Saint (Dixie Reapers MC 12)

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Saint (Dixie Reapers MC 12) Page 5

by Harley Wylde

  “What else is in the box?” she asked.

  “Some things I bought and never used,” I said vaguely, not sure I wanted to use any of those things on her.

  “Like what?”

  Christ. It figured she’d push the issue. I reached into the box and pulled out a package with a small, pink vibrator. It was shaped like a cock, but only five inches long. Well, maybe not small, unless it was compared to my dick. I showed it to her, and fuck me if her eyes didn’t light up with interest.

  “Do you have batteries?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Sofia, I don’t know that…”

  She arched an eyebrow as she stared at me over her shoulder. “I want the full experience, Saint. Don’t treat me like I’m made of glass. It’s just you and me in this room. I’m a woman who needs to be fucked by the greatest guy she’s ever met.”

  I nodded and reached into the bedside table drawer. I always kept a variety of battery sizes in there. Hadn’t realized I’d be using them for this particular purpose, not with a kid in the house. I’d figured those days were long gone, unless I decided to settle down. I ripped open the package, and the vibrator fell out onto the bed. I grabbed the bottle of lube and the AA batteries, inserted them, and hit the power button. The toy whirred to life, and I was honestly a bit surprised the damn thing worked after sitting in the closet for so long.

  “Spread your legs, Sofia. Wide.”

  She shifted and did as I’d commanded. I ran my hand down her back.

  “Good girl.”

  Setting the toy on a low speed, I rubbed small circles against her clit. She moaned and lowered her head, lifting her hips more and giving me better access. I caressed the cheeks of her ass as I slid the toy higher up and plunged it inside her pussy. I fucked her with it a few times before teasing her clit some more.

  “You’re going to come like this,” I said. “Then I’m going to fuck you good and hard.”

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  I turned up the speed and she cried out, her body going tight. As she started to come, I backed off. Using our mingled release to coat the toy, I pressed it against the tight ring of muscle between her ass cheeks, just lightly circling. She gasped and twisted, her legs trembling.

  “Hmm. It seems you like that, maybe a little too much.”

  “Saint. I… I need…”

  “You need what?” I asked.

  “Please. I need to come.”

  I put the toy against her clit again, turned it all the way up, and she was screaming her release within seconds. I kept it pressed against the hard little bud, making her come multiple times. Sofia was crying and begging, nonsensical words coming out of her mouth as she rode wave after wave of pleasure. When my cock was leaking all over the damn bed, I knew I couldn’t wait another moment.

  I thrust deep and hard, fucking her through another orgasm. Her body twitched and her pussy grabbed me tight. I removed the toy from her clit. Grabbing the lube, I squirted a liberal amount down the crack of her ass, then pressed the toy against that forbidden spot again. Sofia cried out and bucked, my cock sliding in deeper. I grunted and helped reposition her. With her ass higher and her shoulders flat on the bed, I was able to slam all nine inches into her until the head of my dick kissed her cervix.

  I slowly worked the toy into her ass, fucking her with it as I pounded her pussy. Fuck but she felt incredible! I growled as I came, but even then my dick didn’t deflate. I kept thrusting and fucking her with the toy. Sofia grew hoarse as she came twice more. I felt possessed, taking her like some crazed beast, but I couldn’t stop. Didn’t want to stop. I’d never come so much so close together in my life, but I came again. My cock twitched and throbbed as I emptied myself into her tight pussy.

  “Fuck!” I panted for breath, my legs shaking from the force of my release. I ran my hand down her back. “You okay, baby?”

  She whimpered and I eased out of her, then slowly removed the toy. I shut it off and unfastened the cuffs. Sofia collapsed onto the bed and I lay beside her, pulling her into my arms. Her body shuddered and she sucked in a big breath before she turned to face me.

  “I never knew it could be like that,” she said.

  “Me either,” I admitted.

  “I find it hard to believe you’ve never done that before, since they were your toys.”

  “No, I mean… it was different with you. I’ve never lost control like that, or come so damn much. I didn’t hurt you?”

