Awakening of the Dragon: Mark of Redemption Book 1

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Awakening of the Dragon: Mark of Redemption Book 1 Page 4

by N. A. Hydes

  “Where did you see my sister?” Petr asked.

  “She was on the bank of the lake, with her…” He looked towards the ceiling in a long-delayed pause, “sisters. At first, they were bathing, but then they danced. It was,” he said a word, but Petr didn’t understand it.

  “Why did you wait to claim her?” the chief directed towards the stranger.

  “I would have, claimed her, but she was across the river.” He paused, making Petr think he was searching for the right words again. “Plus, my brother…” He looked around the room before continuing, “counseled me to study your words and your tribe to determine what… best.” The stranger looked towards the ceiling of the giant skin tent, everyone’s eyes on him. “To make her my mate,” he finally answered.

  The chief moved to stand beside Petr. “His motives seem clear. He could bring us a new skill, a new hunter when this year has been so hard, and he knows other tribes. But she is your sister. It is up to you.”

  Petr searched the proposer’s face for the right answer. He had hoped Roz would take an interest in the elder’s son, but she didn’t even look twice at any of the men in the village.

  The stranger appeared healthy and had good teeth. Roz even seemed excited at the prospect of being sought after so many months of being seen.

  “What are you called?” Petr asked, and the surrounding crowd sighed as if they had been holding their breath.

  “Perun,” he answered, a grin on his face.

  “I’m Petr. Roz, the woman you saw, is my sister.”

  Perun followed Petr to the outlying tent structure. Petr noticed Perun’s grin seemed to spread from ear to ear. Petr tried to guess the man’s years of life, twenty perhaps.

  Roz and Suski were waiting at the door. Suski’s tail waved all around as he barked and hopped at the sight of the stranger.

  “You must be the man who saw me bathing,” Roz said the second she saw him. She said it bravely, but her cheeks turned red. Petr sat down near the fire, away from the couple, and took off the animal skin wrapped around his hands. Suski was jumping up and down on the stranger’s legs. Petr called the dog to him. Suski put his tail between his legs and sat at Petr’s feet.

  The whittling knife sat on a pelt. Picking it up, Petr sat down by the fire and continued making a wolf figurine. Occasionally, he glanced at his sister with the stranger.

  “I am,” he answered and drew close to her. “And you are the woman I choose as a mate.” Perun smiled and kissed Roz’s forehead.

  The cold air woke Petr; his blankets had slid off his bed. It had been years since he had dreamed of Perun or his sister Roz. Petr closed his eyes, the dream still fresh in his thoughts, and he could see Roz smiling and laughing, her single red stripe going down the center of her hair. The vision was so vivid he could smell the salted animal pelts. He didn’t miss that smell.

  Petr never seemed to get warm in the huts. Maybe the cold from his blankets falling off his bed reminded him of the frigid winter months, somewhere in what was now modern Russia. He stretched and stood slowly. He moved his neck, loosening it from the chill.

  “Roz,” he said absent-mindedly. Then he remembered the Awakening, and he knew he would be busy today.

  He threw on some jeans he found on the floor and headed towards the only place he knew would be open, Denny’s.


  Dream Two

  Jennifer awoke, surprised to find bile in her mouth. She remembered everything from her dream. Jennifer didn’t dream about her mother; she dreamed she was her mother, Pauline Wright.

  The dream started simply enough. Jennifer trooping around in the sixties as a small girl. Jennifer as Pauline in high school. Pauline in college. And when Pauline fell in love with Jacob, Jennifer’s dad. Jennifer’s dream concluded with her parents conceiving her. All from her mother’s perspective. Then everything went dark; a man with a British-like accent said, “Remember.”

  Jennifer could feel how her father kissed her mother and fought the urge to throw up, quietly getting out of bed. Jennifer left Matt sleeping in his bed, went to the bathroom, and hovered over the toilet. The nausea passed, and the dream faded as she waited to be sick; she tried to remember how she got into Matt’s apartment.

  Memories of the camping trip seemed to block out the dream. Jennifer went into the living room, turned on the TV to HBO, and watched a movie. She needed something to get her mind off the dream that had seemed so real.

