A Nightmare Marriage

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A Nightmare Marriage Page 7

by Bethany Hauck

  Fiona finished her bath and slipped into a nightdress with Edith’s help. Edith brushed out her hair and plaited it before pulling back the covers on the large bed and letting Fiona slip underneath them. “Do you need anything else?” Edith asked.

  “Nay,” Fiona said, giving her a hug, “thank you again for coming here with me. I’d be much more afraid without you here.”

  “You’re a Fraser, nothing scares you for long, plus, I wanted to come,” Edith said.

  “I still want you to know how thankful I am you came with me,” Fiona said. “Find your bed, and I’ll see you on the morrow.” Edith nodded and left the room, quietly closing the door behind her.

  She laid there quietly thinking about the day; it hadn’t been that bad. In fact, she had liked Logan during their meal together; it wasn’t long until she heard him enter the room. “How was your bath?” he asked quietly.

  “It was wonderful,” Fiona said, stiffening as he climbed into bed next to her.

  “We talked about trying again, Fiona,” Logan said to her. “I’d like a second chance in the marriage bed also, but not until you’re ready.”

  “It’s your right, Logan,” Fiona said, dreading what she was afraid was going to happen over the next few minutes.

  “Nay,” Logan said. “I want a second chance to show you how things should be between a husband and wife. What happened last night wasn’t the way it’s supposed to happen.”

  “I didn’t know there was a different way to do it,” Fiona said to him.

  “There are many different ways,” Logan said to her, “but tonight I’d like the chance to do it the way I wished I would have last night. Will you let me?”

  Fiona thought about it, looking at him. He sounded sincere enough, and she finally nodded at him, even though she was still afraid.

  Logan reached over and gently pulled her into his arms. “What are you doing?” Fiona asked, her body still tense.

  “I’m going to kiss you,” Logan said as he gently pulled her to him and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her softly over and over again until he finally felt her relax against him. “That wasn’t so bad was it,” he asked as he broke the kiss.

  “Nay,” was all Fiona said. She was actually enjoying it this time.

  “Let’s try it again,” Logan said, pulling her in even closer and kissing her some more. He started with small kisses, breaking often and then returning for more. Soon Fiona was returning each one. He let his tongue slip between his lips and ran it across the seam of hers until she opened her mouth just enough to let him slide his tongue in, where he touched it to her own

  “That was nice; I liked it,” Fiona said when Logan again broke contact, her face turning red.

  “It’s supposed to be,” Logan said, dipping his head to hers again, this time when he slid his tongue into her mouth she immediately met his with her own, letting them swirl around together.

  Logan slowly turned with her in his arms, laying her on her back so that he could look down at her, “can we take this night dress off?” he asked, fingering the material around her neck.

  “Do I have too?” she asked nervously.

  “Nay,” Logan said. “But it’ll be more pleasurable for both of us if you do.”

  Fiona thought about it for a few seconds before pulling the covers up to her chin. She reached down and pulled her nightdress up over her head, making sure she stayed fully covered. She let it fall on the floor next to the bed.

  Logan didn’t say anymore as he leaned over her and again kissed her.. This time Fiona joined in quickly, knowing what to do. Logan slowly slid the covers down just enough to uncover her breasts as he ran his hand up and down her arm, not wanting to scare her or go to fast like he did the night before.

  Fiona felt the cover slide down, and the cool air hit her exposed breasts, at first she wanted to reach down and pull it back up to cover herself, but she was enjoying what was happening too much to break the spell Logan had created. It wasn’t until he cupped her naked breast in his large hand that she jumped slightly, she jumped a second time when she felt his thumb stroke back and forth over her nipple, which hardened almost immediately.

  “These are perfect,” Logan said to her as he broke their kiss and cupped a breast in each hand, squeezing them firmly but gently, making Fiona blush as he smiled down at her. “I bet they taste good too.”