  “I’m good.” She smiled softly. “More than good.”

  Then the smile slipped from her face, and I knew what she was thinking. This was our one and only. There wouldn’t be more moments like this one. No more fucking between us. My dick wanted to protest, and so did my damn heart. Figured the one woman to come along and completely captivate me was the last one I should want.

  “Rest, sweetheart. We’ll shower before Delia comes home.”

  She ran her fingers down my chest, a wistful look on her face. “It’s not fair.”

  “What’s not?”

  “I never knew men like you existed. I finally find one, and I can’t keep him.”

  I closed my eyes, my heart breaking a little at her words. If I were a selfish bastard, then I’d say to hell with it and make her mine in every way possible, but I couldn’t do that. The day Rocket had placed an infant in my hands, my life had changed. I could no longer do things because they were what I wanted. I had to put Delia first, and think of what was best for Sofia, even if it meant forgoing my own happiness. We were in a shitty situation, and I didn’t see a way out. Not as long as her father and his men were breathing. I hoped Casper worked fucking fast on whatever he’d planned. If there came a time that Gomez wasn’t a threat, then things would be different. If Sofia was still speaking to me by then… I wouldn’t hold it against her if she didn’t want anything to do with me as time passed.

  “I think I could love you,” she whispered.

  “Me too, baby. I could easily love you. Maybe we’ll get our chance.”

  “He’ll never let me go,” she said. “Without us, he’ll lose out on business. It’s common knowledge that anyone who deals with my father gets…”

  I placed my fingers over her lips, not wanting to hear another word. The thought of anyone touching her without her permission made rage fill me, especially now. Now that I felt like she was mine.

  She pulled away and got out of bed, padding into the bathroom. I stared up at the ceiling a moment before following her. I knew it would be best to keep my distance, to start building the wall again, locking my heart away. And yet I couldn’t. I wanted as much time with Sofia as I could get. I’d squeeze as much enjoyment out of however many minutes or hours we had left as I could, and hope that it was enough until I could figure things out, find a way for us to be together without putting my daughter at risk. I wanted us to be a family, for Sofia to be a permanent part of our lives. It was dicey enough, just having Sofia in the house with us if her father wanted her back, but if I married her, then it would put a bigger target on us.

  “There has to be a way. I don’t know what it is yet, but whatever this is between us can’t be doomed from the start.” I stepped into the shower, pulling her against my chest. “My club, the Hades Abyss, or Casper VanHorne, will take care of your father, and then we can be together. Give me time, Sofia.”

  She cuddled against me, but she didn’t confirm or deny that she would be with me when all this was over. I understood her hesitation, but I hoped it was unfounded. I prayed for the first time since I was kid, hoping that we would get a miracle. I hadn’t had one in so long that I’d stopped believing in them, but I needed one now. We all did.

  Chapter Four


  Six Weeks Later

  I stared at my sister as she walked into Saint’s house, unable to believe that Luciana was really here. I’d heard that our father was trying to reclaim her, and if that failed he wanted either me or Violeta. I’d go back before I’d let him hurt my baby sis
ter. I’d endured the pain and humiliation longer than Violeta, and I worried about her gentle spirit being broken to the point she would never recover.

  I looked at Luciana again, really looking this time. Despite the worry in her eyes, she fairly glowed and I wondered if she’d been doing well with Hades Abyss. A flash in the sunlight caught my attention and I noticed she was wearing a wedding ring. My gut churned. Not because I begrudged her any happiness, but because I’d started to fear I’d never have that for myself.

  The day Saint had thoroughly ruined me for any other man had been the beginning of the end. When Delia had run home and hugged me before her dad, it had been the final nail in the coffin. Saint had not only distanced himself, but he’d frozen me out completely, of both their lives. Delia still talked to me, and we watched cartoons together, but if her daddy was around, she ignored me. Even though I knew she didn’t want to, it was painful. On some level, I could understand his reasoning, but my heart still ached for what I would never have.

  I lived here, and yet I could tell I wasn’t really welcome. It hurt. So damn much. I looked longingly at Saint and Delia, but quickly turned away.