  The movie ended, and she wasn’t even sure what she was watching. HBO had a filler before the next show, and after thirty minutes, she turned off the television.

  Through the window, she could see that it was dark outside. The clock on the wall said it was two-fifteen a.m. Somewhere outside, she heard a mockingbird, and from the room, Matt’s breathing.

  At the sound of Doug and Lauren’s breathing coming from the other room, she wondered how long she had been asleep. She felt like she could sleep some more. Slowly, listening to the others’ breathing, she dozed off.

  Something changed. Matt’s breathing sped up, and Jennifer was wide awake. She could hear the sheet and cover fall to the ground. Jennifer turned her head towards his bedroom door. The door opened, and Matt stood in the doorway. His shirt was off, and his muscular Greek-god body filled the door frame.

  “Hey, you’re up.” He smiled at Jennifer and leaned against the wall. “We were beginning to worry. Jen, it’s Sunday. Oops, sorry, Monday. You’ve been asleep for days.”

  “Wow,” Jennifer said, smiling at Matt. “That would explain the hunger.”

  “Your mom and dad started calling your cell phone like crazy Sunday.”

  Jennifer remembered a conversation with her mom, letting her know she would call when she got back from camping. She specifically said the trip lasted until Sunday, extending the trip by one day since she wasn’t sure if the trip would be one day or two. She didn’t want to worry them if she was too busy Saturday to call.

  While Jennifer was contemplating her parents, Matt moved, walking towards the couch.

  “I answered the call from your parents.”

  Jennifer’s eyes widened in shock and surprise. She hadn’t discussed Matt with her parents, nor introduced them. She might have mentioned Matt’s name in passing as a friend; she wasn’t sure.

  “I told them I was your boyfriend.” Matt sat down beside her on the couch. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “You told them you were my boyfriend?” Jennifer asked, surprised.

  “Yes.” Matt smiled and slid his arm around her and pulled her towards him.

  Thoughts ran through Jennifer’s mind. So, she was now Matt’s girlfriend. And the girl who refused to have a boyfriend, or at least a repetitive love interest in high school, now had to answer to her parents about the ‘boyfriend.’

  Matt kissed Jennifer’s cheek and ran his fingertips down her nose. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  “No, that’s fine,” Jennifer lied. “Are they bad worried?”

  Matt shrugged his shoulders. “What do you call bad worried? I think they are okay. I told them I thought you had caught a bug and would be well soon.” He looked at her. “They invited me to Thanksgiving dinner.”

  Jennifer could only smile. Inside she was hoping he had said ‘no.’ She wasn’t sure what her parents thought when a boy they never heard of said he was her boyfriend. She had barely introduced friends to her parents, let alone a boyfriend. “What did you say?”

  “Yes,” Matt said and grinned. “My parents don’t live too far from your mom and dad.” He scratched behind his ear. “You are invited to my parents’ for Thanksgiving dinner, too.”

  Jennifer stood. “I better call my parents. Have you seen my cell phone?”

  “It’s kind of early, Jen.” He ran his hand down her elbow. “Would you like to go grab something to eat?”

  On cue, Jennifer’s stomach growled. She looked down at her tummy. “Yeah, something to eat would be wonderful.” She moved out of Matt’s grip and looked hi
m in the face. “But seriously, I need to call my parents. You told them I had a bug. I can imagine my mom is looking in her wilderness books for symptoms that match. Dad is probably trying to find out where you live, and they are planning a surprise visit.”

  Matt stood and walked over to the kitchen area. He grabbed her cell phone off the counter and passed it to Jennifer. “There is a Denny’s around the corner,” Matt said. “I’m going to get dressed and give you and your parents some privacy.”

  “Sounds great,” Jennifer responded, and she dialed their number.

  “Jennifer!” Her mother sounded relieved.

  “Hi, Momma,” she responded. “Sorry to wake you.”

  “Thank goodness you called. I haven’t been sleeping well with worry. Are you okay?” Jennifer’s mom asked.

  “I’m fine now, just a little hungry.”

  Jennifer heard her dad in the background asking, “Who is it, Pauline?”