  “What do you mean?” Fiona asked as he lowered himself a bit on the bed and drew one into his mouth, sucking on it and letting his tongue swirl around the nipple. It felt so good she arched her back and grabbed onto both sides of his head, urging him to take more into his mouth while he plucked at the nipple of the other breast with his fingers. “Oh,” was all Fiona could say.

  “Feels good?” Logan asked as he withdrew his mouth from one breast and changed to the other side.

  “Aye,” was all she could say.

  “Then you’re going to love what comes next,” Logan said, uncovering the rest of her and scooting down even lower. “Spread your legs, Fiona,” he added, regretting the words as he felt her tense up. “There will be no pain this time. I promise, only pleasure.”

  Fiona wasn’t sure if she believed him, but she liked what they’d done so far, so she decided to do as he asked. She jumped a bit again as he positioned himself between her legs, so he was looking directly down at her cunny.

  “What are you going to do?” Fiona asked, her face again turning red.

  “Make you scream my name, love,” Logan said, as he kissed her right on the mound of hair that covered her most private place.

  “How are you going to do that?” she asked.

  “I’ll show you,” he said, taking the folds of her cunny and pulling them apart, exposing her clit and cunny hole, which was already glistening with her juices.

  Logan pressed his tongue against her clit, feeling that perfect little pink nub begin to harden immediately. Fiona squealed slightly as he ran his tongue down to her opening and thrust it up inside her, tasting how sweet she was. He smacked his lips and looked up at her grinning, “mmmm, you taste so good,” he said to her, before thrusting his tongue into her again.

  “Logan,” she said quietly, thrusting her hips up towards him.

  “I said I was going to make you scream my name, not squeak it,” he said, grinning and then going back to work, licking her from clit to opening over and over again. As her nub hardened he licked over it with more intensity, back and forth and side to side, he took one finger and gently worked it up into Fiona’s hole until it was buried as deep as he could get it. He began pumping in and out of her with his finger while he drew her nub into his mouth sucking on it. He felt his wife tighten around his finger as her clit began pulsating in his mouth, he grinned knowing she had just experienced her first orgasm.

  “What just happened?” she asked him once her body calmed again. She had been a bit frightened by the experience.

  “That, Fiona, was you experiencing pleasure,” Logan said. “But you didn’t scream my name, so I haven’t done a good enough job.”

  Logan again lowered his head and began licking the nub that was still sensitive to any touch, making Fiona arch her back so hard if he wouldn’t have been holding her by the hips, she most likely would have come right off the bed. He was relentless this time, pushing two fingers inside her and pumping them vigorously, finding the area up inside her that seemed the most sensitive. Logan pushed his tongue down firmly on her nub which had grown hard again almost immediately. He was enjoying his wife’s reaction even though his cock was now so hard it was almost painful.

  “Come for me, Fiona,” Logan said to her, “come now.” He shoved his fingers up into her firmly as he again sucked her clit into his mouth, Fiona tightened around his fingers as her clit again pulsated, her juices flowing down his hand.

  “Logan,” she screamed, making Logan smile as he slowed his actions down and let her body relax.

  Logan didn’t give her time to think, he climbed up over her, bringing
his lips down onto hers as he pushed his cock up inside of her. Fiona didn’t even have time to worry about it hurting before he was buried deep inside of her.

  “It didn’t hurt,” she said to him.

  “Does it feel good?” he asked, pulling his hips back and thrusting slowly but firmly back into her.

  “It feels full,” she said, then added, “but good too.”

  “It’ll get better,” he said to her. “Put your hands on my arms.” she did as he said and he began to pull out and thrust back into her slowly, building up a steady rhythm.

  “Oh,” Fiona said, gripping onto him tighter as she began lifting her hips up to meet his every thrust, wanting to pull him deeper inside her.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” Logan said, and again she did what he asked without any hesitation.

