Saint (Dixie Reapers MC 12)

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Saint (Dixie Reapers MC 12) Page 12

by Harley Wylde

Wire grinned. “It’s obvious the two of you connect well on a more physical level. Do I really need to tell you how to get a man’s attention? Just don’t play too easy to get. Give him a taste, but make him work at keeping you by his side and in his bed.”

  “No. No, you really don’t.”


  I sighed and stood up. “Fine. But I think this idea is a horrible one, for the record. When he kicks me out of his bed and tosses me out naked, I’m blaming you. And you’ll owe me ice cream. Lots of ice cream!”

  “Deal. Now get the hell out of here.”

  I squared my shoulders and walked out of Wire’s house and went straight back to Saint’s place. I knew this wasn’t going to end well, but it wasn’t like I had anything to lose. He’d already walked out on me. What’s the worst he could do? And if I was wrong, if he did want me to stay, then I’d have to be strong and not just roll over and give him whatever he wanted. His reaction had hurt me, deeply. I would stand my ground, or at least try. Heaven knew once I saw all those muscles and his pretty blue eyes, my brain tended to stop functioning and reacted on pure instinct… and that instinct said to let him fuck me until my legs stopped working.

  Nope, this was definitely not the best decision I’d ever made, but too late to turn back now.

  Chapter Nine


  Wire was right. I was a fucking dumb-ass. The one thing I wanted more than anything else was Sofia in my bed, in my life, and the possibility of having kids with her. So what did I do when she told me she was pregnant? I ran. It wasn’t the thought of having a kid with her. It was the fact she’d kept it from me, just like Rhianon. Why did the women in my life think I couldn’t handle being a dad? I’d thought I was doing a good job with Delia, but maybe Sofia had disagreed.

  Running hadn’t been the answer. I’d driven all over town, then gone two towns over before hitting the highway. I’d made it nearly four hours outside of town before I’d stopped. I was on Main Street of the quintessential small American town in the South, and the place I just happened to stop in front of? A jewelry store. I considered it fate, or maybe just a big fucking sign to point me in the right direction. Even though it had been early, the shop had been opened and I’d decided to browse a little. I didn’t have massive amounts of cash, but I was doing well enough.

  The proprietor of the store eyed me, keeping one hand under the counter, no doubt his fingers hovering over the panic button. Couldn’t blame him. Guys like me had a bad reputation. I wasn’t squeaky clean. No one in the club was, but we didn’t go around hurting innocent people either. Trouble was that most people didn’t realize that. They just saw a guy wearing colors and automatically assumed we were all asshole murderers and rapists.

  “I think you’re in the wrong shop,” the man said, a slight tremor in his voice.

  “I just want to check out your rings. Engagement rings.”

  The man gave me that up and down look again, probably thinking I wanted to rob the place. I pulled out my wallet and extracted my bank card, holding it up for him to see.

  “I honestly just want to buy a ring for the woman I’m hoping to marry.”

  The man removed his hand from beneath the counter and seemed to relax a fraction.

  “What type of ring would you like?” he asked.

  “I have no idea. Never bought jewelry for a woman before. I don’t think she’d want anything flashy, but I don’t want something so small you can’t see it either.”

  The man gestured to the opposite end of the shop. “I may have something you like over here.”

  In the last case, he pulled out three rows of rings. The first set was typical diamond engagement rings. While none were tiny, the stones weren’t too big for Sofia’s small hands. None of them really leapt out at me though as the right ring for my woman. The second set was diamonds with accent stones in various colors. I had no idea what any of them were called. Some were pretty, but I didn’t know that they were quite right either. Glancing at the third tray, one ring in particular caught my eye.

  “What’s this one?” I asked, pointing to it.

  “Interesting choice. The band is white gold with rose gold accents and an Edwardian design.”

  “I honestly have no idea what that means.”

  The man smiled. “If she likes antique items, she’ll probably like this ring. The stone in the center is tanzanite, and it’s just over three carats. It’s considered a rare gem despite how popular it is. Most tend to have more of a bluish hue, but this particular stone is more violet. The accent stones are diamond chips.”