  Her mom’s voice became muffled, and Jennifer could picture her mom putting her hand over the phone. “It’s Jennifer, dear.”

  “Why hasn’t she called us earlier? And who is this boyfriend!” Jennifer laughed to herself.

  “Jacob, please. Go back to sleep.”

  There was a noise on the receiver of her mom’s hand moving away. Addressing Jennifer, her mom said, “Do you think you caught something from the woods? You haven’t been camping since you were a little girl, and what we did then wasn’t really camping.”

  “I don’t know, Momma, but I feel fine now. I’m going to go get some food with Matt.”

  “Your boyfriend?” It was more accusing than anything.

  “Yes, Mother, and you will like him. He is a nice boy.”

  “I know you have good taste, and I trust you. But I expected to hear that you had a boyfriend from you first.”

  Jennifer smiled. “I love you, Momma. You can meet him on Thanksgiving.”

  “Love you too, my sky angel. Please be safe.”

  “I will.”

  When Jennifer hung up the phone, Matt was standing at the door clothed in a white tee-shirt and jeans.

  “I have your clothes in my closet,” Matt said. “And I have the stuff you need in my bathroom.” Jennifer stood and headed towards Matt’s room. In his closet hung her jeans from her room and a shirt, both clean. Also on the rack was a pair of black lacy underwear and a bra she had never seen.

  Matt followed her into the room. He shrugged his shoulders. “I noticed your gym bag had nothing for you to take a shower. I hope you don’t mind; I gave Lauren some money. Enough so she could buy something for herself as well. If they are the wrong size, it’s her fault, but please blame me.”

  Jennifer smiled at Matt.

  Matt continued, “Also, Lauren insisted I wash the new clothes before you wore them. I washed them. I wasn’t sure if you would wake up before I finished. I sent Lauren out to get you a toothbrush and whatever else you would need. I don’t know what all a girl needs to get ready.”

  Jennifer hugged Matt. “You are so thoughtful,” she said, standing on her tippy toes and giving Matt a peck on the lips. “Give me a minute.” Matt put his arms around her and deeply kissed her. As she pulled away to head towards the bathroom, he held her in his arms as long as he could.

  “Oh,” Matt called to Jennifer right after she passed. “I didn’t do makeup. I don’t know what you like, and I think you look fine the way you are. Even without a shower for a few days.”

  Jennifer flashed a grin at Matt, walked into the bathroom, and shut the door.

  The door shut, and Matt breathed out and relaxed his shoulders. His backup plan for what could have been the end of their relationship had worked. He had succeeded in calling himself her boyfriend, he had held her two nights while she slept, and he was meeting her parents.

  However, she had scared him. For two days, he had been by her side, worried about how she was doing. Luckily, Lauren searched her nursing books and didn’t think there was anything wrong with Jennifer. Matt had briefly told them what he knew of what had happened. Lauren had never heard of a similar reaction, but everyone was different. She agreed; Jennifer should never have alcohol again.


  Denny’s Great American All-Night Restaurant

  A little before four a.m., Matt pulled into Denny’s. He ran around the truck and opened the door for Jennifer. She pulled the jacket Matt had loaned her around her shoulders. He continued as a gentleman and held the door open while she jumped out of the truck. After he had shut the door, he moved beside Jennifer and put his arm around her.

  Inside was like any other quick eat-in restaurant, with booths along the wall and tables in the center. They waited a short time before a waitress showed them a booth along the outside window. Jennifer scooted next to the wall so that Matt would sit on the same side as her. They both opened their menus and began looking over what they might order.

  “Do you feel rested up?” Matt asked.

  “No,” Jennifer answered. “I’d like some more sleep.” She paused and put her menu on the table. “I think I’m going to get a meat lover’s omelet. How about you?”

  “Scrambled all the way.” He smiled. About that time, the waitress walked up. She appeared to be about their age; her auburn hair was pulled into a bun. She was chewing gum and had a pen behind her ear.

  “What can I get y’all to drink?” the waitress asked in a strong southern accent.

  Matt looked at Jennifer. “I’ll have water,” Jennifer answered.

