Mated to the Wolf

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Mated to the Wolf Page 6

by Bonnie Vanak

  “I can’t let them get to me,” he muttered. “I’m going to kill them. Slit their throats for what they did to me.”

  Fury snapped in his eyes as he turned. His stance was rigid, his muscles quivering as if ready to spring like a wolf on a deer. Samantha’s heart twisted. “What happened, Grayson? What’s going on between you and your pack? Be honest.”

  “Honest? I’m supposed to be fucking honest? I was honest, damn it, and they punished me for it.” His expression grew cruel. “I’ll make them pay.”

  Alarmed at his mood swing, she joined him at the window. Samantha touched his bare arm, hoping their connection would calm him. She sent pulses of soothing white light into her touch. “You live for duty and loyalty.” She softened her voice. “What did you do that was so terrible to them? You must have had a good reason.”

  His jaw turned to stone. “Back off. You’re treading on dangerous ground.”

  The white light had no effect. Samantha went to lace her arms around him, but he shrugged away, his gaze stormy as he stared outside. What would cause Grayson to go against his very nature?

  Duty. Loyalty. She seized on these. “You can’t return. Leave me alone, unprotected? You swore to protect me.”

  And I need protecting like a demon needs matches, but this has to work. Something’s very wrong.

  He turned, sliding a palm over her nape. She shivered at his sensual touch. “I swore a lot of things, sugar, but a man’s got a right to change his mind. Though if you stay naked, I might change my mind. Stay here a while, in bed.”

  Against her belly, his penis was hard as stone. He cupped her breast, squeezed the nipple as she cried out. “Not so rough.”

  “Thought you liked it rough.” Lust darkened his gaze. He herded her backward, to the bed, and threw her down on her stomach. “I like it like this.”

  Grayson cupped her ass, kneaded it. Then he spread her cheeks wide, sliding a finger down the crevice. “Such a tight, pretty ass.”

  His hand dived between her swollen, soaked folds, drawing out moisture, sliding it over the pucker of her anus. He dipped a thumb inside as he played with her clit. She cried out with pleasured shock.

  “Like that, sugar? I can do more. Much more. Maybe later, when I get back. For now, I have time only for a quick hard fuck.”

  Gripping her hips, he stroked his cock over her dripping channel. The teasing motion had her moaning. Then he pushed at her, withdrew in a slow torturous stroke. Samantha wriggled her bottom in impatience.

  With a grunt, he thrust deep inside. Their flesh slapped together, his swollen balls banging against her, his fingers digging into her tender skin. A climax shimmered just out of reach. She pushed back against him, then took his hand and guided it to her front. Grayson played with her clit, and the hard press combined with his excited grunts and aggressive thrusts built the pressure higher. She cried out, squeezing hard down on him, his shout mingling with her scream.

  When he pulled out, he used the sheet to wipe himself off. As he dressed, she collapsed on the bed in a languid daze, shivering.

  “It’s cold in here. Light a fire?”

  He snorted. “What do I look like, a gods damned servant?”

  Samantha raised herself up on an elbow. “Please.”

  Logs on the stone fireplace lay ready. Grayson opened his mouth and a lick of fire ignited them. Weak with shock, she stared.

  He had her powers, but hadn’t mitigated the demon. He shouldn’t have breathed fire…

  What was he?

  Chapter Eight

  The bathroom was large and luxurious, but she cared only for the privacy. Samantha ran the shower as an excuse and sat on the tub’s lip. Demon strength had enabled her to survive. Maybe it was about time she tapped her angelic powers.

  Closing her eyes, she envisioned Grayson’s home. The cozy interior, made warm by his heated, sexy smile. Saw him as he’d been, tender and funny, considerate…

  White light shimmered around her, sending tendrils of heat curling through her body. She felt her mind drifting, soaring over meadow and mountain, until she could see the cabin. A high-pitched scream came from inside.

  Her spirit floated through the closed door. In the living room, eight wolves surrounded a naked, cowering man on all fours. The man moaned as one delivered slow, methodical punches. Her spirit cringed at the cruel blows, but more so at the animal pain the man suffered.