  “And how much is that ring?” I asked, wondering if I had enough in my account. I’d heard of engagement rings costing anywhere from a few hundred to tens of thousands. In this sort of store, I had a feeling everything was on the pricier side. It didn’t exactly look like the type of ring you’d get at the jewelry counter at one of the large chain stores that carried everything.

  “As my first customer of the day, I’ll give you a discount. The ring sells for two thousand three hundred dollars. But I’ll let you have it for two thousand even.”

  That wasn’t as horrible a price as I’d feared. And Sofia was definitely worth it. I nodded my agreement and handed my card over to the man. He rang up my purchase, boxed the ring, and gave it to me along with my bank card.

  “If the size isn’t right, bring her with you and I’ll resize it at no charge,” the man offered.

  “I have no idea what size her finger is, but I’m hoping it fits. Thank you.”

  The man nodded, then hesitated a moment. “I apologize for my misconception when you entered my store. I thought you were here to rob me.”

  “I get that a lot, but just so you know, not all clubs are out to hurt everyone.”

  The man eyed the one-percent patch on my cut, but wisely didn’t say anything. I put the ring box in my pocket, put my card back in my wallet, then went out to my bike. It was time to go home and win over my woman. I didn’t know how I’d convince her that I wasn’t upset about the baby, and that I really did want to spend the rest of my life with her. I’d hoped to have it figured out by the time I got home. But I didn’t.

  Sam waved me through the gates and I rode through the compound to my house, parking in the carport. I shut off the engine and stretched out the kinks before going inside. The first thing I noticed was a pair of women’s shoes in the front entry. I eyed them, knowing they were too large for Delia, and Sofia didn’t have anything at my house anymore. Softly closing and locking the door, I pulled the gun from the middle of my back and crept through the house, uncertain what I’d find. Had one of the club whores made herself comfortable? Wouldn’t be the first time one of those bitches tried to trap one of us.

  I used the toe of my boot to ease the bedroom door open and I froze. Sofia was in my bed, her hair spread across my pillow, and she was sound asleep. The naked shoulders peeking above the blankets told me she likely didn’t have anything on, and my dick started to get hard. Why was she here? And naked. The naked part baffled me the most. She’d been upset and locked herself in the bathroom, not that I could blame her. I’d been an asshole. Again. Really needed to work on that. I’d never been that guy before, and I hated that I was starting that shit with the woman I wanted to keep. The only woman I’d ever wanted to make mine.

  I removed the clip from my gun, emptied the chamber, and locked my weapon in the little safe in my closet. I didn’t expect Delia home right now, but I never took any chances with my daughter’s safety. I’d checked in with Bull while I was on the road, about the time Wire called and bitched at me. My daughter was safe and having fun. Didn’t mean I was going to be careless. Having weapons in the house was just part of club life, but it didn’t mean I had to leave the damn things where Delia could get her hands on them. I’d seen too many news reports of kids accidentally killing themselves or someone else because someone left a loaded weapon within their reach. Not happening on my watch. When my kid was old enough, she’d lear
n how to properly handle a gun just in case, but we weren’t there yet.

  I pulled off my boots and set my cut on the dresser. As tempted as I was to remove my clothes, I left them on for the moment. If I was reading this the wrong way, that would only cause more problems. Easing down onto the side of the bed, I reached out and ran my fingers through her hair. It felt like silk, and I couldn’t help but run my hand through it again. Sofia stirred, mumbled something, then settled back into sleep.

  I’d kept her up most of the night, and like me, she probably hadn’t slept after she’d left my place. Despite the voice of caution in my head, I stood up and worked my jeans down my legs. I left everything else on, then I slipped under the covers and pulled her into my arms. Sofia burrowed into me, her hands fisting my shirt. And yeah, she was naked. I swallowed hard and tried to think of anything else. I didn’t need her waking up to my dick knocking against her, begging for entry.