  Matt turned to the waitress. “I’ll take a coke.”

  The waitress left, and Jennifer took off Matt’s jacket and placed it beside her in the booth.

  “So, do you want to go see a movie?” Matt asked.

  “Maybe,” Jennifer answered. “I was thinking of going for a walk later on this afternoon. Maybe I’ll go to my parents’ house. Plus, sometime this week, I have a paper I need to finish, or at least work on it.” She twisted the wrapper from her straw around her finger, not looking over to Matt.

  “Thanks for getting all that stuff to take a shower.” Jennifer blushed, still looking forward. “It was very thoughtful, Matt. I was getting pretty nasty.”

  “Nah,” Matt said, playing with his fork. “Okay, maybe.” Jennifer laughed and lightly smacked him on the hand. “Only a little nasty.” He looked at Jennifer. “You had a beer smell to you.” He smiled even more expansively and threw his balled-up straw wrapper at Jennifer’s head. “You smell better now.”

  Jennifer caught the ball in her hand, then turned to Matt. “Thanks,” she responded.

  Matt grabbed her attention and held it by saying, “Had you not gotten up today, I was going to take you to the hospital.”

  Jennifer’s eyes widened. “Why?”

  “Jennifer, I’m not kidding. Today is Monday. We came home on Saturday, early Saturday. You’ve been asleep for almost two days.” He looked down at his hand holding hers. “You shouldn’t drink again. First, the hallucination, and then sleeping for two days.” He paused. “Please don’t drink again.” A mischievous grin crossed his face. “It’s not every day I have to call a girl’s parents and tell them I’m their daughter’s boyfriend. On top of that, I had to say you weren’t calling because you were sick.”

  “What did my mom say?” Jennifer asked.

  “I get the impression they had never heard of me.”

  “Great, now my parents are going to want to know everything.”

  “Yep,” he responded and started laughing. “I tried to fill them in, let them know we are shacking up and all.” He smiled, and she knew he was joking.

  Jennifer let her hands fall from Matt’s and started playing with the wadded wrapper.

  Matt’s laughter caught the attention of a man who was being seated at a table nearby.

  Jennifer put the wrapper, now shaped like a duck, on the table and looked back at the menu.

  “Dr. Smith,” Matt stood and shook the man’s hand in greeting. Jennifer, tired, didn’t
bother to look up from the menu.

  “Hello, Matt,” Dr. Smith greeted. “It’s awful late or early to be at Denny’s. How is your Thanksgiving break going?” he asked.

  The recognition happened so quickly that Jennifer didn’t look up at first. Instantly, she felt her face drain of color. The voice belonged to the man in her dream, Petr. The language was all wrong, but she thought she could detect a slight accent. She knew his hair color, his eye color, and even the way he moved.

  Jennifer closed her eyes and captured images of him from her dream. The smell of musk, clean clothes, and cologne filled her senses.

  Jennifer looked up. Petr’s brown, wavy hair was cut short and parted on the side. The white streak close to the middle of his hair was in the same spot. Dr. Smith had a multi-colored beard that replaced the stubble. He had small wrinkles near his eyes that were new to his face. He was still the most handsome man she had ever seen, but she preferred him without the beard. She was gawking, and she knew it. She couldn’t believe the person from her dream was real.

  No matter how many angles Jennifer looked at him from, she was sure that this was the same man. Yet he had changed. She concluded he was older, weighed more, but not much else.

  He was wearing a blue button-down shirt with a white tee-shirt underneath, tucked into jeans.

  As the two men stood and talked, neither seemed to notice her reaction. Happily, no one seemed to notice her at all. Dr. Smith hadn’t even so much as looked at Jennifer, and she was free to stare. Jennifer awoke from her trance when Matt mentioned her name and moved from slightly blocking her.

  “Jennifer and I were hungry, and this is the only place I could think of that is open at this hour. Jennifer, this is Dr. Smith. Dr. Smith, this is my girlfriend, Jennifer.” Jennifer’s shoulders tightened slightly at the mention of being Matt’s girlfriend. With this man present, she didn’t want to be anyone’s girlfriend. But neither man seemed to notice.


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