  Why didn’t he fight back?

  She recognized the attacker from the bar. Must be Russell, the pack enforcer Grayson mentioned. Russell kicked the man in the ribs, gloating as he moaned. “Not so tough now, are you, lone wolf? Where’s your super powers? Or did you finally decide to come crawling back to us for obedience training, after you left?”

  Her spirit ached at the man’s pitiful whimpers. His bare back was covered with darkening bruises, but the strong muscles, the scars looked familiar.

  And then he raised his head, gray gaze dull and resigned.

  With a low gasp, she fell back into her body. Breathing heavily, she hung her head, feeling weakened and sick.

  The man in Grayson’s cabin was the Ancient himself. He collapsed under another well-placed kick. The shifters laughed, and ambled out of the cabin. “C’mon, leave him and let’s get back to town and fetch our leader. He’s not going anywhere.”

  A hard knock at the door roused her. The knob jiggled. “Yo, Samantha, want to spare some water for me?”

  She struggled to return to this plane. Samantha gathered her composure, turned off the shower as the door opened. Grayson’s appreciative gaze swept over her naked body. “Waiting for company?”

  “Maybe.” She drew in a deep breath. “I have to tell you something. The other night when we fought outside, and my demon came out. The venom, in my talons, when I cut you, it got inside you.”

  Grayson shrugged. “So?”

  “The venom acts on your deepest fears like a drug. It doubles your pain, makes you feel like you’re split in half. In the forest, when you were sick, what happened? You were in agony. I heard you cry out.”

  “Not me.” His face tightened. “That other one, he was hurting. But me, I’m stronger. I don’t need him anymore.”

  Panic raced through her. Samantha’s jaw dropped. Oh dear gods, the venom, when he took my demon inside, it disabled his powers and made them go loopy.

  The truth stood before her, six feet three inches of muscled, angry Ancient shifter. Grayson’s dark side, fueled by her demon.

  And his good, compassionate side?

  Was back at his cabin, dying.

  If she didn’t unite the two Graysons soon, the Ancient would be lost forever.

  Somehow, she had to convince this dark, demonic half to join sides. Save the good, weaker Grayson before the wolves returned for him.

  I’d have a better chance of building a snow fort in Hell, she thought. She felt desperate, sick at heart. It wasn’t just her. If Grayson died, the world suffered a tremendous loss. He was needed.

  Liar, the tiny voice inside whispered. You need him as well.

  Never before had she relied on her good side for help. Maybe it was about time.

  Samantha reached for the white light. Help me, she silently pleaded. Help me help him.

  For the first time in six years, thoughts of revenge faded, replaced by a strong desire to rescue her lover. She saw the dark demon before her. Saw its strength, sexuality and courage. She saw herself. Think, Samantha. When your demon took over, what was your biggest weakness?

  Grayson’s smile widened as he looked over her naked body. It was an arrogant smile, filled with cocky self-assurance, minus the tenderness and compassion.

  Arrogance. Pride. Sexuality. She could play on these.

  “I suppose you’re right. I don’t need him. Not when there is you. You’re so much stronger and sexier.”

  He bridled and thrust out his chest. It was working.

  A slow smile curled her lips. She ran her hands over her hips, toyed with the
moist curls at the apex of her thighs. “Like what you see?”

  He nodded, seemingly transfixed.

  “You want more, don’t you? I’d like it too, but… I want to try something really different. You say there are two of you now.”

  Now a pulse began to beat wildly in his throat. Encouraged, she continued. “Back at your cabin. I came so hard, I saw stars. I want that again, Grayson. I want you. But I have a confession to make, and I don’t want you to think the less of me. It’s this fantasy I’ve had for a long time when I lie alone in bed at night.”

  Beneath his heavy, dark brows, his eyes widened. “What is it, sugar?”

  She reached up, cupped his ear. “Having two men at once. Not just two men. Two of you.”

  Sinking back to her toes, she gave him an innocent look. “It’s very naughty of me, isn’t it?”

  “Hell,” he said hoarsely.

