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Do Penguins Have Knees?

Page 27

by David Feldman

  “L.S.,” meaning of, in contracts

  Label warnings, mattress

  Labels on underwear, location of

  Labels, food, lack of manufacturer street addresses on


  Ladybugs, spots on


  effect of moon on

  fish returning to dried

  ice formations on

  versus ponds, differences between

  versus ponds, water level of

  wind variations

  “Lame duck,”

  Lane reflectors, fastening of

  Large-type books, size of

  Laryngitis, dogs, barking, and

  Lasagna, crimped edges of

  “Last ditch,”

  “Last straw,”

  Laughing hyenas, laughter in

  Lawn ornaments, plastic deer as

  Lawns, reasons for


  “Lb. [pound],”

  Leader, film

  “Leap year,”

  Leather, high cost of

  Ledges in buildings, purpose of

  Left hands, placement of wristwatches on

  “Left wing,”

  Left-handed string players, in orchestras

  Leg kicking by women while kissing

  Legal-size paper, origins of

  “Legitimate” theater, origins of term

  “Let the cat out of the bag,”


  business, format of

  compensation for, between countries

  Letters in alphabet soup, distribution of

  Levi’s jeans

  colored tabs

  origin of “501” name

  Liberal arts, origins of

  Lice, head, kids and

  License plates and prisoners

  License plates on trucks, absence of

  “Licking his chops,”

  Licorice, ridges on

  Life Savers, wintergreen, sparkling of, when bitten


  air in

  fluorescent, stroking of


  high cost of 25-watt variety

  in traffic signals

  loosening of

  noise when shaking

  plinking by fluorescent

  three-way, burnout

  three-way, functioning of

  wattage sizes of

  Light switches, height and location of

  Lighters, disposable, fluid chambers of

  Lightning, heat

  Lights in freezers


  Lincoln, Abraham, and Andrew Johnson

  Linens, unpleasant smell in

  Lions, animal trainers and


  black, on dogs

  upper, grooves on

  Liquids as treatment for colds

  Liquor, proof and

  Liquor distilleries during Prohibition


  eyes during sleep

  sunburn and

  “Lobster Newburg,”


  ambidexterity of

  color of, when boiled

  leftover, in restaurants



  Lone Ranger, origins of

  “Long in the tooth,”


  Looking up while thinking

  Loons, lunatics, and

  Loose-leaf paper, recycling of holes in

  Lotion, after shave, and stinging

  “Love Jones,”


  Lumber, measurement of two by fours and

  Lunatics, loons and

  Lunula, fingernails and




  colors of

  imprinting of

  meaning of name

  peanuts in plain

  seams, lack of

  Macadamia nuts and shells

  Macaroni, elbow, shape of


  address label orientation

  Boulder, Colorado and subscriptions

  jumps in

  labels, pink stripe on

  omission of page numbers on

  subscription insert cards in


  CAR-RT SORT on envelopes

  compensation for, between countries

  first class versus priority

  translation of foreign

  undeliverable, fate of

  Mail chutes, unclogging of, in skyscrapers

  Mailboxes and postmaster general approval

  Mail-in refunds, versus coupons

  Mail-order ads, delivery time promises of

  “Make no bones about it,”