  Breathing in her scent, and just having her in my arms, made my body relax almost instantly. It didn’t take long before I felt sleep pulling me under. The last time I’d fallen asleep while holding Sofia, I’d woken to the sound of her puking in the bathroom. The time before that, she’d stared at me in fear. I hoped this time worked out better. Every time I felt my body grow heavy, and my mind started to shut down, Sofia would shift in my arms and I’d jolt awake again. After the third time, I decided to just enjoy holding her and try not to fall asleep.

  “Johnny,” she said softly, her voice a near whisper.

  “I’m here. I won’t leave you again.”

  Her eyes fluttered open and she stared. “You’re really here? I’m not dreaming?”

  “You’re not dreaming.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead, then her lips. “I’m sorry I ran. It wasn’t because of the baby. Knowing you’d kept it a secret, that my entire club had, hurt a lot. It reminded me of what happened with Rhianon and Delia. But I don’t want you to think for a second that I didn’t want the baby, or you.”

  “I wasn’t trying to keep it from you because I thought you’d be a bad father. Anyone who sees you with Delia knows you’re an amazing dad. I just worried you’d hate me or try to take the baby from me.”

  “I don’t hate you. I could never hate you.” I wrapped a strand of her hair around my finger. “I wanted you here with me, in my house, in my bed. I missed you while you were gone. Delia did too.”

  “You really pushed me away to protect both of us?” she asked.

  “Yes. Even though I can admit that it was the wrong thing to do. I never should have made you leave. I can’t tell you how sorry I am that I ever made you feel unwanted. You belong here, Sofia, with us.” I reached over the side of the bed and grabbed my jeans, pulling the small box from the pocket. “This isn’t how I pictured doing this, but…”

  I held up the box for her to see and popped the lid open. She gasped and her eyes went wide as she stared at the ring.

  “Sofia, I need you in my life, in Delia’s life, and I never want you to leave us again. Will you marry me?”

  She blinked, then focused on my face. “Marry you?”

  “Yeah. So, will you?”

  She looked at the ring again, then me. I could see the indecision in her eyes, but I didn’t know how to convince her this was truly what I wanted. I closed the box and set it aside, then placed my hand on her belly. She tensed a moment, but didn’t move away.

  “If you marry me, I promise to be the best dad to this little girl or boy. I promise to be faithful to you, and to stand by your side no matter what comes our way. If you’ll give me a chance to prove myself, I’ll show you that there’s no other woman out there I could ever want, because you’re perfect for me.” I swallowed hard and felt my heart hammering in my chest. “I love you, Sofia. I’ve never told a woman that before, so I’m not just saying the words. I mean them.”

  “You love me?”

  “Yes. I know it might take time for you to feel that way about me, but I really hope you’ll give us a chance. I know we can be a happy family. Delia already adores you.”

  She pressed closer to me and put her hand on the back of my neck. Sofia pulled until our lips were touching. Her kiss was soft and tentative. Sweet, like her. I let her set the pace, but I couldn’t stop myself from exploring her curves. I cupped her ass and squeezed. Sofia moaned and deepened the kiss, her tongue stroking mine.

  I twisted so that she lay under me, bracing my weight so I wouldn’t crush her. I felt her hands drift across my chest, down my sides, then she was tugging at my underwear. I helped pull the boxer briefs down until I was able to kick them away. Lying skin to skin with Sofia was my version of heaven. Nothing had ever felt more right. I only wished I hadn’t been so stupid. We could have had months of this, of being together.

  “This doesn’t change things,” she said.

  I drew back and stared at her. “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “I’ve decided you need to grovel.” Sofia smiled a little. “So, for now, no I won’t marry you. I will move back in, if only to give Wire some space, but it will be up to you to convince me to stay.”


  She nodded. “You made me feel like I’d done something wrong, like I wasn’t worthy of being here with you. I can’t just immediately forgive that, Johnny. You hurt me, even if it wasn’t your intention.”

  “Need I remind you that I found you in my bed, naked?”