  “They won’t stop,” I said. “We’ll never be safe.”

  And that also meant I’d never have Saint or Delia. He’d been right to put up a wall between us, no matter how much pain it caused me.

  “We’re not going back, Sofia. Never,” Luciana vowed.

  I nodded, knowing she meant the words, but I didn’t think she could make them an actuality. Just because she decreed we would be free and never suffer at our father’s hands again didn’t make it so.

  “I miss you and Violeta,” I said. I’d been so lonely.

  “We miss you too. They’re treating you well here, aren’t they?” Luciana asked.

  I cast a glance toward Saint and my cheeks flushed a little. “I’m good. I don’t think he likes me, though.”

  I knew that wasn’t entirely true. It wasn’t that he didn’t like me, it’s that he feared letting me get too close. He had every right to be concerned for Delia.

  “And the little girl?” Luciana asked.

  “She’s great. Delia is so much fun, and so sweet. We get along fine. She’s four, but she’s so smart. I think she’s ahead of the other kids her age.”

  Luciana gave me a knowing look, and I worried that I’d let her see too much. Yes, I loved Delia, and her daddy too. Sometimes loving someone wasn’t enough. They had to love you in return, and my parentage alone was enough to keep a wedge between me and Saint. Possibly forever. Unless my dad succeeded, and I was returned to Colombia. There were times I wondered if that would be better. At least I knew where I stood back home. Being in limbo with Saint and Delia was confusing. Even worse, knowing the pleasure and tenderness of his touch only to have it taken away left me feeling ice cold deep down.

  The man who had arrived with Luciana came over, his hands shoved in his pockets. I noticed his vest, which I’d learned was called a cut, said Prospect. “So, I’m going to stay with you at another house. Rocket will be staying there too with Violeta. Saint said Sofia was welcome to go with us.”

  “Thank you, Teller,” Luciana murmured.

  Of course he said I could go. I swallowed hard and fought hard not to cry like a damn baby. I’d been more emotional than usual lately, and I hated it. My periods had never been regular, and it was common for me to miss a month or two at a time, but the way I felt the last few weeks, I figured I was due any day. Just what I needed. Cramps on top of dealing with a broken heart. At least ice cream helped with both issues.

  “Delia doesn’t want her to go,” Teller said.

  I felt lighter, happier at the mention of Delia. “She wants me here?”

  He nodded. “I told Saint it would be best for you to stay since you’re already set up here. I mean, this isn’t my club and even if it were, he outranks me so… If he says you have to go, then you’ll have to go.”

  I sighed and slowly stood. I walked over to Delia, who still clung to her daddy’s leg, and knelt down.

  “Delia, my sister is here and my other sister is coming too. I think it’s best if I go with them for now, but I’ll still be close by.”

  “She doesn’t need you,” Saint said.

  His words were like a dagger to my heart and I didn’t think I could hide my tears. I turned away quickly and headed for the front door. Luciana came out and wrapped her arms around me, glaring over my shoulder, no doubt at Saint. Despite the pain at being so easily dismissed, I refused to crumble. After all I’d faced in my life, I wouldn’t let Saint break me. I’d looked evil in the face and I was still standing. A broken heart wouldn’t be the thing that took me to my knees.

  “Come on, Sofia. We’ll find somewhere else to go until the house is ready for us. And Saint can have your belongings packed,” Luciana said. “You’ve been through enough without remaining in a hostile home environment.”

  “Spider chose well,” Saint said. “I’m sure you’re the perfect wife for the President of Hades Abyss. Ryker didn’t have too many nice things to say about you, but don’t worry. He’ll come around.”

  Luciana glanced from him to me and back again. “The question is whether or not you’ll come around. Don’t let fear hold you back.”

  I looked over and saw him smile faintly and lift his daughter into his arms. “If things were different… but they aren’t. I’m not a bad guy, Luciana. But I will die before I let any darkness touch my daughter, and you and your sisters have trouble written all over you. It follows you, stalks you from the shadows, and I don’t think it’s backing down.”