  Deliberately, she tweaked her nipples. “You gave me so much pleasure, Grayson. But imagine two of you at once… Do you think you can do it? Give me enough orgasms to make me scream your name to the rafters?”

  A calculating look twined with the lust on his face. Samantha ratcheted up the challenge to his male pride. “Of course, if you’re worried about performing…”

  Hard purpose glittered in his gaze. “Never.”

  “I’d like to think so, but maybe I’m wrong. I mean, it’s a silly fantasy.” She gave a deep, exaggerated sigh. “That tub looks good. There isn’t any amount of pleasure the two of you can give me I can’t give myself.”

  His penis straining, Grayson muttered a juicy curse. Almost there.

  Deliberately she cupped herself, gave a slow stroke. “So good. It was so…good.”

  White showed on his scar as he clenched his fists. He barked a crude oath, seized her wrist. “Get dressed. I’ll show you.”

  When they set out on the path again, she sensed his drive. He was seething with lust, whipped by anger. Lancing his pride had worked.

  But getting him to reunite with his good half was another matter.

  “What happened to me?” Grayson rasped to the empty cabin.

  Never had he felt this weak and useless. It was as if someone had stripped away all his strength and cunning.

  Warm blood dripped from several cuts and scrapes over his naked body. Even as the lacerations began to heal, he still hurt deep inside. Felt shame.

  Shame and pity for those who’d tormented him. And fear, not for himself, but for Samantha. She was alone with his bad self, his darkest half.

  Knowing his darkest moments, he wasn’t certain that Grayson could be trusted.

  The back door opened. Grayson tensed. They were back and would deliver more pain, more agony. Then he heard Samantha’s light, teasing voice.

  “That’s more like it. I imagine you’re quite hungry after that walk. You ate nothing. Would you care for some dessert?”

  Clothing rustled. A low, familiar growl sounded. His. Grayson gave a humorless smile as he forced himself to stand. Not many people came face to face with their worst halves.

  Had to hide, get out of sight. He thought of Samantha, the sweet purity of her smile, her daring and courage. Something flooded his chest.


  He loved her.

  The emotion did not terrify him, or make him scoff. Instead he felt warmth spreading through all his veins. He put a hand to his once-stone cold heart to feel it beating.

  But its thump was sluggish. Blood pumped through his veins like viscous oil. I’m dying, he realized. Grayson tried to fist his hands, tried to summon strength. He let his love for his mate feed him strength.

  And then she walked naked into the room, her arms folded across her ample breasts. A sensual smile touched her full lips.

  “Here we are. Look at this. Two of you!”

  The Other entered the room. Gray eyes met gray eyes. Shock touched the Other’s expression. Then he cocked his head, studying him as if seeing him for the first time.

  Grayson did fist his hands then, and felt strength flow back into him. The throbbing agony in his body had turned to a dull ache. His breathing was labored, but his mind sharpened.

  Her naked body gleaming with pearlescent sweat, Samantha sashayed over to him, her hips swaying gently. She swept a hand over his clammy brow.

  “Poor Grayson. You look terrible. Let me kiss it…and make it better.”

  Energy surged through his veins with the softness of her lips pressing against his. He closed his eyes, drinking in her lips, savoring their wet silk. Samantha kissed her way over his naked, shivering body, the white light shimmering around her, swirling into him.

  Healing his injuries and feeding him strength.

  Then she stood and he saw the purpose in her gaze.

  What the hell was she planning?

  “Two of you,” she purred. “Two men at once. My wildest fantasy. But first, a little warming up. It is terribly cold outside and we walked quite a distance.”

  Samantha dropped to her knees with a pretty sigh. She unzipped the Other’s jeans and withdrew his penis. Riveted, Grayson watched with fascination.

  She laughed, the sound like tinkling bells. Her eyes sparkled as she gazed up at the Other.

  “Get ready, sweet thing.”

  A wet, red mouth opened wide, encircled the Other’s stiffening cock. He remembered fantasizing about this in the bar, and watched himself wrap strands of her hair around his fist as an anchor.

  Watched himself receiving copious amounts of pleasure from each tug of her mouth.