  “A moment of weakness.” She trailed her hands down my sides. “Can you blame me? All this is a little hard to resist.”

  I smirked, accepting the compliment. Yeah, I’d had plenty of women want in my pants, but knowing the woman I couldn’t stop thinking about felt the same way was a big turn-on.

  “Then I guess I better start groveling.” I reached between her legs and stroked her pussy. “Should I start here? Maybe beg forgiveness with my tongue?”

  Her breath caught and her eyes darkened. “I think that would be a very good place to start.”

  I moved down the bed, settling between her thighs. She was already slick with arousal and my dick got harder seeing the evidence of how badly she wanted me. Sofia wasn’t just any woman. She was my woman, or at least I hoped that’s where things were heading. I didn’t buy engagement rings for just anyone. I didn’t hesitate to taste her, tracing her slit with my tongue. Sofia let out a little sigh and squirmed. Parting her folds, I lapped at her clit, softly at first, then harder. I felt her thighs tense and soon she was squeezing me as I pushed her close to an orgasm, then backed off. I teased the hell out of her, not letting her come.

  “Johnny, please,” she begged.

  “Feel good, sweetheart?”

  “So good. More. I want more!”

  I sucked the hard little bud unto my mouth, drawing on it until she screamed out her release. Before she could come down from her high, I sent her soaring again. The first two orgasms turned into another, and another. After the fifth, she was babbling nonsensically and my dick felt like it might explode at any second. I refused to get off before I had a chance to feel her wrapped around me.

  “I promise I’ll do better next time, but I need you.”

  I covered her body with mine, the head of my cock brushing against her soaked pussy.

  “Better?” Her eyes went comically wide. “If you get any better, you’ll give me a heart attack. That will be a fun conversation with the emergency responders. Death by orgasm.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh, and it just cemented how much I loved her. Only Sofia could get that reaction out of me when all I wanted was to fuck her long and hard. My gaze locked on hers as I slowly sank into her, her silken walls stretching to accept me. Damn but she felt wonderful. Perfect. Mine. Whatever it took, I’d make her see how much she belonged here.

  “I love you, Sofia.”

  Before she could respond, I set up a fast, steady rhythm, driving into her so hard the headboard banged into the wall. She reached up and gripped the spindles, her lips parted. Her eyes darkened as
I pounded into her, and I knew she was already close to coming again.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Come for me. Show me how much you love this dick.”

  “Don’t call yourself names.”

  I faltered a moment, her words surprising a laugh out of me.

  “But…” She licked her lips. “I do love you.”

  My heart swelled, and so did my cock. I took her like a man possessed, not stopping until she was screaming my name and I was filling her with my cum. Marking her as my woman. Knowing we’d created a kid together, that even now there was a baby in her belly that was part her and part me, made me feel a little primal.

  “Say it again,” I urged.

  “I love you.” She smiled. “I think I have from the first time you showed me that sex was about pleasure and not pain. You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met.”

  “I can’t promise that I’ll never fuck up again, but you have my word that I’ll always make it up to you. However you’d like.”

  “Might not want to promise that. Your tongue might get sore.”

  I smiled and kissed her softly. “Baby, tasting you is one my favorite things in this world. I will gladly lick your pussy anytime you want.”


  “Hmm.” I nuzzled her neck and nipped at her jaw.

  “Put the damn ring on me.”

  I reached for the box and grabbed the ring, then slid it onto her finger. It was a perfect fit, like it was fate that I’d chosen that one.

  “What’s Delia going to think of all this?” she asked, worrying at her lip.

  “She’s going to be over the moon about you being her mom. You’re the only one she’ll ever remember. No matter how many pictures I keep around of Rhianon, or the stories she hears from Rocket, she’ll never truly remember her.”

  “That’s so sad.”

  “I hope you like braiding hair, baking cookies, and going shopping. She’s mentioned more than once the past year or two that she wishes she had a mommy to do those things with her. It wasn’t often enough I felt pressured to start dating, but she’s noticed that the other girls around here have moms to do shit with them, and all she had was a dad.”


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