  Logan began to thrust harder and quicker as his wife’s breathing became louder and a moan would escape occasionally. She tightened her legs around him as she brought her hips up with much more force, meeting his every thrust as he began pushing into her harder and faster. Soon she wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to pull him closer. Logan laid his forehead against hers, watching her face as once again she came, throwing her head back as she again screamed his name,” Logan!” That was all he needed to join her, thrusting into her tightening hole one, two, three times, before shooting his seed far up inside her cunny.

  He let himself lie still for a few seconds on top of her before pulling out and laying down beside her, pulling her into his arms. “Are you alright?” he finally asked.

  “If second chances are that good, I’m afraid a third chance just might kill me,” she said giggling.

  “That’s the first time I’ve really heard you laugh,” Logan said. “I like it.”

  “I haven’t had much to laugh about lately,” Fiona said to him.

  “I’d like to give you many reasons to laugh again,” he said. “Maybe the third chance will do it.”

  “I think you’re trying to kill me,” she said, grinning at him.

  “I can’t think of a better way to go,” Logan said, chuckling.

  “At least if I die it will be with a smile on my face,” she agreed, giggling again.

  “I’m up to the challenge,” Logan said, pulling her back to him. “I’ve disappointed you once, I’ll not take the chance of doing it again,” he said as he brought his lips down hungrily on hers once more.

  Chapter 9 Too Many Accidents

  “What are your plans for today, wife?” Logan asked as Fiona woke.

  “I was hoping you’d take me to the archery fields,” Fiona said, stretching. “I haven’t practiced in a long time. Why are you up and dressed already, husband?”

  “I’ve been neglecting my duties the last week,” he said, leaning down and giving her a quick kiss, “although I’m not complaining. I’ve enjoyed our time alone, but I need to get back to running this clan.”

  “I understand, I’ve enjoyed our time together too,” Fiona said, smiling at him. “Can I go to the archery fields if I take Seamus with me?”

  “Not today,” he said to her, “my men have plans to be practicing there today.”

  “Fine,” Fiona said, a little disappointed, “can I go into the village?”

  “Of course, you’re free to go wherever you want during the day. I’ll leave two guards to escort you,” Logan said. “In fact, I’ve been thinking about making Seamus your guard at all times when you leave the keep. He’s getting older now; I’d like to make things a bit easier on him.”

  “I like Seamus,” Fiona said. “He’s one of the few here that are nice to me. I love his wife Blair too.”

  “They’ve been working here in the castle for as long as I can remember,” Logan told her. “When would you like to leave for the village? I’ll talk to Seamus and let him know your plans.”

  “I was going to take Edith with me,” Fiona explained. “I’m sure we’d be fine, the village is a short walk from here.”

  “Fiona,” Logan said, sitting back down on the bed and looking seriously at her, “the guards will always go with you when you leave the keep. I’ve explained why and it’s a rule I won’t renegotiate. Don’t break it; you wouldn’t like the consequences.”

  “Aye,” Fiona answered, she already had an idea what the consequences would be and didn’t want to find out if she was right. She and Logan had been getting along so well the last week; she was beginning to think their marriage might work out. She didn’t want to take any chances on ruining what they’d started to build together.

  “Two guards,” he said to her, “but if you see anything you’d like to purchase, just have them send me a bill at the castle.”

  “Thank you, husband,” Fiona said, as he again leaned down and gave her a quick kiss.

  “I’ll see you later,” he said as he left the room, leaving her to get dressed for the day.


  “So tell me about you and Brody,” Fiona said to Edith as they walked towards the village.

  “There isn’t much to tell,” Edith said, as she blushed.

  “Nothing at all?” Fiona asked. “From that blush, I’d say there must be something.”

  “Well, maybe not nothing,” Edith said laughing. “I guess you could say we’re courting.”

  “Is it serious?” Fiona asked.

  “Not yet,” Edith answered, “but I’m hoping it might turn that way. I really do like him.”

  “Then I wish you happiness,” Fiona said to her. “You deserve it, Edith, you’ve been a great friend to both me and Jacqueline.”

