish before you could testi

  For a moment, there was silence as Tyler thought through the matter. Finally, he spoke. “What’s your plan? Will I get police protection? Go to a safe house?”

  Mast shook his head. “Neither of those options would be enough. Barco’s reach is too vast. No telling who we can trust. We’re putting you in witness protection.”

  A sick feeling overwhelmed him. He knew all about witness protection. Those who went in lost all connection with their families. His daughter, Bethany—would he never see her again? Would she even know about him, or would she grow up and forget he even existed? And what about Annabelle? He had no hope of ever winning back his wife again, he knew that. He couldn’t change who he was, and she had already shown that she couldn’t accept that. Not to mention the danger he’d put her in if they were to get back together. But he’d never imagined a life where he could not even see her or hear her voice again.

  The future that loomed ahead of him was dark and empty.

  * * *

  The hair on the back of Annabelle Everson’s neck rose. Was she being watched? She glanced around the grocery store, but no one appeared to be paying any attention to them. She must have imagined it. She shivered, then blamed it on the air-conditioning.

  Even though she knew it wasn’t the cold that was making her shiver. This was the second time today she’d felt like someone was watching her. The first time had been outside the library, where she took her daughter every Wednesday afternoon for the reading hour. Today the library had been busier than normal. The local fire department had sent several of the firefighters and a truck to talk about fire safety. The children present were thrilled to get to touch a real fire truck.

  After the library, she and Bethany went shopping. It was their weekly routine.

  Annabelle pushed the cart down the aisle, listening as Bethany chattered on about the letter she’d received from her kindergarten teacher. Annabelle could hardly believe that her baby would be starting school in a month. Where had the time gone?


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