  A groan escaped him.

  A groan escaped the Other.

  Wide blue eyes stared up at the Other as Samantha slid her mouth over the reddened knob, licked a droplet. Her delicate tongue flicked out, teasing and stroking. Then she opened her mouth wide, tilted her head back and took in his manhood. The Other threw his head back and groaned.

  She cupped the taut sac, her fingers tunneling through the thicker, coarse hairs of his groin. Then she turned her head, her blue eyes meeting his.

  An unspoken thought flickered between them. Please, hang in there. Use your powers, your healing strength. You can’t die.

  The erotic image of Samantha sliding her lush mouth over the Other’s throbbing cock twined with a strong feeling of deep-seated love. He inhaled, felt her healing strength invade his body.

  Felt it nudge the dormant powers inside him. They flared, sending warmth to replace the dark coldness.

  He was healing himself.

  Samantha slid her lips from the Other’s rigid cock. The Other’s eyes flew open and he stared at her.

  “Was that good for you?” she whispered.

  Seemingly enchanted, the Other nodded, transfixed by her wet, red mouth. Grayson knew suddenly what she planned.

  Samantha was going to save him.

  Licking her mouth, she looked at both of them, a tinge of nervousness in her wide, guileless blue eyes. “I…don’t know what to do. I’m not that experienced.”

  Hell, before me you never were with a man before me, sweetheart, but Grayson kept his mouth shut.

  The moment had to be timed just right, he thought. He had to tune into the Other, let the hard lust overtake him.

  Grinning, the Other glanced at him. “Well sugar, here we are. Two of me and we’ll teach you what to do.”

  “Yes,” Grayson said softly.

  Stronger now, he stood and went to Samantha, seizing her in his arms. Her mouth was warm and soft beneath his, and he savored the kiss. Then he stepped back, and began kissing his way down her body. Her firm breasts, her belly, the soft thatch between her legs.

  The Other slid behind her, kissing the back of her neck. Soft sighs assured him Samantha was feeling pleasure.

  This has to work, he thought, surrendering to the pure bliss sure of tasting her sweet skin. It has to.

  This has to work, Samantha thought desperately. A fever of growing excitement coursed through her veins, knowing these two powerful Ancients were intent
on having her.

  As the two Graysons began kissing and licking her body, arousal and embarrassment filled Samantha. A flush heated her face and she stiffened, uncertain of what to do.

  The good Grayson looked up, desire darkening his gaze. “Let us do the work, sweetheart. We’re going to give you pleasure like you’ve never felt before.”

  Against her backside, she felt the bad Grayson feather hot kisses over her shoulders. Then his strong arms slid around her, his hands cupping her breasts. Slowly he tugged and teased her nipples, his long, hard cock pressing against the small of her back. Samantha’s body pulsed with heat as the men made wicked magick with their hands, lips and tongues.

  The good Grayson put his hand between her trembling legs, nudging her thighs apart. With his fingers, he gently parted her slick folds and spread them. She flushed, feeling vulnerable, her most intimate place exposed to his hungry gaze. Moisture seeped from her core with every flick of the bad Grayson’s questing fingers.

  “So beautiful, so wet for me. But we need you much, much wetter.”

  His hands grasped her hips in an iron grip, forcing her still as the bad Grayson continued playing with her nipples. She felt a wet tongue slide over her cleft, tease the taut bud at her center.

  Caged between the two powerful males, she could not move. They dominated her, their heavy muscles like solid stone, their powerful arms holding her fast for their mutual pleasure. They played her like a finely tuned instrument, each stroke and caress highly erotic and arousing. Samantha’s head tipped back and she closed her eyes on a shuddering gasp.

  Then the bad Grayson pressed his thick, long cock against the crevice of her ass while he continued to gently tug on her nipples. He seized her hips with his hands.

  Wedging a thigh between her legs, he spread her wide, then bent his knees and stroked his cock along her wet channel. The round tip teased her pulsing opening as the good Grayson’s tongue laved at her swelling clit.

  With a powerful grunt, he thrust into her from behind. She sagged forward, her limbs trembling.


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