  I let Luciana and the Prospect help me into an SUV and we drove to another home inside the compound. There was another man there, one wearing the Hades Abyss cut, and our sister. I’d missed Violeta so much! Despite the fact she looked a bit banged up, I smiled, a true smile, for the first time in a while, and rushed out of the vehicle to go hug her. The man beside her frowned, a flash of something in his eyes. I didn’t know who he was, but it was clear that he was protective of Violeta.

  “Sofia, this is Rocket,” Violeta said. There was a hint of hero worship in her voice, and I wondered if he noticed. A quick glance at Rocket showed that he didn’t seem completely oblivious to Violeta, but I didn’t see lust either, which was good since she was still young.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” I said.

  Luciana pushed me out of the way so she could hug Violeta too. I thought it odd she seemed to excited to see our sister when they lived at the same place. Didn’t they? I’d been told both my sisters were with Hades Abyss. Were they not allowed to visit one another? Had I been wrong about them being good guys? I didn’t get an evil vibe from them, but that didn’t exactly make them angels either.

  Rocket gave me a nod. “All right, ladies. Go find your rooms. The Dixie Reaper women are gathering some things you might need. Except you, Sofia, since your things are already here.”

  “Thank you,” Luciana said, holding Violeta a little tighter.

  “She’s not getting taken on my watch,” Rocket said.

  We moved into the house. There were plenty of rooms for everyone, and I picked one closer to the back. I’d barely had time to sit down before I heard Luciana screaming for someone named Teller. The Prospect, I assumed, but it was the tone of her voice that had me racing out of the room. Blood soaked Luciana’s pants and I gasped, my gaze locking with hers. Terror stared back at me, and I knew that even though she hadn’t asked to be pregnant, that she loved her baby. And I’d been the one to wish she’d have a miscarriage. I felt horrible, as if my thought had brought this moment into existence. If she lost the baby…

  “Teller, something’s wrong. The babies…” She gasped and held her belly.

  Babies? More than one?

  “Hospital. Now,” Teller said. “Rocket, stay with Violeta and Sofia. They’re safer here at the compound.”

  “But I want to --”

  Rocket placed a hand on my shoulder.
“Let Teller take her to the hospital, Sofia. She’ll only worry if you’re outside the gates, and she needs to focus on her children.”

  I nodded, knowing he was right.

  “Stay safe,” I told Luciana, wanting to hug her, but there was no time. Teller had already lifted her and quickly carried her from the house. As the door slammed shut, a spike of fear filled me. I hoped Luciana and the babies would be okay.

  “If she loses the babies, she’ll still be all right, won’t she?” Violeta asked.

  Rocket put his arm around her, drawing her close to his side. “I’m sure she’ll be fine, Violeta. Teller will make sure she’s taken care of and kept safe.”

  “Do you really think Spider didn’t make it?” she asked.

  “Spider’s a tough bastard. He’ll probably walk through the front door at any moment,” Rocket said.

  “Shouldn’t he have called? Wouldn’t he be worried about Luciana?” Violeta asked.

  “Spider’s her husband?” I asked. “The President of Hades of Abyss?”

  Rocket nodded. “Never seen him act like that around a woman, but he’s head over heels for Luciana, and I know she feels the same.”

  “So we just sit and wait?” I asked.

  “Not much else we can do. Spider was going to take care of Gomez, but something went sideways if Luciana and Teller are here, and I got word to come straight here without any stops. I don’t have all the details yet,” Rocket said. “Whatever went down, the Pres can handle it. He’s a tough bastard.”

  “Will he be angry?” I asked, worried about Luciana. What if her husband became furious that she’d lost the babies? I knew they weren’t his, but maybe it had been a factor in their marriage? Luciana and I hadn’t seen nor talked to one another since I’d stepped off Casper VanHorne’s jet. I knew nothing of her new life with the Hades Abyss.

  “Angry?” Rocket asked.

  “Because she’s losing the babies,” I said.

  “No. Spider will be more worried about Luciana. As long as he has her, that’s all that matters. He’d have loved the kids, but he won’t love her less because she miscarried.”


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