  Mall, shopping, entrances, doors at

  Mandarin oranges, peeling of

  Manhole covers, round shape of

  Marching, stepping off on left foot when

  Marching bands, formations of

  Margarine, versus butter, in restaurants

  Margarine sticks, length of

  Marmalades, contents of

  Marshals’ badges, shape of

  Marshmallows, invention of

  Martial arts, sniffing and

  Martinizing, One Hour

  Mascara, mouth opening during application of

  Matchbooks, location of staples on

  Matches, color of paper

  Math, school requirement of

  Mattress tags, warning labels on

  Mattresses, floral graphics on

  Maximum occupancy in public rooms

  Mayonnaise, Best Foods versus Hellmann’s

  Mayors, keys to cities and


  Grimace, identity of

  “over 95 billion served” signs

  sandwich wrapping techniques

  straw size




  Measuring spoons, inaccuracy of


  children’s doneness preferences

  national branding

  red color of

  Meat loaf, taste in institutions

  Medals, location of on military uniforms

  Medical conditions, in hospitals, guidelines for

  Medicine bottles, cotton in

  Memorial Day, Civil War and


  dancing ability of

  feelings of coldness

  remote controls and

  Menstruation, synchronization of in women

  Menthol, coolness of

  Meter, origins of

  Miami, University of

  football helmets

  “Hurricanes” nickname

  Mickey Mouse, four fingers of

  Microphones, press conferences and

  Migration of birds

  Mile, length of, origins of

  Military salutes, origins of


  as sleep-inducer

  fat content in lowfat

  in refrigerators, coldness of


  national brands

  plastic milk containers

  single serving cartons of

  skim versus nonfat

  skin on, when heated

  Milk cartons

  design of

  difficulty in opening and closing of

  Milk cases, warnings on

  Milk Duds, shape of

  Millimeters, as measurement unit for film

  “Mind your P’s and Q’s,”

  Mint flavoring on toothpicks

  Mint, U.S., and shipment of coin sets

  Minting of new coins, timing of

  Mirrors in bars

  Mirrors, rear-view

  Mistletoe, kissing under, origins of

  Mobile homes, tires atop, in trailer parks

  Mole hair, color of

  Money, U.S.

  color of

  stars on

>   Monitors, computer, shape of

  Monkeys, hair picking of

  Monopoly, playing tokens in

  Montreal Canadiens, uniforms of


  apparent size of, at horizon

  effect on lakes and ponds

  official name

  quarter-, vs. half-

  Moons on outhouse doors


  biting and itching

  biting preferences

  daytime habits

  male versus female eating habits

  Moths, reaction to light of

  Mottoes on sundials


  falling hot air at

  versus hills

  Movie actors and speed of speech

  Movie theaters

  bells in

  in-house popcorn popping

  Movies, Roman numerals in copyright dates in


  MSG, Chinese restaurants and


  Muppets, left-handedness of

  Murder scenes, chalk outlines at

  Musketeers, Three, lack of muskets of

  Mustaches, policemen and


  “Mystery 7,” in $25,000 Pyramid

  Nabisco Saltine packages, red tear strip on

  Nabisco Shredded Wheat box, Niagara Falls on

  Nail polish and fingernail yellowing

  “Namby pamby,”

  National Geographics, saving issues of

  Navy and Army, Captain rank in

  Necklaces and clasp migration


  direction of stripes on

  origins of

  taper of

  Nectarines, canned, lack of

  Needles, holes in, of syringes

  Neptune’s moon, Triton, orbit pattern of

  Nerdiness and eyeglasses

  “Netherlands,” versus “Holland,”

  New York City and steam in streets

  “New York” steaks, origins of

  New Zealand, versus “Old Zealand,”


  ink and recycling of

  ink smudges on

  jumps in

  tearing of

  window cleaning and

  yellowing of

  Niagara Falls on Nabisco Shredded Wheat box

  “Nick of time,”

  Nickels, smooth edges of


  Nightclubs, lateness of bands in

  “Nine-day wonder,”

  Nine-volt batteries, shape of

  Nipples, purpose of, in men

  “No bones about it,”

  “No Outlet” signs, versus “Dead End” signs

  Noise, traffic, U.S. versus foreign countries

  North Carolina, University of, and Tar Heels

  North Pole

  directions at

  telling time at

  Nose rings and bulls


  clogged nostrils and

  runny, in cold weather

  runny, kids versus adults

  wet, in dogs

  Nostrils, clogged

  Notches on bottom of shampoo bottles

  Notre Dame fighting Irish

  NPR radio stations, low frequency numbers of

  Numbers, Arabic, origins of

  Nutrition labels, statement of fats on


  Brazil, in assortments

  Macadamia shells

  peanuts in plain M&M’s

  peanuts, and growth in pairs

  “O’” in Irish names

  Oakland A’s, elephant on uniforms of

  Oboes, use of as pitch providers, in orchestras

  Occupancy, maximum, in public rooms


  boundaries between

  color of

  salt in

  versus seas

  Octopus throwing, Detroit Red Wings and

  “Off the schneider,”