  “Because you’ve both always been so good to me,” Edith said to her. “You and Laird Steward seem to be getting along much better.”

  “We are,” Fiona said. “There may be hope for this marriage yet.”

  They continued to stroll quietly along, enjoying the warm sun on a beautiful autumn day. It didn’t take long for them to reach the edge of the village, their guards trailing just far enough behind to give them some privacy.

  “Look there’s Blair,” Fiona said, waving to the older maid from the castle. “Hello, Blair,” she called to her, “how are you faring this fine day?”

  “Lady Fiona,” Blair said, smiling at her, “I’m so glad to see you finally out enjoying the sunshine today.”

  “It’s a beautiful day,” Fiona said, it was her turn to blush, “much too nice to spend inside the castle. I’m hoping we aren’t boring the guards my husband insisted accompany me on this trip to the village.”

  “Seamus doesn’t mind guarding you,” Blair said, smiling over at her husband. “Do you, dear?” she called to him.

  “Do I what?” Seamus asked.

  “You don’t mind guarding Lady Fiona as she goes to the village,” Blair said to him, then she whispered to Fiona and Edith, “at least he doesn’t come home smelling of training and sweat like when he was younger.”

  Fiona and Edith both laughed with Blair. Before Fiona had time to comment back, an out of control cart, being pulled by a mule came around the corner of the building they were standing near, heading right towards the three women.

  “Look out,” Seamus yelled, knowing he wasn’t going to make it to the women in time.

  Fiona acted quickly, pushing both Edith and Blair out of the way before attempting to jump to safety herself. The two women both sprawled on the ground, turning just in time to see the edge of the cart graze Fiona, striking her just hard enough to make her fall to the ground.

  “Fiona,” Edith yelled, getting up and running over to her, “are you hurt?” she asked, worried about her friend.

  “Just bruised,” Fiona said. “Are you both alright?” she asked, getting back on her feet, wincing a bit in the process.

  Edith nodded as Seamus helped his wife to her feet, hugging Blair close to him as he asked, “are you hurt, Lady Fiona?”

  “I’m fine, Seamus,” she assured him, “I’ll be a bit bruised on the morrow, but nothing that won’t heal.”

>   “Where the hell did that cart come from?” Seamus yelled out to the villagers that were beginning to gather.

  “It was mine,” a man said, breaking through the crowd. “I had him tied in front of the blacksmith; I don’t know how he got away or what spooked him. Are you alright, Lady Fiona?”

  “He could have killed someone,” Seamus yelled at the man before Fiona had a chance to answer, “you need to take better care when securing your animal.”

  “I will, sir,” the man said, “I’m very sorry.” He then ran off, trying to catch his out of control mule.

  Fiona looked over and seen Isobel and Gregor both standing together watching what was happening. She was a bit taken aback when Isobel made eye contact with her and smirked. Fiona couldn’t help but wonder if she might’ve done something to cause the almost accident, but then decided she was just being paranoid. After all, it seemed half the village was now standing around watching them.

  “Maybe we should head back to the keep,” Seamus said, worried about Logan’s reaction when he heard what’d happened.

  “We’re all fine, Seamus,” Fiona reassured him. “If there’s any more trouble, I promise to head back to the keep with no arguments.”

  “I’d rather we head back now, but I don’t want to ruin your morning out,” Seamus said, “you ladies stay close to me from now on, and you get back to the castle wife. My heart can’t take another near miss like that one.”

  “I will, husband,” Blair said to him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, “and you make sure you keep our new lady safe. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Laird Stewart as happy as he’s been the last week.”

  Fiona blushed at Blair’s words, knowing exactly why Logan had been so happy. They had been spending a significant amount of time in their chamber, and not much of it had been spent sleeping. The servants of Dunnottar must have noticed their absence. “Thank you, Blair,” she said shyly, “I’ve been very happy this past week too.”

  “As a new bride should be, dear,” Blair said, patting her on the arm before heading back to her duties within the castle.


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