  Oh Henry!, origins of name of


  automotive, after oil change

  automotive, grades of

  “Okay,” thumbs-up gesture as

  Oktoberfest, September celebration of

  Old men

  hairy ears and

  pants height and

  “Old No. 7” and Jack Daniel’s

  “Old Zealand,” versus New Zealand

  Olive Oil, virging

  Olives, green and black, containers of

  “On pointe” and ballet

  “On tenterhooks,”

  “On the Q.T.,”

  “Once in a blue moon,”

  “One fell swoop,”

  One Hour Martinizing

  One-hour photo processing, length of black-and-white film and

  Onions and crying

  Orange coffee pots, in restaurants

  Orange juice

  price of fresh versus frozen

  taste of, with toothpaste

  Orange thread in blue jeans

  Oranges, extra wedges of

  Oranges, mandarin, peeling of

  “Oreo,” origins of name

  Outhouse doors, moons on

  Ovens, thermometers in

  Overflow mechanism, kitchen sinks and

  Oxygen in tropical fish tanks

  Oxygen masks, inflation of airline

  “P.U.,” origins of term

  “Pacific Ocean,”

  Page numbers on magazines

  Pagination in books

  Pain, effect of warmth upon

  Paint, homes and white

  Paint, red, on coins

  Painters and white uniforms

  Palms, sunburn on

  Pandas, double names of

  Pants, height of old men’s


  “Pap test,”


  legal size, origins of

  recycling of holes in loose-leaf

  Paper cups, shape of

  Paper cuts, pain and

  Paper mills, smell of

  Paper sacks

  jagged edges on

  names on

  Paper towel dispensers, “emergency feed” on

  Paperback books, staining of

  Papers, yellowing of

  “Par [golf course],”

  “Par Avion” on air mail postage

  “Pardon my French,”

  Parking lots, sea gulls at

  Parking meters, yellow “violation” flags and


  Parkways, parking on, versus driveways

  Parrots and head bobbing

  Parting of hair, left versus right

  Partly cloudy, versus partly sunny

  Partly sunny, versus partly cloudy

  “Pass the buck,”


  boxes, numbers on

  foaming when boiling

  holes in

  Pay phones, collection of money from

  Pay toilets, disappearance of

  PBX systems

  “Pea jacket,”


  canned, and pear juice

  fuzziness of

  Peanut butter, stickiness of


  allergies to

  growth in pairs

  honey roasted, and airlines

  origins of comics name

  Pear juice in canned peaches

  Pears and apples, discoloration of

  Pebbles, spitting by fish of

  “Peeping Tom,”


  architectural and art, grades of

  carpenter’s, shape of




  frostbite on feet


  Penicillin and diet

  Penmanship of doctors, bad


  lettering on

  smooth edges of

  vending machines and

>   Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture, registration, baked goods

  Penny loafers, origins of


  disappearance of

  holes in barrel of cheap

  ink leakages in


  and salt, as condiments

  and sneezing

  white, source of

  Pepsi-Cola, trademark location of


  color of

  wrists and

  Periods in telegrams

  Permanent press settings on irons

  Permanents, pregnancy and

  Perpetual care, cemeteries and

  “Peter out,”

  Phantom limb sensations, amputees and

  Pharmacists and raised platforms

  Phillips screwdriver, origins of

  Philtrums, purpose of

  Photo processing, one-hour, length of black-and-white film and


  poses in

  red eyes in

  stars in space and


  color of cameras

  hand position of men in old


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